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‘Theory neo the recent am rou levelpments of thee tial work —the talian movements during the tice — parasite ofthe eset kane inthe States, OPPOSITIONS hesine theprewetat important by of ee with the pulliation of“ Architeture dans Bwhir" by BanfreTuri ome of ‘heme repeat tiga thie eral Taare work peony arte iy bis pilospialpniion within the dakete materials appriaeh, he Ie devceped by means af acer ‘ante cane dra re rou and iain structural With ‘nin tusis ie ha developed a pers ‘rithm which signal roan in sty Within bic ete he eal te despa ritique of mee rita ap tether. hi ise im fm tenia ese ere neh Thin presentation emprtan ir theft that iLcontains seme! Thfur' central ik, scusse it any with espeet toa Hall cantext It als elton tothe te “afar devel an diresen tspologs fr ferent spproacies to in which e stinger "ise pam for erie. he Firat i the eoederaion of langage soviet! neutrality the su, the tomsieratinn ofthe diwolition of legge. an the third the onsileraon of are tecure as irony 1 Architecture dans le Budo: The language of ertciam and the erin of tanguange Manfred Tati ‘Trunslatlonby Vietor Caine which ein ers is ow po tempi toorganizeintllertl work ingoreral and "areivectare” urate within the sual proves of Prd Tar sheenural epaniztion ft balling process” Tecmo ten the un ei jet of sali ra cr aime i Nitin in Arebitets Enver Pape 19% Manfred Tauris bor is Rome 1985, He yradate in archiestar in 1964, aa hasta: she histor of tecture atthe Unlversieo on, lan al Pacem Since 1568 hes been Chale ofthe Faeuty of Directrof the tnstitate af atry a te Architertae insite Venice Heian momber of le Sietifie Caunetat te International Center of Stadiosaf Archecture Andrea Pallas” of Vicenza avton the omits of eto of the aga ‘Meith Mia pbb rks includ! Tori avira Ra 1 Lsbehettann dt Cisvesn Hae 1 Prete wn Bars HE, iver in elisoraton) Bar 197 Hee presently working on atsken thestdy af the relationship between Ue avant arde and eontengurary aretitectur, Matin "bevebitetn Macritieae To wore with lftaver materials with the garbage and Ahrewcaenye of cur daly and svronglce existence, a fegral spent af the trulithn of manern art, ae were tragic reveal of the informal ita things of quality thegh Ahlel the artist ernest terms with the merk objets Ne Aorler then that ithe st heartfelt collton tay Is et fof wishing to sarage values pertinent to architecture, the Cy mine eto employ "wae arp” materials hai tinploy what bas been discarded on the batted afer the ‘ete ofthe Modern moverner. Thus, the new “night of ‘rity advange Int Ue eval of the present debate waving fn hae the frgmnts of opin which they theres a “Tala, be who in wil to make architecture peak ie freed lyon materials empty of any al all meaning: be fore to rsive ta degre try al arehitetoe deol, all Arcane of sical function ned say wlopien residven. Ie hit am, the wks af the matern architectural tradition rutonddenly tees rehvca te aigwate hogmesta terete Sicha of language whose core has ben lan ated way ‘awa the tesert of history In rir awn way thove ae teste who rm the te fifties td have rt {he ued tori 4 noe moat of content. Ths pie oF ‘hie rgoriar i that of that cat he jst except Df their vcablary gathered frm the delat lamar lanl ape rena after th sb vonlgrathon of Sei gran Aion he pray om Ut epg plane bib separates the world of realty from the magi ciel uf language, Tt i precely with sense fra certain slvaye eration Ot one driven te desperate ation within tect, The wor ‘ith to cantrot the Taiguaue of eritelam: after ao Detrisie siveratels eich arihstriea!attemps ony reane to feeuratract singlesiuledly Ube stem af Imelahire sigue which ar too epenlyproblenaic £0 ‘be let iat as disquieting beings We most immediately arn tered that ae hae inte tm of fevlwing recent architect tenia, Tasted, We ‘soul Hie to fos attention on set of parila impor {ant attitudes, asking ourselves which foe ericam must take. We wil therefore examine: (1) thie tee hich sped telnet pari anc meray nc vt caster oglu ong oa pe sledge boesoersteal relies elk ae tof foveal the anowers offered y the yrfecton und tat reser i eso rerew an waren gus pe ‘eur on withthe snperinenna hearer de cinch ve been Intuened By foals method 2 search tered onthe dol of reap ue oh tonol fe etalogiaenionment research ich imergrtearctetore a criiom an iron, te el that shh snr dene the ply ft arte vnmantatn narra wel eee infor tnd ihe emergence oft teat whieh ine ‘estte the agitate Svan of abr, whith mover ovaries understating of he techn ein itech ar a renptleparter Ina ecmic “amc ans sv mgr ety vein hr pro ton ep Al ti we wl Go late Wh pecs et eters nellectls and else muvemen We must. hoover ep in ltl tat any analyse wie a tempts to grasp the stractaral relationahiy between the sesiie forms the arehitecturallangusse a the World of Drocton of which they ave a part must lo 0 by vioatiog {heobeet ofthe analysis ae, Cisi, inother word sees tse costae (9 apt a “repressive” chararer if i shes to row that whieh been langues fees to and if after all st wihes the "arta lence ofthe sen ‘jot: A hoe be acutely pointe ou, to Nitaace's ques ‘don ho speaks?” Mallarmé has answered, "The word it ‘sie This wold apparent excite any stem to question the tinguage ast aston af meanings whine Wseae Rie aconars to reveal And where contrnporary architestane ‘poten cotentat ees, the probleme of its menting, we raat Tok forthe signs ofa regressive utopia, even i these signs imine a struggle again the role of ngnage This srugee is ‘apparent ie see ow, in recent works the composters ‘retnen ontlatesprecaroly between the forme of “or trent” and those of “riiiam™ The best example of thie is Sen ie the work of Jamies Sling: Kenneth Frampton, Mare Figen t. Devin Ci Ginssart Joseph Rykowert, and Chale Use Krier for De following the description by Ebenezer Howard, was to have Central are of the Meal Garten City. The hip, far whom: eters formal gesture it snk the spectator, Sting has revealed the fan endestranipltion of the grammar and reitertursl sgn. He exploys with extreme igure & Siemens AG. benlynarters Munich men String arciter cevhoronce the foemalitie le of contrast md his languages element: the rotation ofthe az ntthetie material al echnoliealdstrtona! The revalt ‘taect controled brindewr inn mectanhorienl eferewee to ‘meting very dear tothe English architect: Ue aches potion of the wee of Kenneth Frampton has accurter label the Leicester University Enginesring Laboratory (ig. 3), a trie leben sailing inthe seu the patie whi a cual set co ring an enigmatic evurse, Ye sears Siting dest npprectate such “Tshing for references” the porthole wih inonealy comes tp ft the fae af the foratories at keno Ine tbe ating Menievin al oem Gest to sas reference th def the Pale the Soviets (1425) by the Venn bors fg Wet the {me the ship coe ack the ne wth proper ere references inthe terracing, Ue gener organist ol te Somum acto wae of tix Anton Mets Hal at St Ing the si ike th partes, bliss somimunty Th ship. the meaetery athe planters retherehy equivalent. Boor adie tuelee perfec com tnorelinegratis ty ita htt fun the world, Le Corsi and Sting Lester pment a Tharete and pana anol becuse se erry decent a (hen prtea forthe uno language Te charged stunaphere-of che ome rebels of the 18508 af the Inepealet Grovp af hich Stirling was a member ferwrn 142un 1956, hoe the 4 ober mation of language fonnplen. syatactic an ambixuinesemantie feferecen als lilies the "unctinthe existential ff the work, Ye only das with situa fone ress Maile Hal reprecentethentrically the spare of communal iteration ‘hich from the ine of Ue Sprig Ulocke IS2D) of Mice Trinkvan i, to he boos cumini IZ af Mes