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1. Generalities (STCW)
Seafarers who are newly assigned to a ship must take full advantage of every opportunity provided to become
familiar with the shipboard equipment, operating procedures and other arrangements needed for the proper
performance of their duties.

2. Measures
The familiarization of each crew member joining the ship consists in:
 Visit the spaces in which their primary duties will be performed
 Knowledge of the location, controls and display features of equipment they will be operating.
 Operate the equipment where possible.
 Receive instruction from someone who is already familiar with the equipment and procedures

3. Responsibilities
The Master must provide for a suitable period of supervision when there is any doubt that a newly employed
seafarer is not familiar with the shipboard equipment, operating procedures and other arrangements needed
for the proper performance of his or her duties.

Immediately upon arriving on board for the first time, each seafarer has the responsibility to become
acquainted with the ship’s working environment.

Seafarers who do not promptly attain the level of familiarity required for performing their duties have the
obligation to bring this fact to the attention of their supervisor, and to identify each equipment or procedure
with which they are not familiar.

4. Familiarization
The familiarization of each crew member joining the ship is assured by the following means:

 On Joining Vessel:

4.1. Individual Familiarization Manual (Card Fam-060)

In each cabin, there is one individual familiarization manual compiled in accordance with the requirements of
Card Fam-060 and specific to the function occupied by the crew member.

This Manual will contain :

4.1.1 Boarding checklist for all persons (Card Fam-005), Check list which means that :

Before leaving the ship, the crew member must be advised and explained to his substitute all the content of
this card about safety and pollution prevention. He will be allowed to sign-off only when the substitute is able
to do every item exposed on this card.

4.1.2. Familiarization questionnaire before performing duties. (Cards Fam-010, Fam-020, Fam-030,
Fam-040, Fam-050)
This questionnaire must be completed before taking over the first watch (or first mooring/unmooring
operation) for Bridge team seafarers and within 72 hours after joining the vessel for others seafarers.

4.1.3. Statement of appropriate training approaching the task. (Card Fam-070)

This form must be completed within the 1st month after joining the vessel.
The Master will appoint one person to follow the training.

4.1.4. SOLAS Fire and Safety Training Manuals

At everyone’s disposal in all crew/officer recreation rooms and mess rooms


 On paying off:

Each crew member is subject to a confidential evaluation sheet (sent to the Company) concerning his
Safety-Security competences and his training request. The Master will prepare a training request form
(Card Fam-075) before crew’s signing-off.

5. Distribution list
Following cards to be given to signing-on crew :






Engine Officers

Engine Crew



Master X X X
Chief officer X X X
Mate X X X
Chief engineer X X X
Second engineer X X X
Engineer X X X
Electrician X X X X
Cadet (Deck / Engine) X option option X
Boatswain X X X
Oiler / Wiper X X X
Deck Fitter X X X
Eng. Fitter X X X
A.B. X X X
O.S. X X X
Chief Cook X X X
2nd. Cook X X X
Steward X X X
Messman X X X

Boarding checklist

Before the vessel proceeds to sea and being assigned to shipboard duties, all persons employed or engaged on a
seagoing ship, shall receive approved familiarization training in personal survival techniques or receive sufficient
information and instruction to enable them….


Board emergency phones numbers (Bridge, Engine control room, Ship’s office)


Communicate with other persons on board on elementary safety matters (general terms on various
types of: fire fighting, elementary first aid, lifesaving appliances used on board)

Understand signs and alarm signals

Understand safety informations


A person falls overboard

Fire or smoke is detected
Abandon alarm is sounded
Fire alarm / General Emergency Alarm is sounded


Muster station
Embarkation station
Emergency exits
Location and donning life jackets, immersion suits and EEBD
Location prevention pollution equipment (SOPEP)


Raising the alarm

Using of portable fire extinguishers : Having basic knowledge

Encountering accident or medical emergency: having a basic knowledge of immediate actions before
seeking further medical assistance on board

Watertight doors : knowledge on how to close and open

Prevention pollution: elementary first actions, oil pollution regulation and garbage disposal briefly

Crew Member : Signature :

Rank :

Port Signed On : Date :


Familiarization Deck Officers


Fully conversant with the operation and location of :

Gyro compass / Repeaters

Magnetic compass

Speed / Distance Log

Echo sounder

Radars and ARPA

Steering gear - Manual, Auto-pilot, change over to Emergency

Electronic navigational fixing aids

Whistle controls

Navigational lights and Emergency navigation lights

NUC lights and Signal lights

Deck, Over-side and Bridge lighting panels

Telegraph and Bridge control of Main Engine

Bow (and stern) thruster(s)

Course and Engine telegraph recorders

Charts and nautical publications

Internal communication system

GMDSS Equipment including VHF equipments

Weather Facsimile


Emergency changeover procedure in event of main power failure (recovery from black-out)

A.I.S. (including updating own-ship data) E.C.D.I.S. Voyage Data Recorder L.R.I.T. / SAT. C polling?

