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NAME________________________ DATE 9TH OF MAY 2019

1. When I (hear) _______________ the noise I turned to see what it was.
2. Before she saw him she knew they (never meet) _______________ before.
3. When I looked at the taxi I could see that somebody (drive) _________into the back
of it.
4. The play (start already) _____________ when we arrived at the theatre.
5. The doctor examined his arm and (discover) _____________ that he had broken it.
6. They were hungry because they (not eat) ___________ since breakfast.
7. We were frightened because the police (come) ____________ for our father.
8. I was very thirsty because I (drink) _____________ too much alcohol the night before.
9. She told me twice that she (not know) ____________________ me.
10. He told her he (never be) _____________________ to Paris before.
11. He started to read the magazine he (buy) _________________ an hour earlier.
12. He (spend) __________________ three years in Lisbon when he was a child.
13. Before he came to Brighton he (live) ____________________ in London.
14. After we (finish) __________________ breakfast we left the hotel.
15. Mother didn’t let me watch TV until I ____________ (finish) my history project.
16. When they________ (arrive) at the restaurant, Susan________(not be) there
because she________ (leave) some minutes earlier.
16. When we ____(arrive) at the concert, we _____(realise) that we were late because
the show ______(already /start).
17. By the time the police ______(answer)the phone , the robbers_____ (take) all the
18. After they _____(have) dinner, they ______(go) to the cinema.
19. What a pity! My mother _______(give) me a watch for my birthday, but I
______(already /buy) one.
20. Before Peter_____(arrive), we all _______(know) where he _____(be).
21. My father shouted at me by the time I _____(return) home because I _____(not ring)
home earlier that evening.
22. Alice _____(not see) a bullfight after she ______(visit) Portugal.
23. ____you _____(send) the letter last week?
24. After they _____(visit) Hyde Park, they _______(take) a taxi back to their hotel.
25. I _____(can) see from her face that she _______(hear) the bad news.
26. My neighbour _____(tell) us she _____(win) the lottery.
27. The firefighters _____(extinguish) the fire by the time they _____(arrive) home.
28. I _____(not know) what to do because someone _____ (lock) the door and
I____(have) no key.

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