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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking

Submission date 23/12/2019 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date 27/12/2019 Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Le Duc Anh Student ID GCS18856

Class GCS0801B.1 Assessor name

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand
that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 M1 M2 M3 M4 D1 D2 D3

❒ Summative Feedback: ❒ Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:

Table of content
Part 1

1. An introduction to provide an overview of your report.

2. Benefits and constraints of different types of networks and networking standards.

3. The impact of network topology, speed of communication and bandwidth requirements.

4. Effectiveness of networking systems.

5. Discussion on operating principles of networking devices and server types and networking software.

6. Discuss the relationship of workstation hardware with networking software.

7. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and performance

8. For the given specification, identify the topology protocol for the efficient utilization of a networking system.

Part 2 Design efficient networked systems

1. Prepare a written step-by-step plan of how you are going to design a Local Area Network including a blueprint of your LAN.

2. Justify your choice of devices for your network design.

3. Produce a test plan to evaluate this design for the requirements of bandwidth and cost constraints as per user specifications.

4. Justify the security requirements and quality of services needed for selection of accessories.

5. Suggest a maintenance schedule to support the networked system.

Part 3 Implement test and diagnose networked systems

1. Implement a networked system based on your prepared design.

2. Conduct verification with e.g. Ping, extended ping, trace route, telnet, SSH, etc.
3. Record the test results and analyst these against expected results.

Part 1

1. Intro

Hello Nguyen, my name is Le Duc Anh and I am currently a network engineer at Nguyen Networking Limited, and wish you a good
day when you are reading my report. I have completed the project he proposed in the shortest time. The report includes sections

• The first item is the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
• The second item is the impact of network topology, communication speed and bandwidth requirements.
• The third item is the efficiency of the network.
• The fourth item is to discuss the operating principles of network devices and types of servers and network software.
• The fifth item is to discuss the relationship of workstation hardware with network software.
• The sixth item is to explore a variety of server types and demonstrate the choice of a server, considering a certain scenario
involving cost and performance optimization.
• The last item is for certain specifications, defining the topology protocol for efficient use of the network.
2. Benefits and constraints of different types of networks and networking standards.

A computer network is a combination of computers together through networked devices and media (network protocol, transmission
environment) in a structured manner and these computers communicate to communicate with each other. This report will
explanation of networking principles, protocols and devices, including benefits and constraints of networked solutions, the impact of
network topology, communication and bandwidth requirements, the effectiveness of networking systems, operating principles of
networking devices and server types and networking software.

• Network type

There are 5 different types of networks:

• LAN (Local Area Network): also known as a private network in a building, an area that is several km in size. They connect with
servers and workstations in offices and factories to share resources and exchange information. Benefits of LAN network:
Devices that connect to the LAN can easily share data with each other. Can connect to other peripherals such as printers,
photocopiers. It is low cost and easy to set up the connection. LANs support a number of fault tolerant features, which
improves reliability and reduces downtime for your business. Communication with other users is also provided through a
messaging system. This makes the management more effective for your business.

• WAN (Wide Area Network): also known as "wide area network", is used in large geographic areas, usually for the whole
country or continent, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand kilometers. These include a set of machines aimed at
running programs for users. These machines are often referred to as hosts or are called servers, end systems. Main machines
are connected by subnets or communication subnets. The mission of a subnet is to deliver messages from one server to
another. Benefits of WAN network: A LAN can often span a building while a WAN can consist of a large geographical area,
crossing national or international borders. The network provides both information storage and a mechanism for sharing that
information with other network users. There are servers that increase security. WAN network gives users advantages such as:
Ability to control user access. Good security. Ability to store and share information. Employees and customers can use the
network together. Two network users in two different locations can store and share information to each other.

• INTERNET: is a global information system that can be accessed publicly by interconnected computer networks. This system
transmits information in packet-switched fashion based on a standardized network protocol (IP protocol). The system
consists of thousands of smaller computer networks of businesses, research institutes and universities, individual users and
governments around the globe. Benefits of INTERNET: The internet helps you connect with people through social networks.
The Internet is a storehouse of enormous knowledge. It makes it easy for us to quickly search for information, news or new

• MAN (metropolitan area network): is a broadband data network designed for cities and towns. The distance is usually less
than 100 km. In terms of geographical scale, MAN is bigger than LAN but smaller than WAN, it plays the role of connecting 2

LANs and WANs together or connecting between LANs.

