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Name:______________________________________________ Activity #:_______

Yr. & Section:_________________________________________ Score:_______

Test I. Matching type. Match the column A and column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the
space provided.

Column A Column B

____1. Napoleon Crossing the Apls a. Jacques louis David

____2. Psyche Awakened by cupid’s kiss b. Jean Auguste Domique Ingres

____3. Lion of Lucerne c. Antonio Canova

____4. White house d. Bertel Thorvaldsen

____5. Washington e. Robert Adam

____6. Portrait of Napoleon on the Imperial Throne f. Henri Labrouste

____7. Oath of Horatii g. Charles Garnier

____8. Library of saint Genevieve

____9. Palais Garnier

____10. United States Capitol

Test II. Identify the following. Write your answer in the space provided.

_____________________1. This word came from the Greek word Neos meaning new and latin
wordclassicus which is similar in meaning to the English phrase First class.
_____________________2. This painting

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