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5 Kannada
(First Language)

Introduction 7. Understand the importance of conver-

Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam sation of resources, culture, heritage,
are the languages spoken in Karnataka, health and hygiene.
Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh and Kerala are 8. Uevelop ability to narrate experiences,
of Dravidian family. For the growth and de- participate in debates and discussions,
velopment of the country it is necessary that in proper language and in logical
the languages should be able to imbibe the sequence.
multifaceted requirements of a society. In the
syllabus of these languages, the Objectives Std. IX
cover many areas which have ethical values. 1. Prose : About 64 pages (Exclusive of
These include pesronality development, com- Introduction, notes, exercise etc.) One
munication skills, human rights, environmen- lesson for self study.
tal problems, conservation of resources, etc.
By introducing different languages in the 2. Poetry : About 200 lines (Medieval and
state, Maharashtra State Board of Second- modern)
ary and Higher Secondary Education has 3. Rapid Reading : About 24 pages.
facilitated the immigrants to adapt the new
curriculum with an ease. 4. Grammar : Revision of the grammar
items taught in the previous classes.
The syllabus for these languages are
prepared keeping in mind the syllabus for (i) Sandhi (i) Kannada Sandhi : Lopa,
Std. I to VIII and also the curriculum followed Agam, Adesh
by the concerned states. (ii) Sanskrit Sandhi: Savarnadeergha,
Objectives Guna.
To enable students to (2) Samasa : Tatpurusha, Dwigu, Dwandwa
1. Enrich their vocaculary. (3) Parts of Sentence: Karthru, Karma,
2. Enhance their abilities in basic skills Kriya.
like listening, speaking, reading, writ- (4) Alankar (i) Shabdalankar-
ing and communication. Vrutyanuprasa, Chekanuprasa, Yamaka
3. Develop life skills. (ii) Arthalankar- Upama
4. Develop the abilities to use the lan-
guage more accurately, effectively and
meaningfully. Rupaka
5. Get awareness about environmental Drishtanth
studies. (5) Chhandassu : (a) Akshargana
6. Update General Knowledge.
(i) Utpalamale

(ii) Champakamale 2) Active and Passive voice and their
(iii) Sragdhare
2) Tatsama, Tadbhave, Upasargayukta
(b) Mathragana
Shatpadi, Shara, Kusum, Bhoga
3) 1) Samasas - Karmdadharaya, Amshi,
(b) Amsagana Bahuvrihi.
Sangathya, Tripadi 2) Idioms, Proverbs and their uses.
6. Composition 4) Prosody
1. Essays : About 250 words. 1) Kanda, Shatpadi (Bhamini, Parivardhini
(a) Biography & Vardhak only) and types Ragale.
(b) Autobiography 2) Akshara gana. (Mattebha, Shardul)
(b) Narrative 5) Figures of Speech :
(d) Descriptive Utpreksha, Swabhavokti, Apahnuti and
2. Precis Writing : Passage around 150
words. 5. Composition
3. Comprehension: Prose passage 1. Essays : About 250 words.
around 150 words or Poetry 20-25 (a) Biography
Lines with four questions
(b) Autobiography
7. Communication Skill : (written)
(b) Narrative
1. Letter writing: Formal and informal
(d) Descriptive
2. Preparation of invitation cards for dif-
ferent occasions 2. Precis writing : (Passage around 150
3. Report writing (about function)
3. Comprehension : (Prose passage
8. Communication Skill (oral)
around 150 words or Poetry 20-25 lines
Std. X with four questions)
1. Prose : About 64 pages (Exclusive of 6. Communication Skill : (written)
Introduction, notes, exercise etc.). One
1. Letter writing : Formal and Informal.
lesson for self study.
2. Preparation of invitation cards for dif-
2. Poetry : About 200 lines (Medieval and
ferent occasions
3. Report writing (about function/incidents,
3. Rapid Reading : About 24 pages.
4. Grammar : Revision of the grammar
items covered in the previous classes. 7. Communication Skills (Oral)

1) Vakyavibhara
1) Kinds of sentences: - Simple, Com-
pound and Complex.


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