10월 뉴텝스적중예상특강 문제 - 이나진선생님

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해커스영어 텝스 적중 예상문제

2018년 10월, 이나진 선생님

해커스영어 10월 텝스 적중 예상문제

이나진 선생님

잠깐! 테스트 전 확인사항

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해커스영어 텝스 적중 예상문제
2018년 10월, 이나진 선생님

1. 5.
A: How do you like your new place? A: Do you use the campus gym often?
B: It’s _______ nicer than my old apartment. B: I sure do; it’s free for _______.
(a) such (a) the university at all the students
(b) very (b) all the university at the students
(c) much (c) all the students at the university
(d) enough (d) the students at the all university

2. 6.
A: Do you remember when I first started taking violin A: Is Mary joining us for dinner?
lessons? B: _______ she calls in the next 10 minutes, I don’t
B: I certainly do. You _______ a lot since then. think so.
(a) improving (a) Unless
(b) improve (b) Because
(c) will improve (c) Before
(d) have improved (d) Until

3. 7.
. A: Were you able to change Kathy’s mind? ______ an appointment, Dennis does not expect a long
B: No, she is _______ that she is doing the right thing. wait at the dentist’s office.
(a) to convince (a) Making
(b) convincing (b) Having made
(c) convince (c) Made
(d) convinced (d) To make

4. 8.
A: Why has the vacation policy been changed? Liam has made remarkable _______ since changing

B: There are a number of reasons, are schools last year.

mentioned in the memo. (a) progresses

(a) all of them (b) a progress

(b) all of which (c) progress

(c) all of whom (d) the progress

(d) and all of which

해커스영어 텝스 적중 예상문제
2018년 10월, 이나진 선생님

9. 13.
Located off the northwestern shore of Lombok, The court case ________ out by the judge due to a lack
Indonesia _______ the Gili Islands. of evidence.
(a) was (a) throws
(b) are (b) has thrown
(c) will be (c) threw
(d) is (d) was thrown

10. 14.
In 1814, Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled to the island Despite _______, the painter is at the top of his field.
of St. Helena, ________ he died six years later. (a) never having received a formal art education
(a) which (b) never to have received a formal art education
(b) when (c) never to having received a formal art education
(c) where (d) never having been received a formal art education
(d) there

11. 15.
Spotting trends ahead of competitors is _______ market Work-related grievances _______ be aired through
share. social media because such complaints can have
(a) the way how companies are gaining repercussions for employees.
(b) how companies gain (a) wouldn’t
(c) how companies gain them (b) didn’t
(d) companies are gaining them (c) shouldn’t
(d) needn’t

By the time Harold was aware of the competition, the
entry deadline _______.
(a) passing
(b) was passing
(c) had passed
(d) has been passing

해커스영어 텝스 적중 예상문제
2018년 10월, 이나진 선생님
[Questions 16~18]
Identify the option that contains an awkward expression or an error
in grammar.

(a) A: Can you please turn the lights off when you’re
not using them?
(b) B: Why? Is something wrong?
(c) A: I got the utility bill. We’re wasting electricity and
paying very more than we should.
(d) B: Oh! I’ll do my best to remember in that case.

(a) The image of an Olympic athlete biting down on a
newly won gold medal while standing on the podium
is one that photographers have taken for many years.
(b) While the act is largely done for show today, it
comes from the old practice of merchants biting into
coins ensure their authenticity. (c) Essentially, because
pure gold is relatively soft, biting the coins would
leave teeth marks. (d) Sinking one’s teeth into a
forgery, on the other hand, would simply scrape away
the gold paint covering whatever cheap material the
coin had been made from.

(a) On December 7, 1941, 353 Japanese warplanes
attacked Pearl Harbor, a United States naval base
located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. (b) In
addition to killing 2,400 people and wounding more
than 1,000 others, 18 U.S. naval vessels were rendered
uselessly by the attack. (c) The loss was a devastating
blow, and the U.S. Senate almost immediately voted to
go to war with Japan. (d) Only three days later, Italy
and Germany, allies of Japan, declared war on the
United States, giving the nation no choice but to fully
enter the World War Ⅱ.


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