Alarms and Indicators

Fire detection and fire-fighting equipments

Start Em’cy fire pump and Em’cy generator

Containers lashing and securing type

Ballast Management Plan & Eductor systems (including automatic list control)

Fully aware of Cargo-801 procedure “Use of mooring winches and safety on mooring stations”

Know and understand the security duties assigned

NOTE: Familiarization must be completed before taking over the first watch or first mooring/unmooring operation.
This list is not exhaustive and can be increased if necessary.

Crew Member : Signature :

Rank :

Port Signed On : Date :


Familiarization Deck Officers


Familiarization Engine Officers


Fully conversant with the location and safe operation of:
Main Engine start (from bridge, ECR and locally)
Changeover of Main Engine control
Generator engine start (remote and local control)
Generators paralleling operation in Automatic and Manual modes
Steering gear - Manual and changeover to Emergency mode
Oily Water Separator and Bilge pumping system
Oil fired boiler
Air compressors
Pumps start (Manual/Automatic/Stand-by)
Sewage treatment plant
Fuel transfer and bunkering
Lub. Oil transfer and bunkering
M.E / D.G / Boiler fuel change
Engine room Monitoring and Alarm System
Internal communication system
Restoring electrical circuits after preferential trip
Starting and closing the Emergency DG on switchboard
Emergency air compressor start
Emergency fire pump start
Lifeboats engines Start
Quick Closing Valves
Emergency electrical remote shutdowns
Fire alarm panel
Fire-fighting equipment and fire dampers
Fire detection system and CO² flooding system
All entrances and Escape routes
All watertight doors
Shut down procedures
Ballast system

Know and understand the security duties assigned

NOTE: Familiarization must be completed within 72 hrs after joining the vessel
This list is not exhaustive and can be increased if necessary.

Crew Member : Signature :

Rank :

Port Signed On : Date :


Familiarization Deck Crew


Know and understand the mooring arrangements of this vessel, as well as Safety measures on mooring stations (See
Cargo-801 procedure in Individual Familiarization Manual)

Understand steering system - Hand / Automatic / Remote / Emergency and changeover procedures

Locate and identify the sounding arrangements of the bilge, ballast & fresh water system

Understand vessel’s different coating systems and areas of use of each. Be aware of basic principles of AFS

Understand the operation and securing arrangement of the following where fitted :
a) Cargo handling cranes and associated equipments
b) Provisions crane(s)
c) Cargo hatch covers
d) Store rooms hatches covers
e) Watertight doors
f) Gangways and pilot-ladders

Understand the requirements of MARPOL regulations (no water pollution by oil, garbage and other similar
substances) and knowledge the location of clean-up materials (SOPEP equipment)

Understand the maintenance system employed on board

Know and understand the duties assigned for fire, rescue-boat and man-overboard, emergency situations,
including muster stations.

Have knowledge of the specified signals for life-boat, man-overboard and fire stations

Know the location and understand the operation of the following :

a) Emergency alarm switches
b) Life buoys
c) Life rafts
d) Lifeboats including lifeboat davits

e) Fire fighting equipment including air breathing apparatus, fire extinguishers, hoses and nozzles

Have knowledge of the closing of air vents, ventilation systems, fire doors, vent plugs & covers

Know and understand the security duties assigned

NOTE: Familiarization must be completed before taking over the first watch or first mooring/unmooring operation or within 72 hrs
after joining the vessel.
This list is not exhaustive and can be increased if necessary.