Ginsburg ig. 8), the psa plans of Le Conbusier ad ret. The aff ete cnlersond aah nterwening of ti anton a ellertive Heth The A Aion ant Peter Smithson, a the bulling of Park HA an Rohin Hood Gardens’—the orthodoxy of the Mery mie tment hal hoped to make perable a opacce of sect pre neg the pe destin te hs ties ibe apace fat ambipuotnly ccilates betes the emptlnest 4 form and ecse om fon” —Uhat ie, architect fs an autonomne machine a ii pled uti Une History Duilinea¢ Cumbre ‘fg? and made expt in the pri ie a hy aban the each pene in which the Nailher attracted nor roped by the indepenentarteul tion ot Stirkng’ formal chines, he server Freed in ste of biel to rerugniz tha thls arehiteetare des tn lel speak ee omy langage one shat fe pereesety eee into iat. Us ponsble onl to snk or ai, force Into tool jut an oeating ts the pervere play of corment it x repetition inthe desperate sareh for the {neti ofthe igs emacs preibion aftar on ta remed the search fr te hallowed rennin the Tenguage. The operations eared out by Surling are exe Piaey: they pint he ste invinae the fll ream ‘architecture a a dicourse, Tn thie ght, the fonetonal ‘rhicam which re constantly leveled ut String are at nee forret an une? once hag artifical aeconetrcted Ineperert sirurtare of lrjuage the eritiisms are invita tives of eign ai te domi of the re We ure therefore fel tack tou inital problem; that i. in sich rin may cites tcore eomruine in ah & pervers pny" under whose ambiguous sign the entire critical act are always found theses of dstnguleing, pa ating oral disintegrating» given strutare, Withot the act of listigaLing the object unler analysis i rpms to rewrite tis self-evidant that there dvs not exist eit sem that des nut flow the proccss which generate the werk isl, one whic doesnot reply the elements of te Work into aliferen ter only for the sake of consract The typeibcieal mri Veit ore tht there hens wha right be eae the doubling of the object under rita ex Emitin, The simpli analyse of architecture, whieh ages fe to speak af terns a Zags, weal be deer tion pure and simple, Such an aalysie would be unable bretk the magic elle thatthe work in question draws rou tof a it won thereire nly be ale to manip Tate within ot mite the slfsme proces that generate the ork, thechy resting ite The nly extern Feferen of such on “itemize” renting would be fund in the gaps ferent in the nwt ubjeet Heel, Thaw thie hubling event by ers mst go beyond merely co strveling "eso language” to Rat above theo te Tian Barth sprake of 1°The creation of typlagieal ode which Ext Garton hue correctly meen athe on sie way single ont system and cole of reference for prove eapubie of 0) define aves of seructaral constants {ovform a ase un hich to measure the dogo of ue tion In each ehitestaral experiment (he typaogy of the Palatian waa developed by Rudolf Witkower is» peime ‘example and 12) allowing a dynamic comparison between {he srs of cnsants an ce stretnes hie deterne the ponsbuty ofthe very existence af arbiteture. nthe hve method there ina erdnneysubvision between srae ture and superstructure, There i only idetenee upon ct ‘ton ofthe analyit of a est of the “Turcton” ofthe com Ienationeajstm, atthe decoare on fanaa neues farther slaifeston, Criticism paint oat with precision ‘terol in relation onvoluted arhitectoral proposal only bpecaase these are tay the ret apparent At the borders, the linguistic residues—that i those {spect of tho rea whieh have no een nesolved fn Fm 8 the architecture of «James Stirling, «Lovia Kako, ora Vie tor Lanay are ser eliminated: if there tht te a folate presen of frm makes “scandals” the existente of ‘he caual even in that easal behavior pa exetleve, bum presen. The rewaeh by Alo Rots provides an exeotont example to strate a thme whisk inexorably divides the entie eure of endern ar!" Rca anawers the potis of ambiguity of Sohn Johansen or a Rahert Westar! with the liberation of farehiteeure fTom any embrace with reality. from any lter= upton by ekanee ar hy any empl i its tly sae fa ge systrn, The “senda” of String arhitetare i an, elu is a amiga suaperson between archi tecture asa pare chjeet und redundancy of hermetic com munications. The architetore of Rusa suppresses such a ‘andl. The voc of fan hat fell forth excl ll stern jonifcations The spufe qualities of srehitectare areset dwn into nuniverte afearofull aseeted rae thin Ivhic the bewof exelsion dominates, al a fut Ue com {roiling expression. Begley withthe manament of Segrate {Uons? tothe desis for the City Hall of Maggi 1872) tg 15) au the cemetary of Modena M1971! tf. 1D, Rost lecline amt alpabet that rejects all articulation. A the fbstract representation of fa nem arbitrary Haws it maker falls kt the stratursl mature af langue eet Bah Inga aya of empty signs grammed exthisins, Figorns Timittione tcoveas the faflerle nature of the actiteury tin the flee dialectic between freedom and mores that ape Characterintc of the lngisticurder "Pure Art” Ue object of ‘fame dseusion between Walter Benjnin and Theotor Adorno, sete forth in sich works ite own prince of legitives “Th emptied sgn i an the instrument of the metaphysics of De Chirico. of the dreanlie resism of the eae ‘Seiebtvt al of the astound enna projected uns ob {este by the school ofthe Nouvens Rogar With these, Rose ‘Sharon ly a sort of farts nostalgia forthe struatore of Communication, Bat for him, its communiention that bas rothing speak sbout except the Mite quality of ts eae "ystam, wherein the cjedne of the “Angelus Novus” has oes, fhezing words ino salt pias Mis van der Rohe Fast already experimented with the language of emptiness fn silence, You for Bes the tenalaton of the ign ail ‘rmed within the presence of the rel, hat ito my. by eo trast with the elty sel, In Row, wever the categorical imperative lives as the absolute alienation of form. 19 the Gaeltislls Oing win of achieving an empl saernness—an experience uf the Ismovahle ant of the ternal return to geomestie ‘mbleme reduced tobeing mens ports!" “There iv a precise renson for this phenomenon, The result shat Rw approaches ie thie of dorwnstrating. without ny ctumee further ape tha by treme af orm fom the ‘domain of daily expersnce, be incontinsll fred trea agate the cera! point from whic sommbniation peng forth, yeti unable eo dra fron the soure self. This mot cause of any init of the architec, hat rather becase thiseenter” hss beer Mistrial deste fan atte of ey-Bnlghtenment found sm Rosa st be aero a st rocoterad example of a ireverne act ofthe eighteenth ‘ontury—the fragmentation ofthe “oer of sceurse® Only the ght ofthat oder ea ody be ward about Yet the aceaatins of fase hare! at Rost aa Hite since His fttempis tthe recovery of an ahistriicing form exelade ‘ertaliztion afi content and any compromise with the 1 this manner such research fesse in its extreme at engl saite the institation af arbitesture, The thre of Avitdne with whist Ros waves his work, doce mot Yetstablish the dept, but rather disalvee it thereby ‘making true the tragic acknowledgement of Geo Simmel 2 form which sopen tlie serves cannot give eel ‘A tunamentals important result sings forth fom ths ve which has in fet sleady boon taken for grote in ou fortemporary caltore fut which i continually cast ase The refuel to manipulate frm ae Rows soins, in fat coneliles a debate that was personally fought First by AdeiE os. and which has in Kar rau ts iehet expen, This erst epoch which Ihave know whem as sil so small nd Which wl again become smal if there le any time loft. inthis noisy epoch Which resnands fom the rendu aya of fact which ye mews and Res ‘hich sto be bane forthe iets Tn thisegnch one sb ot wal for any parear wore fon te, hme asi fam ‘husone,wthich