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Mechanisms of Visual Disturbance in Dry Eye

Shizuka Koh, MD

enabled us to investigate degraded visual function in dry eye in

Abstract: Dry eye has been believed to be a chronic, symptomatic a variety of ways. This review article describes the conceptual
ocular surface disease that affects vision in a limited manner, because it changes of visual disturbance in dry eye and how dry eye limits
is difficult to detect visual or optical changes using standard visual and degrades patients’ quality of vision (QoV). Furthermore,
acuity testing. In practice, common visual complaints associated with the mechanism of vision-related subjective symptoms in dry
dry eye include fluctuating vision with blinking, blurred vision, glare, eye is discussed based on objective optical quality (aberrations
and eye fatigue. This review discusses our past and current under- and light scattering) and the core mechanism underlying dry
standing of visual disturbances in dry eye and the various tools eye. In particular, the simulated visual performance of dry eye
available for assessing visual function or optical quality. Tear film using a wavefront sensor is illustrated.
instability and ocular surface damage are key factors in the core
mechanism underlying dry eye. The mechanisms of these vision-related
subjective symptoms of dry eye based on visual function, particularly
wavefront aberrations or light scattering, and the core mechanism of dry PAST UNDERSTANDING OF VISUAL FUNCTION
eye are described. Tear film instability is associated with decreased IN DRY EYE
stability of postblink higher-order aberrations, leading to “fluctuating The importance of the tear film for vision was first
vision with blinking” and with increased ocular forward light scattering, reported in the early 1990s by Rieger, who compared vision
leading to “glare.” Ocular surface damage in the overlying optical zone and static perimetry results in dry eyes with and without the
(in the central corneal regions), is associated with increased higher- use of artificial tears.2 In a subsequent study, he reported that
order aberrations and increased corneal backward light scattering that the instillation of artificial tears improved contrast sensitivity
can lead to “blurred vision”. “Eye fatigue” occurs when patients with in patients with dry eye.3 In the late 1990s, Rolando et al.
dry eye struggle to see things under such visual symptoms. reported the influence of the tear film on the modulation
transfer function of the ocular surface by demonstrating low
Key Words: dry eye, visual complaints, quality of vision, wavefront spatial-contrast sensitivity in dry eyes. In addition, they
aberrations, light-scattering tear film, ocular surface damage reported improved spatial-contrast sensitivity with a tear
(Cornea 2016;35(Suppl):S83–S88) substitute.4 It is likely that, in that era, researchers had
a greater interest in developing better diagnostic methods or
tools for dry eye, partly because there was a very limited
repertoire of commercially available dry eye treatments
T he 2007 Tear Film & Ocular Surface Society Dry Eye
Workshop listed “visual disturbance” as one of the main
symptoms of dry eye, and defined dry eye as “a multifactorial
compared with the current era. Few studies focused on the
effect of artificial eye drops on vision in dry eye, and little
disease of the tears and ocular surface that results in attention was directed toward the investigation of vision
symptoms of discomfort, visual disturbance, and tear film associated with tear film behavior.
instability, with potential damage to the ocular surface.”1 The growth and development of refractive surgery
Because most patients with dry eye achieve a good best- marked a major turning point in ophthalmology. It fully
corrected visual acuity, except for advanced or severe cases, it recognized the significance of quantitative evaluation of QoV,
has been difficult to detect degraded visual function using instead of relying on visual acuity results measured using
conventional visual acuity measurements. Recent advances in conventional visual acuity tests. There has been a growing
the development of ophthalmological or optical devices have emphasis on the improvement of QoV, not only in the field of
refractive surgery but also in ophthalmological treatments and
Received for publication June 30, 2016; accepted July 4, 2016. Published surgeries that are currently important in refractive correction
online ahead of print August 31, 2016. methods such as contact lenses or intraocular lenses. Against
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka this backdrop, there have been further developments in the
University, Suita, Osaka, Japan. objective assessments of visual function. Quantitative optical
S. Koh has received seminar fees from Topcon. This study was partly funded sampling devices such as corneal topographers or wavefront
by a grant from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology, Japan (#22791659). sensors have been widely used in clinical practice and have
The author has no conflicts of interest to disclose. facilitated further study on QoV related to tear film behavior in
Presented in part at The 21st Annual Meeting of the Kyoto Corneal Club, dry eye.
November 27, 2015, Kyoto, Japan. A number of studies using corneal topographers5–8 or
Reprints: Shizuka Koh, MD, Department of Ophthalmology, Graduate
School of Medicine, Osaka University, Room E7, 2-2 Yamadaoka, Suita, wavefront sensors9–13 have investigated the optical qualities
Osaka 565-0871, Japan (e-mail: skoh@ophthal.med.osaka-u.ac.jp). associated with the tear film and ocular surface to further our
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. understanding of QoV in dry eye. Moreover, increasing