Crew Member : Signature :

Rating :

Port Signed On : Date :


Familiarization Engine Crew


Know the location and understand the safe use and operation of :

Engine room equipment

Starting the Emergency air compressor

Quick closing valves

Emergency electrical remote shut-downs

Fire alarm panel

Fire detection system

Fire fighting equipment and fire dampers

CO2 Flooding system in case of Engine Room fire


All entrances and exits

All watertight doors

Shutdown procedures

Ballast system

Sounding arrangements of bilge

Requirements of MARPOL regulations (no water pollution by oil, garbage or other similar substances)
And knowledge the location of clean up materials (SOPEP equipment)

Specified signals for lifeboats, man-overboard and fire stations

Emergency alarm switches

Lifebuoys, life rafts, lifeboats (including lifeboat davits)

Closing of air vents, ventilation systems, fire doors, vent plugs and covers

Know and understand the Safety and Security duties assigned

For people involved in mooring operations : Know and understand the mooring arrangements of the vessel,
as well as the Safety measures on mooring stations (See Cargo-801 procedure in Individual Familiarization Manual)

Note : Familiarization must be completed before taking over the first watch or first mooring/unmooring operation or within 72 hrs after
joining the vessel if not involved in watch or manoeuvring.
This list is not exhaustive and can be increased if necessary.

Crew Member : Signature :

Rating :

Port signed on : Date :


Tasks and Responsibilities - CHIEF OFFICER


Master’s deputy, to take command in case of death or incapacity of master.

≈ Will observe the requirements of the company’s “Safety Management System” as defined in the “Company

≈ Environmental officer – responsible for the implementation of the company’s environmental-protection policy
under the direction of the master, and for compliance with the vessel’s SOPEP, garbage and ballast management

≈ Safety officer – responsible for ensuring that all requirements of the company safety policy are observed in all
areas of the vessel. Will carry out the inspections as required by this policy, and will report any non-conformance
to the master and forwarded to the Designated Person. To comply with Maritime and Coastguard Agency
(a) Improve the standard of safety consciousness among the crew and ensure that the provisions of the
Code and safety instructions, rules and guidance for the ship relating to health and safety are complied

(b) Investigate, so far as is reasonably practicable,

(i) Every accident involving death, major or serious injury and every dangerous occurrence as defined in
the Merchant Shipping (Accident Investigation and Reporting) Regulations 1994[16], More details
concerning accident reporting and investigations : see MGN 289.

(ii) All potential hazards to health and safety, and

(iii) All reasonable complaints by workers about health and safety,

Making recommendations to the master to prevent the recurrence of such an accident or to remove any
hazard, provided that the duty to investigate shall not extend to accidents arising from a casualty to the ship;

(c) Ensure that health and safety inspections of each accessible part of the ship are carried out at least once
every three months and more frequently if there have been substantial changes in the conditions of work;

(d) Make representations and, where appropriate, recommendations to the master, about any deficiency in the
ship in respect of:

(i) Any legislative requirement relating to health and safety,

(ii) Any relevant Merchant Shipping Notice, or

(iii) Any provision of the Code,

Also suggest whether those representations and recommendations should be passed by the master on to the
employer or other person who has control of the matter;

(e) Maintain a record of every accident involving death, major or serious injury and every dangerous occurrence,
and make it available on request to any elected representative, to the master and to any person duly authorized
by the Secretary of State;

(f) Stop any work which he observes in progress and reasonably believes may cause a serious accident, and
immediately inform the master who shall decide when work can safety be resumed.
≈ Cargo officer – responsible for safe loading of vessel under the direction of the master, paying special attention
to stresses and the correct segregation of hazardous cargoes, and for the safe securing of all cargo in accordance
with the cargo securing manual (CSM).

Tasks and Responsibilities - CHIEF OFFICER

≈ Medical officer – responsible for basic first-aid requirements of officers and crew, and for the maintenance of
the vessel’s medical cabinet in accordance with international regulations.
Will maintain records of all treatments administered on board.

≈ SSO assistant – will assist master in reviewing the effective operation of the “Ship Security Plan”, reporting any
accident, injury, deficiencies or non-conformities the company trough the CSO as Company’s ISPS procedures
terms, and ensuring that corrective action is taken. Will assist in reviewing the entire vessel’s SSP as defined in
the ISPS specific procedure and report to the SSO.

≈ Responsible for ensuring that safe working practices are followed at all times in the deck and catering
departments. To this end he will work closely with the officer in charge of the safety maintenance.

≈ Will report any non-conformance to the chief engineer for the deck maintenance.

≈ Responsible for keeping all necessary records in compliance with the vessel’s garbage and ballast management

≈ Responsible for ensuring that the accommodation, galley and provision rooms are clean and hygienic.

≈ Responsible for supervising the working hours of officers and ratings in the deck and catering departments, and
for ensuring that working hour regulations are complied with.

≈ Responsible for the inventorying and proper use of cabins.

≈ Will act as training officer under the direction and supervision of the master.

≈ Responsible for The Solas Training Manual and his periodic check.

≈ Will report to the master any non-conformities or hazardous occurrences observed in the course of his (her)
duties, or reported to him (her).

