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témakör szókincse

Iskolával kapcsolatban:

I feel stressed.

My timetable is full on most days.

I am often dead tired.

The teachers are well-qualified.

Our teachers try to motivate us to take part in the lessons as well as in competitions and other

I have always been interested in.....

I am good at........but I’m not really good at /I am excellent at…..but I’m hopeless at…….

The building is a huge, old, two-storey building although it looks clean and peaceful. It has a
large schoolyard. The classrooms are well-equipped.

My school years are exciting and enjoyable.I try to be prepared for the tests we write because
it it important for me to get good results. We chat a lot in the breaks and we have a lot of fun
together. I have made many friends here and I hope these friendships will last even after we

If you have good language skills, you will have better opportunities to get a job. When you
travel or go on holiday it will help a lot if you can speak English. If you need some information
or get lost, you can ask the local people. You can also help foreigners who come to your
country. In addition, many electronic devices use English, especially computers and the
Internet. You can also watch film sor read books in original language (in English). You can
get some extra points when you apply for a university or college.

There are some effective ways to improve your language skills. I feel motivated.

graduate from university – egyetemet végzett

learn by heart – kívülről megtanul

play truant – lógni az órákról

revise for an exam – ismételni egy vizsgára

student exchange – diákcsere

bully- bántalmazó

victim - áldozat
Jövővel kapcsolatban:

I hope I have realistic dreams. I have to decide what profesion to choose. It is very hard to
make this choice because it will influence the rest of my life. I would like a profession that
makes me happy but also challenges me. I want to love my work.

First of all, I want to finish secondary school. The first important exams in my life (besides the
language exams) are the final exams and I hope I will get good grades. After my graduation,
I would like to study at university. Maybe I will also apply for a scholarship to study abroad.
When I grow up, I want to be a/an............ .

Later, I hope my job will make it possible for me to buy a home and other things I need for my
family. I plan to get married and have children, of course. My dream is to live in a detached
house with my future family. I know that I must work hard to achieve my goals but I hope
that most of my dreams will come true.

Munkával kapcsolatban:

I have got a well-paid job / temporary job.

I am unemplyed. The unemployment rate is high. I work in night shift. I am experienced

and precised.

I have to fill in an application form and send my curriculum vitae (CV). I often do voluntary
work. I can do overtime. There are people who are workaholic.

pension- nyugdíj

salary – fizetés

wage – bér

qualifications – végzettségek

skills – készségek

think outside the box –újszerűen, kreatívan gondolkodik

make ends meet- kijönni a fizetésből

be the breadwinner - kenyérkereső

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