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Power System Protection

( EL-434)
Fall 2019

LAB 13
Design of Over/Under Voltage Monitoring Numerical Relay and Analysis of
Working Principle
Muhammad Awais

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Prepared by: Muhammad Awais Version: 1.00

Last Edited by: Muhammad Awais Date: Nov 6, 2019
Verified by: Dr. Muhammad Jafar Date: Nov 6, 2019
Design of Over/Under Voltage Monitoring Numerical Relay and Analysis of Working

Design of Over/Under Voltage Monitoring Numerical Relay and Analysis of Working

LAB: 13

Learning Objectives:

1) Demonstration of Monitoring operation of Over/Under voltage relay.

2) Design of relay in MATLAB/SIMULINK.
3) Study and Analysis of Relay operation.

Over/Under Voltage Conditions:

Both under and over voltage conditions may be fatal for controlled functioning of the power
system. Following discussion summarizing some of the conditions which may trigger either
Over or Under voltage conditions.

Over Voltage:

Overvoltage conditions may arise due to following reasons:

1) One of the reasons of overvoltage is lightning strikes. This type of an incident causes a very
high voltage condition between the phase line and ground. Both a direct or nearby lightning
strike can cause this condition. Lightning strikes can cause heavy currents to flow through
the electrical circuits dissipating high amount of energy for a very short duration, which can
cause damage to equipment.
2) Switching overvoltage conditions occurs due to removal/switching off of heavy inductive
loads. Mainly due to industrial inductive loads. Controlled load shedding can also cause
this condition as a huge load is turned off delibertely to manage under voltage conditions.
3) Overvoltage may also be cause by electrostatic discharges.

Under Voltage:

Undervoltage conditions may arise due to following reasons:

1) Short circuit or Fault occuring incidents. These faulty conditions may arise at random and
can cause the voltage amplitude to sag down below the regulatory conditions.
2) Switching of heavy loads. Mainly heavy industrial loads can cause a voltage sag due to
inductive motor inrush currents. Switching on of residential loads after load shedding can
also cause the same conditions.
3) Overloading of power system can cause the voltage amplitudes to drop down under the
±5% voltage regulatory conditions.

Effects of abnormal conditions:

Both conditions can cause severe damage to electrical power system and appliances/tools
connected to the system. Some adverse effects that can happen are explained below:

1) Lightning strike causes a heavy current to flow through the circuit and a higher terminal
voltage is created on the load. This heavy current can cause severe damage to the appliance
connected to the power system.

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Design of Over/Under Voltage Monitoring Numerical Relay and Analysis of Working

2) Undervoltage can also cause flow of higher current that normal. Suppose an induction
motor of 1000W operates at 220V terminal voltage. This motor has a normal operating
current of:

I = 1000 / 220 = 4.5454A. Now if the terminal voltage sags down and becomes around 150V.
Then the motor needs to draw more current to keep in operation, which gives a current of I =
1000 / 150 = 6.667A. If the terminal voltage drops further, it may cause the excess current to
burn the motor windings.

Monitoring Relay Working:

A monitoring relay may be of three types:

1) Overvoltage
2) Undervoltage
3) Combination of both Over/Undervoltage

Further catoegorical division may be listed as:

1) Instantaneous Signalling
2) Time Setting/delay Signalling

The monitoring relay is connected in parallel with the load. A combinational relay sensing
mechanism is described in Fig. 1. The relay consists of two comparator circuits, whose
pickup/preset values can be adjusted accordingly. Whenever the voltage amplitude rises/falls
beyond the preset limits the relay can generate an alarm/trip signal. Further the relay can have a
time delay setting to generate alarm/trip signal after observing the incoming signal for a bried
period of time.

Fig. 1 Combinational Under/Overvoltage Relay

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Design of Over/Under Voltage Monitoring Numerical Relay and Analysis of Working

Task 1:

1) Assemble the circuit in accordance with the foregoing topographic diagram. Set primary-
side of three-phase transformer in delta connection 380 V and using bridging plugs set the
secondary side to star UN = 220 V.
2) Insert all bridging plugs connecting the capacitances to line model.
3) Set the three-phase balanced resistive load to R4 value.
4) The following settings are to be carried out on the relay:
Overvoltage VM = 1.1 (+10%); command time TM = 11 s
Undervoltage Vm = 0.9 (-10%); command time Tm = 11 s
5) Set the supply voltage to UN = 220 V.
6) When the resistive load is set to the R4 value the load voltage lies in the safety gap 342 V
to 418 V (phase-to-neutral voltage 198 V to 242 V).
7) In order to demonstrate the warning effect of the relay against overvoltage, decrease the
load (resistive values R3 – R2– R1) until the relay trips after the set command time elapses:
by reducing the load, the voltage drop along the line decreases and the voltage at load
8) The voltage at which the relay trips must be equal or higher than 242 V: enter the measured
values of the load voltage in the following table.

Table I. Overvoltage Conditions

Resistive Load Setting Relay Terminal Voltage (V) L-N Load Voltage (V) L-N
R3 242
R4 242
R5 242
R6 242

9) Compare the measured values for U> with the set value on the relay. Set back the load
resistive value to R4 value: the relay releases.
10) In order to demonstrate the warning effect of the relay against undervoltage increase the
load (resistive values R5 – R6 – R7) until the relay trips after the set command time
elapses: by decreasing the load, the voltage drop along the line increases and the voltage at
the load decreases. The voltage at which the relay trips must be equal or lower than 198 V:
enter the measured values of the load voltage in the following table.

Table II. Undervoltage Conditions

Resistive Load Setting Relay Terminal Voltage (V) L-N Load Voltage (V) L-N
R3 198
R4 198
R5 198
R6 198

11) Compare the measured value for U< with the set value on the relay.
12) Set back the load resistive value to R4: the relay releases.

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Design of Over/Under Voltage Monitoring Numerical Relay and Analysis of Working

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