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Name: Wellrose U.

Section/Course: 18BSIS1E19
Narrative Report
“Disaster Preparedness and Basic life support and First aid training”

When the disaster happen we need to be prepare. According to the first speaker
disaster can occur at any time. Some disaster give us warning, such as storm preceding
a flood. Others such as earthquake, give little or no warning. So that we need to know
how to be prepare or response on this disaster. We need to taking step to prepare for a
disaster can help get you back to normal faster. If you are unprepared maybe you can’t
save your life or you have to panic because you didn’t know what to do. When the disaster
happen for example earthquake we need to know the “duck, cover and hold”. When you
are school and have some fire we need you to know the exit, whatever you are, mall,
home etc. you need to know the exit and go to the safety place. In cainta you need to
know what possible area you can go to evacuate and ask some help if someone in your
family or you have injury. We need to know the four P’s of disaster this is very important
because it can save your life and your family also. We need to pray, plan, prepare and
practice. So that we are ready if the disaster happen around us. It also important if we
know the emergency hotline in our place so that we can help us.

When need also to know the basic life support and first aid training to help
someone have injury or help ourselves. According to the next speaker it gives as tools to
prevent the situation from becoming worse. In some situations if a patient doesn’t receive
basic first aid care immediately their situation will deteriorate often rapidly by being able
to provide basic care you can stabilize a patient until emergency medical services arrives.
This first aid and basic life support you can save life, it can also reduce recovery time. We
need to know how to cpr properly it prolongs an individual lifespan and improves their
overall prognosis. In first step you need to ask the permission of someone before they
give a first aid and if they not accept your help just respect their decision. Even if a small
woods can gives you an infection so that you need to wash it a clear soap to prevent the
bloods or to clear the germs in infected area.

In this orientation I have a lot of things that I learned. On how to be prepare, how
to response and what the proper do if the disaster happen around you. And of course if
the disaster happen there are times that someone injure or someone needs help you can
help and you can apply the basic or first aid you can do. And I know how to cpr properly
especially in the babies because its different from childhood cpr. This is because infant
lacks same level of skeletal development as a child. In this orientation I say that I am very
thankful because I have learned a lot of things and I know how to do if the disaster came
out because no one can help you but yourself only.

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