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VOLUME 24 NO. 6 2001




C a s e StiidLes ELI CCLL2.I2CL-2.UOLI


National Park Service
Cultural Resources
PUBLISHED BY THE ^ A n l A n t r VOLUME 24 NO. 6 2001
Information for parks, federal agencies,
Indian tribes, states, local governments,
and the private sector that promotes
Conservation and
and maintains high standards for pre-
and managing cultural
Case Studies in Collaboration
Fran R MaineUa
The Improving Collaboration Between Conservation and Archeology 3
Katherine H. Stevenson Mending the Past One Fragment at a Time—Archeological Conservation as a
Scholarly Resource 5
EDITOR Lisa Young
Ronald M. Greenberg
ASSOCIATE EDITOR Archeological Conservation Display 7
Janice C. McCoy Jeffrey Maish
Jesssica S. Johnson Field Conservation on the Housatonic and Hunley Shipwreck Excavations 8
Claire Peachey
David Andrews
Editor, NPS Neglect of an Obvious Issue—The Storage of Human Remains 11
Joan Bacharach Vicki Cassman, Kristen Martine, Jennifer Riddle, and Sali Underwood
Curator, NPS
Randall J. Biallas
Historical Architect, NPS Integrating Conservation and Field Archeology—Insights from Central America . . . .14
John A. Burns Harriet F. (Rae) Beaubien
Architect, NPS
Harry A. Butowsky
Historian, NPS Rock Image Conservation at Petroglyph National Monument 17
Pratt Cassity J. Claire Dean
Executive Director,
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
Muriel Crespi Managing Archeological Collections Distance Learning 18
Cultural Anthropologst, NPS
Mary Cullen
Terry Childs
Director, Hetorical Services Branch
Parks Canada
Archeological Conservation at the NYU Excavations at Aphrodisias 19
Roger E. Kelly
Archeokxjist, NPS Kent J. Severson
Antoinette J. Lee
Historian, NPS
The Diverse Roles of an Archeological Conservator 21
ASSISTANT Catherine E. Magee
Denise M . Mayo
Conservation and Materials Identification in the Field—A Maryland Case Study . . .23
Howard Wellman
An electronic version of this
issue of CRMcan be accessed Documenting an Early Cooking Disaster—The Conservation of the
through the CRM homepage at Meaux Site Porringer 26
<>. Emily A. Williams

Conservation and Heritage Management Award 28

Catherine Sease
Design and Imaging
McCoy Publishing Services Cover: conservator stabilizing a vessel in a royal burial offering chamber, see article, p. 14; porringer from Meaux site, see article p. 26; ceramic vessel after conservation treatment, see article, p. 5.

Statements of fact and views are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect an opinion or endorsement on the part of the editors, the CRM
advisors and consultants, or the National Park Service. Send articles and correspondence to the Editor, CRM, U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park
Service, 1849 C Street, NW, Suite 350NC, Washington, DC 20240 (U.S. Postal Service) or 800 North Capitol St, NW, Suite 350, Washington, DC 20002 (Federal
Express); ph. 202-343-3411, fax 202-343-5260; email: <>, to subscribe and to make Inquiries; <> to submit articles.

2 CRM No 6—2001
Jessica S. Johnson

The Improving Collaboration Between

Conservation and Archeology

ollaboration between conserva- American communities are also being included in
tors and archeologists has been the decision-making process, such as the rock art
discussed and analyzed numer- preservation program at Petroglyph National
ous times in print over many Monument described by Claire Dean.
years.1 Gradually, some conservators and archeol- However, field experience for student con-
ogists are developing effective collaborative pro- servators is still limited on U.S. excavations and
jects that improve the preservation of objects and most go abroad to work on site in places such as
architecture while adding information for the the Mediterranean or Middle East where archeo-
interpretation of the site. This issue of CRM logical conservation has a long history. Kent
focuses on the contributions of conservators to Severson's paper describes the object and architec-
archeology during fieldwork, analysis, and long- tural conservation projects that give training
term preservation of curated collections. Articles opportunities to both American and Turkish stu-
by a number of conservators, working through- dents at the site of Aphrodisias. More field
out the world, have been collected. Their descrip- opportunities in the U.S. are needed. Only then
tions illustrate the wide range of projects conser- can students learn about the particular problems
vators are involved with, including: of archeological conservation in the U.S.
• treating objects in the field Other authors in this issue discuss how con-
• insuring their preservation and availability in servation can be better integrated into archeologi-
repositories cal fieldwork. Lisa Young describes how careful
• collaborating on research planning and the use of supervised students
• preserving architecture and objects as part of
larger preservation/tourist development pro-
requires imagina- jects 2
tive adaptation of • working with federal and state agencies and
typical conserva-
tion techniques.
Native peoples on a collaborative approach to
In the United States, conservation has long
been a part of underwater and historical archeol-
ogy. The article by Claire Peachey about on-going
work on the Housatonic and Hunley shipwrecks is
one example. Colonial Williamsburg has had a
laboratory for archeological conservation since
the early 1930s, and the current conservator,
Emily Williams, discusses how the information
gained from treatment has recently added to the
knowledge and interpretation of one site.
Howard Wellman shows how the particular skills
of conservators can generate information that
improves interpretation.
American conservators and archeologists
have begun to collaborate more on long-term
preservation of Native American materials in
repositories such as the human remains rehousing
project described by Vicki Cassman, et. al. Native

CRM No 6—2001 3
Cleaning and objects and structures for re-analysis and other
stabilization of
uses. Archeological professional organizations
objects in the
field allow for such as S H A and AIA are supporting this collab-
faster and better oration. As more conservation students are
trained in the specifics of field conservation, and
and improved
long-term more archeologists become acquainted with how
preservation. the inclusion of a conservator can help with their
concerns in the short and long term, this collabo-
ration will only expand. T h o u g h theoretical per-
spectives have radically changed since 1904,
W . M . Flinders Petrie's admonition still holds:
T h e preservation of the objects that are found
is a necessary duty of the finder. To disclose
things only to destroy them, when a more
skillful or patient worker might have added
them to the world's treasures is a hideous
fault. 4

More collaboration will help ensure the preserva-

tion of our archeological resources for continued
use in research and interpretation.

See for example, B. J. Borque, "Conservation in
Archaeology: Working toward Closer Cooperation,"
American Antiquity 45:4 (1980): 794-99; K. Morris,
"Conservation of Archaeological Collections,"
North American Archaeologist 2:2 (1980): 131-36; J.
allowed for conservation of objects recovered Johnson, "Conservation and Archaeology in Great
from a historic site in Philadelphia. Catherine Britain and the United States: A Comparison,"
Magee describes the different roles she has filled Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
32:3 (1993): 249-69.
on excavations depending on need. Rae Beaubien 2
See also, "A Unity of Theory and Practice Bridging
uses her considerable experience in Mesoamerica
to the Past: The University of Pennsylvania and the
to describe how conservation can be better inte-
NPS," O W 20:10 (1997). This issue describes a
grated into field archeology anywhere. number of architectural conservation projects on
Finally, three short pieces describe how the archeological sites.
profile of archeological conservation is being 3 There is a new training program in Ethnographic
raised through the support of archeological orga- and Archaeological Conservation in development at
nizations. Jeff Maish describes a traveling poster the Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA in
that was co-sponsored by the Society for collaboration with the J. Paul Getty Trust. For
information see <
Historical Archaeology (SHA) and the American
Institute for Conservation (AIC). Catherine Sease 4
W.M.F. Petrie, Methods and Aims in Archaeology
gives information on the Archaeological Institute (London: Macmillan, 1904).
of America's (AIA) Conservation and Heritage
M a n a g e m e n t Award. A website produced by Jessica S. Johnson is the Senior Objects Conservator,
Terry Childs of the National Park Service National Museum of the American Indian, Smithsonian
Archeology and Ethnography Program incorpo- Institution, Washington, DC, and from 1991 to 2001
rates conservation into training to care for arche- was Head of Objects Conservation at the Gordion Project
in Turkey, sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania,
ological collections.
University Museum. She is guest editor of this issue of
Bit by bit, archeologists and conservators
are finding ways to collaborate to improve inter-
pretation and to better preserve the archeological Photos courtesy the author.

4 CRM No 6—2001
Lisa Young

Mending the Past

One Fragment at a Time
Archeological Conservation as a
Scholarly Resource

n 1997, archeologists from the small contract was awarded to specifically con-
National Park Service (NPS) and John serve and reconstruct 25 ceramic vessels. The
Milner Associates uncovered three facility in Silver Spring was fully outfitted with a
well and privy features during an working archeological conservation laboratory,
archeological testing and monitoring phase on although it lacked a permanent conservator. For
Independence Park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. this project, much of the needed equipment, sup-
The archeologists decided to fully excavate these plies, and materials was already in place, and only
features, as they were to be impacted and a few additional chemicals and disposable sup-
destroyed when later development of the site plies had to be purchased. For more than two
took place. A contract conservator was consulted years, conservation of the collection was carried
during the excavation phase of the project, and out and over 7,500 objects were treated. Each
the artifacts were recovered, sorted, and stabilized material group was examined by the archeologist
in the field for transport to the laboratory. The and the conservator prior to beginning any treat-
more sensitive, or unstable artifacts, were routed ments, and an estimate for time, labor, and sup-
directly to a professional conservator for treat- plies was prepared and submitted for approval.
ment. Other waterlogged artifacts such as wood, While the park archeologist was fortunate to
leather, bone, and tin-glazed ceramics were pack- receive funding to support each step, there was
Leather after aged and transported in containers of water and always the uncertainty of knowing whether or
conservation were set aside for possible conservation in the not funding would be approved for each individ-
treatment. ual contract and whether we could move to the
After the initial next stage of the project. For this reason, conser-
artifact processing vation tasks were carefully planned and imple-
stage, the materials mented to fit into each individual "contract"
were transferred to the ensuring that treatments could be completed
NPS Applied with the funding available.
Archeology Center in From a conservator's viewpoint, all of the
Silver Spring, artifacts undergoing conservation needed to
Maryland, for further receive the same standard of treatment to ensure
examination and long-term preservation. However, the archeolo-
analysis. Mr. Paul gists and project managers wanted to treat as
Inashima, project many artifacts as possible quickly and inexpen-
director, recognized sively. Close cooperation between all the project
the need to further team members allowed us to find ways to meet
conserve and analyze these goals, while not jeopardizing the standard
many of the materials, of treatment performed on any one group of arti-
and approached the facts. This standard meant that for every artifact
NPS for funding to treated, a before-and-after-treatment photograph
perform conservation was taken, an illustration of the artifact was pro-
on particular groups duced, and conservation documentation was
of artifacts. Initially, a completed and archived with the site records.

