Nov 2017 Hydrau Geo (Chua)

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PV dee ie Pe AIA GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING NOVEMBER 2017 CE Board Nov. 2017 9% 5 5961.6 | 0 mm diameter test well penetrates 27 m, = eas i the sialic water table. After 24 hour of ** 265) —(2597) ping at 69 liters/sec. The water level in an K = 60.27 miday servation well at':a distance of 95 m. from ; en test well is lowered 0.5 m. and the other © Transmiseibiay: ae well at a distance of 35 m. from inc) ie test welll, the d-awdown is 1.1 m fr Bi —— “@) What is the rate of flow in mi/day. 2n(z,—z,) 2 Compute the coefficient of permeability of 95 © the aquifer in m/day 5961.6 In(—) 3) Compute the transmissibility of the aquifer T= 1 inm2day. 2n(1.1- 0.5) 5 T= 1579 mda Solution: mi = SS eee 2. CE.Board Nov, 2017 Determine the rate of flow, in m/sec, into or ‘out of each reservoir in the pipe system shown in the figure. Eievation shows are in meters. For the pipes, the roughness coefficient n= 0.011 ard surice Pipeline Length(m) Diameter(mm) 4 1220 300 2 900 200 ® Rate of flow in mi/day 3 1500 150 2 5 ate ene ® Discharge in msec into or out reservoir of Q : 5961. 6 mi/day lowest elevation © Coefi. of permeability: ® Discharge in m/sec into or out reservoir of ha = 27-0.5= 26.5 m. intermediate elevation hy= 27-1.1= 25.9 m. t @ Discharge in msec from the reservoir of Qin-) the highest elevation t K =e m(h, —h,) Solution: ' © Discharge in m/sec into or out reservoir of lowest elevation £1.30 hf = 30-24 hh=6m 10.29n2L0,2 pies bh= 10:29(0.011)%(1200)0,2 6= (0368 . Qs = 0.081 m Hs = 24-15 =9m g - 20:290.011)2(1500)042 ee (0.15) 16/3 = 0.0139 Q; > 04, therefore the flow is towards 8 & €, the elevation of hydraulic gradient at the junction is higher than B. hh +hh=6 j 10,29(0,011)(1200)04? ~ (03168 10,29(0.11)(900)0,2 ‘ (0.2168 918.480;? + 5988052 = 6 hh hig = 15 10.29(0.011)2(1200)042 , 10:29(0.11)2(1500)052 (0.15)103 a5 918.4802 + 46,2880,? = 15 4592.40? + 29,9400, = 30 . 1836.96Q\? + 925760; = 30 2755,44Qi? + 2994002 - 925760;2=0 Q\? + 10.8860 - 33,5980,2 = 0 Q=O+O (Qr + Qs)? + 10.866Q;2 - 33.5980? = 0 2+ 20:03 + 032+ 10.8622 33,598Q3? = 0. 11.8660 + 20,0; - 33 598Q,2= 0 a 20seV/(205)% a(7 1 866)33 S080, 2(1 1.866) T2880" - 5988Q>?= 9 988032 - 5988(1.600503)? = 9 49.1403? =9 Q3= 0.0171 m/sec Discharge in m/sec into or out reservoir of geintermediate elevation Sa: = 1.600503 3 -6005(0.0171) = 0.0273 m/sec § Discharge in ni'/sec from the reservoir of the highest elevation (Q)=Q:+Q3 © Qy= 0.0273 + 0.0171 Qj = 0.0444 m/sec GAT Dares water tank has a sloping inclined at 45° with fhe horizontal. The total depth of water in the ak is 8 m, A waler jet issues from an orifice ted 3 m. vertically above the bottom of the ik: Coefficient of velocity is 1.0. Negeting air tance on the jet © Evaluate the vertical height in meters that the jet rises above the level of the orifice Determine the time it takes for this particle of the jet to sit the ground that is 1.20 rm, below the boitom of the tank in seconds. Determine the horizontat distance on the ground traveled by the jet from the center of the orifice in meters, ‘Engineering Licensure Examinations Solution: @® Vertical height in meters that the jet rises above the level of the orifice v=C, 29H 0,/2(981)(5) 9045 Sind5'= 7 Vo? =Vi2— 2gh O= (7)?