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Koh Cornea  Supplement to Volume 35, Supplement 11, November 2016

attention to alternations or fluctuations in the tear film,

a specific characteristic feature of the tear film, has expanded
the ability for continuous capture of optical quality data.
Temporal changes in optical quality associated with tear film
behavior have been investigated using sequential measure-
ments of corneal topographic data14–16 or wavefront aberra-
tions.17–24 In addition, newly developed continuously
functional visual acuity measurement systems have shown
the visual performance associated with the tear film
alternation.25–27 In recent years, the double-pass tech-
nique28–32 or light-scattering measurements33,34 have been
used to reveal optical quality related to precorneal tear film
or ocular surface conditions.

VISUAL COMPLAINTS ARE PREVALENT AMONG FIGURE 1. Core mechanism underlying dry eye and common
PATIENTS WITH DRY EYE visual complaints associated with dry eye. (Upper panel) Core
Visual complaints are common among patients with mechanism underlying dry eye. Tear film instability and ocular
surface damage are key factors in the core mechanism under-
dry eye in clinical practice. Several dry eye questionnaires lying dry eye, and the vicious circle between tear film and ocular
are in current use, although no specific unified question- surface damage causes dry eye. (Lower panel) Common visual
naires have currently been reported.35–43 Common visual complaints associated with dry eye. Common visual complaints
complaints associated with dry eye include fluctuating associated with dry eye include “fluctuating vision with blink-
vision with blinking, blurred vision, glare, and eye fatigue ing”, “blurred vision”, “glare”, and “eye fatigue”.
(Fig. 1). Because dry eye may exhibit chronicity, these
symptoms sometimes show fluctuating severity. Further-
more, these subjective symptoms are generally common in Aberrations
patients who visit eye clinics; therefore, some dry eye cases In eyes with corneal or ocular surface disorders,
may be diagnosed as unidentified troublesome complaints aberrations are caused by an irregularity of refractive surfaces
without a definite dry eye diagnosis. This partly results from in the anterior/posterior corneal surfaces and/or precorneal
dry eye conditions not being sight-threatening in most tear film. Aberrations include lower-order components and
patients and also results from most patients with dry eye higher-order components. Conventional visual acuity tests
having a good best-corrected visual acuity except for measure lower-order components such as sphere and cylinder;
advanced cases. Recently, the importance of recognizing however, they cannot detect HOAs. Wavefront sensors are
ocular surface diseases that seem normal but that cause used to evaluate quantitative aberrations of the whole eye.49
many symptoms such as mild dry eye or short tear film Previous studies reported that they are sensitive enough to
breakup time (BUT)-type dry eye has been emphasized. It is detect optical changes associated with tear film breakup9–13
important to note that tear film instability and ocular surface and increased HOAs after tear film breakup can even be
damage are key factors in the complicated mechanisms of observed in normal eyes.10,12 To understand fluctuating or
dry eye (Fig. 1).1 Furthermore, a vicious circle between tear changeable vision in dry eye, sequential ocular measurements
film and ocular surface damage causes the dry eye of ocular HOAs are useful. As demonstrated in Figure 2A,
condition. To date, nonexistent or weak correlations have visual performance is believed to be stable between blinks in
been reported between subjective symptoms and clinical normal eyes without dry eye.19 The simulated retinal images
signs,37,44–47 making dry eye a complicated disease. Fur- of a case of the short BUT type of dry eye or dry eye with
thermore, little has been reported regarding a correlation decreased tear film wettability are shown in Figure 2B.23
between objective optical quality data and subjective Generally, these disorders are characterized by decreased tear
symptoms in dry eye. One study from France reported that film stability with severe dry eye symptoms including visual
the progression index for corneal higher-order aberrations complaints. They are often accompanied by little ocular
(HOAs) was correlated with the subjective index of the surface damage and an absence of tear deficiency. It was
patient-reported visual outcomes [Ocular Surface Disease reported that the postblink HOA pattern exhibits an upward
Index score] in dry eye.48 curve that continues to increase in the short BUT type of dry
eye. As shown in Figure 2B, the simulated retinal image is
good just after the blink; however, deterioration in image
ABERRATIONS AND LIGHT SCATTERING IN quality is observed as the tear film stability decreases. This
DRY EYE explains the symptom of “fluctuating vision with blinking”
In human eyes, aberrations and light scattering are the in dry eye. The simulated retinal image of a representative
main causes of optical quality degradation.33 In the remain- case of aqueous tear-deficient dry eye is shown in Figure
ing sections, I speculate on the mechanisms involved in 2C.23 Retinal image quality is impaired even immediately
subjective symptoms of dry eye based on aberrations and after the blink and remained poor between the blinks. It was
light scattering. reported that sequential HOAs exhibited consistently greater