CRM No 6—2001 5
The majority of the artifacts treated con- The next two largest groups of materials
sisted of ceramics and glass. Many of the vessels treated consisted of waterlogged leather and
cross-mended, and could be fully re-constructed, wood. Over 500 leather objects required conser-
missing only a few, very small fragments. While vation including items such as nearly complete
many archeologists do not typically spend this shoes, shoe soles and uppers, cut fragment, and
amount of time reconstructing vessels, this collec- pieces of larger garments. The wooden artifacts
tion is rare in that it provides a unique look into varied more in size and function, as well as being
the socio-economic lifeways of Philadelphians manufactured from different types of wood
during the 18th century. Many of the vessels were species. Typically, whenever a large amount of
manufactured from local clays and the vessel one material is discovered in a single archeologi-
forms have been linked to local potters who have cal feature, the conservator makes decisions
been documented as having traveled and worked regarding the appropriate treatment method,
in other neighboring cities such as Alexandria, while considering other issues, such as time man-
Virginia. agement, and the space and resources available to
Approximately two-thirds of the ceramics treat large quantities. When over 1,000 pieces of
were treated during the first year of the project. waterlogged wood undergo conservation treat-
An early assessment of the collection indicated ment, it may seem advantageous to batch-treat
that many of the ceramic vessels were composed the objects, but this may not always be possible if
of like materials, suffered from the same degree of a variety of woods has been used or if there are
degradation, and often required similar conserva- significant differences in deterioration between
tion treatment. Therefore, it was feasible to train objects.
laboratory technicians and student interns to During the second year of the project, four
assist with both the documentation and recon- conservation assistants were hired to work part-
struction of the vessels. As the project grew, and time to assist with conservation of the water-
more archeologists began to hear about the logged wood and leather, as well as the remainder
ceramics being mended at the Applied of the ceramics. Minimally, each artifact had to
Archeology Center, other NPS employees and be safely removed from water, dried out with
archeologists began to volunteer their time on the minimal shrinkage, identified, and curated.
project. In return, hands-on conservation train- Experiments were conducted in order to find a
ing was provided to volunteers as a means of way to bring the artifacts out of the water while
treating more vessels. minimizing loss to the artifacts and the techno-
Exhibit on con-
logical and historical information they contain.
servation at Various drying methods including controlled
Independence slow drying, air-drying, solvent drying, and
freeze-drying were conducted on both wood and
Historical Park,
Philadelphia, leather samples from the site. Initial results indi-
Pennsylvania. cated that controlled slow drying after initial sur-
face cleaning and desalination could be an
acceptable drying method for those wood and
leather samples that would not undergo full con-
servation treatment. This type of research infor-
mation is invaluable to the conservator or arche-
ologist who may be working in remote countries
or less than ideal laboratories even here in the
United States where equipment such as freeze-
dryers and even fume hoods are not available for
conservation work.
Conservators who work with large, diverse
collections of archeological materials are pre-
sented with challenges and issues that are unique.
With many archeological projects, particularly in
the United States, a conservator is often brought
into the archeological process after excavation has

6 CRM No 6—2001
already begun. Frequently a budget for conserva- levels, must be taken into consideration when
tion work has not been included within the over- preparing a budget at the beginning of a project.
all project budget, leaving the archeologist and Both the archeologist and the conservator must
project managers to seek out other funding address these challenges before the first shovel
sources and creative ways to secure money for enters the ground, and communication through-
conservation of the artifacts. As described above, out the entire process is essential for both the
volunteers, student interns, and laboratory tech- good of the project as well as the artifacts.
nicians were used throughout the project to assist
with conservation tasks, documentation and Lisa Young is a private conservator and owner of
treatments. This arrangement was primarily made Alexandria Conservation Services, Ltd., Annandale,
with the archeologists in an attempt to keep over-
all project costs down. The necessity to train vol-
Photos by the author.
unteers and students, with different experience

Jeffrey Maish

Archeological Conservation Display

T he American Institute for

Conservation (AIC) and Objects
Specialty Group presented a staffed
display on archeological conservation at the
annual meeting of the Society for Historical
The project evolved and was organized
through the efforts of the Archaeological
Conservation Discussion Group of the Objects
Specialty Group. This group has a principal goal
of establishing a continuing dialogue with the
Archaeology (SHA) in Long Beach California, in archeological community. The poster presented
January 2001. The display was funded jointly by archeological conservation in a general and
the AIC and the Intersociety Relations approachable manner with the aim of informing
Committee of the SHA. Entitled "Gone with the attendees of issues involved in conservation on
Wind (but it doesn't have to be)," it presented site while also presenting the goals of the AIC.
some of the main areas of involvement of object Conservators were on hand to discuss the poster
conservation within archeology. The display also and also to receive feedback from archeologists
attempted to address some of the conceptions/ on conservation needs and challenges. The dis-
misconceptions held about conservation. The play itself was made with portability and flexibil-
central panel included sections on some principal ity in mind so that it can be modified to fit spe-
areas of conservation concern: the definition(s) of cific archeological audiences.
conservation; planning for conservation; on-site Conservators at the SHA display reported a
participation, including stabilization; lifting and high level of interest and received many helpful
transport; laboratory conservation and research; suggestions. It is hoped that the small display can
and storage. The "urban myths of conservation" travel to future regional and national archeologi-
panel presented conservation not as in competi- cal conferences and provide a further point of
tion, but as a complement to archeology. A seg- contact with the AIC and conservation commu-
ment of the excavation responsibilities could nity. Currently, brochures are also being devel-
therefore be turned to a conservation team mem- oped to provide the same information to a much
ber who could perform tasks that contribute to wider audience. For more information please
research while at the same time freeing time for contact the AIC office at AIC, 1717 K. St. N W
the archeologist to perform his or her research. A Suite 200, Washington D C 20006, 202-452-
third "did you know?" panel presented some gen- 9545, or visit the AIC web site at <infoaic@
eral knowledge facts about sites, such as micro->.
environments and their potential effects on mate-
rials, and subsequently, the interpretation of the Jeffrey Maish is Associate Conservator of Antiquities, the
site material. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, California.

CRM No 6—2001 7
Claire Peachey

Field Conservation on the Housatonic

and Hunley Shipwreck Excavations

dove every day, two times a day for bandages, silicone rubber, aluminum foil, dental
two weeks in October 1999, on the molding putty, polysulfide rubber molding com-
site of the Civil War submarine H.L. pound, scraps of wetsuits, and expanding
Hunley, and did not see the submarine polyurethane foam, to name only a few of the sub-
once. It was there; we were not in the wrong stances that can help to gather information or pro-
place. However, such was the blackness of the vide support and strength to objects underwater.
muddy South Carolina coastal waters that we Working on the Hunley site in October, we
could only feel the iron vessel, not see it. It takes could not see, we could only feel. Therefore, to
a little time to get used to doing archeological gather condition information that was more than
conservation essentially blindfolded. As a diving verbally descriptive and subjective, we used den-
archeological conservator, I was removing layers tal molding putty to take molds of the metal
of rock-hard concretion—a mixture of marine plates and rivet heads in the small areas of the
organisms, sediment, and metal corrosion that submarine's surface from which we removed con-
had formed over time—from small areas of the cretion. The two-part putty could be mixed
submarine's surface in order to get information underwater, pressed onto the metal surface, and
about the condition of the metal beneath. It was pulled off after five minutes of curing. The molds
certainly one of the more challenging condition were finely detailed, and provided technological
reports I've had to write. and corrosion information the Oceaneering
Doing conservation with underwater arche- International engineers needed to refine their
ologists means a conservator might work on a plan for raising the submarine from the seabed
cramped and lurching boat, on a sandy beach, on the following year, 2000.
a noisy platform miles offshore, or even 30 feet During this short project, we did not raise
down in black, muddy water. Working underwa- any artifacts, so the conservation requirements
ter requires some adapting of traditional conser- were quite minimal. However, underwater arche-
vation methods and materials
Hunley sus-
pended in its lin- to get the job done. The
ing cradle after it problems are the same as on-
was raised from land excavations: we need to
the seabed. The
backbone of the identify, strengthen, support,
cradle consists of lift, and stabilize fragile arti-
a steel frame- facts. But a slightly different
work with four
legs. On the tool kit is needed. For exam-
seabed, one at a ple, the water-based and sol-
time, 32 heavy vent-based adhesives and
nylon slings were
placed under the consolidants that are the sta-
submarine and ples of on-site archeological
attached to the conservation on land sites are
steel framework.
Extruded foam
useless underwater! Instead
inserts, or "pil- we use materials such as
lows" were underwater-setting epoxies,
formed-fitted to
plumber's pipe-repair tape,
the hull surface
for maximum plaster of Paris, sand, mud,
support. resin-impregnated medical