-29.81)h h=25m. : ® Time it takes for this particle of the jet to sit the ground that is 1.20 m. below the bottom of the tank in seconds. 1a =Vt+ at vNEeS ~ 4.2 = (9.9045 Sin 45°)(t) - (9.81)? 41? @ Horizontal distance on the ground traveled by the jet from the center of the orifice in meters, xeVt x = 9.9045 Cos 45'(1.98) x= 13.2m, CECE APU A triangular gate or height 1.2 m and base 0.9 m is instalied in a position that its plane is inclined 60 degrees with the horizontal with its vertex at the top and the base is parallel to the water surface. The vertex is at a depth of 2m Vertically below the water surface. Fresh water ison one side of the gate, ® Evaluate the total hydrostatic force on the gate in KN, @ Locate the point. of action of the totai hydrostatic force from the vertex on the plane on the gate. @ If the gate is hinged at the bottom, evaluate the force normal to the: gate at its vertex that wil be required to open it in KN. Solution: ® Total hydrostatic force on the gate in KN Wisged, EGC” f=2+08 Sin6o" h=2693m, P=yhaA \ P=9 si20%9) ; [12%09 PS 14.3-4N @ @, Point of action of the total hydrostatig from the vertex on the plane on the 9Ate, E 0.826 P=l4.3KN 0.374 d=e+08 d= 0.0257 +0.8 d= 0.8257 Force normal to the gale at its vertex tha R Will be required to open it in kN. YMa=0 14.3(0.374) = F(1.2) F= 4.45 kN . of unit Weight 9 KN/m’ is poured into Bogen container to a depth of 3 m. Water is aited over the liquid and the total depth of = pothiliquids is 10 m. Obtain the gage pressure, i iP, at the interface of the two liquids CSc ee ae in a triaxial shear test of a cohesiontess soil, the’ soil cylinder was subjected to a liquid pressure of 20 kPa inside the chamber. It was observed that failure of the sample in shear occurred when the axial comressive stress reached 44 kPa. The angle of internal friction indegrees is nearest to. Solution: cha tT ae An iceberg having a specific gravity of 0.90 floats in salt water having a specific gravity of 1.03. If the volume of the ice above the surface is 500 m°, what is the volume of the iceberg? m? Solution: Sp. gr = 0.90 V, =V- 500 BF = V,(1.03)(9.81) BF = 10 1043 V, W =V(0.90\981) W=6.820V BF =W 10,1043 V, = 8.829 V 10.1043 (V - 500) = 8.829 1.2753 V = 5052.15 V= 3962 m* CANT SE= (ETC Ars A ight cylindrical container 2.5 m in a diameter is 3 miall. A 50-mm diemeter hole is provided at the bottom of the container to drain the water when necessary. If it is 2/3 full of water how long in minutes, does it take to empty the container from the instant that the hole is opened? Coefficient of velocity and coefficient of contraction both equal to 1.0 2¢49(V2) ** a00195) 21089 1 = 159966 sec, t =26.6 minutes CT ae ae Evaluate the settlement, in meters, on a layer Of plastic ciay due to an increase of pressure Caused by loads above it under the following, conditions: Initial intergranular pressure P= 180 kPa Increase — in intergranular AP = 140kPa Thickness of clay layer = 8 m Coefficient of consolidattian Cc = 0.315 Void ratio of clay = 1.132 pressure Solution: ene H {f +AP tre OR 0.315(8) pee 2 lo S412 9 160) S = 0.295 m, PT ATTA A sample of soil has a porosity of 40% Evaltiate its void ratio, Solution: e n= tre e 04 = tre 04+04=e 0.6e = 0.4 © = 0.667 TT TFT ar ara An open cylindrical vessel 1.2 m in diame) and 2.1 high is 2/3 full of water. Determine