• A wireless network is a computer network that uses wireless data connections between network nodes. Wireless networking
is a method by which homes, telecommunications networks and business installations avoid the costly process of introducing
cables into a building, or as a connection between various equipment locations. Admin telecommunications networks are
generally implemented and administered using radio communication. This implementation takes place at the physical level
(layer) of the OSI model network structure. Examples of wireless networks include cell phone networks, wireless local area

networks (WLANs), wireless sensor networks, satellite communication networks, and terrestrial microwave networks.

The standards of network:

There are 5 types of standards

• Application layer: HTTP, HTML, POP, H.323, IMAP.

• Transport layer: TCP, SPX.
• Network layer: IP, IPX.
• Data link layer: Ethernet IEEE 802.3, X.25, and Frame Relay
• Physical layer: RS-232C(cable), V.92(modem)
3. The impact of network topology, speed of communication and bandwidth requirements.

A network topology is the arrangement of different elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network. Mostly, it is the topological
structure of a computer network, and can be described physically and logically. The physical topology (physical topology) is the
arrangement of various network components, including the equipment storage and installation of the connecting cables, while the
logical topology (logical topology) indicates How data flows in a network. The distance between the network nodes, physical
intersections, transmission rates, and / or signal types may differ between the two networks even though their topology may be

There are seven network topologies:

• RING Topology

It is called ring topology because it forms a ring as each computer is connected to another computer, with the last one connected to
the first. Exactly two neighbors for each device.

• STAR Topology

In this type of topology all the computers are connected to a single hub through a cable. This hub is the central node and all others
nodes are connected to the central node.

• BUS Topology

Bus topology is a network type in which every computer and network device is connected to single cable. When it has exactly two
endpoints, then it is called Linear Bus topology.

• MESH Topology

It is a point-to-point connection to other nodes or devices. All the network nodes are connected to each other. Mesh has n(n-
1)/2 physical channels to link n devices.

• TREE Topology

It has a root node and all other nodes are connected to it forming a hierarchy. It is also called hierarchical topology. It should at least
have three levels to the hierarchy.

• LINE Topology

Nodes are arranged in a line, where most nodes are connected to two other nodes. However, the first and last node are not
connected like they are in a ring.

• FULLY Topology

In a fully connected network, all nodes are interconnected. The simplest fully connected network is a two-node network. A fully
connected network doesn't need to use packet switching or broadcasting. However, since the number of connections grows

quadratic ally with the number of nodes. This makes it impractical for large networks. This kind of topology does not trip and affect
other nodes in the network.

speed of communication

Bandwidth requirements (communications): This term can be interpreted as the maximum speed that can be transmitted in 1
second. We often encounter with fiber network speed, usb copy speed ... In this sense, bandwidth is known as Broadband. In the
field of website hosting, the term "bandwidth" is often used to describe the maximum amount of data including uploading and
downloading between websites (or servers) and users in a unit of time. In summary, bandwidth is a parameter indicating the
maximum capacity that your website can be transferred back and forth each month. In this sense, we understand bandwidth as the
total flow of traffic in a month.

4. Effectiveness of networking systems.

Successful companies know that network management is critical to properly supporting and maintaining network infrastructure.
When it comes to managing a large or extremely complex network, you will need a powerful network management system that
meets your challenging business needs. After all, a robust and comprehensive Network Monitoring System is at the heart of any
network management solution. So the effect of the network is as follows:

• It saves time

• It’s cost-effective

• It increases productivity

• It prevents business disruption

• It documents performance

• It minimizes security risks

5. Discussion on operating principles of networking devices and server types and networking software.

In order for the network to work effectively, to help computers use different networks to connect easily, you need to use basic
network equipment. Those network devices are Repeater, Hub, Switch, Router, Gateway, …

• Repeater

Repeater is a device that has the ability to amplify, transmit signals far and more stable. In OSI model, this device is in class 1. The
working principle of this device is that it will help the physical signals at the input be amplified. From there, it will help strong Wi-Fi
connection and to devices located away from the Wi-Fi modem. Therefore, if you use a computer in a large space and want the
speed of internet access by Wi-Fi to be strong, you should choose Repeater. This device will help speed internet access even in
remote locations.

