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Thermodynamics: Thermo means heat and dynamics means motion, heat in motional is called
thermodynamics, in which we study the heat, work and their relationship with the property such as
Temp. pressure, volume etc.

Types of thermodynamics:

1. Classical thermodynamics: Study of matter in macroscopic approach is known as classical

2. Statistical thermodynamics: Study of matter in macroscopic approach is known as statistical

Thermodynamics System: It is defined as quantity of matter or region in space upon which attention
is focused for analysis.

 Surrounding: everything external to the system is called surrounding

 Boundary: the layer which separate the system from surrounding is known as boundary
 Universe: System and surrounding together is known as universe

Universe: System + Surrounding

Types of thermodynamics system:

1. Open system/ control volume: in which both mass and energy can cross the system boundary.
example: Boiling of water in open vessel, turbine, air compressor etc.
2. Closed system / Control mass: in which there is no mass transfer but energy can transfer across
the system boundary . Example: boiling of water in a closed vessel, Pressure cooker, Sun,
Moon, Earth etc.
3. Isolated System: Neither mass nor energy can cross the system boundary. Example:
thermoflask, Universe etc.

Different types of boundary:

1. Boundary may be either fixed or movable

2. It may be real or imaginary
3. It may be either diathermic( allow heat) or adiabatic (not allow heat)

Thermodynamic property: Physical condition of a system is described by the temp., pressure and
volume, such characteristic are known as property of the system. Property are coordinate to describe
the state of the system.
Types of thermodynamic property:

1. Intensive property: It is the property which does not depend upon on the mass or size. Eg.
Temp. , pressure, viscosity, density etc.
2. Extensive property: It is the property which depend upon on the mass or size. Eg. Volume,
enthalpy, entropy, energy etc.

Specific property: It is defined as extensive property per unit mass

 Specific volume: Volume/ mass

 Specific Enthalpy: enthalpy/ mass
 Specific entropy: entropy/mass

State : It is the condition of a system described by the property of system

Change of state: if the system goes from one state of condition to another state of condition then it is
change of state.

Path: The succession of state passed during the change of state known as path.

Process: Path along which state of system change

Cyclic process: Process in which system comes back to its initial state after undergoing series of

Point function: A Point function (also known as state function) is a function whose value depends on
the final and initial states of the thermodynamic process, irrespective of the path followed by the

A point function is a property of the system or we can say all the properties of the system
are point functions. Example of point functions are Temp. , pressure, Volume, density, enthalpy,
internal energy, entropy etc.

Point functions are exact or perfect differential.

Note: Since a point function is only dependent on the initial or final state of the system, hence in a
cyclic process value of a thermodynamic function is zero, or change in thermodynamic property is
Path function

A Path function is a function whose value depends on the path followed by the thermodynamic
process irrespective of the initial and final states of the process. Example of path function is work done,

A path function is an inexact or imperfect differential.

Reversible process: The process in which both system and surrounding return to its original position
is known as reversible process. In reversible process all the states passed through are equilibrium states
. Example; elastic deformation of solid

Irreversible Function: The process in which both system and surrounding does not return to its original
position is known as irreversible process. In reversible process all the states passed through are
equilibrium states. Example: Plastic deformation of solid

Thermodynamic equilibrium: System is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium if there is no change

in any macroscopic property is registered when the system is isolated with its surroundings.


 Thermal equilibrium: No heat transfer between system and surrounding

 Chemical equilibrium: No chemical reation
 Mechanical equilibrium: No unbalanced force

Quasi static process: A quasistatic process is a process that occurs so slowly that it is basically at
equilibrium. Essentially, quasistatic processes occur so slowly, their net change is negligible. Since an
equilibrium is essentially a system where the forward and reverse reactions occur at equal rates (net
change is zero). It is a reversible process.

Phase: It is defined as quantity of matter which is homogenious throughout its chemical composition
and physical structure. Eg. Water , Ice, Dry Vapour

Based upon the number of phase there are two types of system

1. Homogeneous system: A system consisit of single phase called homogeneous system. Eg.
Water, ice, dry vapour.
2. Heterogeneous system: More than one phase eg. Mixture of oil and water, muddy water

Pressure: Force per unit area

Units of pressure: N/m2 or pascal 1 bar = 105 pascal 1 atm. = 101325 Pa =760 mm of hg

Pressure 𝑃 = 𝜌𝑔ℎ Density of water = 1000kg/m3 Density of Mercury =13600 kg/m3

Types of Pressure:

1. Atmospheric pressure: the pressure exerted by the envelope of air surrounding the earth surface
is know as atm pressure.
2. Gauge pressure: The pressure above the atm. Pressure is known as gauge pressure (+ gauge
3. Vacuum pressure: The pressure below the atm. Pressure is known as vaccum pressure (- gauge
4. Absolute zero pressure: It is the pressure below which there is no movement of molecule.
5. Absolute pressure: It is the pressure above the absolute zero pressure

Pabsolute =Patm. + Pgause

Specific gravity: Density of fluid/ density of water

U tube manometer: It is the device used to measure pressure inside a vessel

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics: If one body A is thermal equilibrium with body B, if we connect
third body C then all three bodies will be in thermal equilibrium. Concept is used in thermometer.
Temperature: it is a property which measure the hotness and coldness of a body. Absolute zero temp:
The temp. below which temp. of any substance can not fall

Celsius scale: boiling point : 1000C, freezing point: 320F absolute zero temp.:-2730C

In Celsius scale absolute temp is measured by degree kelvin = 0C + 273

Fahrenheit: boiling point : 2120F, freezing point: 00C absolute zero temp.:-4600F

In Fahrenheit scale absolute temp is measured by degree Rankine (0R) = 0F + 460

Relation between Celsius and Fahrenheit scale

0𝐶−0 0𝐹−32
100−0 212−32

Gas thermometer: It is used to measure the temp. of ideal gas

1. Constant pressure gas thermometer: In this temp. is measured by change in volume and
pressure constant.
2. Constant volume gas thermometer: In this temp. is measured by change in pressure and
volume constant.
Thermocouple: used to measure high temp.

It consisit of two dissimilar metal A and B which connected at the two ends called junction (HOT
junction, Cold junction. When the junction is heated, temp difference is found. Due to the seeback
effect emf is produced which is measurement by potentionmeter and then temp known

Pyrometer: used to measure high temp. without touching the system or object. It can also
measure the temp. of moving object. It give the idea to find uncertainty in temp .measurement in
order to design.

Ideal Gas: the gas which obey all law of gases is known as Ideal gas

Real Gas: the gas which do not obey law of gases is known as Ideal gas

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