barely verves to preserve the iene of mi understanding. Tn deeply rated in ne i the respect for the immutable, the subordistion of langage co fate, With In the meals af the poverty of fantaty, where man dies from spirteal starvation without ever discovering, hs spetual hunger, where pens are diyped tn Dc. and ssa in ink tht which Is pas ght to be fet, hat Cat ‘whl is oly havent i ineffable, Let them ra awa rom the my wor. Nor would Tbe abl o speak any new word fi within the room whore ane writes the nef lo sn if comes from shia, babien or ony tench ms is fot wo important: He who adds word to futedefaces the Vand the Feta hereore fs duly despite. Tis rafesson has nt extinguished Hoof Those whe now have hathing my, been ats Rave words continue to speak, Wo who baa something toy, tp forward sale sen" Tr facts possess the word then nithing renais bt ts have faci speak ant preserve, insect, the spectrum of rest ‘veluet Of theseand here Kar Kraus, Adolf Lins an ed ‘wiz Wittgenstein agree "we cameos speak” that i without Contarsinating them, Leon exposes clearly, Yet to ref to peak with architstare we ma mio uniyUbat which ede te the won eanent= thats the arti eesti of olor sive memory. tue “parallel action” of "aan without tyualty"-anl the fonb—the ila af & universe beyond ath Only inthe service of anor factions, rt ene {hat i nove posse to bl irl spaces The aforementioned statement by Simmel is thus now in vented and thereby contemad: the woe af lie exclu tt of form, of a} least Keeps it eomeantly in cele Ts the Caltaretee neighborbord in Milan othe moderated expree sionism of Carlo Aymouino, who arenes his reside Docks ah they converse Int tHe fulenion of the open-air ‘heater in a complex play of arta streets sd nodes igs 15-19), Rent ereats an oppaiton in the sere preciion of his geometric block whichis held shove ieclgy ah tore all utopian propa fr anew lest ‘The complex as designed by Aymonino wie to underscore every roseation, every” jeint, every formal artifice Aymonine apparently wants 14 speak the ngage of ‘nperimpositin end compleaity, within which singe objects Violently trang together insist apon dsplaying ther ine Alvida role within se eine "maine Yet md quite al icantly, Arman Offi bloke within hie ele feve fet the need to confrnt imeelf wilh propel Fasally apposed hiss And Is here Ua i, ing the agrogaton of Aytnonin's signs the abwolte sign of Ria The postion tken by Kraus and Loos is not negated its however. mie more ambiguous, Because fate have words fm my’ lent, The rimutanens presence of ches con fate mescager te of havior, ava mute objec eased Init equally vbstnate timidity, “narrate” isan exemplary fasion the drama of moder architecture, Arebitecune one ngain, has mace iste on eel, But this Ue, bn an Ceual way! ata colloquy, that i Detoeen to angus tshichappreach the same rst, The complexity of AY Bind the silence of Rosas two ways Uo declan the staal ‘Stu uf the yew lants—we recall ere the expressionist, Senified theme angle” of mass ck” ‘Thrwughout this discus, we Bave deliberately ataished the analysis a spe phepomenen with reference tow cor dt eof eric The exams uf String an! Rost have proven tssfl precisly beenaxe im thelr presence the very pure we are dellng with thie extreme tuations which aro Trportant. to the current debate on the architectural Tangonge a eon inthe work of Louie Kaba, Denys Lasdur thecF Wel and the Faianexperinentait,sueh a8 Vira De Peo theStasegrospor Vitari Grepott” {n writing about De Peo, Francesco Dal Co speaks of a tend arcitecture’* And infact, the works of De Fe rong the most remarkable of recent Tealian work—oseilave Seren the eration of wotitely virtual spares an pol0g= fal resupeh at the level of the organism. The experiment tion mith the deformation of geumetriecleents is pred rots so nthe projet for Use new House of Representa tives in Rome, pane ith te Stas group (1957); the Tee neal sehol at Torn (18-74) ge 25-20; and the compet tion for an Esso service station CSTD) (igs, 28.29), Here, De Figure 24 Regional aces igure 2h Rca! whoa, Pr. aaaverton, Dreste, Vittoria De Pou Vitoria De Frye Bere Aci dt aaociten avehitet, 1973. architec, 1088-7 Peraprtive Figure 26. Tenet So Pignre 2s, Regiowal eect pan fempetition. Dea of el igure 2¢ Tecnica! Sehek etait of ‘paling, ner compton Foo toate goumetry ax primary element tobe Juxtapnsed with the chosen functional order. Compared to the purism of ress the architecture of De Peo oF for that matter of cargioClacc ast Mario Marte Els, appears more emp Calan asa. However, withinlts search for the pure ain trinte qualities af fran, ft porssees quater at once self rca and slfiroie, which ure reveled a8 «disenchanted fp image (and whercin the cxseperated geometric play of the Easo station is resvedD, Ty ix pomble here to fl trarning! once the "form is made fre:" the geometric Uniceree becemes an oncontrllable “adventure” Without {tube tnilo tution are etry born upon reflections or the themes itraduced by Kaba: ye, for Italians n partie Tar each stu of linguistic toi Toe the antic aura and simple fh nthe charismatic power of institutions. We are therefore faced with an apparent paradox. Those who con: fontrate un ngulstie experimentation have Tost theo ‘Gone about the inovative powers of communication. Yet by rcepting the relative independance af aytactic research, we Terence coe Ths delther De Feo nor Maniri-Elin are hie to lnk ther choie of reference cote tot mltable act af Camere! bien im Holt may have other means of sel “xprestio. “To what pon then is tis astute comparable to that of the ve Aretiects” wha in the panorama of intertional frchitctore, appear closest to conceting of architecture tea rection upon feel sn upon fs internal articulations? Tse indeed posse to apeale of their work as “manners mon the rune" Mar Gundelanas has corecly singed ut the specific areas uf iteest in the work of Michael Graves—ti interest the elsnicist eo eubist paling. the treitions ofthe Modern mavoment, and nature” Yet we shoul be wary. We ate again dealing with “lose systems ‘thin whi the themes of pyeemy and plralism are formed and contaled and within whi the poet ofthe fletor is resived in an istitational, oat ber monamen {ai Format, (he onfynoaree whlch appears to defy such Interpetation i that whieh refors othe Modern movement Tvertheless tis is read by Graver as oly signifying Imscapiysica anal “twentieth entry” thus peraiting our schema to remain valid) Having established a system of Wh Wt dl ae ATT R limitations and excusing, Graves able ta manipulate bi Imsterias na ft series of operations ath ume titi system allows hie to show how a canfiction or an expla ton of linguist proceeea permite an indirect. contro ove the design tes within De pretravne system neste sows, In other words, Miche! Graves. Peter Blsesman snd Richard Meier give row ie tou meth which pring from the clssifeation ofthe static process inthe sre nt farmlion, in its origina ui, which perpetuate Urs their ork (figs. 3230. "Senate stertin.” the pvotat in of the Russian formalist, this bong oie agin ‘nobsious manner atthe Renaeverat Hows by Graver, With tn thie works well in the rice hittin melee tuetic decompositions of Eiken, we may see a aor of analytic iboratory devoted to experimentation upon highly feleet forms; rather than just 4 mere penchant fy Terr 2 tase forthe abstract, eco intercom t ak haw such works may appear Jetie role i without doubt to provide x seected catabgue Df design spmiches appeal to preetermivel sitaatone Tisthen useless ask thir eorpariat tdeeies are ane nt tet. As examples of ng structures We ‘amon a tat they bo rigorous nthe abo aston jam, Only in this fashion ca theie nostalgic aburvion be neutralized and thereby