Dna Repair and Mutagenesis

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DNA Repair 37 (2016) A35–A39

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DNA Repair
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Historical Perspective

A history of the DNA repair and mutagenesis field

The discovery of base excision repair
Errol C. Friedberg
Department of Pathology, University of Texas, Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TX 75390, United States

a b s t r a c t

This article reviews the early history of the discovery of an DNA repair pathway designated as base excision repair (BER), since in contrast to the
enzyme-catalyzed removal of damaged bases from DNA as nucleotides [called nucleotide excision repair (NER)], BER involves the removal of damaged or
inappropriate bases, such as the presence of uracil instead of thymine, from DNA as free bases.
© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction

A previous article in this series on the history of the discovery of

DNA repair mechanisms addressed the identification of enzymatic
photoreactivation, the first discovered DNA repair process. From a
chronological point of view addressing the history of the discovery
of nucleotide excision repair (NER), the first mode of excision repair
of DNA to be revealed, is a logical sequel. Readers interested in this
historical account are referred to a paper published several years
ago [1].
The present essay traces the early history of the discovery of Fig. 1.
an enzymatic DNA repair mode by which damaged or inappropri-
ate bases (a prime example being the presence of uracil instead
of thymine) are removed from DNA as free bases rather than as – as well as a shared passion for gastronomic delights, notably
nucleotides, as is the case during NER. My Stanford colleagues James good wine. Tomas acquired his taste for fine wines while a medical
Duncan and Lenore Hamilton and I suggested that this mode of student, and during his tenure as a professor at the University of
excision repair be designated as base excision repair (BER) to dis- Göteborg he was an official wine taster for a Swedish magazine on
tinguish it from nucleotide excision repair (NER) [2]. food and wine, a luxury that afforded him the exquisite pleasure of
tasting many fine wines (and presumably some not so fine).
2. The discovery of DNA glycosylases Lindahl received his early scientific training as a medical student
at the Karolinska Institute, located in Solna, a town in the Stock-
The discovery of BER is credited to Tomas Lindahl (Fig. 1), who holm urban area. More interested in biomedical research than in
received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contributions to the practice of clinical medicine, Lindahl associated himself with
the mechanism of this DNA repair mode. I first met Tomas in the Einar Hammarsten, a Swedish physician who had recently retired
summer of 1971 while attending a meeting on DNA repair at Johns from his position as professor of chemistry and pharmacy at the
Hopkins University. Having recently initiated my own research pro- Karolinska. A member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences,
gram on DNA repair at Stanford University I was keen to meet Hammarsten was for many years a member of the Nobel Committee
Tomas, and introduced myself to him at the end of his talk – an for Physiology or Medicine. Described by Lindahl as a small, wiry
overture that marked the beginning of a long-standing scientific man with intense grey-green eyes, Lindahl recalled that he was
and personal relationship that endures to the time of this writing. once taken into a cold room by Hammarsten, who wanted to check
In late 1979 and early 1980 I spent a sabbatical in Tomas’s labo- on a chromatography column that he was running. While in that
ratory at the University of Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden. Over frigid environment Hammarsten began a lengthy discourse with
the many years since 1971 our relationship has been characterized Lindahl – a conversation that might easily have been conducted in
by discussions about numerous and varied aspects of DNA repair the comparative warmth outside the cold room!

1568-7864/© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.
A36 E.C. Friedberg / DNA Repair 37 (2016) A35–A39

