Galedo. CHN

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Family surname: Galedo

House no: 222 (Residence) Street: V.Mapa Street.

Barangay: Barangay 10. Poblacion District. District: _3_

Municipality/City: Davao City Contact no: 09324065708

Source(s) of information: Date: February 08, 2020

Data gathered by: Melanie A. Galedo

Household Members

Name age Relationship to head of

1) Leonila A. Guion 65 Mother

2) Melanie A. Galedo 20 Daughter

Family living outside the household

Name Richard Guion Redgie Ranil Guion Ramar Guion Rheeca Regale
Guion Guion Guion
Age 45 40 35 49 23 20
Relationship to Brother Brother Brother Sister in-law Niece Niece
the head of the
Location Boston Dasma, Makati Boston Katipunan Katipunan
Massachusetts cavite Massachusetts Ave. Quezon Ave.
City Quezon City
Frequency of Thrice a week Four times a Thrice a Thrice a week Once a Once a
contact week week week week
Duration of 5 minutes 10 minutes 2 minutes 15 minutes 1 hour 30 minutes
Means of Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media Social Media
Communication (Facebook) (Messenger) (Messenger)
(Messenger) (Messenger) (Messenger)

Family Mobility

Length of time at current address

- We resided in our current house just last August 18, 2019 at Barangay 10. Poblacion District. The length
of time is 15 minutes from my previous residence.
Address of previous residence
- My previous address is at 777 V. Mapa Street. Davao City

Frequency of geographic moves

- Last 2013 to 2017 – we resided to a boarding house in V. Mapa luipisaina. Davao city. And after a year
my Brother told us to live with them last 2017 November 20 and after 2 years of living with them they
had to leave the country and study abroad so my mom and I found an apartment and transfer there as
soon as possible last August 18 , 2019.

Family Dynamics

Emotional bonding of family members

- We each have a unique connection to each other. But most of the time we build our closeness in eating
together. It is our family tradition to eat together and talk our day, and what our concerns and help each
other deal with it.
Distribution of authority and power
- When my oldest was here in Davao he was the head of the house and hold the authority of the
household. But now my mother is now the head of the household.
Degree of individual autonomy
- Each of us makes decisions for ourselves because we are old enough to decide on our own. but
sometimes my mother still decides for me and what is best for me and still I should ak for permissions or
we talk about it first before deciding. While my brother is freely to make decisions with telling it to my
How members communicate
- My mom and I is in the same house and we usually do communicate with each other face-to- face. But
my brothers and their family who is far away from us, we use social media to connect with them, so that
no matter how far we are we can still maintain our closeness.

How decisions are made

- We were thought to make decisions for ourselves as long as we know we are in a right tract but as a
family, we make sure that we all agree when we make decisions, we usually weigh everything before we
will do and make decisions. That’s how my mom taught us.

How problems are solved

- As the youngest in the household, most of the time adults secretly deal the problems on their own.
financially, family problems, spouse problem. They sometimes secretly deal with it without telling us.

How conflict is handled

- Each of us handle our problems in a different way. But as a Guion/Galedo we are known to be calm and
positive thinkers, we always find way no matter how hard and how difficult it is. That’s how my mom
taught all of us when problem in life comes running before us, and surely, we will teach this behavior to
the future Guions and Galedo.

Division of Labor
- as the only woman among the three brothers I was taught and discipline to learn all the proper
household chores. So, most of the time a I do the laundry, washing of the dishes, mopping, and many

Socioeconomic and cultural characteristics

Family social integration

Language(s) or dialect(s) spoken

- My mother can speak (Ilonggo, Filipino, English),and my Oldest Brother can speak 4 languages which
are ( Mandarin, Ilonggo, Filipino, English), as well my Second brother can speak ( Ilonggo, Filipino,
English),and my third Brother can also speak ( Ilonggo, Filipino, English) while Me can speak (Bisaya,
Filipino, English), my nieces on the other hand Rheeca and Regale can speak ( Mandarin, Korean,
Filipino, English) as well their mother.