the amount of water in liters that will be spied o ifthe vessel is rotated about the vertical axis di constant angular speed of 87 rpm. Solution: 7(2n) 60 = 9.11 radisec _(211(06)" ~~ 2(9.81) We 1523m oF nr(td) 2 Ate 2 fluid exerted by mercury is roughly how ¥ greater than that by water? fore the fluid exerted by is 13.6 times greater ECA Tara eles triangular plate of height 480 mm jase 200 mm is vertically submeged in with its vertex at the liquid surface and eis parallel to the liquid surface. aluaie the total force acting on one side of Ie plate in KN. in the location of the force from the ter of the gravity of the plate in mm. in the location of the force from the surface in mm. veo MCBHSUTE Examinations Solution; 200 ® Total force acting on one side of the plate in KN. a Ws 5 (480) = 320 Pe yha P=9810(0 x29 > }eatonosen P= 150.68N ® Location of the force from the center of the gravity of the plate in mm f e=— 3 480,200,320 e= 40mm ® Location of the force from the liquid surface in mm. d=hte d= 320440 d= 360 mm MCT ar be The table shows the sieve analysis of a sample of soil, Plot the grain size curve on a Semi-lographic graph and determine the following: © Nearest value of the effective size of sample @ Nearest value of the coefficient of uniformity ® Classify the soil in acoordance with the Unified Soils Classification System, FINES SAND fm | mace [ease] a cone = aE . SPE ae Fol 0 ~ S Pap é 0 » io gee 0 ee Hs i fiance Dyed Sm Dye Sam. Pigs? Sem Grain size (mm) : sngimeering Licensure Examinations Effective size: From the graph, effective size: Dyo= 0.15 @, Coefficient of uniformity, Cy: Ogg _ 2.2 G5, ts = 1407 Soil Classification: © Passing #200=4% granular materials without fines * Sands = 86% — SANDS (SWor SP) Co=128 © 1<4.26<3 ~ Cy= 14.67 say 15>6 well graded Therefore, the soil is SW (well ade sands) UWIRED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Typical Nore Concoton Care i es Wet grea rain and get ant CeOafOg Gms tart Ces OnP setvanat and en or Re Stet manok ie Senate ‘ny aes, yaaa sires &/e|s/e Goyer gure. graveansay me Seas ‘eng ete we ra on ‘Shy sds, sant ees (hye a Sy ‘rom it, vary ewan ok faa ty Ge Gaey tees sd. aaaame fete eee enn aoe Flele|e|2 roa ps nearane o gn ratte ton sate sta i ns wtih anny We ‘Gren cays team nGA ety gerne slelels Fa co oer Val tanvaleuthcaba, sae ASTM Pasgaton DCSE A square footing 3m on a side is founded 1.2 below the ground: surface fro which the bulk Unit weight of the soil is 20 KN/m2 the cohesion Strength is 10 kPa, and the angle of internal friction is 20. deg. The ground water table is at a level that does not affect the unit weight of the: soil. Use Terzaghi’s bearing capacity factors. Under the condition of general shear failure, evaluate the contribution of the following to the ultimate bearing capacity, in kPa Use the attached table. Oalt ® Cohesion strength ® Soil overburden ® Footing dimension Solution: ® Cohesion strength For a= 20° The following values ofthe bearing capacity factors are; N. = 17.69 N= 7.44 N, =3.64 Cohesion sirength g, = 130N, G. = 1.3(10)(17.69) 9, = 230kPa 2 Soil overburden 9 = aN, = 20(12) = 24 q, = 24(7-44) 4g, = 178.56 = 179 3 Footing dimension 4, = 04y BN 9, = 0.4(20)3\(3.64) G, = 87.36 16. CE Board Nov. 2017 A column is to be supported by a square ‘eating, 2.00 mon a side, on a founding depth f 1.00 