Following graduation from medical school in the mid-1960s

Lindahl made a commitment to a research career and elected to
join Jacques Fresco’s laboratory at Princeton University as a post-
doctoral fellow. Fresco had a special interest in the structure and
conformation of tRNA, a research area that Lindahl soon immersed
himself in. While so engaged his experiments were frequently
plagued by spontaneous decomposition of the tRNA, especially
when he carried out procedures at high temperature. Surprised by
the innate chemical instability of this nucleic acid and reasonably
assuming that DNA, a much larger nucleic acid, was also subject to
measurable levels of spontaneous chemical change Lindahl decided Fig. 2.
then that upon his return to Sweden he would investigate sponta-
neous damage in DNA and search for enzymes that might facilitate
its repair. astutely examined the products of his enzyme reactions by chro-
On his return to the Karolinska Institute as an assistant pro- matography rather than simply measuring acid-soluble products.
fessor Lindahl examined the rates of hydrolysis of chemical bonds Despite these cautions he enjoyed a stroke of luck without which
in radioactive DNA as a function of temperature and pH, and he too might have run into interpretive complexities. In later con-
established that spontaneous hydrolysis of DNA transpires at a versations he recounted to me that: “I was lucky in having chosen,
biologically significant rate under physiological conditions. In an more or less accidentally, a chromatographic system that clearly
article published in Nature in 1993 he reviewed the literature on separated uracil and deoxyuridine in product analysis. They often
the instability and decay of the primary structure of DNA [3]. Not- co-chromatograph and this could have been misleading” [5].
ing that the 2 -OH group of ribose confers significant vulnerability Lindahl also related that he did “dare believe in the existence of
to spontaneous decomposition in RNA, Lindahl pointed out that such a novel enzyme until I succeeded in doing the technically more
the “chemical price paid for the greatly increased resistance of the difficult experiment of showing that treatment of a polynucleotide
nucleic acid phosphodiester bond gained by the absence of the substrate containing scattered U residues with a partially purified
sugar 2 -OH group in DNA is a labile N-glycosyl bond.” He predicted enzyme caused the introduction of alkali-labile sites but no chain
that an Escherichia coli cell growing with a generation time of 40 min breaks” [5].
at 37 ◦ C would lose one purine every two generations. He estimated In the interests of historical completeness I relate my own
that a mammalian cell containing about 800 times more DNA than encounter with what was almost certainly uracil DNA glycosylase
E. coli, which grows with a generation time of 20 h, about 12,000 at about the same time. The article on the history of our understand-
purines are lost as free bases from DNA per cell generation. Assum- ing of NER referred to in the introduction recounts the discovery of
ing that all these apurinic sites in DNA are repaired, the extent of this repair process in E. coli by the late Richard (Dick) Setlow and
base excision repair in our cells is clearly prodigious. Lindahl noted his colleague William (Bill) Carrier. Sometime in early 1974 Ann
too that in addition to the problem of the intrinsic lability of glycosyl Ganesan, a colleague in the Stanford Department of Biology visited
bonds, DNA base residues are susceptible to hydrolytic deamina- the Setlow’s laboratory. Upon her return Ann informed me that
tion, cytosine and its homolog 5-methylcytosine being the main Setlow had told her that an enzyme discovered by the late Larry
targets for this reaction. The deamination rates of these bases were Grossman (Fig. 2) in extracts of the bacterium Micrococcus luteus,