8 CRM No 6—2001
required a full-time conservation commitment,
not only in the water, but also back on land, and
long after the excavation season was over.
We knew that the Housatonic wreck would
probably contain typical shipboard artifacts of
many different sizes, shapes, materials, and con-
ditions, and we had planned carefully for the
excavation. This planning is the crucial first step
in any excavation project, and always includes the
archeologists and conservators, and possibly other
specialists such as engineers, microbiologists, or
geologists, depending on the scale and nature of
the project. Working on shipwreck sites can
involve handling objects from the tiniest button
Typical concre-
ology can be a conservation-intensive undertak-
or textile fragment to enormous cannon, anchors,
tion from USS ing if artifacts are raised, or even if structures and
and ship timbers, or even entire ship structures.
Housatonic. objects are only uncovered, studied and reburied,
For the task of raising the 40-foot long, 16-ton
or are managed in situ. Materials that have been
Hunley intact from the seabed in August 2000,
immersed in underwater environments for long
intensive planning by archeologists, conservators,
periods have undergone significant chemical and
engineers, corrosion scientists, geologists, archi-
physical changes, and generally do not react well
tects, and many others began years before the
to being brought into a new environment rich in
oxygen, light, and heat. The deterioration prob-
For the Housatonic project, I had brought
lems are often not fully understood, and the
everything that would be needed for on-site con-
required conservation treatments can be long and
servation. This meant dozens of plastic, sealable,
complex. Many times, an object is not even visi-
Tupperware-type containers and self-seal, Zip-
ble before some kind of conservation treatment is
lok-type bags of every shape and size for individ-
performed on it, so the conservator may be the
ual artifacts, as well as larger, sturdy, stackable
first one to learn of the materials and details of an
containers for bulk storage. Other essential water-
object. Underwater archeology is dependent on
proof supplies include Tyvek for tags, Mylar
conservation procedures, so the two disciplines
frosted drafting film for drawings, non-corroding
are closely intertwined. The archeologist cannot
brass nails for tagging wood or for custom-build-
identify, and therefore cannot interpret, many
ing crates, Sharpie permanent markers for water-
objects before conservation.
proof and fade-proof writing, stainless steel tools
Earlier in 1999, working a few hundred
that won't rust in the salt air and water, hard plas-
yards from Hunley on the site of USS Housatonic,
tic slates for drawing underwater and for object
the Union vessel sunk by Hunley, our team (from
supports, thin polyethylene foam for padding
the Naval Historical Center, National Park
and support, and rolls of plastic sheeting for cov-
Service, and South Carolina Institute of
ering work tables, wrapping large artifacts, and
Archaeology and Anthropology) excavated nearly
lining makeshift storage tanks.
100 artifacts from three small
test excavation areas. These
Leather shoe
included leather shoes, a rubber
from USS
Housatonic. gasket, zinc artillery fuses, wood
fragments, a pistol of wood,
brass, and iron, and several
amorphous, heavily concreted
objects ("concretions") that were
unidentifiable—even after we
brought them up to the surface
and could see them. One long,
curved concretion was almost
certainly a sword. This project

CRM No 6—2001 9
X-raying USS ing on the material, in containers that would be
Housatonic arti-
used to transport them to the laboratory at the
facts at the
Medical end of the field project.
University of On the Housatonic project, several days of
South Carolina. rough seas kept us from going offshore to exca-
vate, so this allowed time to do some active con-
servation on the artifacts and get some of them
fully treated by the end of the six-week excava-
tion season. I had brought a deionizing column
and portable conductivity meter, so I began
desalination (salt removal) of some materials such
as coal, ceramics, glass, and copper-alloy I also
did some short chemical treatments of the ceram-
ics that had organic and iron staining on them.
When possible to do so without damage, I
removed obscuring concretion to identify an
object to help the archeologists interpret the
excavation areas. This did not include the
unidentified "concretions," which we knew
would become damaged and unstable if we began
breaking them apart without knowing what was
Most of the conservation treatments could
not be done without laboratory facilities. Many
Anchored four miles offshore over the of the objects needed to be x-rayed for prelimi-
wreck of Housatonic, our dive boat was small and nary identification, followed by technological
was filled almost entirely with people, dive equip- research, and then long treatment times some-
ment, and the excavation dredge motor. There times using specialized equipment. Examples of
was little room for artifact storage, and artifact typical treatment needs are desalination, concre-
drawing was impossible on the choppy seas. The tion removal, polyethylene glycol impregnation
most that could be done on the boat was to keep and freeze-drying of organic materials, and elec-
a running log of artifact numbers, write identifi- trolytic reduction of metals to remove corrosion
cation tags as the artifacts were brought up, and agents. An added concern for the artillery fuses
store the artifacts safely in a box of sea water. was that they might still be explosive. Many of
When possible, the objects were immediately the Housatonic objects are still being conserved
photographed. At the end of the diving day, we and studied, with the archeologists and conserva-
motored back to port, and then the conserving tors working together to reveal and interpret the
day began and continued into late evening. The objects throughout the long processes.
objects were brought back to the dig house, On the Housatonic project we were
where the conservation lab consisted of the extremely lucky in that the Medical University of
kitchen sink and the back porch, both frequented South Carolina agreed to x-ray our concretions
by hordes of fire ants. for us shortly after we had excavated them, so we
Usually the routine consisted of gently rins- could begin site interpretation that much sooner.
ing off loose mud and sand, then fully describing, That is when all the bets got paid up. The long,
drawing, and photographing each object. This is curved concretion that I just knew was a sailor's
always the first priority for the objects: record, sword... was a plain old bent iron bolt.
record, record. Objects from underwater environ-
Claire Peachey is Head Conservator, Underwater
ments can undergo rapid changes after excava- Archaeology, Naval Historical Center/National Park
tion, sometimes with a loss of information. After Service, Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC.
the objects were cataloged, they were stored in
basins of clean fresh water or sea water, depend- Photos courtesy U.S. Naval Historical Center.

10 CRM No 6—2001
Vicki Cassman, Kristen Martine, Jennifer Riddle, Sali Underwood

Neglect of an Obvious Issue

The Storage of Human Remains

or museums and universities, the of storage. In light of this goal, we sought two
care and housing of Native specific genres of information. We first searched
American human remains recov- for published literature that would guide us in
ered from archeological contexts our assessment of preservation, storage, and size
have become an issue of the utmost importance constraints as they related to the storage of
since the enactment of the Native American human remains. Professional literature seems to
Graves Protection and Repatriation Act focus mainly on excavation, transportation, and
(NAGPRA) in 1990. While anthropologists, reconstruction (Bass, 1995; Ubelaker, 1989;
museum managers, and Native American com- White, 2000). Unfortunately, the literature
munities negotiate and struggle with NAGPRA neglects the issue of long-term housing of human
issues, a publicly available housing standard has remains. The second component of our evalua-
yet to be devised and agreed upon by these tion involved assessing the needs of Native
diverse communities. Published information Americans, physical anthropologists, museum
regarding the care and storage of human remains curators, and collection managers, conservators,
is vague at best, and assessment of appropriate and archeologists.
housing for human remains is compounded by a Discussion of Perspectives
lack of communication between the different Native Americans. Different tribes have dif-
parties within anthropology and the Native ferent needs when it comes to demonstrating
American community. This lack of communica- proper respect for a deceased individual.
tion is especially apparent within anthropology, Therefore, it is important to consult with the
where each sub-discipline has a different and appropriate tribes when considering specific
often informal "code of ethics" regarding the housing needs. Consultations specific to our col-
preservation and respectful housing of human lections revealed that, in general, it is important
remains, and no public consensus exists between for human remains to resemble a human form in
sub-disciplines. The following article considers storage. The bones should not be randomly scat-
the issue of long-term storage and care of human tered throughout the box, nor should different
remains in terms of preservation, NAGPRA parts of an individual be stored in separate areas
requirements, and research needs. or containers. For example, crania are sometimes
Our discussion is inspired by a recent housed separately from the post-cranial skeleton.
opportunity that was presented to the We have found that this arrangement is offensive
Department of Anthropology and Ethnic Studies and disrespectful to Native Americans and others.
at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Our exist- It is preferable that the body be presented in a
ing building, which houses classrooms, a labora- manner that is as close to its position prior to
tory, and storage facilities, will be demolished, excavation or retrieval as possible, keeping in
and a new building erected in its place. Planning mind that a box for a fully extended adult is too
a new building allows those of us working in the large and awkward to be safely handled. Finally,
storage facility, which contains archeological and bone should be in contact only with inert organic
forensic collections, to make recommendations materials.
for upgrading storage. During our evaluation, we Collection Managers and Conservators.
gave special attention to the housing of all The main concern of collection managers and
human remains in the care of the Department. conservators is preservation. They often make
Our primary goal was to identify and bal- decisions about box materials, size, durability,
ance the concerns of Native Americans, the needs organization, cataloging, and registration.
of researchers, and the cost and space limitations Because our collective experience has shown that

CRM No 6—2001 11
handling causes the most damage to human oste- in which to study a given collection. Fiscal con-
ological remains, it is vital to create an environ- straints related to the cost of conducting research
ment that allows access, while simultaneously limit the amount of time a researcher can spend
reducing damage caused by excessive handling. with a given collection. The operating schedule
Limited space is also a major issue. Space of a repository, the time constraints of museum
constraints often require boxes to be placed or personnel, and the needs of other researchers may
stacked on high shelves. With this in mind, it is also restrict time.
important to realize that boxes may be tilted at Accessibility also influences the amount of
sharp angles as they are removed from shelves. time a researcher spends with collections. In
Proper storage must allow for tilting, while also addition to proper organization, it is essential
preventing the contents of boxes from rolling that the storage container be of adequate size.
around and becoming damaged. Providing Researchers often find it frustrating to waste valu-
sturdy, wide, platform-ladders is recommended to able time trying to fit an individual into a box
facilitate access under such circumstances. that is clearly too small. It is also helpful to have
Keeping collections clean is yet another bones grouped together within a box. For
challenge to collections managers. It is essential instance, keeping the hand bones together and
to have storage containers that are made of mate- sorted by right and left sides, keeping the ribs
rials that are easy to clean. Dust tends to collect together, and keeping the vertebrae together
in the best of environments, so it is good to have reduces the amount of time a researcher spends
the boxes and shelves made of a material that can looking for and placing specific bones. Grouping
quickly and easily be cleaned. also reduces the amount of handling a skeleton is
Archival housing at the most basic level subjected to and reduces damage to the bones.
starts with a storage box made from inert and Conclusions
acid free materials. The box must also be durable After reviewing the needs of the various
and able to support the weight of larger individu- groups interested in the long-term housing of
als, yet not be so heavy that it is difficult to human remains, we designed a storage box that
maneuver. we hope satisfies at least the most important con-
Organizing collections in numerical order cerns of these groups. We have focused on the
by catalog number greatly reduces the amount of issues of size, materials, and layout.
time it will take to locate individuals. It is prefer- Size is an important aspect of box building.
able to organize individuals numerically by cata- If the box is too small, there is a tendency to
log number rather than by age, sex, race, or some either split up the individual or to force remains
other variable because catalog numbers represent into a space in which they do not fit. If the box is
a clear and understandable system that does not too large, then there is movement of material
make presumptions about
a researcher's interests or
specific questions. Having
Box without
trays. Bones are a sortable electronic data-
separated by base containing a biologi-
foam wedges cal profile (i.e. age, sex,
that also keep
the bones from and race information) as
shifting while the well as a bone inventory
box is being is recommended to
reduce initial handling.
Anthropologists. Time
constraints and accessibil-
ity are two prominent
concerns of physical
Researchers often have a
limited amount of time