acho ther nee to remain isolation (an acknowledgement, ty the way, whieh wal never he aprent frum the slate tite gesture Philip Jobson Let ucuttempt trecotruct Use analysis tate. Ine 1 specifi rang af the langages employed aswell asthe Use of different maesof speach oti analy To unter stand Stirling’ work it necessary to reer to the tel nological acthcte sad the theory af information Onl by xo doing wil it be posite to bee cotpletaly aare ofthe tiaale tend his semantie estortins, Rat the thee f formation reveals tle tos abut Roses stl 0 Spl tal constrains, eed, Rosa's formalism pers te want to ‘halen even the original formulation of the lingua fo ‘alam of Viktor Skovaky or of Vievolod M, Eicher Figure 2, Henacerve Haws, recon, New derney Mbit ‘Graven avchitet 96% ew, Bika Figure td, Hose Bh, Hack, edt not wish top forward a theory oferta ene, ‘Ne rather itond to point out that every eiticalastin ie seen in fact an composite of acl und the object being ‘ulytd. Tay the, a highly specialized wlio ana ete strongly characteris by lingule see, cum have ny one ress tant. inet and webu the geometric meta hrs of Ue msitonalrigorists” may prove to be an endless game which ty eventually eo useless when, a Etera's Work, Te process of ssemlage saltepettor expiant presente su highly diacte manner. In the free cf sath produce: the ale of ertciom ia to bog frm within the Work only to cope fro ¢ a bion wa ponte ns nt tobe caught te Icius ciele of language that speaks only of tel. Ob ‘aay the proiene nf crite Ie enewhere, We do ot ‘lave in the artical “New Trend” within contemporary rehtctore® Yot thors ie tle doubt thut Ure exists ‘ilesprend atte that sitet on repseeing the nique eval eunteats an highlighting Hat a excep ‘ent—and hence a surrealistic ane—bs pling in areathesa With the fue of objets generated by the produc iim agetem. Ti psibe to speak of these sete aan ach tetare dae fe howled wth only branoe we fed oar ves taced witha “aehitetur of cruelty asthe works of Fusing aid Rael have demoted wih thelr etal of ingge-ne-aayatem-of-exelisons, Bt alay Becntse the reenant aii with he structural vigurof the literate the Mary de Sade. "There, here he stake inten evers= big mde speak fx Tat the utopia of Eton Sale solved within the dinvers that ims Fewlom sings from maximum trtor—where the whole i serie “this the supreme envtraing ofa geuretrs rast inthe “rraive To regain an “oder of discourse” nay today prove 1 bea safeguard for certain subjeti Keren ‘eg ater ite destractbn bythe svan-gume hnvash gies tong the techniques af mas information und with the de ppetrance athe work of at int the darby line, Thre lwo coctraticliony, ever: On the ene baad a with the inlghtenment utopia, auch stents ar dertined to reveal Da iberty serves ny ta mshe a ilence speak tht i, one 1, Hone in Bend Rid Meier cannot bring voluntary action ta oppute a structure On the fther band, the “orders of Wace” are at attempt fo ko beyond this impasse and propore a foundation for 4 new statute of arcbleciure, Such eontradiedene are actly Ueorized in the work sf Kat since the milfs, Yet we have nt oxaped the hermit play of language ‘Te questions etc mst no ak are: Wht rakes sh suaties and research ponte? What are the cantexis and structases within which they operate? What to within the preset day proctioneystem? Some of these queations have ary been answered is oar Aiacussion, We can add, however, thal they are cut-offs of 4 bration aster hich amit; renew fs forms, eh ting t peripheral sects of pessoal ongarientions the ‘task of experimenting with sew mess in fast st would prove afl t flow the wty in whieh the new form models bruit forth by the jolted form-nakers, are to te in Uiterentised abit by axsgming the role of "west of the ‘ieiptne” te figures whose tach eto preserve th eancept and role ufarchitectre aa triton ject, an obfest tat preserve intrisie yualtic of eommnieatin. Thus We ba ‘don the objet itself and maven the system aie sel blves meaning. And erie thereby explicitly ve tin "ist rma pectic tas to the structure tht eandton he al meaning uf the objet. Our sttement concerning the role of erin nthe violation of Ue objet in question fo becomes clear From the examination of those opposing at tert which aim us being arelitetae bak fnta the real of sctra,w hive come ta single vat the rele of the architec tural discourse, therehy aerioulyqueetoning the pace ad scape uf thow attempts, We rst move farther On several castors we have tied to show that in 2 ielettids of the historical weantgade, the alternatives that appear as opposttes—crder and disorder. laws ard change structive ard chaos are in really entirely comple tventnry> We have seen this exemplified in the Galaratese heightorhood in Milan, within whic the disletic between Davi und construction Is made entirely bvieus. Ba the historic import of sh a eomplersentary aystem goes beyond the epecfie example, To eyrade the materials ot of which ammtrication eas by comprom them with he ec onplace and forcing them be mirrored in the anebus ‘feamp of merchandiing, this redaing theta to astonish und emptiel signs she process hich ead rom the tage Cwnings of the Cabaret Voltaire, tothe Merabau of Kurt ‘Schwitters fg 5) tothe pictures compsed by telephone of Tatly Moboly- Nagy. Yet there se surpesing result "This lseeating imeserson ito chase becomes the promise fr the fxistene efa new neans, which having abrorbed the lg of hat ehuos i nos? ready to dinate i rom within, “Tha we hae the fom of the infirmale-as a vitor the fine hand we have the manipulation of pie sige four tons ta an architectural construction the other had the aceeptance of the definite of dssoltin. The contre of the ehaoh avd of Ue casa requires thi double attitude. As nblf Avni hae seevrately observed. "The precocious in Exence on ini forse of te manor pretty 1 the works of Jean Arp which are aru eating eymtomatio fant in the subsequent manifestation of doedee appearing a “pposte points, are ip reality smplone ofthe very same hendonment’™ The pape dechine of Passo belong co th lpi, Ht he testimony of Arp whieh ates Clear the proces thst tes ogethee the aimation ofthe Forms to ies or destruction Aout HE pictures of fad taen papers were born ‘Why worry about achieving perfeton, purity, when ican tnever by reached? now weoned she decay wich begins psoner Dhan when the worl ended The dita with Thy hands ines and sme deta of the pitare He i overenme by a savage enthusiagn and smears the pining with clea A dticate collage of waterclored paper i lot Dast and insets ae als effet in deste Thom Light waster the color. The sun and ent protuce Ulncrs disntegrate the paper, crac the paint dis tegraing it: Humidity create mau the work falls to pees, les, The dest fa painting no longer drives me {esate tha made my’ et with es passing on ard no ie wae forme part ofthe panting. But death grew, devour ing both the painting and hla. =. The form had become firmly the Finite anit, the vidual the AL "The formless that i the risk of existence then mo Tonger renin ane fit accepted ae guise materia” Ard ‘ocvora.larguage ay thus spon of Ue indeterminate, the ‘aval the transient. The bapoening gives eredence othe ob Streation by dean Fuutror that ary today" may on ‘ectry tant ony by Aesteuy ng itself can ie etiully ene iteel€"> Vet thie but an tempt to give meaning to the phenomenon of ass onsamption. Tenet by chance then tags poout many wich celebrations ofthe frmlesenes ak place under te banner of teehoogieal utopia The irtat Trg ual rie metaphors ot Arehigram or of the Aeon troup. oF of architecture conceived aan explain of fra nents by Join Johaneer, sink Ueir roots dep into the te togieal myth. Technsgy ean thereby be enslaved in