defined experimentally by following their conversion to uracil or which was known to specifically attack pyrimidine dimers in DNA,
thymine, respectively. also attacked DNA containing uracil. Work that was initiated while
Having defined a plethora of spontaneous insults to DNA Lin- I was (despondently) serving in the US Army at the Walter Reed
dahl reasoned that it was likely that during the course of evolution Army Institute for Research from 1968 to 1970 (a consequence of
living cells acquired mechanisms for the repair of some if not having being drafted into the US Army during the Vietnam con-
all of these lesions. He initially set his sights on a search for an flict), had characterized an enzyme encoded by bacteriophage T4
enzyme that might remove uracil residues arising from the spon- that in due course was shown to have properties identical to that of
taneous or environmentally induced deamination of cytosine, and the enzyme from M. luteus [6,7]. Notably, the enzyme also specif-
in 1974 he announced the identification and partial purification of ically and uniquely recognized pyrimidine dimers in DNA as a
an enzyme that he initially called uracil-N-glycosidase, but subse- substrate [8,9]. This substrate specificity rendered the phage T4
quently changed the name to uracil-N-glycosylase [4]. “The enzyme enzyme a convenient and sensitive reagent for detecting pyrimi-
clearly acted in a hydrolytic way, hence the term ‘glycosidase”’ Lin- dine dimers in DNA and was widely used for this purpose. I was
dahl explained. “Additionally, the standard textbooks referred to thus convinced that the enzyme activity that Setlow had stum-
the sugar-base bond as an N-glycosidic bond. But I received agitated bled on was a contaminant in the M. luteus enzyme preparations
letters from self-appointed nomenclatural experts who stated that he had tested. Nonetheless my colleagues and I duly examined our
the term ‘N-glycosidic bond’ did not exist and that the correct term purified preparations of the phage T4 pyrimidine dimer-specific
was ‘glycosyl bond.’ I didn’t pay much attention to these critics at enzyme and reassured ourselves that it did not attack DNA isolated
first, but with increasing hassle about this issue I finally reluctantly from a Bacillus subtilis phage called PBS2, which naturally contains
agreed to change the term ‘glycosidase’ to ‘glycosylase”’ [5]. uracil instead of thymine in its genome. We therefore concluded
Prior to Lindahl’s discovery of an enzyme that liberated free that the enzyme preparations that Setlow had examined were con-
uracil from a polynucleotide substrate all previously described taminated by an activity that degrades uracil-containing DNA.
enzymes that attacked DNA generated acid-soluble nucleotide As positive controls for these experiments extracts of uninfected
or oligonucleotide products. Hence, they could be conveniently E. coli and B. subtilis were observed to readily attack uracil-
assayed by their presence in the soluble fraction of acid- containing PBS2 DNA. Based on these results I was interested in
precipitated DNA. A significant trap for misinterpretation of such addressing two obvious issues. Given the presence of an enzyme
assays is that free bases are also acid-soluble and hence an enzyme in B. subtilis that attacks uracil-containing DNA I was curious as to
activity such as the uracil-N glycosylase discovered by Lindahl how the genome of phage PBS2 escapes degradation after the phage
might be easily missed. But since he was specifically focused on infects B. subtilis. I was naturally also interested in learning more
a search for an enzyme activity that released free uracil for DNA, he about the newly discovered enzyme activity that attacks uracil-
E.C. Friedberg / DNA Repair 37 (2016) A35–A39 A37