12 CRM No 6—2001
Box with trays. left sides, and are placed in
There are sepa-
rate trays for the
open trays above the long
right and left bones. This layout facili-
hands as well as tates research by improving
separate trays
for the right and
access and reducing the
left feet bones. amount of time spent locat-
The trays for ing and placing bones,
each set of
while also approximating
bones stack on
top of each the original anatomical
other. position of the individual.
Such a layout also mini-
mizes handling and reduces
the amount of damage to
The housing of
human remains, regardless
of cultural affiliation, is a
basic issue within anthro-
within the box, which is damaging to the bone. pology that has not been standardized or actively
Large boxes are also unwieldy and impractical for discussed in current literature. Despite the indis-
storage and handling purposes. Through contin- pensable function of a box, the issue of how to
ual experimentation, we have concluded that a best create satisfactory housing has been sorely
box size of 31" x 24" x 6" is the most appropriate neglected. There is a tendency to see the box as
size given all the listed constraints. The box size is an easily resolved non-issue. However, as we hope
based on maximum long bone lengths of a com- we have shown, there are many issues to consider
plete male as defined by Ubelaker's stature table when designing proper storage. The box we have
(Ubelaker, 1989:146). designed is part of an ongoing project related to
We suggest the use of inert materials, as rec- storage and housing issues. We plan to continue
ommended by conservators. A corrugated poly- intercultural and interdisciplinary negotiations
ethylene sheet, such as Corex, is an inert acid-free and further modify our design. We welcome
material that is reasonably priced, durable, flexi- feedback and would appreciate suggestions.*
ble, lightweight, and easily cleaned. We also sug-
gest adding a layer of open cell polyethylene Note
foam, such as Ethafoam, to the bottom (and pos- * Send feedback to <>.
sibly sides) of the box for cushioning. To accom-
modate the concerns of Native American groups, References
we recommend placing a layer of well-washed Bass, William. Human Osteology: A Laboratory and
Field Manual. Fourth edition. Columbia, MO:
and rinsed unbleached and undyed cotton muslin
Missouri Archaeological Society, 1995.
fabric over the Ethafoam to ensure that bone is in
Ubelaker, Douglas. Human Skeletal Remains. Manuals
contact with organic material. on Archaeology. Second edition. Washington, DC:
The layout of a box should accommodate Taraxacum Press, 1989.
both Native American concerns and the needs of White, T.D. Human Osteology. San Diego, California:
physical anthropologists. We have compartmen- Academic Press, 2000.
talized and compressed the placement of bone
elements, while prioritizing anatomical order. Vicki Cassman is Assistant Professor, Department of
Anthropology and Ethnic Studies, at the University of
The cranium is placed at the top of the box and
Nevada, Las Vegas.
flanked by all long bones on either side. Below
the cranium are the vertebrae and the pelvis. Kristen Martine, Jennifer Riddle, and Sali Underwood
Scapula and clavicle are placed below long bones are graduate students in the Department of Anthropology
and Ethnic Studies, University ofNevada, Las Vegas.
on the appropriate side. Sorted ribs, hand, and
foot bones are organized according to right and Illustrations drawn by Jennifer Riddle.

CRM No 6—2001 13
Harriet F. (Rae) Beaubien

Integrating Conservation and

Field Archeology
Insights from Central America

he over-arching reason to foster Factors Affecting Integration
the integration of conservation Team structure. Most U.S.-trained archeol-
and archeological field practices ogists working at Mesoamerican sites come out of
is to ensure that newly excavated a strongly anthropological tradition, grounded in
materials, both moveable and immovable, are a practice that emphasizes scientifically valid
safeguarded for the future as meaningful sources method to produce a fresh, well-controlled data
of information about the past. While it would set. As a result, the professional team may be
seem a natural fit, this collaboration has in fact composed primarily of research area specialists,
been all too rare in field archeology in Central without individuals specifically designated to
America until relatively recently. My experiences carry out coordinated research functions such as
as an artifacts conservator with U.S.-sponsored artifact registration and conservation, as it was
projects in El Salvador, Honduras, and initially at Cerén (El Salvador) in 1989. Such a
Guatemala 1 have given me an opportunity to team structure may take a cue from funding
reflect on the integration process, which in these sources that only support research.
cases began from scratch. Several factors that Field preparation. The typological and
appeared to affect progress are presented and chronological sequences underpinning current
matched with some suggested strategies to research in Central America have typically uti-
increase the level of conservation-mindedness in lized ceramics and lithics, for these are the mate-
field archeology. Although focused on the situa- rials that survive in abundance in the American
tion in Central America, many of these strategies subtropics. Their relative hardiness, however, may
are appropriate for excavations elsewhere, includ- have served to give archeologists a false sense of
ing the United States. preparedness, when faced with particularly fragile
examples or unexpected materials in complex
Copan, Hon- deposits. Conservation approaches are still not
duras. Structure regularly part of an archeologists field training,
16 showing tun-
nel access to either in textbooks, techniques classes, or field
excavation areas. school situations, where new archeologists typi-
cally learn the practice. So, it is not surprising
that they might rely on out-of-date sources for
stabilization solutions or reconstruction materi-
als, such as molten paraffin wax or white glue,
without understanding the consequences.
Conservators, meanwhile, are still often
trained with a bias toward singular items deserv-
ing specialized attention. This can be a limitation
for a conservator working on site, who may be
unaware of, choose to remain isolated from, or be
ill-equipped to deal with, the full artifact inven-
tory and its research needs, site preservation
issues, or project information systems of which
conservation records should be an integrated

14 CRM No 6—2001
Copan, Hon- Governmental guidelines. All of the
duras. Conser-
Central American countries have endorsed cul-
vator stabilizing
basketry remains tural patrimony preservation and protection, e.g.,
in a royal burial by ratifying various conventions of the United
offering chamber Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
within Structure
16. Organization (UNESCO) in national legislation.
The specific application of these concepts to
archeological practice is generally articulated in
the permit regulations, drawn up by governmen-
tal authorities overseeing excavations (typically a
national institute within a ministry). Currently,
the regulations primarily address architectural
actions, but thus far guidelines are not provided
for situations necessitating conservation in situ,
and curation standards for lifted artifacts are been my experience that the lessons and benefits
rarely mentioned. for both sides are best realized through sustained
It is notable that a heightened awareness of contact during the course of a field season.
preservation issues exists at sites with World At the outset, planning the finds processing
Heritage designation, such as Cerén and Copan path—from excavation, handling, bagging, wash-
(Honduras). UNESCO specifies that a manage- ing, and reconstructing to packing away in stor-
ment plan be developed, which balances the age—offers an important opportunity for dialog
preservation needs of the site's cultural property, between archeologist and conservator. Because
with tourism development and on-going choices made at each step have the potential to
research; but it offers no direct assistance to gov- impact research value, by alterations (good or
ernmental authorities in formulating or imple- bad) that are potentially introduced, this is a
menting details of such a plan. chance to clarify research goals and procedures
Conservation resources. The primary con- for every type of material, as well as priorities for
servation resource in most Central American more focused conservation attention.
countries is a central laboratory, typically part of The project's information system is another
the national institute and often in the national arena for integration. Details about how an arti-
museum. Since most projects lack a participating fact was processed should be part of its record,
conservator, central laboratory personnel may be along with provenience and other technical
brought in to provide advice when conservation observations and analysis; all of these form its
issues arise in the course of excavation. Generally, research value. An integrated documentation sys-
more expertise is available for architectural issues, tem, along with a well-thought-out finds process-
in part because of a longer history of focus on ing system, and project documents that report
this aspect and the existence of professional archi- these aspects, promote awareness of the conser-
tecture programs. Conservators of other materials vation component of responsible archeological
are typically apprentice-trained, with occasional practice at a time when ethics and curation stan-
access to regional workshops whose focus is dards are increasingly being discussed.
museum practice, such as aesthetically-driven Collaborative research. A conservator
approaches to ceramics conservation. As a result, brings considerable diagnostic skills to a preserva-
recommendations in an archeological setting may tion problem, which include characterizing com-
not be framed with regard to their impact on ponent materials, elucidating technology and rec-
research priorities, and experience in dealing with ognizing traces of use in artifacts that have altered
issues posed by material in situ is still limited. significantly with time and burial. This informa-
Strategies to Promote Integration tion, often more extensive because specialized
On-site integration. The particular issues lifting techniques were used, forms the basis of
presented by archeological materials should be one of the most powerful strategies for promot-
part of a conservator's training, just as conserva- ing integration on site: materials-based research
tion issues should be part of an archeologist's that is carried out and published collaboratively
training. Courses and workshops may be ade- by archeologists and conservators.^
quate to convey specifics, as a starter, but it has

CRM No 6—2001 15
Copan, conservators often find parallels with their own
excavation situations—ones that could have been
working in a handled differently or could be anticipated—and
royal tomb thereby discover a resource network to tap. These
within Structure
new opportunities increase the number of avail-
able work sites for field conservators. Ultimately,
it is the excavated materials that benefit from the
integration of our work, through improved recov-
ery, enriched research, safer display, and better
storage, for a longer future as sources of meaning-
ful information about the past.