• Hub

A hub is a multi-port device and is like a multi-port repeater, capable of transmitting signals to many different devices. That is, if one
port on the Hub is signaled, the other ports will also receive information immediately. On the market today, there are 2 common
types of hubs, Active Hub and Smart Hub, each with its own characteristics and features. For example, Active Hub has the ability to
amplify signals, helping to stabilize the speed of communication. Smart Hub also has the same features as Active Hub but also has
the ability to detect errors on the network automatically.

• Bridge

The bridge is located in the second layer of the OSI model. The function of this network device is to connect two Ethernet networks
together to form a large network. Meaning Bridge will help to copy the packet and transfer data to the computer to receive even
when the two computers are using two different networks.


Switches are more likely to connect depending on the number of ports on this device. The main function of the Switch is to transfer
data from the source to the destination and build the Switch boards.

• Router

In the OSI model, the router is in the third layer. Also known as a router or router, this device is used to pack and transfer data
packets from an inter-network to the endpoints.

• Gateway

The main function of Gateway network devices is to connect computers together easily even if these devices do not use the same
protocol. For example, Gateway can connect computers using IP protocol to computers using SNA, IPX protocols, etc.

5.1 Server Types

Web Server: A Web Server is a computer on which software is installed, sometimes called the web server itself.

Applications Server: It is also known as App Server. A program that controls all application activity between users and the bottom-
level applications of an enterprise organization or databases. Typical application services are typically used for basic transaction
federated applications.

Printer Server: The print service is installed on a network to route print requests from its network computers. Servers control the
printing of the request file and send it to the requested printer - A print service that allows multiple users to use the same printer on
the network.

Proxy server: It is a server standing between an application, such as a web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the
real server if it is able to respond fully to requests, otherwise it will forward the requests to the real server.

Database Server: Database Server is the computer on which the Database Management System is installed. We have database
management system such as: SQL server, MySQL, Oracle ...

FTP Server: FTP server: FTP (short for File Transfer Protocol translated as "File Transfer Protocol") is commonly used to exchange
files over a communication network using TCP / IP (such as Internet - network). external - or intranet - intranet).

SMTP server: SMTP server: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a standard for transmitting email through the Internet. The
SMTP server is a server that helps you send mail to other email addresses on the internet.

DNS Server: DNS Server is the domain name resolution server. Every computer, network device participating in the Internet is
connected to each other by IP address (Internet Protocol). To facilitate the use and easy to remember we use the name (domain
name) to identify that device. Domain Name System DNS (Domain Name System) is used to map domain names to IP addresses.

DHCP Server: HCP server: DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is an automatic IP address configuration protocol. The
computer is configured automatically so it will reduce interference with the network. A DHCP server is a server that has a DHCP
service installed, which manages the dynamic allocation of IP addresses and TCP / IP configuration data.

Networking Software

A generic term for software designed to help set up, manage and / or monitor computer networks. Network software applications
are available to manage and monitor networks of all sizes, from the smallest home networks to the largest enterprise networks.

6. Discuss the relationship of workstation hardware with networking software.

The workstation is a computer for personal use faster and more capable than a personal computer. Since they are PCs, they can also
be used independently of mainframes assuming they have their own applications installed and stored their own hard disks. We will
discuss the interdependence of workstation hardware with related network software. A network interface card is a piece of
computer hardware that allows computers to be combined with each other in a network that is usually a local area network.
Networked computers always communicate with each other using the specified protocol to transmit data packets. The network
interface card acts as a translator allowing the machine to send and retrieve data on the LAN together. Information system experts
often use these cards to establish a wireless or wired network.

_Hardware and software are related closely. Hardware will determine the performance of the software. The better hardware the
faster software will run and more stable. Some software also hardware requirements must meet certain parameters one can
operate. All hardware has specs.

Some relevant between hardware and software:

• Software can’t be created without hardware.
• Software will run better with good hardware.
• Software protect hardware. EX: Avast antivirus, etc.

_Wed Server: the primary function of a web server is to store, process and deliver web pages to clients. The communication
between client and server takes place using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Pages delivered are most frequently HTML
documents, which may include images, style sheets and scripts in addition to the text content.

Large Medium Small

Supports up to 7500 users. Supports up to 1000 users. Supports up to 400 users.