containing DNA, which I tacitly assumed was a nuclease. Members Degradation of Uracil-containing Deoxyribonucleic acid by E. coli
of my laboratory were then fully engaged in other experiments. Deoxyribonucleic Acid Polymerase I [13]. These studies provide a
However, I was ultimately able to persuade one of them to put perfect example of the well-worn aphorism attributed to Arthur
aside his experiments for a while and address the first question. Kornberg: “don’t waste clean thoughts on dirty enzymes.”
It was soon revealed that very soon after infecting B. subtilis The discovery of uracil-DNA glycosylase opened the door to the
phage PBS2 expresses an inhibitor of the enzyme that attacks uracil- discovery of multiple other DNA glycosylases. By the mid-1990s
containing DNA. In later years my colleagues and I characterized close to a dozen such enzymes were known to exist. Surprisingly,
this inhibitor [10], which subsequently became a useful reagent for the catalogue of known DNA glycosylases includes the bacterio-
specifically inhibiting uracil-DNA glycosylase in vitro. While in the phage T4 pyrimidine dimer-specific enzyme mentioned above, as
early stages of experiments to address the second issue of interest – well as a very similar enzyme in the bacterium M. luteus, discov-
purifying and characterizing the putative nuclease in B. subtilis that ered earlier by the late Larry Grossman. I was originally confident
attacks uracil-containing DNA, I encountered Lindahl’s paper in the that my colleagues and I had discovered a new nucleotide excision
September 1974 issue of the PNAS, announcing the discovery of a repair pathway and that the phage T4-encoded enzyme would be
enzyme in E. coli that catalyzes the release of free uracil from DNA. shown to catalyze the endonucleolytic incision of DNA close to sites
I soon established that the properties of the B. subtilis enzyme were of pyrimidine dimers, thereby setting the stage for subsequent exci-
essentially identical to those of the uracil-DNA glycosylase discov- sion of pyrimidine dimers. However, to my surprise the enzyme was
ered by Lindahl [11]. Since PBS2 DNA contains U-A base pairs our shown to catalyze cleavage of the glycosyl bond of the 5 thymine in
experiments providentially revealed that the substrate specificity thymine dimers in DNA, generating an apyrimidinic site in the DNA,
of the E. coli enzyme discovered by Lindahl was not dependent on while the two thymine residues remained dimerized [14]. Identical
the presence of U-G mispairs. Lindahl later demonstrated that the results were obtained by Grossman and his colleagues with respect
enzyme even removes uracil from single-stranded DNA. to the enzyme from M. luteus.
History will of course never reveal whether or not absent Lin-
dahl’s publication in September 1974 my colleagues and I would 3. The discovery of apurinic-apyrimidinic endonucleases
have independently discovered uracil-DNA glycosylase, though I and lyases
would like to think that such an outcome would have emerged in
due course! But the critical reality is that focused as he was on a The catalytic action of a DNA glycosylase leaves sites of
search for an enzyme activity that removes uracil from DNA, Lin- base loss in DNA. Hence, this class of enzymes essentially
dahl astutely established an assay that included the possibility that trades one type of DNA damage for another. The completion
uracil might be released from DNA as the free base rather than as a of BER initiated by a DNA glycosylase requires incision of the
nucleotide or part of oligonucleotide fragments, as had been shown sugar-phosphate backbone at the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) site.
by Setlow to be the case with thymine dimers during NER. My Two classes of enzymes are known to achieve this hydroly-
own focus was on the extensive degradation of phage PBS2 uracil- sis, designated as apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonucleases and
containing DNA when it infected B. subtilis, the products of which apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) lyases.
would be readily observed by measuring radioactivity in the acid- The first AP endonuclease, designated endonuclease II of E. coli
soluble fraction of reaction mixtures that included DNA containing was unwittingly discovered when I was a post-doctoral fellow in
radiolabeled uracil. I had no immediate cause to consider the pos- the late David Goldthwait’s laboratory at Western Reserve Uni-
sibility that uracil might be present in the acid-soluble fraction as versity from 1966 to 1968 [15,16]. I use the word “unwittingly”
the free base. advisedly since when I joined Goldthwait’s laboratory the research
In a book entitled Correcting the Blueprint of Life – An Historical project that he assigned to me was to go in search of anticipated
Account of the Discovery of DNA Repair Mechanisms, published in endonucleases involved in genetic recombination.
1997 I recounted fragments of a discussion between Francis Crick As detailed in an autobiographical article published in this
and the science historian Horace Judson, author of The Eighth Day journal a few years ago [17] Goldthwait (Fig. 3) believed that
of Creation – Makers of the Revolution in Biology, on the nature of endonucleases involved in genetic recombination would cut DNA
discoveries. Judson offered the comment to Crick that “discovery, in a highly specific manner and was interested in establishing the
examined closely – seemed curiously difficult to pin to a moment molecular basis of this specificity. In a paper published in the Cold
or to an insight, or even a single person.” To which Crick responded: Spring Harbor Laboratory Symposia in Quantitative Biology in 1968,
he and I wrote:
“I think that’s the nature of discoveries, many times: that the
reason they’re difficult to make is that you’ve got to take a series A model – that has not been formally excluded requires that
of steps, three or four steps, which if you don’t make them you homologous pairing of two DNA molecules is a primary event
won’t get there, and if you go wrong in any one of them you in recombination. This could conceivably occur through spe-
won’t get there. It isn’t a matter of one jump – that would be cific protein protein–DNA interactions that produce localized
easy. You’ve got to make several successive jumps. And usually disruption of normal base pairing in the 2 molecules. Such inter-
the pennies drop one after another until it all clicks. Otherwise molecular association would result in an area of distortion of the
it would be too easy! [12].
Other investigators encountered what was likely uracil-DNA
glycosylase activity while pursuing unrelated questions. As early
as 1958 Arthur Kornberg and his colleagues had shown that the
DNA polymerase he discovered could utilize dUTP as a precursor for
DNA synthesis in vitro. When Huber Warner and Merle Wovcha at
the University of Minnesota synthesized DNA with “purified” E. coli
DNA polymerase in the presence of dUTP they observed nicking
of the DNA at sites of uracil incorporation and erroneously con-
cluded that the 5 → 3 exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase
I possessed an intrinsic uracil-specific endonuclease. They pub-
lished these results in a paper entitled: Synthesis and Nucleolytic Fig. 3.
A38 E.C. Friedberg / DNA Repair 37 (2016) A35–A39