Archeological projects cited, with principal investi-
gators, and dates of authors involvement:
Cerén Research Project, Cerén, El Salvador [Dr.
Payson D. Sheets, University of Colorado/Boulder],
1989-1997; Early Copan Acropolis Program,
Copan, Honduras [Dr. Robert J. Sharer, University
of Pennsylvania Museum], 1992-1997; Copan
Acropolis Archaeological Project, Copan, Honduras
Funder priorities. Those who have experi- [Dr. William L. Fash, Harvard University], 1993-
enced the benefits of such collaborations might present; Aguateca Archaeological Project, Aguateca,
consider advocacy at the funder level for active Guatemala [Dr. Takeshi Inomata, University of
support of conservation as part of project bud- Arizona], 1998-present.
gets. An argument could certainly be made on Examples of conservation chapters in field season
research reports: Beaubien, H., S. Hornbeck, and E.
the basis of research contribution, such as the
Robertson, "La conservación de artefactos." In T.
Cerén, Copan, and Aguateca (Guatemala) pro- Inomata, ed., Informe del Proyecto Arqueológico
jects have found, until such point as responsible Aquateca: La Temporada de 1998 (Instituto de
archeological practice is acknowledged by grant- Antropología e Historia de Guatemala, December
ing agencies as reason enough to provide support. 1998), 67-72; E. Kaplan and H. Beaubien, "Artifact
Governmental standards. One final strat- Conservation 1994." In P. Sheets and L. Brown,
eds., Preliminary Report of the Cerén Research Project,
egy involves working with key personnel in the 1996 Field Season and 1994 Study Season (Boulder:
national institutes that oversee archeology activ- Department of Anthropology, University of
ity. Countries such as El Salvador and Guatemala Colorado, 1996), 18-25.
have negotiated bilateral agreements with the 3 Examples of published research collaborations
U.S. to impose import restrictions on cultural between archeologists and conservators:
material. These agreements include facilitated Fash, W., H. Beaubien, C. Magee, B. Fash and R.
access to technical expertise and training related Williamson, " The Trappings of Kingship among
the Classic Maya: Ritual and Identity in a Royal
to cultural patrimony protection and preserva-
Tomb from Copan." In P. Drooker, ed., Fleeting
tion. With assistance of U.S. conservators, the Identities: Perishable Material Culture in
national institutes could develop improved stan- Archaeological Research (Carbondale, IL: Center for
dards for projects seeking permits, such as artifact Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper
curation requirements or mandated conservation No.28, 2001), 152-169; Beaubien, H. and M.
participation. Conservators working in the field, Beaudry-Corbett (forthcoming spring 2002),
"Artifacts Made from Plant Materials." In P. Sheets,
in turn, would be positioned to train others ed., Before the Volcano Erupted: the Ancient Cerén
whose access to knowledge about field conserva- Village in Central America (Austin: University of
Photos by the tion may be limited. Texas Press), Chapter 17.
The ripple effect of any of these strategies Harriet F. (Rae) Beaubien is an objects conservator at the
should never be underestimated. Whether from Smithsonian Centerfor Materials Research and
visits to projects that happen to have conserva- Education (SCMRE), Suitland, Maryland. Since 1991,
tion labs, talks at professional meetings, chapters she has managed an archeological conservation internship
program that combines research and technical studies at
in field season research reports, or co-authored
SCMRE, with conservation work on archeological sites,
publications, those archeological projects without including those cited in this article.

16 CRM No 6—2001
J. Claire Dean

Rock Image Conservation at

Petroglyph National Monument

ock images, also known as rock southern California, a site depicting water crea-
art, are usually found as petro- tures is situated in the path of a seasonal spring
glyphs (images incised, pecked or that when active, flows over the images—an asso-
abraded into a rock surface), pic- ciation which is hard to pass off as coincidental.
tographs (drawn or painted images), or images Since rock images are located outdoors, the
created combining aspects of both forms within a nearest preservation comparison might be the
single glyph. A third category are geoglyphs, or conservation of buildings and monuments.
ground figures— designs created by placing rocks Although the conservation approach and materi-
on, or removing them from, a ground surface als applied to structures are often of use with rock
resulting in alterations in texture, dimension, and images, they also are frequently not applicable
color that form an image. because, unlike most structures, rock images are
Due to the inherent nature of rock more intimately executed on and into living
images—their size, location, and historical and landforms. Buildings and monuments are most
contemporary use—their conservation presents commonly constructions that stand alone,
some unique problems for the conservator and inserted into a space and retaining a certain
land manager. With the exception of individual amount of physical independence from the sur-
images collected in the past (when to do so was rounding natural terrain. Put simply, they are
considered acceptable practice), rock images are giant objects. If you were to try to define rock
no longer collected, reducing them to objects images in terms of being "objects," then their
that are gathered and placed in museum collec- demarcating boundaries would be those of the
tions to be managed and conserved as individual geology, biology, and environment of an entire
articles of cultural heritage. Today, such actions geographic region.
are not accepted as ethical, except under the most The sheer size and physical complexity of
extreme situations, such as a site's imminent rock images make cooperative work between vari-
destruction due to land development. Even then ous entities essential for a conservator. The need
it is common for strenuous efforts to be made to for this integrated approach to treatment is fur-
find an alternative to the demolition of the site. ther emphasized by the continued use of rock
Thanks to recent re-evaluation of the arche- images by Native Americans. The concerns of
ology, the ethnographic record, and consultation these traditional owners must also influence how
with Native Peoples, we now better understand the conservation of these places is undertaken.
the importance of context with regard to the Petroglyph National Monument in
meaning and function of rock images—informa- Albuquerque, New Mexico, authorized in June
tion that is vital when planning appropriate con- 1990, has demonstrated a proactive approach to
servation. The images and their context are cul- conservation since its earliest days. The monu-
turally inseparable. They are an integral part of ment, managed through a partnership between
the landscape in which they were created, often the National Park Service and the City of
placed in carefully chosen locations associated Albuquerque, Open Space Division, and man-
with, even incorporating, natural features. A pet- dated to protect over 15,000 petroglyphs within
roglyph of an animal might be created to include its boundaries, has a long history of working with
a ridge in the rock to form its spine, giving it a conservators to preserve the images. In 1992, the
three-dimensional quality, or images might be Open Space Division asked me to provide general
deliberately placed so as to appear to emerge or conservation advice.
disappear through natural holes or fissures. In

CRM No 6—2001 17
Conservation treatment began soon after asked to hold a training workshop for the monu-
with the enthusiastic support of staff from both ment staff, thereby providing formal instruction
managing agencies. Painted graffiti was dealt with in both materials and methods, and as impor-
first, as it was the most visually obvious and tantly, background information about the basic
roused the most public outcry. Soon afterward, principals and approaches of professional conser-
efforts were expanded to tackle the scratched vation practice.
graffiti. Re-integration methods already com- Throughout the conservation work at the
monly in use were adopted, but met with mixed monument, treatments have been undertaken
success due to the extreme environmental condi- with careful consideration of the concerns of
tions at the monument. Recently, the monument Native American communities in the area, with
has supported a five-year-long project to develop whom the monument staff are involved in on-
and field test longer-lasting re-integration meth- going consultation. This project provides an
ods and materials for the treatment of scratched excellent case study of conservation treatment not
graffiti. This has involved a second conservator, being approached as a "quick fix as needed"
John Griswold, of Griswold Conservation answer to the care of cultural property, but rather
Associates. as an integral part of the on-going management
Since the beginning of the project, monu- of a major cultural resource.
ment staff members have been actively involved
working with the conservator to attain a certain /• Claire Dean, Dean and Associates Conservation
level of skill in-house, thus enabling staff to ' ^tlmd, Oregon, serves as the conservator to the
i, r \_ Li L i Rock Art Research Institute, University of the
tackle some or the problems themselves, espe- „.,. , „ , ... , • , , r
... . i-p- i T ir»«r T wttwatersrand, South Africa, and sits on nthe Board of
cially when new graffiti occurred. In 1995, I was Dmctor$ ofthe American Rock Art Research Association.

Managing Archeological Collections Distance Learning

T his online technical assistance and distance learning effort covers a wide range of issues
and activities involved in caring for archeological collections. These include planning
strategies, conservation, ownership of collections, accessioning and deaccessioning objects, cura-
tion costs, digital records, and many others. The course focuses on the objects, records, reports,
and digital data in the field, lab, office, and repository. This "one-stop shopping" effort is designed
to help archeological professionals and students learn more about preserving and managing archeo-
logical collections over the long term.
Managing Archeological Collections <> consists of 10 sec-
tions, such as "Relevant Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Ethics," "Today's Key Issues," "Curation
Prior to the Field," and "Access and Use of Collections." Each section has an extensive bibliogra-
phy, a page of links to related web sites, and a review quiz. There is also a large glossary of key
terms that is linked throughout the site.
This distance learning effort covers issues related to conservation of archeological material
remains and records in several sections, including "Curation Prior to the Field," "Curation in the
Field and Lab," "Repositories: Functions and Policies," and "Collections Management."
Unfortunately, the conservation of materials from submerged contexts is not adequately discussed
due to a lack of subject matter expertise by the web site creators. They hope to work with conser-
vators to fill this important gap in the near future.
This web site is the product of the Archeology and Ethnography Program, National Park
Service. It benefited enormously from extensive review by many colleagues who generously gave
their time and expertise. It will be updated as colleagues provide additional, pertinent information
for publication.
Terry Childs
Archeology and Ethnography Program
National Park Service

