Can Watching of English Movies Affect The English Comprehension of Students

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Can Watching of English Movies Affect the

English Comprehension of Students?

Some people in the Philippines were much interested in watching foreign movies instead
of reading books. Because when you’re watching a movie, you didn’t need to use your imagination,
because it’s already happening in front of your eyes, correspondingly you would learn new vocabulary
words without consulting to dictionary because the characters, gestures and the emotions were already
act or giving an idea what it really meant.

Watching English movie could enhance the viewer’s vocabulary and acquire new words than reading a
books because reading a book they easily got bored especially for those people who were lack of
imagination and also lack of knowledge in deep vocabulary.

I wanted to know if watching English movies might help someone improve his/her English language
comprehension. According to BAGGIO, there are 3 reasons why learning English with movies, films,
English theater: (1) You’ll get to learn real English not textbook English (2) You learn English words in
context, and (3) You hear how words are pronounce.

“You’ll get to learn real English” because not everything you read in the English books is what you hear
from other people. And also you can improve your English speaking from how the actor spoke in movies
unlike in textbook English” “You learn English words in context” because you won’t only the words
meaning but also how, where, when it will use. For the example, let’s say you learn the new word
“programmers”. From the dictionary you know it means “a person who create computer software or
application”, but you don’t know how, where or when to use it. Unlike in the movie. “You hear how
words are said” because you know how words are expressed for the example. When you say “I want to
hug you” this is considered you want to hug his/her and not anyone else. Through observing the actors in
the movie, you will not only learn new words, also will able to understand how they do the action and
how they said.

The purpose of this study is to know if the students improved their English communicating skills through
watching English movies and knowing if the student grammar becomes better after watching a English

In addition watching English movie can also help their skills such as reading and let the students know
that their English language comprehension can’t be only learning in academics.

The purpose of this study was to find out the effects of broken family on the academic performance of
children in Bestlink college of the Philippines. It was observed that a majority of children from broken
family do not perform well in school learning.

It will be of a great advantage to us by helping us to understand dearly what research is all about. If we
take our time to carefully examine those factors that are responsible for broken family which now have
adverse effect on the academic performance of children in secondary schools.

The basic reason for instability in the family is the sense of disappointment on the part of the couple or
one of them. Many at times young people go into marriage without the knowledge of what he or she is
getting into. Some go into marriage with high hope for happiness and performance in their marital life.
Many become disappointed when these high hopes do not materialize because of certain factors which
are internal such as emotional immaturity, lack of flexibility in accommodating each others aspirations,
behaviours and short comings, inability to both give and take, breakdown in communication, etc. There
are also some external factors which when added to the above mentioned ones spur the couple into
separation. Such external factors are parental interference in the marital affairs of their children in one
way or another, stress and difference in values.

Every family worldwide some basic functions or responsibilities towards their children. Every parent is
expected to be a model for the children to learn from. Parents can only become model if they are able
to fulfill the basic obligation of preparing the children for adult life. Parents are expected to act as
models by showing competences in what they do and generally conducting themselves with respect.

Children for instance learn to speak any language by listening to and imitating their parents and other
members of the family. They also acquire their moral values on the child’s development us the parents
attitude towards him or her. Such factors as degree of stability of the family, the social position of
parents in the society and this the income of the family usually influence this.

From experience, we have learned that under-feeding many reduce performance at school. There are
many problems of development, which arises from poverty. For example if one or two children born at
the same time is neglected and ill fed and the other cared for and well fed, the latter is likely to look
stronger and healthier than the former. It is a fact that even if in later years the ill fed child gets good
nutrition and well cared for, the child’s gets good continues to reflect his early neglect.

The fact that the child needs good physical care inform of good feeding makes parents a vital factor in
the development of the child. It will be observed that what is said about the parents are regarding the
child’s physical development is also true of his reasons why there are differences in the mental
development or ability in the children in the schools. The environment, where they come from is never
the same. Some environments are more stimulating than others. For example, just as with physical care,
if one of two children born with the same mental ability has a good home background, former is most
likely to have an additional advantage of being more able to benefit from school than the latter.
Also if a child has no decent dresses or shoes to wear to school, other children are likely to mock his bad
dirty or turn clothes or shoes. Such a child may not be a happy child at school and may not be expected
to produce his best performance in the school. The attitude of parents towards the day to day activities
of their ward in and outside the home plays an importance role in their all round development.

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