the Configuration cf an eniely virtual space. Fe may be read, ina rnpste manner, a4 “sacnd nate.” the oes of wes it rruy ee become the subject for formalist chit-chat. a I the part ofthe mark of Soviet construetiviin wherein the form selfstructs to make way for mestges esinating ‘rho, like Bruno Zvi attempt to compile a code of such roceammad slf-destructin." What remains hidden in a of these abeicuct furore ie the general sense of their own tnasohisti disintegration, And ix precisely with reference to these experiences tata eral method es iapird by the Iecbrologealaesthetit of Max Benee or hy the information theory of Abrabatn Moje, ray’ be frucully apple. This is nly oust hoeause, n 4 manner ever greater than Sit- Ting’ they sel a language truly Beng cf the tchnologes) realm: they atemps te invest the entre physieal ting with larged asta uf infirmation in an effort to reunite “the (word an the object.” and contribute Wo daly existence an “Intonamous structure of communication. Te i pit aleatory then thatthe already extort intiges of Archigeam, or the rial and wilful ironies of Rober: Venturi or of Hans Fisein simultaneously ami and reteet the fed of inter- sonton of arehitectare- They amplify Wt ieoiar as tir gral Je the dominance ofall vist space, and restrict insofar as they ndeotand that space sclely a ntwoe of superruc “There is omever, «resulta thin which emerges in projects sich a that by Vertor nd Rauch fr the American Bleen- oni Calbestion {fg 85) n Philp Mor, there i ‘inger« devve to sommuniete; the ushiecture tx dis sve nto an unsteuctured system of ephemeral signals. La ead of ramivutatlon, there bra fes of informatie fea of an architecture legge, shee ian attempt to doce ite n ssemodim without ae clagte ese fete of an ax fork to restrtie the urban spe tere isa disenchanted acceptance of reality, becoming anes cof purest eynielm. (Exce, after aly always carries ‘iia conotatin | Tn ths fabio, Vrtat placing Mine Gon an exelisively linguistic fmewank, bas reach ‘tl devaltion wf the langage act. Phe meaning of the Mtr af the world of publics, lve non ital. He here achieves the eymetricallycppred rvalt of that Seb by the compositional vigorists, For the ater its the staphiel retrieval pf be” of apehitetireextratet fram the fh of existence, For Vent ithe n-utia= ngage ol, having deonomod that eiteaae city. once having td contat with realty, makes i 1 warning tals in bath cas the language ows na leeive luc If the pretugucinte of centenary arshterire at ines ale the mask of Don Quite, isan at ht has Tess auperfica meaing than i eal appre, fin ast ‘eonstituies unconselosly, a vertable language of dal ian Langtige has the reached he jin of sen at igor faesing om the mechiem Te oem wet, oF 8 ty with to explode into the problematic space af ext fence Yet des nt such a pth, which historically spans the ‘atte deendes repeat a previous event? Te bt the ane? {Malaria "is the word self whieh pet analogoas the trait realization by Krave and Lane neta ave “rds und ison that which hs bee meter hat in Tabla"? And, after all has not the destiny of the erica reantyare been tht of destroying elf over the plans ‘storey frustrate one at thatthe Iteetua an gement of Tlie? Tho return langage ix pret of re, Iti noseusary to examine to What degree sich & Iulure ir due to the intense character ofthe architectaral Shlpine an co what dezree i is due to a stl unresolved mbit. Fiore ce Kut Sober Br ony HH af Figures Pruet rth America Beeentennial Phitdelphia. Newturh tind enc robe 1972 roation, Michel Foucault hs observed ow bere exits a sort of unevenness among the ways of employing language’ ~The Aeeosion whic are spoken’ throughout the days and ex ‘mugen which pose say withthe vary tion which pre ‘eunced them: and the discussions which reat the arg of Certain uber of tem acts. of words which pick these tp (ansfoe or tel cin other words dlacusinn wich ‘eran nefritely beyond thee own formation, and which ‘treti,have ben ail vermai sil tobe sa™ Tab AUspiacement which ir apparent not shalt, yet strong aoogh to bea finetionl dscrinicast among the levels of Tingulstic organization, The Modern riovement ad, in it n= tints. atiempled te eliminate such daplacement Gwe sre teterring spetialy tw the poemieal potion of Hannes Meyer, tothe prose rationatiem uf Hae Ssh, to the tance taken by periieals uch se ABC ve (and tothe testhetie formulation of Korel Tig, Walter Benjamin and Haas Mukirvesky)" But tis Foul hime who recs nines the nitzam of such an apprack. “The ral repeal of fame after Horger ofa commertary whieh ill be thing Trove thin the reuppearances word for word {yet this time elem and lng-awalted of the cjct ofthe comment eel the game. ne ai, of viii which pa erly By no chance are we dealing with an apprasch epos shich cnverge. nse whorn dencka bas called the "Supersen- ‘lite — that is Bans Holi, Walter Pebler or Rican Botil—preceded a they were (and this Jones oes ot bring cut by much of the late work of Llayd Wright andthe impo tent prefiguration of the techtlagtal avant-garde, The liminaticn of the displacement between the discussione ‘which are syoken” and thive “which are aid” cannot be realty aecomplshed at the level of Che language elt ‘The explosion of stchtetane cit towns reality hs within it comprehensive gual whisk becomes evident swe unde Mand the ars of research apon which the work of euch men te Raymond Unwin, Barry Parker, Clarence Ste Charis Harris Whitaker, Henry Weight, Fritz Schumacher, Ernst May and Hannes Meyer, bused What tes together the red which is aon a an aorative to the works jus analyze, i the preeminent position of ‘trutural onserations inte woke It always posible to Snalyae lingulstialy the urban models of New Barswick, Prllnan Town, Redbarn of of Battery Park Cty. But ve ‘would have tobe aware that it would be wn sri ats mich Ss in the ease of one Who upon analyzing am assemblage of Resechenberg would readily lee himself in cataloging the origins of eh pce. Tn reall), aad this ean be proved Nstrely the current to which ware referring interpret architecture s an altogether nope phenomenon, Of pi rary concern, however, are typological silyes—the Iie {roluctin of the concept ofthe econams evele athe deter- mining varinble for nny proposed structure and the comple tion ot the Intervention by a mspsblling of protutive capacities a wel aa by the development of ronal pla, In all his thore sap attempt at a radical modification af the social livison of ator and therefore ofthe task of panning And design. The abandonment of professional practic ad the seston of the ost Cast Archie in Rebun tl ‘Torn Planing a the Ministry of Heth (1918) by Raymond Ci, the introduction of a new professionalism by Martin Wagner as Stacthaurat of Berlin between 1925 and 1985, the lechaieakpoltieal activity of Rexford Txeell within’ the Resettlement Administration during tae New Deal ora, anc the tecnica hich tela shonee to sek in contact ith wperative organizations ar public agencies, withont doubt rake for alteraatives ater than those fllowed by people ‘sivas of preserving a Uinguste “aur for architecture The latter do not fll Sno politcal mixunderstandings sod ambiguities aot they pay teary for thee wish for pari ‘sith sr untinelnean—a no-stoether secondary reason for their charm. The second ones ak 30 be Judged ln terms of theiepalitieal reat, even i they have not hen akogether Soccessfil Tiss brcaase in their work they have flowed 2 logic whish ambiguous straes capitalistic development the organizations andetiae movemvante, Under the best cond tions they hive tried to postslate an irimediae eoncience between the objectives of urban and nrductie reform and the claims of the bated strategies of