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Cornea  Supplement to Volume 35, Supplement 11, November 2016 Mechanisms of Visual Disturbance in Dry Eye

FIGURE 2. Representative sequential wavefront color-coded maps of postblink ocular HOAs and the simulated retinal images of
a Landolt ring. Wavefront data were obtained every 1 second after the blink with the wavefront sensor and the Landolt ring
(optotype with a logMAR value of 0); (A) normal eye. Visual performance is stable throughout, after the blink. Reprinted with
permission from Koh et al19 with modification. B, Short BUT type of dry eye. The simulated retinal image is normal just after the
blink; however, deterioration in image quality is observed as the tear film stability decreases. This explains the symptom of
“fluctuating vision with blinking” in the short BUT type of dry eye. Reprinted with permission from Koh et al.23 C, Dry eye with SPK
in the central corneal region. The simulated retinal image quality is impaired immediately after the blink and remains poor
between blinks. This explains the symptom of “blurred vision” in dry eye. Reprinted with permission from Koh et al24 with

values because of the very low tear volume that might be scattering, which can be estimated by slit-lamp examination or
responsible for the absence of sequential alternations in with a Scheimpflug camera. Clinically, forward light scat-
HOAs.23 Increased ocular HOAs associated with superficial tering is more often associated with visual complaints than
punctate keratopathy (SPK) in the central corneal region backward light scattering. There have been fewer studies
have been reported.23,50 In clinical practice, patients with investigating light scattering compared with aberrations in
moderate or severe dry eye with SPK in the central corneal dry eye. In addition to the limited commercially available
region have an increased frequency of visual symptoms that tools for light-scattering measurements, possible reasons for
may become constant. Sequentially measured ocular HOA this may include the complex relationships between ocular
results can explain the symptom of “blurred vision” in forward light scattering and corneal backward light scatter-
dry eye. ing.53–55 Furthermore, the existence of scatter-producing
microaberrations associated with tear film breakup has been
reported, which may cause difficulty in the interpretation of
Light Scattering light-scattering results.56
Light scattering can be subdivided into forward light A previous study33 investigated both ocular forward
scattering and backward light scattering.33,51 Ocular forward light scattering and corneal backward light scattering in 2 dry
light scattering produces a veiling luminance on the retina. eye groups with and without the presence of SPK in the
This phenomenon may lead to glare.52 Commercially avail- central corneal region. They reported that ocular forward light
able devices use a double-pass imaging technique or a stray- scattering measured with a straylight meter was significantly
light meter to enable the measurement of forward light increased in both dry eye groups compared with normal eyes
scattering. In contrast, corneal haze with decreased corneal (Fig. 3A). Because tear film stability decreased in both dry
transparency is typically determined by corneal backward light eyes, it was speculated that tear film instability may be

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Koh Cornea  Supplement to Volume 35, Supplement 11, November 2016

FIGURE 3. Comparison of ocular

forward light scattering and corneal
backward light scattering in 2 dry eye
groups with and without the presence
of SPK in the central corneal region
and the normal eye group. A, Ocular
forward light scattering measured with
a straylight meter was significantly
increased in both dry eye groups
compared with normal eyes. Repre-
sentative corneal images with fluores-
cein without and with SPK in the
central corneal region are shown. *P ,
0.01. B, Corneal backward light scat-
tering measured with a corneal densi-
tometry program of a Scheimpflug
camera was significantly increased in
dry eyes with central SPK. There was
no difference between dry eyes with-
out central SPK and normal eyes.
Representative corneal images with
fluorescein with SPK in the central
corneal region are shown. *P , 0.01.
Reprinted with permission from Koh
et al33 with modification.

