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Lesson Plan in Grade 9

Prepared by: Bernardita E. Gutib

January 29, 2020 (Wednesday)

Edison Faraday Einstein
7:20-8:20AM 8:20-9:20AM 9:50-10:50AM

I. Objective
A. Identify the difference between active and passive voice.
B. Analyze information in selected material presented.
C. Convert an active voice sentence to a passive voice sentence.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Lesson 1: Holding to A Dream in a Changing World.
1. Language in Focus: Active and Passive Voice
References: A journey through Anglo-American Literature
Online Sources:
Materials: Visual Aid

III. Procedure

A. Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance

B. Preliminary Activity
Students will be reviewed on their past lesson “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine

C. Elicitation
How do you react on the issues regarding teenage pregnancy in our country? Are you just
going to sit and listen to the stories about it, or you as a student will do something even a
little thing to stop it?

D. Discussion

Verbs has two voices. The active and the passive voice.
The voice of the verb is active, when the subjects performs the action. On the other hand,
the voice of the verb is the passive, when the subject is acted upon by the object of the

Here are examples of Active (A) versus Passive (P) voice in the six main tenses.

Tenses Active Voice Passive Voice

Present Tense The article discusses the The effects of
effects of unemployment. unemployment are
discussed in the article.
Present Perfect Tense The class has decided that It has been decided by the
everyone should get an “A”. class that everyone should
get an “A”.
Past Tense The company made a huge A huge profit was made by
profit. the company.
Past Perfect Tense We had reached an The agreement had been
agreement when they reached (by us) when the
presented the plan. plan was presented.
Future Tense We will mail our proposal Our proposal will be mailed
next week. next week.
E. Drill
F.1. Directions: Change the following active sentences into passive voice.

Active Voice Passive Voice

1. The police have caught the thief.
2. Have you finished the report?
3. She has learned her lessons.
4. She has written a novel.
5. The tiger was chasing the deer.
1. The thief has been caught by the police.
2. Has the report been finished by you?
3. Her lessons have been learned by her.
4. A novel has been written by her.
5. The deer was being chased by the tiger.

F.2. Label the following sentences. Write AV if the sentence is in Active Voice, and
write PV if the sentence is in Passive Voice.
(A) 1. I have finished my assignment.
(P) 2. The movie was seen by the children.
(A) 3. They have chosen the best movie.
(P) 4. The test will be given in a large auditorium.
(A) 5. Someone told me that you like movies.
(A) 6. They sell popcorn in movie theaters.
(P) 7. The winners’ name was now known until the night of the ceremony.
(A) 8. They are presenting an award now.
(A) 9. The police arrested two hundred people.
(A) 10. They send two million books to America every year.

IV. Evaluation

Directions: Supposing that you are the President of the country, how would you have
addressed or resolve the following issues and concerns affecting the values of your
countrymen? Discuss your answer using your notebook. Use the active voice whenever
possible. Frequent use of the active voice makes your writing stronger, livelier and less




Child Trafficking and


Graft and corruption


V. Read the Summary of “The Raisin in the Sun” again. locate at least five sentences in the
active voice then transpose it to passive voice or vice-versa. Do it on your notebook.

VI. Reflection

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