18 CRM No 6—2001
Kent J. Severson

Archeological Conservation at the

NYU Excavations at Aphrodisias

phrodisias lies in southwestern main areas, all of which share personnel and facil-
Turkey, in a fertile valley 100 ities:
miles southeast of the port of • sculptures
Izmir. Famous for its sanctuary • buildings and in situ decorative elements, and
of Aphrodite, the city enjoyed a long and pros- • small finds
perous existence from the lst-century B.C. Trevor Proudfoot, of Cliveden Conser-
through the 6th-century A.D. Professor Kenan vation Workshop, Ltd., England, supervises
Erim began the modern archeological exploration sculpture conservation. Many of the sculptures at
of Aphrodisias in 1961, under the aegis of the Aphrodisias were hastily reassembled shortly after
New York University Department of Classics. In excavation using epoxy and polyester resin adhe-
the course of his work at the site, he uncovered sives, iron or steel dowels, and resin mortar or
many well-preserved buildings in the city center, plaster of Paris compensation. There is very little
including the Bouleuterion, Theater, and documentation related to these early treatments
Sanctuary of the Emperors (Sebasteion). These and in many cases the sculptures were incorrectly
excavations also brought to light the numerous assembled and are now unstable. Removal of
marble sculptures for which Aphrodisias is famous. these materials and the development of new
After the death of Professor Erim in 1990, installations for the Aphrodisias Museum are
Sculpture work- the New York University Institute of Fine Arts essential for long-term preservation and better
shop/depot at assumed sponsorship of the exploration of understanding of the sculptures by both scholars
Aphrodisias with
Aphrodisias in cooperation with the Faculty of and the general public.
draped female
portrait sculpture Arts and Science. Current work at Aphrodisias In 1994, a new workshop/depot for sculp-
(1996). includes the study and conservation of sculpture ture conservation was completed in the excava-
and structures, as well tion house compound. Major projects under-
as new fieldwork. The taken in this building have included treatment of
goals of the new pro- a well-preserved portrait sculpture of a young
gram of fieldwork are noble and an associated draped female portrait, a
to record and conserve large Himation statue, and life-sized portraits of
the excavated build- two boxers. In 1999, the first panel of a series of
ings of the site and to approximately 60 sculpted panels uncovered in
investigate the ancient the Sebasteion was treated; these reliefs will be
city plan and urban the focus of sculpture conservation activities for
development. As the several years to come.
fieldwork progresses, In 1993, personnel from Cliveden
new artifacts and deco- Conservation initiated a program of wall stabi-
rative elements are lization and maintenance for standing structures
uncovered, and previ- on the site. Most of the buildings discovered in
ously excavated arti- the early years of excavations have remained
facts are again the sub- exposed with little or no protection for the last
jects of study, all of 20-30 years. Using lime mortar that nearly dupli-
which require conser- cates the mortar used in the original construction
vation. of typical wall fabric, as well as materials and
Conservation local workers, the system was first implemented
activities at Aphro- in the conservation of a late Byzantine church
disias focus on three between 1994 and 1995. Since then, a late

CRM No 6—2001 19
Reconstructed building was reconstructed during the late 1980s,
but had not been inspected or maintained since
gateway, or
Tetrapylon, dur- completion of the work in 1989. The Tetrapylon
ing maintenance was scaffolded one half at a time in 1998 and
operations in 1999, and inspected by the restoration architect,
Tomas Kaefer, and myself. Together with this
inspection, the condition of the monument was
documented, surfaces cleaned, and repairs made
to joints between the elements.
Since 1996, small finds, such as coins,
ceramics, smaller sculptures, iron and bronze arti-
facts, and glass, have been treated in a new, well-
equipped laboratory located in the yard of the
expedition compound. Student trainees, primar-
ily from the New York University Institute of
Fine Arts Conservation Training Program and, in
Roman house north of the Temple of Aphrodite recent years, from Ankara University's conserva-
and the public buildings to the east of the tion training program and the Middle East
Bouleuterion have been treated. This work is cur- Technical University (Ankara) archaeometry pro-
rently supervised jointly by Cliveden staff and gram, have been a welcome addition to the
myself as senior field conservator. During the Aphrodisias conservation team. Under my super-
2000 season, with the generous support of a vision, these students work primarily on small
Samuel H. Kress Foundation award through the finds, but also participate in other projects as the
World Monuments Fund, work was begun on need arises.
the conservation of the Bouleuterion, beginning At Aphrodisias, conservators are charged
with the stabilization of the massive limestone with the care and preservation conservation of
piers of the stage building. This program will the accumulated artifacts, sculptures, and
continue in coming seasons and include treat- exposed buildings of 40 years of exploration,
ment of marble revetments and replacement of together with new finds yielded by ongoing
the numerous aging repairs to the seats. research and excavation. A project that sometimes
Concurrent with the wall stabilization pro- feels like an overwhelming burden is made possi-
gram, in situ decorative elements, such as wall ble through teamwork and the pleasure of living
paintings, revetments, opus sectile floors, and and working in a beautiful setting with materials
mosaics, are regularly treated. Mosaics are cleaned from a beautifully preserved ancient city.
and, where necessary, consolidated and edged
using lime mortars derived from the modern lime Notes
mortar used in wall stabilization. The current Professor Erim's work is summarized in: Kenan T.
program of research at Aphrodisias does not Erim, Aphrodisias: City of Venus Aphrodite (New
York and Oxford: Facts on File, 1986).
include development of new roofing structures 2
For the most recent account of ongoing work at
that would allow for display of in situ mosaics to Aphrodisias, see: R. R. R. Smith and Christopher
the public. Therefore, both newly discovered Ratté, "Archaeological Research at Aphrodisias in
mosaics and those from earlier excavations that Caria, 1997 and 1998," American Journal of
have been cleaned for study are usually protected Archaeology, 104: 2 (2000): 221-253.
Photos by the
author. by reburial, with geotextiles next to the original
Kent J. Severson is a conservator in private practice, in
materials, followed by layers of clean sand and
Boston, Massachusetts. He workedfor Daedalus, Inc.,
soil. Between 1996 and 2000, wall paintings in (Cambridge, Massachusetts)from1985 until 1996, when
the apse corridor of the Basilica Church of he moved to Turkey to teach at Bilkent University,
Aphrodisias (the converted Temple of Aphrodite), Ankara, and to devote more time to archeologicalfield-
in the substructure of the stadium, and in the work. He has worked at Aphrodisias, Sardis, Sagalassos,
Hacimusalar, and Anamurium, in Turkey, and at Mit
Theater and the Theater Baths were consolidated
Rahina, Egypt and Samothrace, Greece. He is currently
and edged. Conservator for Special Projects at Sardis and Senior
One of the most prominent monuments at Field Conservator at Aphrodisias.
Aphrodisias is the reconstructed Tetrapylon. The

20 CRMN06—2001
Catherine E. Magee

The Diverse Roles of an

Archeological Conservator

ost people I meet think my purchased. Additionally, advanced planning
work as an archeological con- streamlines work in the field and ensures the
servator simply involves appropriate care of our cultural heritage during
reassembling broken pottery and after excavation.
or stabilizing materials post excavation in a Tel Zeitah, Israel
museum. While these are a few aspects of archeo- The work at Tel Zeitah, Israel, may be what
logical conservation, they really are only a very many people consider a typical involvement of a
small part of my work. A conservator's involve- conservator in an excavation. In a continuing
ment can vary widely from archeological excava- project such as this, the conservator's role is to
tion to excavation. The role a conservator plays establish and refine a working field laboratory for
depends on the site conditions and the condition a multi-year seasonal excavation. Establishment
of the artifacts and their intended use by archeol- of a working field laboratory involves the
ogists, researchers, and native communities. I advanced planning mentioned above. The con-
have chosen three excavations I have been servator can determine necessary analytical equip-
involved with in Israel, Egypt, and Honduras to ment by research on nearby sites to determine
highlight the diverse roles a conservator can play typical burial conditions in the area. For example,
on excavations. at Tel Zeitah the salinity of the soil was a concern
Advanced planning is part of each excava- because the site is adjacent to agricultural fields.
tion whether it is overseas in remote areas or Ceramics and metals were expected; when exca-
minutes from a metropolis. No matter the type, vated from saline soils these materials will deteri-
scope, or length of work an excavation involves, orate without treatment. With knowledge of soil
all digs require consultations between the conser- conditions and expected artifacts, a conservator
vator and archeologist to ensure goals can be met can plan and budget for appropriate materials
and any specialized equipment or supplies are used to safeguard the long-term preservation of
the archeological record.
The author exca-
vating the burial Once on site, the conservator sets up the
dais in Copan, lab and reviews previous season's finds, documen-
Honduras. tation, treatments, analyses, and storage and then
begins on artifact backlogs and newly excavated
finds. In conjunction with lab work, the conser-
vator is often called into the field to lift fragile
artifacts or identify materials prior to excavation.
In addition to artifact treatment, the con-
servator works with other staff, including the
ceramic specialists, registrar, photographer, com-
puter specialist, botanist, and faunal analyst as
well as volunteers and students to aid in their
work and research. They can also establish proto-
cols for the current and future seasons.
Once the season ends, it is the responsibil-
ity of the conservator to ensure that the artifacts
are stored properly and to document all work
conducted on artifacts in the form of treatment
records and a final report for future records.