≈ Will assist in the mooring and anchoring of the vessel as directed by the master.

≈ Will keep watches at sea as directed by the master.

≈ Will perform any additional duties as may be required by the master.

≈ Will perform security duties as may be required by the Ship Security Plan.

Tasks and Responsibilities – 2nd Mate

2nd Mate

Will observe the requirements of the company’s “Safety Management System”.

≈ Navigation officer – responsible for correcting and maintaining the charts and nautical publications carried
onboard, and for preparing passage plans, under the direction of the master.

≈ Will prepare noon reports and passage reports as required by Master.

≈ Will prepare and verify before departure specific “Check-list”, “Change over the watch” hand over and collect and
maintain these documents.

≈ Will prepare voyage reports and log abstracts as may be required by company or chatterer.

≈ GMDSS - where a radio officer is not carried, will act as nominated officer for GMDSS checks and tests, and for
completing GMDSS log book.

≈ Medical officer – on Master and Chief Mate delegation. Responsible for basic first-aid requirements of officers
and crew, and for the maintenance of the vessel’s medical cabinet in accordance with international regulations.
Will maintain records of all treatments administered on board.

≈ Will report to the chief officer any non-conformities or hazardous occurrences observed in the course of his (her)

≈ Will assist in the mooring and anchoring of the vessel as directed by the Master.

≈ Will keep watches at sea and in port as directed by the Master.

≈ Will assist the Chief Officer in the management of cargo handling operations while in port as directed by the

≈ Will perform any additional duties as may be required by the Master.

≈ Will perform security duties as may be required by the Ship Security Plan.

Tasks and Responsibilities – 3rd MATE

3rd MATE

Will observe the requirements of the company’s “Safety Management System”.

≈ Responsible for maintenance of safety equipment (Life Saving Appliance & Fire Fighting Equipment) under the
direction of the Chief Officer.

≈ Responsible for carrying out the weekly and monthly checks and tests of all safety equipment as required by
international regulations.

≈ If no radio officer is carried, will prepare papers for port entry as required by the master, and will assist in port
entry / clearance procedures as required by the master.

≈ Will report to the chief officer any non-conformities or hazardous occurrences observed in the course of his (her)

≈ Will assist in the mooring and anchoring of the vessel as directed by the master.

≈ Will keep watches at sea and in port as directed by the Master.

≈ Will assist the Chief Officer in the management of cargo handling operations while in port as directed by the

≈ Will perform any additional duties as may be required by the Master.

≈ Will perform security duties as may be required by the Ship Security Plan.

Tasks and Responsibilities - DECK CADET


≈ Will observe the requirements of the company’s “Safety Management System”.

≈ Will, under the supervision of the chief officer, perform any duties relevant to his (her) training, and the
operation of the vessel.

≈ Will report to the chief officer any non-conformities or hazardous occurrences observed in the course of his (her)

Tasks and Responsibilities – ELECTRICIAN OFFICER


≈ Will observe the requirements of the company’s safety management system.

≈ Will follow the chief engineer’s standing orders.

≈ Will assist in the maintenance of electrical / automation systems and equipment as required by the ship’s
operational maintenance system (S.O.M.S.), under the direction of the chief engineer and second engineer

≈ Will assist in maintaining all areas of the engine room in a clean and safe condition.

≈ Under the direction of the chief engineer, has particular responsibility for the following:
o All automated systems
o All electrical equipment
o All batteries
o Alarms and safety tests for all equipment

≈ Will assist the chief engineer in the inventorying, maintenance and proper use and storage of electrical stores
and spare parts, and will assist in the preparation of requisitions in accordance with the company purchasing

≈ Will report to the second engineer any nonconformities or hazardous occurrences observed in the course of his
(her) duties.

≈ When manoeuvring, will keep stand-by in the engine room, if required by the chief engineer.

≈ If refrigerated cargo is carried, will monitor the temperature and operation of each unit, under the direction of
the chief engineer. (if no reeferman carried)

≈ Will perform any additional duties as may be required by the chief engineer.

≈ Will perform security duties as may be required by the Ship Security Plan.

Tasks and Responsibilities - ELECTRICIAN CADET


≈ Will observe the requirements of the company’s “Safety Management System”.

≈ Will, under the supervision of the chief Engineer and electrician officer, perform any duties relevant to his (her)
training, and the operation of the vessel.

≈ Will report to the chief Engineer any non-conformities or hazardous occurrences observed in the course of his
(her) duties.

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