workers! movements sn their organisations RN Ite jutitnly, this i the Holo site of these ap: ronches, masilying aapect against ich say polsmic ist undertake political characteristice. There exist, fomever an undergrcund earrent which az ash removed som the architeetoral discipline fm form to reform hich perhaps may overcome certain ambiguities In fess stone ne tendency is dscernibe among ll hese varias (emplaarole fr the “new technician” immersed within se onganiations which determine the capitalistic manage nt of buling nd regional pring. not ax aspects ‘agmge. bit hile. wea price 1 think ofthe areitet a producer to renounce sat stely th trou bogus of valoey ani ulgreds, Aa t etire prediction eyele rather than «single work sired crtical amiysis must be directed towards the tril constraints hich detrei the produto ele H. Yu thie fe not enough, The specific nals must be ae compat eth the dgamice of the vie Pan econemie vision aabordinated othe needs of arshtee re-Taather words to eange Use cue what atchiectare tees tobe o wishes tor towne that which uing rameters which willl ust vertu he nec "iction within the ontveeaptaliatie oyster Te nay he ob Cie that each an ecanomic reading of bung production her than the realing of architeeture as sytem of core ‘nkatons Wee omy answer th, ishing sco th ‘sks of a magician, ite often bettor ta abuere him from ind the seenes rather thant etna stare a i rn est inthe suionce is clear shen tha Plase arbivectra itn caction esce, albeit we a seemnary sleet, i quite nly t overthrow the pram of vlan which ae wally ‘cepted inthe consideration of architecture. Once sich a Algment standard haw been accepes however, is will be ‘teideuous to askin whieh way ieee on men of srtaralorganination sil express of antepata noe foe” waye of Ie. Tht which erin must ek of ‘hietore i what way wil neta asf ea precise “nization. able to influence the relations of proton. : wo) eee se. ft 1 We therefore tind i portant hee to gran certain questions Which Benjamin posed in ane of his more imperant ensays The Author us Producer Now instead of asking what isthe postion of a work with respect tthe relations of postion ofan er, It sin ac ‘om with them, iS x reetionary or fasta tims a their averthru, si rovelutnany: instead ef asking thie questi or at lous before asking i [would keto ak another Therefure, before aeking whats the postion of ‘poem with respect to the relations of production of th ra, would ike to wok wht ets yt within them’ Pa aueston diver eoserrs he fnction ofthe work lative to the relation of titerny production of an era Ia oer swords itis aueation imendiately aimed at the tierary echniguesof Use work” ‘Ths viewpoine is for Benjamin, nc, rcs step hen of ison more iological positions ch as thove expres a the conclusions to Opera d'Avte will space ella sua Author as Producer” there are no cuntetsion® to proposals {ar salvation ty means of tn alternative” une of Hrgutie ements ne ecogy beyond eemmurist” arts oped to 8 “Tazeit” art. "Thove t only a eirustaral cnsieraton — suthontcallystruetural—of the proactive role of intelee {ual activites, and therefe cerain questene regarding of proetion There arw certainly any bacare prints it Benjamins txt eoncering the pital valve of eran tech reat innovation we ae thinking of the connections traced hetvicen Danis and the content of polteal phtomuntage ty Heartieli*—considered “revolutionary” by Benjamin, Yes the substance of is angument vial lay, so mach was ‘ntact to esto a rade revise in the recopriton a Fund rental turning pointe in he history of contmpurary art and frehitecture. Keeping in mind the cextal questa ihat i what isthe prition ofthe werk of art within th relations ot productlon~rany masterpieces” of madern architesture fake ons seonlary (ot atogethor marginal sige ‘while great dou of the current debater wl be relegated to the periry ‘Our coneluting evaluations coneerring the present research or aimed at bringing architect back to ite origina “purty seiherelor taht These stiles whore akacerty isnot se itotare en apr ations” thot ae proposals tend Wo bud an uneentantel layer Hating above CF elon) the truly determining fores: Art for art hasbeen in Tovoen fashion «form of upper last protest against the tnverse of Zivilsetion, in defending Kultur wgatnst loteetaon, Thomas, Moor wan formalsting "= =. the ‘houghte ofan impolite mat” which i fllowed to heir eo Sermne would bt reatfirm the Mniiation betwen art dint play aa act forth by Sehllor—the “eourage to talk of say shen be appesited only axa confession os a fal anacheonist Coingboyond such anachronism thehistory of medern are fectave wil te rewrite, ery favoring the momenta and ‘Nines whieh sncner beet to the questlns set ou by Ber Jann A new historical sweep will eonnoct figures sbeh as Friieh Nauman Henty Fordand Walter Rathena—men tchnoe inte hasbeen tie architects a aero nee Tuanitatinal tasks within Ube expitliste profaction ey arene men auch ae Martin Waptes, Paves and Erost Say abo lave given eonerete meaning to the Socal Dern Bie pun te ange Fusing and aterpte to practite tant piles with by group such ax tose centered Frodriek Law Olmsted of on the Regal Plan Aasoistion EP Qinria: With these ese a new atte towards the fie which inelecteal work may undertake in it efforts 0 Tetbove the capitalistic steams sm build inthe Planed utiation of reourees, Certain ll theve attempts are stil bed ack Dy. trong esgic, Inthe fst pee, hey are inhibited berate they bi towards the “scetion of unresloable cniradi love witout reckoning wth the conerete class movements tuhich are the onl forces which may give meaning to the troggter for titutioal reform, seco, becuase they SER intellect work coma, beng an rst ‘font whichcan nly inflenee structural reforms by means of roverving and sirengbening its ove utopian character Thi EiSome apparent as when the tare ofthe problem ver fren achange and eater eras f implementation, a8 ech ithe impact between radleal European architects and the ‘nest Soviet Five Year Phang or between the members ofthe PAA an the contraieory plitis af the Neve Deal, a8 well ne when the very prcese of propased development ell into ‘juntion the role of Msigy ur ofa utopian rel. There ine, onetheless, the fat that, notwithstanding sll the Fable ditertione and ideologeatviees Which Use ap Frosches convey, Ure dined exist a history of attempts {iwants comprehensive organization of itelletusl ork ‘within the relations of praetion. ‘he task of etek {he to revo those atempts, wo avr them inthe Held of ioral anlyee and to erly revel their deficiencies an nbigutien thereby making % readily known (hat those Teanewered probes are the only ones worthy of “polite evion It is Jogical that the question ertciam poses w tht hich weean yo longer name areiteetre but rather gener ronvanication of bilingproveses, must be the same ae it Ace itele that io im which np es exits ener nto the prulucton proceseeat What indeed doos it have to offer or tent that level? How rust trarafora isl? Goce it hasaingled et ass ma reference Use cle orguniaatione)? ‘Nid har itehonen to enti Reif aa an Instrument of these organaations? “Those questions cannot be rewilyanewored without wero Chalenging the present-day crystallization of intelectual Stor nt therefore without callengig our capitalistic divi [obo abor er thee queations give we 4 precise rene of “Mhection in tion, Gell of encounter ait confrontation lieted towards a grester rowel of reality, The ert ‘itm of idelogy an ever asefol wespan in overeoming the fears pits adn ehasing away the danger of follow Togan-rettutonary” hse fae paths al ot by the enemy {ht led nt the dvera-may at this point be translated 8 dn analysis of eonerete techniques