Literacy (ability to read and write in language(s)

- All of us was given an opportunity to go to school and learn how to write properly and be able to read
and understand what we write, which was not given to all.
Degree of social network with friends, neighbors, and other relatives
- We live in a modern world where social media is our way to connect to our love ones and friends far
away from us without compromising our task. In a week I spend my time talking to my friends 30
minutes- 1 hour, while to my relatives I usually talk to them when they are not busy running time is 30
minutes. In that way even we are far away we can still connect.

Network with religious organization

- I was born as a catholic, but since we move here in Davao, I converted to born again Christian. And
became active in church activities joining dance ministries, praise and worships ministries and
leaderships for last 9 years. I also have joined Christian camps from different places.

Network with social organization

- As a person who rarely go out of the house, I am fully aware of the social organizations happening in my
barangay, but because of business I usually don’t join with those organizations.

Educational experience
- My mother is a graduate of Bachelors of Accountancy and pass her board exams last 1974 and became a
certified CPA.
- My oldest brother is a pastor and was graduated in a seminary school in Dagupan earning her pastoral
degree. And currently now studying in Boston majoring in counselling.
- My second brother is a graduate of BS psychology with a high honor. And now is working as a manger in
a clothing line (guess).
- My third brother, is a graduate of BS IT and now working in a company.
- And Me, I am currently studying Bachelor Science of Nursing and in 2nd year of my college.

Work History
- My mom is a retired Accountant.
- My oldest brother was a former pastor.
- My second brother was a manager of a clothing line called Levi’s.
- My third brother was a former driver.

Adequacy of financial support

- My mother is currently 65 years old and a retired accountant she is now receiving her monthly pension
and as well a help from my oldest brother and my second brother. They were also the one who is
helping me study nursing ang helping me financially. I was also receiving a little help form CHED
scholarship every semester.
Leisure time interests
- My mom loves watching TV most of the time, watching her favorite telenovelas or she is just watching
youtube videos in her leisure time, as for me I usually sleep or watch youtube videos to kill time.

Cultural influences; values, attitudes, and beliefs about:

- I was 10 years old when I converted into a born-again Christian, and given that my brother is also the
senior pastor in the church we were attending, so I basically grew up knowing God. I am blessed that I
am able to learn the truth about God and continuously pursing and learning from him.

Rituals (holidays and celebrations)

- We give importance to holidays especially Christmas time, because we basically live away from my
brothers and my relatives, so every holidays/ Christmas time we always go to manila and celebrate there
with them and basically spend with them until the holidays is done.

Dietary Habits
- Through aging my mom became hypertensive and was ordered by the doctor to limit in consuming fatty
foods, and foods with too much sodium to prevent her BP to rise, rice should also be limited and sugary

- My mom is diagnosed with hypertensive and diabetes mellitus type 2 while my oldest brother is also
hypertensive but not severe, my second brother has a problem in asthma, my third brother is now
diagnosed with PTB and now taking his 6 months intensive medication. And I am not diagnosed with any
illnesses yet still have a mild cough and sinus last 3 days ago.
Folk diseases
- My mom grew up with many beliefs such as panuhot, piang, buyag-buyag, forbidden to take a shower
when menstruation perceives.

Traditional healers
- My mom and I usually don’t go to hospital when we feel something is wrong to us. We usually go to the
massage store or let somebody to go to our house to massage our body to ease the pain we are

Family Environment

Family residence

Adequacy of size

- The house we currently reside is just adequate for the two of us, it’s rather too big for a two person. But
through this size we can freely move and do the things we want without thinking about the space.

Structural safety

- Our House is mostly made of woods and a little bit of stone. I am confident that nothing will happened in
our house when typhoon, earthquake will come.
Water sanitation

- I don’t see any problem in our water sanitation, for we have an adequate water to provide for our daily

Food preparation and storage

- This is where we prepare our food, and my current problem is we have a leak in our sink, small but still a
leak. in order to prevent the leak from spreading we have to put a basin to under the sink. Which can
accumulate and can be a place where mosquitos can thrive.