1 TB of disk space for cache 500 GB of disk space for cache 200 GB of disk space for cache

16 CPU cores 12 CPU cores 8 CPU cores


_Mail Server: mail servers receive emails sent to a user and store them until requested by a client on behalf of said user. Having an
email server allows for a single machine to be properly configured and attached to the network at all times. It is then ready to send
and receive messages rather than requiring every client machine to have its own email subsystem continuously running.

Access Node Size without Content Indexing

If you do not use content indexing, base the size of your access nodes on these guidelines.

Number of messages received per day on each access
Up to 50,000 50,000 to 300,000 300,000 to 600,000

CPU or vCPU, and RAM CPU or vCPU: 4 CPU or vCPU: 8 CPU or vCPU: 12
cores cores cores
RAM: 8 GB RAM: 16 GB RAM: 24 GB

Content Store Mailbox cache disk size** 100 GB 500 GB 1 TB

Content Store Mailbox disk IOPS Minimum: 200 Minimum: 300 Minimum: 600 IOPS

Streams per access node 2 5 5

* Based on an average message size of 100 KB.

** The cache should have enough space to hold two-week's worth of messages in case the backup infrastructure becomes
unavailable. Calculate this space based on the amount of email that you expect to be received on the Exchange server.

Number of messages received per day on each

Up to 50,000 50,000 to 300,000 300,000 to 600,000
access node*

CPU or vCPU, and RAM CPU or vCPU: 8 CPU or vCPU: 12 CPU or vCPU: 16
cores cores cores
RAM: 16 GB RAM: 24 GB RAM: 32 GB

Content Store Mailbox cache disk size** 100 GB 500 GB 1 TB

Content Store Mailbox disk IOPS Minimum: 200 Minimum: 300 IOPS Minimum: 600 IOPS

Streams per access node 2 5 5

Access Node Size with Content Indexing

If you use content indexing, base the size of your access nodes on these guidelines.

* Based on an average message size of 100 KB.

** The cache should have enough space to hold two-week's worth of messages in case the backup infrastructure becomes
unavailable. Calculate this space based on the amount of email that you expect to be received on the Exchange server.

_FTP Server: In order for the client to establish connection to the FTP server, the username and password are sent over using USER
and PASS commands. Once accepted by the FTP server, an acknowledgement is sent across to the client and the session can start. In
the case of an FTP connection, it is possible to resume the download if it was not successfully completed earlier. In other words,
checkpoint restart support is provided. The FTP server allows the downloading and uploading files. There could be access restrictions
as determined by the FTP server administrator for downloading different files and from different folders residing in the FTP server.
The FTP server can provide connection to users without need of login credentials; however, the FTP server can authorize these to
have only limited access. Files residing in FTP servers can be retrieved by common web browsers, but they may not be supporting
protocol extensions like FTPS.FTP servers can provide anonymous access. This access allows users to download files from the servers
anonymously, but prohibits uploading files to FTP servers. All file transfer protocol site addresses begin with ftp: //.

Software Platform Requirements:

• Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 2003 Server, Windows 2008 Server R1&2
(Standard, Enterprise, and Datacenter editions) 32-bit and 64-bit(x64), Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012
R2, Windows Server 2016.

Minimum Hardware Requirements:

• Intel Pentium® 4 processor or equivalent, 1 GHz or higher
• At least 512 MB RAM
• 10 MB of available drive space
• TCP/IP enabled Network Interface Card (NIC)

7. Explore a range of server types and justify the selection of a server, considering a given scenario regarding cost and
performance optimization.

The server is basically a computer, but is designed with many more superior features, the capacity to store and process data is also
much larger than ordinary computers. Servers are often used for data storage and processing needs in a computer network or on an
internet environment. The server is the basis of all services on the internet, any service on the internet wants to operate must also
through a certain server.

Based on the method of creating the server, the server can be classified as follows:

• Private server
• Virtual host
• Cloud server

Based on the use and function of the server, the server can be classified as follows:

• Web server
• Database server
• FTP server, SMTP server
• Mail sever
• DNS server

• DHCP server
8. For the given specification, identify the topology protocol for the efficient utilization of a networking system.

_Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, 3 printers

_Building: 3 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart from IT labs – one lab located on the first floor and
another located on the second floor.

_I used 3 routers, 1 each other floor and 1 intermediate router, 3 switches, 85PCs and 3 printers, copper cable and serial DTE cable.