whieh will favor Cptalissie development, And stray become a premise t0 futher select tpies to be use as weapons of anal encom fworng ate mths catext the General Strike, hie in 509 marked a new phase the Italian Worker las cen tered othe city amd the how, becomes a fundamental Chaper inthe hatorieal method we ae proposing I becomes Strmach more than the Kolgieal contortion of the tebni ‘Sars whos "curve! over the drawing boards continue to tract the wrong sums” a6 Brecht would sy. be conclusions of our dissonant ut be fraught with Mules Once agin the sustions reed by Renjami are tones which, a8 obetacle along eur way. mst be eon Sate. An te the architect who cept the new role whisk dificult presentalay reality proposes, we tall notte Will he be abe to promote the sittin ofthe spirit mms of production” Does be free the way to organize (he iteletaal tecke within the production, proseoes themselves? Has he any suggestions for trusforming it work and role? Huwever thoroughly he will be able to ‘anne his work towards the end then mo mach move fort Wile thi teoncjzai eo mach higher wl be the lec cal quality of hi work, On the other hand the better Formed hei of his position within the prution proces ‘he eas wig wil he bet pass Unset of as an expunent of te sprit... For che revoltionary struggle ot be- tween apa antthe spr but beeen capitalem and ‘he proletarian 1. CE Michel Foucault, Les Mote ot fs Chasey (Pari: Galtimard eh Note, acevo, that the phage Phe ee {sence ofthe sign" ss attrbatabe to Nictsche 2 See Kenseth Prampzin “Leteser Ciiveray Eygincr. lng Laboratory” Arvhitectuval Design vel, EX. ns 2, 186 61: Wem, Tntormation Ba! revere Bono ol HB ns WS, pp, ITT. em, Andrew Mev Hal St. Annes Universit Scotland are feta sl De on vou Xap 1870, pp. ah.2 Mark irvoard Florey Bul Ing. Oxior” Dh Avehtectur Revo wok ELEN 38, ERB: pp. 0-7: che artic alte frm the pefeencon et th by Franpton concerning the images of SantEay, Cone stractivin, Wright Chareay Brinkman and Van der Vlagt, ‘stalisher'a deine relatonehy betwen the artifead Seetreicing ot Suiting an the Vitoran impractical Cf Battered: See also deep Rpkwert Un 8 flere Parpns'n 15, 1004, ptt ier xebridge!” Bintan 47H 1960 ppb Mion St tn Stora Down iy iO, ppt 5-15. Charles Tenn Tames Stirling or Function Nate Manone cry Move entrsin Ath tcture tHaemondsworthe Uses Penpals Book Lt. hy a. a isp sonent Se Hing oid dali rey ith nus concern Na sta refering fay sai veo of ica ‘emt singh ple obrcture: een parla Sr n ‘An Architect's Approach to Avehitetifa” lla Jon el 7 3, Say 1H yp 28-40 oon ov, Tae pp dab, idem, *AntiStroctares Zialaes ms 18 18, pp 3, Tle opin i ered for cre by. Frampton “Aadevw Btlvle Hall” p. 80-2 an by Ieyktert Dans Sling 4 Projets" Datum S12 1872, pe Ta 4. We're referring. for example tthe snore tal sera te late oee the tower ofthe Engineering Laboratory. Leese Univers sy: Rat tziwert ha rightly sbecrved that there eet a ‘uctural dissonance with the Olvett Center In Surrey ‘rete by the teaton the otal vite ae they come est cn braces in the Wedged-tnaped foyer See Ryewert ‘Lo Sharh Pileromo: Olivet Training Center Haslemere Surrey 1868 72° Downs te 82 Wek pp Seid Frampton "Lelester Engineering Litoraion & Frumpuin, “Andrew Melilie Hal gp. 430-2 4 See Peter Eisenman, “From Golden base to Robin Hood Gardens: ori you flow the Yellow Brick Read (tay ot ead Golders Green” Oppovtins J 1809p, 2800 #64 See Alan Johnson Stephen N. Gaines “Letter ty Bh Corse Fey Bulding, Oxford The Avehitctural Revi, Sol CLUE h. 0, 192, pp BR 2. Roland Hartke, Crtgnes ef orié Pars: Ed. Du Seu, 1960. Bee also Serge Deubrovsky, Pourque ia nouvelle 30 tiues vtigee o objeice (Bait Moreare de France ih it Garvon nag severe erie the attempts by Kon De Fusco, and cova vonatructig. an afehectral langue" He has however proyesed analytic dl taeda tbe dente of tera on constant typo. {Whole nour opin one or grest mere, See Et cere gti Won (Babe Later, 103, p38 EWE salonclder hls ose sna on Sree a eroby yur owt tha Hs heoretcal works are bat "pote ith crest ‘seoe ee yorhope wes to calle Re ietey rk: ty hve Wat ogg, to help fl he Ziska autobgh which te arent seas ihn ‘Ee tormalsonpesttan The bithonrapay of Ross safer in Macys tom parc: we therefore wil meta er itn ex Esto Btu “Elm erase’ ose felfarhiecary a Aldo Rawls Cowtronpcy thy 0 Tito pp i8:Ee Massimo Seoard “Avanguardia © Noova Arottiaras cirketnsRasirotes AU Trewvate Mirna, Seto ferasionae a archittera od Branco Anger (ign 1873), pps Ist: ntraetion by, Mert Stern “Archies are td a rat sete fst, Zt, Noe {aning fom the metro emi eatoghie of ad by {ftp juscan onary teva expe Hs he {hpotintpurceacellence, the rial hat ovat edt ukehccaiv preparation the Epipny te ablation, he ats healing Sndiracloe Samatanparexcelienne, 3 uy ee firth pay al cach sly reveals the ii ed punsng sta by Kale a curteroint co the os ietoten appearance sid nutter. avanaltermativege wel iin bnthon te ne between relity and ta objets the fame ie drowns fa actu, sn bowle,f eee toe ses ich Se een Jecte wiih omg come no wie trata rae {han ary omering or of any eiation—a thing tn kl Flake Foet pita ©" pragrenuaa. Be hires taepatn udu: EA: Mario, 2p. 2 Te Mele of cours refering tthe Relknwn pasage Pega Henuriss *Thmet on the Prissy of Hist JU) ead ramon ae wg ee hots et the tere of Rie’ Angel Novus resent rough the mate: warks of Benjamin "the Wezage Europea ha not been set reconcile hs ie with iSiiigy bonus he hs remained Sit othe mate ot eateg exten Wri necemry te have fowed the 4 Sapp at Lice with the armen dragon es ecesary to Root eard te areal ey of Seesbans creatares or Rave {Site ees nr angel-who ul prefer te bere Shank by thing from hes what they hve, rather sn to snake them happy with hfs be able wy understand a ‘work wish aft Heel through destruction Out of Thine andthe cannibal bore he whe rl the emo tot anew an bata iahunan being a new anges Walter Eenumin,"Rapt Resnne Rowntforter Zhong GU 44, YE and IS" March 18D. reprinted in Selri APrankturt Sonrkume Verlag. 1800), pp. 18538 Araugnardia e Pirwastone (Trine inal, 13), pp 10038 TA Thy, in fac, achieve natable Rote results a at the Bogsio Chy, Hall USD) “where the siragse™ boring Usp of traneatot cone Int the geld there forest hort This desi perhaps bepin to explain what Rel ie Heving for when speaking of an "annus ety" a sore of napa realm” based as 4 conceptual experience replete wvithctnng mtborie’*We can employ reference fo he Ueetng ey by placing them on 4 ast and sao Su flee a slowing arebecrure to sels parce of new Ih'Ste Alo Rossi et ah ed, “La Biennale mole Starace’ Ytramtry 31:23, 107, dedieated to the XV Ahi of tian Sarace wat notable ces enh man ‘Ghyace Gresions “Alla: RY Trenoale Mian Povantetnn i -22 BW, 6 Ginga Klaus Konig eter Soagph Hyharerts “AS biennale” Doors n. 68, 107 15 or sila etic with whieh we eamet are. Be IX Tene enerable from positions mueh Inore eon tyete thn tine taken ithe ahve mentioned articles Ra (he at far gu we can secertnit, ha tote how cbjetively reclining’ neve Une ity ale proete. fr Rome or Venice prevented shviouly hy “non-arasemie™ architects Yet stack the Tronrae te wound Roe eto us inolere he, Sithough he same eansot he 2d for bis sehoo. The historians prdeasbm ha te tarot ato asgrta fa SSCs he weed ae ee he ‘one orsnge we have veighed against to parila age trent ever if Rolgnara with a superficie he eos, ft eoply hr ht recente ita Aas para e guy of Wath pillogcal cron terbating toa ideas and preferenecs whi we never oxprused, (Sut wy eer ty wo ers ar rhe esto Sur 2) pis tite another! If tact it thought to be he dedeaton ‘Se“stantaious” atonomy of the arta, then one chou have te courage to broak with such amigaous and selertie Julemente whieh