m into a.cohesionless soil deposit The unit weight of the soil is 16 kN/m? and the angle of internal fnction os 25 deg. Using Terzaghis formula for generat shear failure Evaluate the contrbution of the depth of ” embedment to the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, in KPa Evaluate the contrbution of the footing 3 dimension to the ultimate bearing capacity ‘of the soll, in kPa, Evaluate the concentric load, in kN, that the footing can safely support, using a factor of safely of 30 against bearing capacity failure Solution: @ Contrbution of the depth of embedment to. the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil, in KPa. Gall juare lepth d the sing For @ = 25° : N,=412.7 ih of” Ns O34 aring q =aNy ating 4g, = 16(1)(12.7) city © 9, =203.2kPa that : ‘ (Ree 1g 2 If ® Contrbution of the footing dimension to the sing ulimate bearing capacity of the soil, in ' kPa. fy, 9, =047EN, HE 9, = 041612634) 4, = 106.752 kPa e civil Engineering Licensure Examinations @® Concentric load, in kN, that the footing can safely support, using a factor of safety of 3.0 against bearing capacity failure 4d, =13N, +qN, +0407 BN, Gy = 0+ 203.2 + 106.752 Gq = 300.952 P Sa(avea) _ 309:952(2)(2) 3 P= 413.27 KN Pp CE Board Nov. 2017 {An open cylindricat tank 0.30 in diameter and 0.80 m high in partially fled with water to a certain depth. It is then rotated about its vertical axis at 240 rpm but no water spilled ‘out. @® Estimate how deep is the water in the tank, in meters ® Atwhat speed, in rpm, would the tank be rotated if 1.4 liters of water is spilled out? @ Atwhal speed, in rpm, would the tank be rolated so that the pressure at the center of the bottom of the tank be zero? Solution: © Water in the tank, in meters 080) SS p= 02m) 60 © = 25.13 rad/sec, (25.13)°(0.15)? (9.81) h=07242m. a me d= 0.438 m. ® Speed, in rpm, so that 1.4 liters of water is Spilled out. n(0.15)'y (0.15)"(0.724) _ 14 2 2 1000 y =0.7636 : 12 yes 29 aaa 7696 = (0:15) ee 219.84) «» = 25,80 radisec, p= 258060) Qn 0 = 246.4 rpm 2 Speed, in rpm, so that the pressure at he center of the bottom of the tank be ze10, = (0.157? 2(9.81) «0 = 26.41 radisec. y= 25460) Qn 0.80 (© =252.2 rpm. by a wire tied to an anchor block resting at the bottom of the sea such that 0.30 m of the Cylinder is below the surface of the water wit its axis vertical, The anchor block has 4 volume of 0.50 cubic meter and weighs 24 kN Per cubic meter in air, Assume sea waler have a specific gravity = 1,03. Neglecting tte weight and volume of the cabie. svaluate the buoyant force on the cylinder the position described, in kN, Evaluate the tensile force in the wire when the top of the cylinder is 0.60 m above the water surface, in kN. Evaluate the rise in the tide that will lift the anchor from the bottom of the sea, in meters Solution: ) Buoyant force on the cylinder for the position described, in kN 1.20 Vol. of concrete, block = 0.50 me! 7.224 kNIm? BF, = 7,4 V ‘ BF, =9.81(1 { Zc2403) BF, = 3.43 KN ® Tensile force in the wire when the top of the cylinder is 0.60 m above the water surface, in KN. T +0.8KN = BF, T=3.428-0.8 T= 2628 kN ® Rise in the tide that will ift the anchor from the bottom of the sea, in meters 24(0.5)=12 KN BF, + BF, = 12+08 gai(t 03 20a +h) + 9,81(1.03}(0.5) = 1240.8 h=0.378m

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