responsible for the increased ocular forward light scattering. light scattering, severe SPK may lead to the symptom of
This explains the symptom of “glare” in dry eye. The effect “blurred vision” in dry eye.
of forward light scattering on visual performance based on
these findings is shown in Figure 4. Another study30
investigated forward light scattering in dry eyes using MECHANISMS UNDERLYING VISUAL
a double-pass imaging technique and reported that increased DISTURBANCES IN DRY EYE
forward light scattering in dry eye could be related to tear As mentioned previously, tear film instability and
film instability, and that the objective scatter index did not ocular surface damage are the main component factors in
correlate with the corneal staining score. However, a signif- the core mechanism of dry eye, and a vicious cycle between
icant increase in corneal backward light scattering was tear film and ocular surface damage causes dry eye conditions
detected in dry eyes with central SPK using a corneal (Fig. 5, upper panel). Because clinical characteristics of dry
densitometry program of the Scheimpflug camera. There eye are caused by a combination of these 2 factors (tear film
was no difference between dry eyes without central SPK and instability and ocular surface damage), distinguishing
normal eyes (Fig. 3B). Moderate positive correlations were between these 2 factors might be difficult. However, from
reported between the severity of central SPK and corneal an optical point of view, speculation of the mechanisms
backward light scattering.33 SPK caused by mechanical or underlying vision-related subjective symptoms in dry eye
inflammatory phenomena may contribute to increased based on objectively assessed optical quality (aberrations and
corneal backward light scattering from the anterior part of light scattering) and knowledge of the core mechanism
dry eyes. Although backward light scattering is less underlying dry eye is possible (Fig. 5, lower panel). As
associated with visual complaints compared with forward discussed, tear film instability can cause decreased stability

FIGURE 4. Potential effect of increased

forward light scattering. (Left panel)
Original image. (Right panel) Image
presented with increased forward light
scattering that explains the symptom
of “blurred vision” in dry eye.

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Cornea  Supplement to Volume 35, Supplement 11, November 2016 Mechanisms of Visual Disturbance in Dry Eye

should be considered in some cases of dry eye. Therefore, dry

eye may be a multifactorial chronic symptomatic disease.1

This review presents possible mechanisms underlying
the visual disturbances in dry eye. Recently, comprehensive
diagnosis and treatment of dry eye have received increasing
attention. Because visual disturbances are present in the
definition of dry eye in the 2007 Dry Eye Workshop report,1
QoV associated with dry eye has received increasing
attention. Accordingly, quantitative objective assessment
of optical quality or visual function plays an important role.
Given that both tear film instability and ocular surface
damage lead to visual disturbances in dry eye, management
FIGURE 5. Mechanisms of vision-related subjective symptoms of dry eye by improving tear film stability is essential in
in dry eye based on objectively measured optical quality and improving QoV in dry eye. The lack of association between
the core mechanism underlying dry eye. (Upper panel) Core objectively assessed optical quality and subjective visual
mechanism underlying dry eye. (Lower panel) Relationship symptoms in dry eye remains to be solved and is a challenge.
between vision-related subjective symptoms and objectively There is an unmet need for techniques that measure visual
measured optical quality (aberrations and light scattering). functions that correlate with the vision-related subjective
Tear film instability causes decreased stability of postblink symptoms of dry eye. Further developments of newly
HOAs, leading to “fluctuating vision with blinking.” Tear film evolved techniques and improvement or modifications of
instability is also responsible for increased ocular forward light existing devices are expected. To achieve this, combinations
scattering, leading to “glare.” Ocular surface damage, partic-
of techniques are also possible. It would be ideal if useful
ularly in the overlying optical zone (in the central corneal re-
gions), causes increased baseline HOAs after the blink and measurement techniques could be used in every clinic
increased corneal backward light scattering that can lead to worldwide, with the aim of providing better dry eye
“blurred vision.” When patients with dry eye struggle to see diagnosis and treatment to alleviate the symptoms with
things under such conditions, they experience “eye fatigue.” better patient QoV.
Italic text with a shaded box denotes vision-related subjective
symptoms, and text with a solid line box denotes findings
from aberrations and light-scattering studies. [ indicates ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
“increased” and Y indicates “decreased”. The author thanks Prof. Thomas J.T.P. van den Berg
(Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Institute of the Royal
Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Amsterdam, the
of postblink HOAs such as an upward pattern in postblink Netherlands), Prof. Naoyuki Maeda and Prof. Kohji Nishida
HOA changes, leading to “fluctuating vision with blink- (Department of Ophthalmology, Osaka University Graduate
ing.” Tear film instability is also responsible for increased School of Medicine, Suita, Japan) for assistance.
ocular forward light scattering, leading to “glare.” SPK,
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