CRM No 6—2001 21
vide. The main aim of the work conducted by the
author in Copan, Honduras, in 1996 and 1997,
based on work begun by conservators and arche-
ologists in 1990, was to excavate, analyze, and
house materials from the burial dais from a late
classic royal Maya tomb. This project is illustra-
tive of the collaboration between conservators,
archeologists, and numerous other professionals
in order to address ethical considerations, deal
with safety issues during excavation, and synthe-
size past documentation and research.
While it is uncommon for a conservator to
completely excavate a deposit, it is within the
realm of our expertise. The Copan project
encompassed not only establishing excavation
protocols and procedures but also completing
analyses on excavated materials, properly storing
Howard University Giza Cemetery excavated materials, and ensuring the health and
The "Conserva-
tion Lab" at Project, Giza Plateau, Egypt safety of co-workers in a hazardous area working
Giza. The second project to be highlighted was with hazardous material. A careful and collabora-
conducted at the Western Cemetery of the Giza tive approach was used to ensure the maximum
plateau in Egypt. This one-season project's main information was gained and recorded before, dur-
purpose was to record and check an area previ- ing, and after excavation. Excavated materials
ously excavated in the early 1900s. Because few were stored using appropriate storage materials
artifacts were expected, a minimal conservation for both the artifacts themselves and the tropical
lab was set up on site. However, as the season climate, while maintaining accessibility for
progressed, numerous tomb shafts overlooked in researchers and native communities. In combina-
the early 1900s were located and excavated yield- tion with this, the conservator also redesigned,
ing human remains and re-used painted lime- cleaned, and painted the storage space for exca-
stone blocks. The conservator aided and advised vated materials including designing, creating
in the excavation of the human remains while specifications, and overseeing the fabrication and
working closely with the physical anthropologist installation of metal storage units. Additionally,
to clean the bones for examination. Organic the conservator planned, designed, transported,
material associated with one body was preserved. and installed a new exhibit in the local museum,
This material was examined in situ and post exca- and instructed conservation and archeology stu-
vation, and it was lifted both separately and with dents in field conservation theory and techniques.
some areas consolidated with a polymer to allow
for further examination and research if autho- Catherine E. Magee is Loan Conservator, Department of
Anthropology, National Museum ofNatural History,
rized by Egyptian authorities. As with most exca- Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.
vations overseas, removal of samples for analysis
is strictly controlled by government agencies and Acknowledgments
in the case of Giza no samples can be taken from Tel Zeitah: Ron E. Tappy, Project Director
the plateau for analysis even within Cairo. These and Principal Investigator; sponsored by the
unexpected finds highlight the need for fore- Pittsburgh Theological Seminary.
knowledge of potential artifacts because a good Howard University Giza Cemetery
Photos courtesy microscope and a few chemicals can allow for Project: Ann Roth, Director; sponsored by the
the author.
preliminary analyses and identifications to be National Endowment for the Humanities,
made on site. Howard University, The Bioanthropology
Structure 10L-26 Tomb Excavation, Foundation, and private grants.
Structure 10L-26Tomb: William Fash,
Copan, Honduras
Director; sponsored by the Honduran Institute
The final example represents comprehensive
of Anthropology and History, Copan Acropolis
involvement by conservators, and is illustrative of
Project, Harvard Univesity and the Smithsonian
the wide-ranging benefits a conservator can pro- Center for Materials Research and Education.

22 CRM No 6—2001
Howard Wellman

Conservation and Materials

Identification in the Field
A Maryland Case Study

ny archeologist can tell you that One major contribution can be the exami-
the scarcest commodity in any nation and identification of excavated materials
project is time in the field. It on site. For example, different metals and their
stands to reason, then, that alloys can be identified by means of their corro-
timely identification of critical materials found sion products, specific gravity, or chemical reac-
during excavation is well worth the expense, since tivity. This requires only simple microscopy, or a
it can have a direct impact on the interpretation sensitive balance, or a small kit of reagents. The
of past activities at the site, direction of the dig- potential benefits are great: determining the level
ging, and the focus of resources. of a culture's metallurgical sophistication or iden-
The modern academic-trained conservator, tifying conservation issues before they become
with grounding in chemistry, art, physics, and problems (and artifacts are lost to poor handling
material sciences, has training in instrumental and tardy treatment). Organic materials can also
analysis, photo-documentation, and microscopic be identified; the animal from which a fragment
examination. Conservators also have a whole of leather came can be identified with low-power
suite of manual and artistic skills and their hall- microscopy. Since different leathers are used for
mark attention to detail. Armed with a few sim- different purposes, this could have bearing on the
ple tools common to most labs and many field interpretation of site use, understanding hus-
schools, conservators can bring these skills to any bandry practices, and past environmental condi-
field project, and make a valuable contribution. tions.
This article, however, will focus on the
Identifying char- identification of wood species from archeological
coal samples
using a reflected samples, and the contribution of this specialized
light stereo- skill to archeological fieldwork. Wood is one of
microscope. the most widely used materials throughout his-
Note the photo-
graphic attach- tory. It can typify the environment in which
ment for docu- humans lived and worked. It is used to make
menting features, household items, tools, shelters, and transport. As
and the reference
materials to aid
fuel, it is used for cooking, home heating, or in
identification. industrial processes. Some trees provide necessi-
ties other than wood: seeds, nuts, and fruits for
the sustenance of humans and livestock, bark or
leaf fibers for textiles, and cordage. Resins are
used for incense, coatings, adhesives, and
sealants. And the internal structure of wood con-
tains information about changing environmental
conditions and the passage of time. The identifi-
cation and examination of wood samples in the
field, therefore, can make significant and timely
contributions to the interpretation of the site.
Wood Structure and Identification
Wood has a structure that is heterogeneous
in three dimensions, and this structure is signifi-

CRM No 6—2001 2}
Comparison of a candy different between individ-
degraded ual genus and species of tree.
sample (top) to This means that with at least
a reference one, and more often two or
sample of alder three views of a sample, the
(alnus sppj.
genus and species of wood can
be determined.
The detail (genus or
species) to which a sample is
identified may be justified by the
information needed. Family or
genus identification may be
enough to describe the environ-
ment in which the tree was
growing (temperate conditions
favor different trees over tropical
or sub-arctic climates) and
annual temperatures and rainfall
can affect the width of annular
rings, leaving a permanent
record of climatic trends. On the
other hand, specific species of
wood were preferred for differ-
ent technologies, e.g., shipbuild-
ing versus food bowls. Analysis
of the variety of woods found at
a site can determine the use to
which they were put (e.g., ash or
maple shavings might suggest
small item manufacture; oak
shavings might suggest larger,
sturdier items like barrels or structures), or may the samples cannot be replaced. With freshly cut
determine the use of a piece within a larger struc- or worked wood, the macroscopic and low-
ture (e.g., the hull planking of a ship might be magnification (x2-10) features (annular rings and
made of oak and the deck planking of teak). The vessel groups) can be enough to determine genus,
presence of exotic species could also have impli- and sometimes species of some distinctive woods.
cations of trade, since some woods are highly val- Other important macroscopic features may also
ued for their strength, weather resistance, or their include the color and odor of the wood.
appearance when used in decorative arts. Samples Unfortunately, archeological samples often are
of wood or charcoal that are intended for den- obscured and decayed, and these features, espe-
drochronological analysis should also be identi- cially color and odor, cannot be used easily. Good
fied as minutely as possible, since not all woods references or reference collections are crucial,
are suitable. Many dendrochronological records since decayed wood can differ significantly from
(particularly in Europe and the Mediterranean new wood, obscuring critical features.
region) are derived from oak, and cannot be eas- Case Study
ily compared to other species of wood. Proper Recent Phase II excavations at the Old
identification before submitting them for analysis Chapel Field sites in St Mary's County, Maryland
can save both time and money. (18ST233 and 18ST329), found direct evidence
While some wood can be identified directly to identify this location as the site of one of the
from the artifact, removing samples is necessary first Jesuit missions in Maryland.' One of the
for precise identification, and for high magnifica- features investigated was the cellar of a late-17th-
tion viewing. This is a destructive process, since to early-18th-century structure. Among the diag-

24 CRM No 6—2001
nostic artifacts were two fragments of building building as an impermanent structure. It also
timbers—a post and a sill. adds to the growing body of information about
The wood samples from Old Chapel Field architecture and building styles in the late colo-
were brought to the Maryland Archaeological nial period of Maryland's history.
Conservation Laboratory, which was both Conclusion
"home" for the archeological team and the ulti- Wood identification is only one of many
mate repository of the artifacts recovered. There, conservation procedures that can be easily trans-
the wood was identified by thin-section ferred to a field project. For quick diagnostic pur-
microscopy as one of the species of southern yel- poses, basic laboratory tools like balances, micro-
low pine, known variously as loblolly, shortleaf, scopes, and simple chemistry can be used to
longleaf, slash, and pitchpine. examine, identify, and interpret many artifacts.
The architecture of Chesapeake farmsteads Conservators, trained to be multi-faceted with
is increasingly well documented, and the settlers the experience and practice in performing pre-
themselves left clear descriptions of what building cise, delicate tasks, can be crucial to enhancing
styles and materials survived best in this semi- the data recovered during those all-too-short field
tropical climate (Carson, et al. 1981; Stone, seasons.
1982; Stone, et al. 2000). Vernacular architecture
developed in response to the poor survival rate of Notes
traditional English framed houses that suc- Julia King, personal communication, 2001.
cumbed quickly to rot and termites. Additionally, Willie Graham, personal communication, 2001.
the settlers' tool kits helped determine the wood
used, as different woods are easier to work with References
Carson, C , Barka, N.F., Kelso, W.M., Stone, G.W.,
different tools.
and Upton, D. "Impermanent Architecture in the
Despite its common use today, pine was not Southern American Colonies," Winterthur
a favored wood for construction in Colonial Portfolio 16 (1981), 135-196.
America. The high resin content made pit-sawing Stone, G.W. 1982. Society, Housing and Architecture
extremely difficult as compared with poplar, and in Early Maryland: John Lewger's St. John's.
it did not shape well by splitting or ax-shaping as Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Department of
compared with oak. As a softwood, it was easily Ametican Civilization, University of Pennsylvania.
University Microfilms International, Ann Arbor,
destroyed by rot and termites when left in con-
tact with the ground, compared with chestnut, Stone, G.W, H.J. Heikkenen, W Graham, and J.A.
black locust or cedar (also a softwood, but with King. Early Chesapeake Housing and the
particular rot resistant properties still valued Evolution of the Virginia House, c. 1607-1730,
today). To find pine in use as both post and sill unpublished paper presented at the Annual Meeting
has several consequences. of the Society fot Historical Archaeology, 6 January
The vernacular architecture in the 2000, Quebec, Canada, .
Chesapeake area often relied on heavy posts,
rather than earthfast sills, to support the rest of Bibliography
Hoadley, R. Bruce. Identifying Wood: Accurate Results
the structure. Any sill will rot quickly in contact
with Simple Tools. Newtown, CT: The Taunton
with the earth, and posts relied on their larger Press, 1990.
volume (but smaller surface area) to increase their Odegaard, N., Carroll, S., and Zimmt, WS. Material
life span. The presence of pine in both post and Characterization Tests for Objects of Art and
sill strongly suggests that this was a cheaper, more Archaeology. London: Archetype Publications, 2000.
expendable structure. Even if the building had Panshin, A.J. and De Zeeuw, C. Textbook of Wood
dated from the post-Revolutionary period when Technology, 4th ed. San Francisco: McGraw-Hill
mill-sawn pine was more common as a building Book Company, 1980.
material, pine as an earthfast member still sug-
Howard Wellman is Lead Conservator, Maryland
gests that "the builder was not thinking of a very
Archaeological Conservation Laboratory.
permanent solution...a rare, but not unheard of
occurrence." 2
Photos by the author.
The identification of the wood helps to
confirm the archeological interpretation of this

