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#9 Phoena Jean M. Carredo 9-St.

Augustine 12/9/19

Service, one of the Josenian Core Values that will help show my love to
others. Through service, I will be able to show to others Jesus in me, through me.
In this project, my classmates and I decided to prepare snacks, specifically
pancit canton, sliced bread and orange juice, to the children in one of my
classmate’s subdivision. At first, I was scared and nervous because maybe they
won’t like the snack we prepared fot them or maybe there will be no children
since it was already 6 pm. As soon as we arrived at the place, there were still no
children but luckily, someone called and gathered them to us. Their eyes were
so happy and seeing them happy makes us happy. All the hard work and sweat
for the preparation were payed off after seeing their smiles. They were not the
only ones who saw Jesus but also me, I saw Jesus through them, the way they
said “thank you!” makes my heart melt. It was one of the most heart-melting
days I’ve ever had and I hope that that day will be repeated, I. will. Repeat. It.
I’ve learned that by giving service/ lending a help to a person in need, they’ll be
able to see Jesus and do it to others as well, like a domino effect. We all know
that no one lives without any help even if that person is the bravest and the
strongest, he needs help and even though that person did not request for a
help, we must still give help.

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