Zeyad Aziz CV Latest

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Dr Zeyad Mohamed Aziz

Residence: 31511
Phone: 00201272222887
E-mail: Dr.zeyad91@gmail.com
Marital status: Single

Work experience

May -2017 - Aug- ER -Doctor

2017 Al-Hady Hospital in Cairo

Aug-2017 - Now ER -Doctor at Obayed Field clinic

Badr Al-Den petroleum company BAPETCO

Mar-2018 - Mar- General practitioner

2019 Ministry of health and population


2008 - 2015 Faculty of medicine Tanta University, Tanta city

Baccalaureate of medicine and surgery
(Completed my medical training at Al-Matarya training hospital in Cairo)

Certificates and Courses

American Heart association

Advanced cardiovascular life support "ACLS"

European resuscitation society

European trauma course "ETC"
European resuscitation society
European trauma course Instructor potential "ETCIP"

Egyptian authority of maritime and safety EAMS

Seeman book "maritime passport"

Arab academy of sciences ,technology and maritime transport

Basic offshore safety induction and emergency training "BOSIET" approved by OPITO

Other skills and abilities

Arabic native speaker

English native speaker

German intermediate

Driver's license: Groups: A

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