Hologenetic Profile-1

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Each one of us is born with a unique sacred geometry embedded deeply within our being. This geometry can be plotted through the precise timing and
placement of your birth in the constantly shifting universe. This same pattern is also holographically encoded in your DNA, forming a distinct personal
profile of genetic sequences, each of which awakens a different aspect of your life and your genius. This is your Hologenetic Profile, the original blueprint
that tells us the gifts that you bring into the world, how you operate, and above all the mystery of your destiny.

Each of the Sequences in your Hologenetic Profile offers a possibility to unfold a specific aspect of your higher purpose in life. Even though these are
viewed as separate sequences encoding aspects of your destiny, they are all interconnected. This means that as you contemplate your sequences in the
framework of your daily life, you will activate all aspects of the Hologenetic Profile simultaneously, allowing you to witness dynamic changes in your life.
Designed as a tool to work alongside the 64 Gene Keys, your Hologenetic Profile contains specific phrases and keywords that provide a starting point for
in-depth contemplation and dialogue concerning the Gene Keys.


Your Golden Path is a threefold journey.

The Activation Sequence highlights your four genetic Prime Gifts and focuses
on the Self and the theme of your fundamental frequency – the unconscious
daily attitude that dictates the pulse and shape of your life. The Four Prime Gifts
are the cornerstones of your life, representing the mythic themes and
challenges of your global role in this lifetime. The path through your Prime Gifts
supports you to fulfill your life’s Purpose while remaining deeply grounded in
the Core Stability of your physical body.

The Venus Sequence is the path of courageous emotional opening through

relationships. It is a journey that expands your heart through the correct aligning
of your attractor field and the gradual release of your defence patterns.
Catalysing a gentle emotional cascade in your life, the Venus Sequence
supports you to let go of the pain of separation and invites you to master the
great art of returning non-love with love.

The Pearl Sequence describes the stage of genuine exchange with the
universe, of giving and receiving your deepest gifts in synchronicity with the
greater whole. This third path guides you towards true prosperity by helping you
to find your Core Vocation. It supports you in finding the highest possible form
of service you can offer to the world, through your inherent gifts.

(©) 2015 Gene Keys www.genekeys.com • www.genekeys.net page 2

08 Sep 1969 at 2:24pm Confusion
Falls Church, Virginia Line 5 - Fixer


Invincibility Peace
Determination Diplomacy
Line 2 - Denial/Ease
9.2 Line 1 - Simplicity 6.5 Conflict
Line 5 - Society

Communion Selflessness Truth

Synergy Altruism Inquiry
Dominance 45.1 Selfishness 27.1 63.5 Doubt
Line 1 - Solitude Line 1 - Certainty Line 5 - Power & Projection

Revelation Invisibility
Mindfulness Artfulness
Forgetting Pride
Line 6 - The Objective Mind
33.6 26.6 Line 6 - Reverence/Alienation

17.6 Line 6 - Disappointment/Innocence

Siddhi (Essence)
Gift (Potential)
26.1 Shadow (Challenge)

Line 1 - Physicality

(©) 2015 Gene Keys www.genekeys.com • www.genekeys.net page 3



The 23rd Gene Key (example)

This number always relates to one of the 64 Gene Keys. Each Gene Key has 3
possible expressions in your life - a Shadow (victim tendency), a Gift (creative
genius) and a Siddhi (Divine essence). As soon as you have a copy of the
Gene Keys book you can begin contemplating your specific Gene Keys
and their meanings.

The 2nd Line (example)

Each Gene Key is expressed through one of 6 lines. The lines add depth to
each Gene Key, enhancing its story and giving it a particular flavour. Each
Sphere has 6 different line keynotes. You will find a full description of each
each of these keynotes and their meanings in the in the Golden Path Program.

The Sphere of your Life's Work (example)

Your Hologenetic Profile consists of 11 Spheres. Each Sphere relates to a different

aspect of your life. As you contemplate your Gene Keys in relation to each Sphere you may
have many profound insights. This person's Life's Work is to serve others through the Gift
of their Simplicity. Each Sphere is discussed in depth in the Golden Path Program.

The Pathway of Breakthrough (example)

Your Hologenetic Profile consists of 12 Pathways that link together the 11 Spheres. The Pathways
are universal themes that provide a narrative structure to the Gene Keys and lines that make up your
Hologenetic Profile. This structure is the Golden Path. As you explore the depths of your Hologenetic Profile
through deep contemplation over time, you will experience the wonder of Self Illumination - the power to ignite
the Divine spark within your DNA.