Here I all use high cost product because I aim for high quality and high efficiency.

Floor 1: 28 student, staff computers and 1 printer.

Floor 2: 28 student, staff computers and 1 printer.

Floor 3: 29 student, staff computers and 1 printer.

I will choose a topology tree. A topology is a combination of star network topology and topology. bus. In a tree topology, the nodes
of the bus network topology below are replaced with a complete star topology.

There are some special cases in which a tree topology is more effective:

Communication between two networks

The network structure requires the root node, intermediate node and leaf node (like we see in the tree n) or the network structure
represents three hierarchical levels because two levels of hierarchy have been shown in the topology.

Advantages of a topology tree:

Expandable because leaf nodes can contain more nodes in the hierarchy chain.

A wire connection point to the central hub at each intermediate node of the tree topology represents a node in the bus topology.

Other decentralized networks are not affected if one of them is down

Easier maintenance and fault finding

Part 2

9. Prepare a written step-by-step plan of how you are going to design a Local Area Network including a blueprint of your

Resources: 50 student lab computers, 35 staff computers, 3 printers

Building: 3 floors, all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart from IT labs – one lab located on the first floor and
another located on the second floor.

I used 3 routers, 1 each other floor and 1 intermediate router, 3 switches, 85PCs and 3 printers, copper cable and serial DTE

Here I all use high cost product because I aim for high quality and high efficiency.

Floor 1: 28 student, staff computers and 1 printer.

Floor 2: 28 student, staff computers and 1 printer.

Floor 3: 29 student, staff computers and 1 printer.

10. Justify your choice of devices for your network design.

I chose the transmission equipment such as switches, routers, because it is easy to connect, easy to maintain, can connect to the
total network by remote cable.

11. Produce a test plan to evaluate this design for the requirements of bandwidth and cost constraints as per user

S. No Action Inputs Expected Actual Test Result Test

Output Output Comment

1 Test Ping PC1-PC2 Sent=4, Sent=4, 25% loss Successful

Received=4, Received=3 Average=13ms
Lost=0; ,Lost=0; Pass

2 Test Ping PC2-PC4 Sent=4, Sent=4, 50% loss Successful

Received=4, Received=2 Average=5ms
Lost=0; ,Lost=0; Pass

3 Test Ping PC1-PC4 Sent=4, Sent=4, 0% loss Successful

Received=4, Received=4 Average=11ms
Lost=0; ,Lost=0; Pass

4 Test Ping PC2-PC3 Sent=4, Sent=4, 25% loss Successful

Received=4, Received=3 Average=4ms
Lost=0; ,Lost=0; Pass

Feedback of networked system: my design was satisfactory with 3 floor all computers and printers are on the ground floor apart
from the IT labs – one lab located on the first floor and another located on the second floor.

• Advantages:

_Test Ping is successful all of PC together.

_Test result are below 50% so it active working pass.

• Disadvantages:

_Expected output that I hope it will be activity but actual output is not.

_Test result still have a % loss.

Part 3 Implement test and diagnose networked systems

12. Implement a networked system based on your prepared design.

First, I set IP and subnet for Routers and devices from each floor.

First router and then PC

I do the same to floor 2, 3.

Then I do static route

I do the same with the remaining routers.

No. S Action Inputs Expected Actual Test Result

Output Output

1 Test Ping PC1-Printer 2 Sent=4, Sent=4, 0% loss

Received=4, Received=4 Average=10ms
Lost=0; ,Lost=0; Pass

2 Test Ping PC3-PC1 Sent=4, Sent=4, 0% loss

Received=4, Received=4 Average=4ms
Lost=0; ,Lost=0; Pass

3 Test Ping PC4-Printer 3 Sent=4, Sent=4, 0% loss

Received=4, Received=4 Average=9ms
Lost=0; ,Lost=0; Pass

The ping was successful and packet routing is operated and well optimized. The next step is try to connect to one of the switches
and router through SSH.

The connection has established successfully, SSH worked as configured. In summary, all of the test have results as expected.

Then I test ping by ping from PC floor 1 to PC floor 4.

And it activity successful.

I test ping PC 4.1 to Printer 3.2 as you can see the result of this test is working with reply of Printer 3.2. So I did exactly the original
requirements of networked system.

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