normal secondary structure of the DNA molecules at the region pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylases and their associated AP lyase
of their pairing. An enzyme capable of recognizing this distor- activities generate incisions of the DNA that allows for subsequent
tion and restricted so that it could cleave only a single-strand of excision of oligonucleotides that include the pyrimidine dimers.
DNA oriented in one direction (either 3 → 5 or vice versa) could
make the appropriate single-strand nicks to facilitate some sort
5. Excision of the 5 deoxyribose residue
of intermolecular exchange – [18].
Goldthwait suggested that I attempt to generate localized con- Following endonucleolytic incision of DNA by an AP endonucle-
formational distortions of the DNA structure in vitro by treatment ase the lingering 5 deoxyribose-phosphate residue must be excised
of the DNA with the alkylating DNA methylmethane sulfonate. I to generate a single nucleotide gap. A survey of known excision
was then too biochemically naive to debate with my mentor that activities in E. coli surfaced a 3 → 5 exonuclease active on sin-
alkylation might not generate any sort of distortion of the DNA gle stranded DNA by Richard Kolodner and Susan Lovett that is
structure! Duly following Goldthwait’s advice I generated alkylated encoded by the recJ gene, that can legitimately be referred to as a
and differentially radiolabeled DNA molecules so that recombina- deoxyribophosphodiesterase [27].
tion intermediates could be detected by sedimentation in sucrose
gradients, and searched for an enzyme activity that preferen-
tially attacked this substrate. I never recovered recombinational 6. Reconstitution of BER in vitro
intermediates! However, I discovered a novel endonuclease that
preferentially attacked alkylated DNA, which we dubbed endonu- In 1994 Lindahl and Grigory Dianov reported the reconstitution
clease II (since it was the second E. coli endonuclease shown to of BER of uracil in DNA in vitro using uracil-DNA glycosylase, the
attack DNA). In subsequent studies Goldthwait and post-doctoral AP lyase activity of endonuclease II, the Rec J exonuclease men-
fellow Sheikh Mumtaz Hadi demonstrated that the preferred sub- tioned above, DNA polymerase I (to fill in the single nucleotide
strate for endonuclease II was in fact depurinated sites in DNA gap), and DNA ligase to restore covalent integrity of the repaired
presumably generated by enzymatic removal of alkylated bases DNA [28]. Dianov and Lindahl also established a second pathway for
[19]. Hence, endonuclease II of E. coli is historically credited with BER in vitro which is initiated in the same manner as that described
being the first AP endonuclease to be discovered. above, except that following AP endonucleolytic nicking adjacent
In 1976 Bernard Weiss, then at the Johns Hopkins University, to the AP site subsequent strand displacement and DNA resynthesis
demonstrated that the properties of a highly purified preparation transpires as in NER and generates a longer repair patch.
of a well-characterized enzyme in E. coli called exonuclease III were BER is now firmly established as a fundamental DNA repair pro-
identical to those of endonuclease II. Hence, endonucleases II and cess essential to the viability of all living cells and conceivably
exonuclease III of E. coli are almost certainly one and the same evolved earlier than NER. One would also anticipate that BER is
enzyme. Weiss postulated that a single catalytic site in the enzyme a prominent DNA repair mode in thermophiles, in which the fre-
is able to recognize interstrand spaces in DNA generated either quency of spontaneous DNA damage is presumably significantly
by depurination or by spontaneous terminal unwinding of double higher than in organisms that grow at considerably reduced tem-
stranded DNA [20]. peratures. This author finds it remarkable that the literature on DNA
repair in thermophilic organisms is sparse.