(©) 2015 Gene Keys www.genekeys.com • www.genekeys.net page 4

discovering your genius
08 Sep 1969 at 2:24pm
Falls Church, Virginia Illumination The Activation Sequence is the primary sequence in your
Imagination Hologenetic Profile. It is the catalyst for a powerful
Confusion transformation through a deep understanding of your 4 Prime
Gifts. These describe the mythical journey that is the essence
of your life. They are your Life’s Work, your Evolution, your
64.5 Radiance and your Purpose. The Life’s Work and the
Evolution describe what you are here to manifest externally,
while the Radiance and Purpose describe the more hidden
inner rewards that come about as you fully embrace the former.

Calculated from the position of the sun at the time of your birth,
your Activation Sequence is triggered through your
understanding and application of the laws of frequency. It is the
starting point for your attunement to the higher frequencies in
your personal Hologenetic Profile. By understanding and
embracing the Shadow aspects of these four Gene Keys in
your own life it is possible to activate their higher frequencies
Communion and bring about a subtle change deep inside yourself. By
Synergy sustained contemplation on the highest frequencies of your
Dominance Prime Gifts you may witness a complete transformation in your
life as you unlock the true genius waiting inside you.

45.1 63.5 The Activation Sequence follows a series of three leaps in

awareness that unfold in your life as you activate the higher
purpose within your DNA. These inner realisations are called
your Challenge, your Breakthrough and your Core Stability.

Line Themes

Life's Work: Line 5 — Fixer

Evolution: Line 5 — Power & Projection
Radiance: Line 1 — Solitude
Purpose: Line 1 — Physicality (bones)

(©) 2015 Gene Keys Pride www.genekeys.com • www.genekeys.net page 5
opening your heart through relationships
08 Sep 1969 at 2:24pm
Falls Church, Virginia Forming the heart of the Golden Path, the Venus Sequence is
an extraordinary journey into the genetic currents that shaped
you in the womb and the karmic forces released at the moment
of your conception. Such patterns have determined who you
draw into your life (Attraction) as well as your intelligence (IQ),
your emotional ease (EQ) and your spiritual insight (SQ). As
understanding of your own Venus Sequence unfolds, you will
see how many aspects of your higher nature were shut down
while you were very young. The most challenging patterns of
your relationships can then be seen as holding the highest
possibilities for unlocking these hidden gifts inside you.

The Venus Sequence describes the strength of your aloneness

and the particular gifts that emerge through your relationship
with others. Taking you through a passage of inner revelations
that are directly applicable to your life, the Venus Sequence
unfolds in cascades and leaps of awareness that progressively
Determination soften the defences around your heart. The inner realisations in
Inertia 9.2 these leaps are called Dharma, Karma, Intelligence, Love, and
Realisation. Each of these pathways contain specific emotional
challenges that when accepted and understood brings about a
deep expression of your core essence.
27.1 Selfishness

Revelation Invisibility
Mindfulness Artfulness Line Themes
Forgetting 33.6 26.6 Pride
Purpose: Line 1 — The Anchor/Loner
Attraction: Line 6 — Disappointment/Innocence
IQ: Line 6 — The Objective Mind (absent)
EQ: Line 6 — Reverence/Alienation
17.6 Opinion
SQ: Line 1 — Certainty (rhythm and routine)
Core: Line 2 — Denial/Ease

(©) 2015 Gene Keys Pride www.genekeys.com • www.genekeys.net page 6
releasing your prosperity through simplicity
08 Sep 1969 at 2:24pm
Falls Church, Virginia As the natural culmination of the Golden Path, the Pearl
represents the harvest of your expansion through the Venus
Sequence and the Prime Gifts. Released from false
identification with ancestral wounding and empowered by a
new sense of your own genius, the essence at the core of your
DNA reveals itself as your true inner Vocation.
The four stages of the Pearl Sequence are called the Vocation,
Culture, Brand and Pearl. They describe a process of
reorientation and synchronicity that brings you into contact with
those people, cultures, places and dimensions that are required
in order for you to fulfill your highest destiny.
Inadequacy Representing a great flowering in your life, the Pearl brings to
48.1 you the secrets of prosperity through an embodiment of
simplicity. The three final stages of Initiative, Growth and
Service create a quantum leap inside your being. At this stage
Invincibility Peace the entire journey of the Golden Path is integrated as you
Determination Diplomacy
Inertia 9.2 6.5 Conflict
experience yourself as a unique vibrating facet in the
interwoven geometry of the whole.

Line Themes

Vocation: Line 2 — Marketing (value)

Culture: Line 5 — Society
Brand: Line 5 — Wisdom (solutions)
Pearl: Line 1 — Simplicity

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