sects ieuene tae destiny a the Me fnntmneement Ye once haying accepted uel a ower evel ‘teaser, Shel ell Femenber tht was Gres Sn red ao expian to Gouahel hat only modern architec {re weal pov supable a expressing the supremacy f the GSroamie face, And chy has'm one atspected st the Sharing. gmmetiee of Ross) nny" be define "Aer Starace® thon the constructivist volumes of the Kennedy raat Kallman and Worhe--1aeht tobe vowed the 2m ‘ior American democracy and ts cul colonbation of View sn Orly by fefusng employ such pure parallels {Chesile w wake history. We would ccrtssly nt prevent ‘he fem tenchingarehcetare’ but no becase of he feat sfany hsorical uni contort oxtracam, tt reine oh iibecome: mone coherent ins felting thou ‘aperfiowam silence Cr Grorey Lkacy, Gog Sine! (LO) ceprnted io Beek se Dotter a Goong Sine (Berlin, SEN, pe 17 eC alg Maer Caeeiay Metropti Sag lla Brande Saal Sonvbart, Edel, Scheer’ © Someta Steins, 1931. p. 28-8 ard Kraut Pa gues prone pm Water Henin, ie! Kener og, 134 IRS Adut Los “Areitek¢ur” (1910 conference papen), fr Mhtetom nnabrack: 181), repair Samtiche Suvtens a Le Vienna at Muieh Her Verlag, Hin). p02. But Las place saying buts lo Me out 8 certain fshion i sted to he teachings of Fear Pascber and to Une lersentartm is stant bat suchen the anguthed paren of ine fence {Stn tration an intrdaction bs Ging Grass, Pran- Amel iin (178), Yet the pucton ofan sree such as Jeane Woche thin Ui Weimar Bauhaus very close to (Wienna: 110: et ava Loos oce Georg Macher "Memorardgm of 221009 Re otloge of outers of the fanhause anf “dents pat und Tndutnieforms”in Fann, wt... 182 pp 38m English transthon The Baten ed He A. Winger “Gambridee Maca: MIT Press 168), pp 11-4, See alan fare! Francisco, Waller Groped Be Croton of te Jhon ena (Waiver of Hints Bresy 197: Por 1 veal of the rltocatipe among Le, Krav snd Wit fenatain sce Bel Bisel Lele fw Luding Wit Senate (Oxford 1980. S"Warally Kurtin, Der Golde Klang (19002), in the Inanae Der Blowe Heiter Mich? Piper Verlag, 12) ined in chia! eiton ty Klaus Lanett (Monch Spar Verlag, 85) 22k eka then tha a anion ofeach dlgarate research ‘Sorkin simply & mater of convenience. Vet instead ota ten iene ane form toca’ rather wads elo ite rare 1 Flanceao Dal Co. “L'Arshitettara come forma sepes, 23be panied bt Cnn ‘2° CE Beane Zev “Manlrist fr le macetia”Lprest, 15, 1998 Conecrovng the work of the "Five" steal ‘aayd by Colin Rowe afd Kenneth Frampton, Five sirch TAP INes Yor Goorge Witenborns Ines 2); Marin Gapclunan, “On reading architecture” Prapite Ahi lechine nA: 191 pp BT, Raber Stern Seomp atthe Seo Jaen Roperts, "Machines inthe Carder, Charles Slant, “tn siminr states of unre” Alan Gree tere, “The Lurking Americus Leys: Roma Girgoby Ths Direoot Chaar of the Lourgeoisies Aveta ra Fomor ooh 138, ned 1p 2X Ganlelsoas, “On veatihg architecture” pp. 780. We ray rua tage wat Arar Ras soe to ecighlze inthe Stork of Loni Rahn ie perhape better sulted wo the work of hen Pve*t "Thera profound carents tay. thse which fre mar are ofthe isis move swans tii pal ment selene and always erica, of the eructaral ompanentsof the artistic phenamencn: to thereby stablch ‘thetherit ic posibie fr af sll become phenasenalie, Citeally queniog why » surface es suruce a volume 8 ‘ojume, bing a bulldog,» panting» pain. By oo “ain they recone that art anhot be fied He place ‘het or port; and from its rle inthe aystes they then tty to eee it it can berdefined ae else ayater, sn Mloromoas seructane™ Gite Canis Argun." ige Sea dete ria hoes doer ew Par, sok MH, No 2°Gx waiter Sogu, “The Neo-Purist Senou of Arcitec tues Arehiterartl ergy, vo, Null 18 En We are referring. here tthe "Nuova Areicetuea mith a eanital N am AY in Nino Dardis ghee nape (Patta: Mario, 197D and tothe "Nuov’s eden” oote the persistene of capital elord af Maseine Seslare ‘Avanguariia enya areiettura’ ib tthe ahjertive in define continuity wih the tstract movements of The thantie aed Caries, rather than defn what i "ae ne agit fo ave te courage to ge of eal ou Weal "Ifthe insertion Sr fo establish the importance OF Hryuistis conideration greater eareabould be exsrelsed te {telecon or weeanon of xaos, BE Gr Mantredo Tauri, eerie storia del aris Uateran, 1973) ide Prt at Usteras, 1898" em, "OHSS! Beri 1225 dy nternsionale Cansirutiviste! VBE 200, 9. Er Rolf Arnheim, Butony wail Art Aw Bay on Dis tnder and Order (USA: Uaiveraty of Californts. Press, i, er Bia BES sn Arp, On ny nang: Petry vil eeaye 1912-1057 {Neve Yori Coonge'Witenborn, tne, 1848), 77 28 “lean Faatno, Toure ela Pitinn miemprane, Jarjen Clays (lan: Sageiaure. 1807) Std S30" ‘Zevi ff Linywngy'o Moderne del Aveittara Guida det Codie Antdovoe Clore: Bogus 193) $1! arbiter inujrd a 188, 1978 pp 9. Pa 82 B See Nowe L 4S. Miche! Foteast, Livre ln dicowre (oun: Bina, Taugural lecture at tbe Calioge de France, Doe Ba. Francesco Dal Co, Avchitttara € rrwlsione (Pal Nari 1th, Bronte the an itn te ‘ering of the Swe arcitet Hannes Mayer is tie valuation of hi positon, For an opptsing’ potion, see SaesimoSeoiri, “Hannes Meyer e lt press noyadlone dolrare Contrngaciy I mf 1968 See lap the wel now monograph by Claide Schnait, CE Hane Sebi Bestage aur Areliekfur, £02106, Benin sed Baal 1905). Werk, 10. 197, puetislly devoted to dhe work of Schmit 85, Michel Foucault, L°Onre dn Dironrs p20 45, Charles Jencks, “Delce Vita or The Supersensliss” ‘Medern Maceuents in vk leture, ype Bi 31. Waker Bergan “Der Autor al Proiuvent, Wrsuche ihor neh? Frankfurt” Sunk Verig, 11) dom “Antogunrdia e nobicone, pl This same eaay was tad ij Pablo Purthesl ts answer our argument concerning the tea fiction whi achhertarl elo Pel fee paso, 1. New. 1960, pp. 3-7 Infact even hore Benjemin ie tmbigunas an ray lend htt t several interpreta loss Bat st would tw mseeing to mie ones a Por toghealdoes, to conser nly the more radial aspets af tile ests fm reerring to the see Sooke acy Bes Jamin ayer" ths schoo! hue rae 8 great deal wee he poverty. {nthe fashion Ie haw avoid the snot important tlc of the cortemparsry wter: that of recogesing ust Hw poor be ls an how Boor he rst be 40 that he ma be Able fo begin anew" Nothing will be stranger W the {thr who has ponders oer the cnetion of tay Aheton, than the idea of expacting er even wihing new Inavterpieces which demonrate the esl maw adaler Ale, of tHe erentve personality. Hie work will never be ‘tea the er ba way eure the mean of pre tion fs eter words. hi practe man contain wr pon Hawa function tbnve od beyou Bete charter as works ‘Guthor' ales. Benjamin himeaif warns that mich 3m ‘organizational etion goes far byt any propagate 3B. CL Benjamin, “Der Autor als Produzenp. 208.4 eric ieal and acute examination of the contaditions in Ber Jmin'sthewehes tobe found in Changing Pasyaalotin Atinquarde lrevtogi: Writer Henson Mer Beasee protien dalstteg tovclogion tRoma Often, 19) However. an unacceptable ect of the above easy ‘Benjamin is ound i te text of Jurgen Habermas, Zur Ak fatal alter Benjamin (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag, 4a) alte in Com ari, XX, 0 1, 974, pp 39, hid, pp. 218-8 Figure Ceedis Figures 18570, Courteny James String, Architect, Figure’ Courisy S.C. Johnson Son ite 6 odors Hoasng Proton 903 Roger Sherwood Pyeare® Reprigte tron Ruaiac Aw Aritectnre fir Wort evolution by El Lissitzky by permission of he MIT Press, embrides, Sse Pgaror 10-31, Courtesy the suther Figures Photograph hy karin McCracken, Figare 38. Phmsgraph hy Gregory 8. Gale Pigare 3 Photograph by Bara Sailer ESTO. ar 3, Cur EMaelhia Mawar of Art The A (alin Collection 1962-61 igure, Coortery Venturi snd Rauch, Arcitesteand Plan ets, wilh the aaistance of Steven Tacha

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