- The sewage in the picture is the only sewage for all the apartment, this where the waste from our sink
and our bathroom water when showing will go after. Sometimes I am alarmed that through this sewage
we can accumulate mosquitoes, and pest that can enter in my house whenever I opened the back door.
Garbage disposal

- This is our only garbage can this is where we put our whole week
garbage, we usually put our garbage’s in a black plastic and put in there
until the garbage collector will come. Sometimes we are having difficulties
in where to put the spoiled foods without accumulating worms in it. The
apartment itself don’t provide garbage segregations. That’s we are having
difficulty in managing the garbage’s.

Excreta disposal
- We don’t know where septic tank of our apartment is located but as of now we don’t have any problem
in our septic tank.
Pest and vermin control

- The pictures above are the way in and way out of the rats, cockroaches though our house. Our
apartment is having a hard time to control the pest because they are too many and multiply
aggressively. but now, every Sunday the apartment owner conduct pest control to lessen the rats in the

Family neighborhood

Location (e,g, , urban or rural, subdivision, slum area)

- My neighborhood is currently located in urban area/city.

Type (e.g., residential, semicommercial)

- The type of my current house is a apartment type.
Traffic patterns
- My apartment is near in both big schools in Davao city, so every afternoon traffic is visible in
The way through the school. and sometimes the cars take it longer to move.
- In our apartment they provide adequate lighting, they make sure that the gate and the hallway has a
light every night and make sure to stay it on until morning.
Security (police or private)
- We don’t have police or guards to protect our apartment and a lock in our gates and that’s my number
one concern because anyone can enter in our compound, without someone knowing.

Population density (crowding)

- The location of our apartment is near at school, coffee shops, restaurants, convenience
stores, malls, so most of the time it is crowded every day.

Source of pollution
Air – Because the apartment is near the road, I usually get all the dust in my room, which make it harder to
clean every day.

Water- the sewage is the number one source of water pollution in my apartment, because of the
retainment of water and only passageway of all the used water. It can cause flood and thrive of the mosquitoes.

Soil- I don’t see any problem in the soil of my compound that can be a couse of pollutions
Noise-even we are near the road and schools, still the noise is lessened and can be tolerate.
Family health and health behavior

Activities of daily living (how a family spends a typical day)

- My mother and I usually spend our typical day doing our own agenda for the day and then meet at the
dining table to talk our day and then continue to our work, as for me I usually go upstairs to do my
homework’s, study for the test and then sleep. My mom usually go to bed and watch her telenovelas
until she sleeps.

Health history (pregnancy, illness, death within the past 5 years /health attendance)
- My Mom is hypertensive and has a health history of diabetes mellitus type 2.

Self-care (health promotion and disease prevention)

- Due to the illness of my mom, she is advice to eat healthy foods, and consume food low sodium and low
fat every meal, she also has her maintenance to drink everyday to prevent her hypertension. Exercise is
also advice and should avoid stress as much as possible.

Risk behaviors
- My mom is forgetful she sometimes taking her medicine in a right, so I have to remind her always, she
also stubborn because she sometimes eats food that is bad for her health.

Health status (problems and priorities)

- My mother is hypertensive and was given hypertensive drugs to regulate her BP and she also has a
cataract in her both eyes, small but still growing that is why she is having a hard time to see or to read
even she already wearing glasses. She is under observation and is scheduled for eye laser.
Home remedies
- My mom is Hypertensive so sometimes when her Bp rises my immediate intervention is letting her eat
garlics until her BP normalizes, she is also fan of teas. Teas is known for cleansing so I let her drink teas
every after dinner.

Health care resource

- Every barangay has its own health centers, so whenever we need help, we go there and seek help. But
when we need further, we go to nearest hospital which is DDC or Sanpedro.

Health workers
- In our barangay they make that we have midwifes, local nurses and physicians at site.

Health agencies
- We have several health agencies near in my apartment, which are the City Health Office, San Pedro
Hospital, Red Cross.

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