CRM No 6—2001 25
Emily A. Williams

Documenting an Early Cooking Disaster

The Conservation of the Meaux Site Porringer

n the past, archeologists, and others the first known owner of the site, and his sister
outside the conservation profession, immigrated to Virginia from England sometime
have often viewed archeological con- prior to 1707. He was granted 200 acres in 1713
servation as an exercise aimed simply and the land remained in his family until the
at preserving the morphology of an artifact.1 This 19th century. The research appears to suggest
definition has often overlooked the profound that the cellar predates Meaux's ownership and
contributions that a trained conservator can was perhaps filled in as a result of his acquisition
make to the interpretation, or re-interpretation, of the land.
of both artifacts and sites. Re-interpretation of an The porringer initially went to the
artifact may occur as a function of the condition Department of Collections for study and exami-
assessment carried out in the course of deciding nation and remained there for approximately two
on a treatment method, or it may be based on years. During this time it was classified as a
information that becomes obvious during the pewter porringer of a specific type, according to
treatment process, such as evidence of a coating. Ronald Michaelis's classification scheme for
The conservation of the Meaux site porringer pewter porringers. 2 This identification was made,
illustrates this process and demonstrates the despite the thick layer of beige colored clay that
information that conservation can add to the covered the artifact, partly on the basis of a small
story of the site as a whole. amount of white metal visible in the bowl, partly
In 1991, while as a result of the por-
Meaux site por- the then landowner ringer's close confor-
ringer after treat-
ment with rem- was landscaping his mation to known
nant of pewter property, a feature was pewter porringer
spoon visible in revealed on the types, and partly
base. Photo by
the author. Meaux site, a 17th- because of a rectangu-
century domestic site lar extension between
located on the banks the body of the por-
of the Pamunkey ringer and the handle
River in New Kent which, although exag-
County, Virginia. gerated, had parallels
Several artifacts were in other pewter por-
unearthed, including ringers.
a metal porringer, which were brought to By the time conservation began on the por-
Colonial Williamsburg for identification. The ringer, small amounts of dirt covering the object
artifacts were placed on long-term loan to the and, in particular, the handle, had been lost and
Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and it was the dirt beneath exhibited a greenish color gener-
arranged that Colonial Williamsburg's ally associated with copper corrosion. Although
Department of Archeological Research would copper corrosion will precede that of either tin or
excavate the feature, and analyze and conserve lead, the volume of copper present in 17th-
any artifacts found therein. The feature, exca- century pewter was rarely higher than 10% and
vated over the course of two weeks, proved to be generally less than 3%, an amount that would be
a cellar, containing over 2,000 artifacts, the unlikely to account for the degree of discol-
majority of which dated to between 1680 and oration seen in the soil.^ Two small test areas, one
1690. on the handle and one in the bowl, were mechan-
Historical research, carried out in tandem ically cleaned. The size of these areas was kept to
with the excavation, indicated that John Meaux, a minimum as 17th-century pewter could con-

26 CRMN06—2001
tain up to 26% lead, and it was felt at the time ringer's current condition is as follows: while it
that the lab was not equipped to accommodate was being used to cook or warm a meal that was
the safe cleaning of large amounts of this material being stirred with a pewter spoon, the porringer
by mechanical means. The test area on the handle became red-hot causing the spoon to melt into it.
revealed a tinned metal surface with some indica- This in turn caused the porringer to become
tions of a copper substrate, although due to the extremely brittle so that even removing it from
size of the area it was difficult to make out. Small the fire and placing it gently on the ground
amounts of fibrous malachite, a corrosion prod- would be enough to cause it to shatter. (This is a
uct occasionally seen on cast copper alloy objects, fairly well known phenomenon known as a "hot
particularly Chinese bronzes, were visible in the short," and the areas of loss in the bowl are in
dirt overlaying the handle. The test area in the keeping with it.) As the metal cooled, it would
bowl was located near, but not directly adjacent have become less brittle preserving a record of the
to, a patch of the silvery metal and revealed yet event. The porringer would not, however, have
more of the silvery metal. The object was also x- been repairable and as a result was probably dis-
rayed. The x-radiographs showed pools of dense, carded at this point.
radio opaque material in the bowl surrounded by The story of the porringer has been
areas of medium density material. The walls and extremely popular with the "behind-the-scenes"
handle of the porringer were significantly less dense. tours that visit Colonial Williamsburg's conserva-
At this point, both curators and conserva- tion labs. The visitors are drawn to an object that
tors were mystified. The handle of the porringer humanizes the past. Attempts to find parallels to
showed signs of being copper alloy, while the the porringer among brass artifacts revealed that
bowl appeared to be pewter. Not only was this its closest relation was a late-17th-century socket
not a recorded type, but it would also have been candlestick of probable English origin, which has
hard to construct particularly as the x-ray showed recently been purchased by Colonial Williams-
no signs of rivets between the bowl and handle. burg. Not only has our knowledge of the artifact
With the owner's permission, a small splin- itself been enriched, but also our knowledge of
ter of metal, roughly one millimeter by one mil- the way in which forms and styles migrated
limeter was removed from an area of loss, between classes of artifacts has been augmented.
mounted in a resin block, and polished for metal-
lurgical analysis. Compositional analysis using Notes
Jessica Johnson, "Conservation and Archaeology in
Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF)
Great Britain and the United States: a Com-
was undertaken at the Freer Gallery of Art in parison," Journal of the American Institute for
Washington, DC, on the sample and the por- Conservation^! (1993): 249-269. Emily Williams,
ringer itself. Using EDXRF, primary x-rays are "Sixty-Five years of History: Archaeological
fired at the object/sample, displacing electrons Conservation at Colonial Williamsburg," North
from the inner orbitals of constituent atoms. This American Archaeologist 21:2 (2000): 107-113.
leads the elements to gain energy, which is Ronald Michaelis, "English Pewter Porringer,"
released as secondary or fluorescent x-rays. Apollo7:2(\976): 116-121.
^ Peter Hornsby, Pewter of the Western World 1600-
Elements can then be identified by the wave-
1850. Schiffer Publishing (1983).
lengths they produce.
The resin-mounted sample revealed that the Emily A. Williams has been the Associate Archaeological
white metal seen in the base had melted over and Conservator at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation in
into another metal that appeared to be a copper Williamsburg, Virginia, since 1995.
alloy. The EDXRF analysis of the handle, bowl,
and white metal indicated that the porringer was
made of brass and that the white metal was Acknowledgments
pewter. The handle and bowl are of two different I would like to thank Tom Chase at the
alloys (the handle contains approximately 67% Freer Gallery of Art for helping us to analyze
copper, 9% zinc, 4% lead, and 15% tin, while the porringer and also Anthony North at the
the bowl contains 72% copper, 18% zinc, 4% Victoria and Albert Museum and John Douglas
lead and 1% tin). of the Antique Metalware Society for their help
Based on the evidence at this point it is in identifying parallels to the porringer.
believed that the most likely scenario for the por-

CRM No 6—2001 27
Catherine Sease Professor Lawrence J. Majewski was the 1999
recipient. Professor Majewski joined the faculty of
the Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine
Conservation and Heritage Arts, New York University in 1960, becoming chair-
Management Award man six years later. Here he taught many generations
of archeological conservators for 39 years. In addi-

n 1997, the president of the Archaeological tion to his teaching, Majewski was also active in a
Institute of American (AIA) established an wide variety of projects to preserve our archeological
annual Conservation Award. This award is heritage. In his role as chief conservator of the Sardis
made in recognition of an individual's or institution's excavations for more than 25 years, he trained many
achievement in any of four areas: archeological con- conservators in archeological field techniques.
servation, e.g., the conservation treatment of an arti- The Museum of London was the 2000 recipi-
fact, monument, or site; archeological conservation ent in recognition of the museum's long-standing
science, e.g., making an advance in the treatment strong and consistent commitment to archeological
methodology or analysis of the deterioration of conservation. The museum has promoted conserva-
archeological materials; archeological heritage man- tion as a vital function of all its activities, both in the
agement, e.g., the overall management of a site or field on excavations and in the museum in its dis-
group of sites including their preservation and inter- plays and educational programs. The museum has
pretation to the public; and education and/or public taken a leadership role in presenting the various aspects
awareness of archeological conservation through of archeological conservation to the public, thereby
teaching, lecturing, an exhibition, or a publication. raising public awareness of the excitement, importance,
The award is open to international individuals or and challenge of preserving our cultural heritage.
organizations, public or private, that merit recogni- The Conservation Award of the AIA is unusual
tion for their contributions to the preservation of in singling out individuals and institutions for their
our archeological heritage. outstanding achievements in the preservation of our
The 1998 Conservation Award was presented cultural heritage. As such, it is becoming a presti-
to the Department of Conservation and Materials gious award within the archeological community.
Science at the Institute of Archaeology, University of For information about the nominating procedure for
London, in recognition of its 60 years of training future awards, contact Catherine Sease (Chair of the
archeological conservators. Not only did the Conservation and Heritage Management
Institute train many generations of archeological Committee of the AIA) at the Peabody Museum of
conservators, who have practiced all over the world, Natural History, P.O. Box 208118, New Haven,
it also was largely responsible for defining the disci- Connecticut 06480.
pline of archeological conservation and determining
its direction. Catherine Sease is Senior Conservator, Peabody Museum of
Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.

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