4. Apurinic/apyrimidinic lyases
7. Base insertion repair?
Most DNA glycosylases are devoid of other catalytic activities.
As mentioned above, following release of the damaged or inappro- By way of concluding comments, one might anticipate that the
priate base (such as uracil) incision of the DNA sugar-phosphate reverse reaction of that catalyzed by DNA glycosylases, i.e., the
backbone is effected by a physically distinct AP endonuclease. direct insertion of a correct base into an AP site might exist in nature.
However, the incubation of some DNA glycosylases (the phage T4 In 1979 Zvi Livneh, Dov Elad and Joseph Sperling reported the iden-
and M. luteus pyrimidine dimer DNA glycosylases being primary tification of an activity in extracts of E. coli that they claimed directly
examples) with substrate DNA is associated with the breakage of inserts adenine or guanine into the appropriate apurinic sites in
phosphodiester bonds in vitro. In these instances DNA incision has double-stranded DNA from the corresponding deoxyribonucleo-
been shown to occur by a ␤ elimination reaction 3 to the AP site side triphosphates as the purine donor. [29] They designated this
and enzymes that catalyze such reactions are termed DNA lyases. putative DNA repair mode as “base insertion repair.”
The first published indication of AP lyase activity (in 1985) was When I spent a sabbatical period in Tomas Lindahl’s laboratory
by Germaine Grondal-Zocchi and Walter Verly [21], who suggested in 1979–80 it was with the specific intention of reproducing the
that an AP endonuclease from E. coli designated as endonuclease IV results reported by Livneh et al. – to no avail. Additionally, in 1982
attacks AP sites in DNA by a ␤ elimination mechanism, the chemi- Kataoka and Sukiguchi published a paper in which they demon-
cal details of which are not described here. A few years later Yoke strated that the incorporation of purines into depurinated DNA can
Kow and Susan Wallace [22] and Veronique Bailly and Walter Verly be ascribed to the combined action of an AP endonuclease and DNA
[23] independently demonstrated that another AP endonuclease polymerase I. Their abstract states: “An enzyme activity to incor-
in E. coli called endonuclease III (which is a DNA glycosylase that porate labeled dATP or dGTP preferentially into depurinated DNA,
removes ring-saturated or fragmented pyrimidines from DNA) is found in an extract of E. coli, does not seem to represent ‘purine
also possessed with the ability to promote cutting of the sugar- insertase’, but may be ascribed to a combined action of DNA poly-
phosphate backbone by a ␤ elimination mechanism. In late 1989 merase I and AP endonuclease(s) on the basis of the following
Bailly and Verly formally suggested that “AP endonucleases” that findings. (1) The activity was found in polA+ but not in polA− cells.
promote scission of the sugar-phosphate backbone of DNA by a ␤ (2) The base moiety and the ␣-phosphate group of the nucleotide
elimination mechanism be designated as DNA lyases [24]. About were equally incorporated into the DNA” [30]. In 1984 Bernard Mar-
that time a DNA lyase activity of the phage T4 pyrimidine dimer tin and Nicole Sicard at the Centre de Recherche et de Geneticique
DNA glycosylase was reported in papers from the collaborative Cellullulaires in Toulouse, France also published a paper in which
laboratories of John Gerit, Lois Rabow, JoAnne Stubb and Philip they reported the failure to observe direct insertion of purines into
Bolton [25,26]. The sequential activity of the phage T4 (or M. luteus) AP sites [31].
E.C. Friedberg / DNA Repair 37 (2016) A35–A39 A39

Acknowledgments [14] E.H. Radany, E.C. Friedberg, A pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase activity
associated with the V gene product of bacteriophage T4, Nature 286 (1980)
I thank Sam Wilson and Susan Wallace for valuable feedback [15] E.C. Friedberg, D.A. Goldthwait, Endonuclease II of E. coli. I. Isolation and purifi-
and advice. cation, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 62 (1969) 934–940.
[16] E.C. Friedberg, S.M. Hadi, D.A. Goldthwait, Endonuclease II of E. coli, II. Enzyme
properties and studies on the degradation of alkylated and native deoxyribonu-
References cleic acid, J. Biol. Chem. 244 (1969) 5879–5889.
[17] E.C. Friedberg, A life of fixing DNA – an autobiographical sketch, DNA Repair 12
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