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Scope of the MOST Cooperation

The MOST Cooperation is responsible for the development and promotion of the MOST
Technology. It not only specifies the optical interface and connector recommendations,
but also releases the MOSTPlatform Specification to the network and application
interface. Streaming models and classes (i.e. sound processing objects with source data
including in and output capability), as well as device classes (such as media or
communication devices) are defined by the Cooperation.

The Cooperation publishes a function catalog on application level (i.e. media player,
radio, navigation system, etc.) and provides for basic network management through
definition of net services and sample implementation. It defines drivers for devices such
as audio/video, data networking and communication, as well as a high-level packet
transfer protocol.

MOST establishes an automatic compliance test platform to verify the specification in

simulation and emulation. It also demonstrates the system with audio/video, network
drivers and telecommunication access.

Some of the organizational responsibilities of the MOST Cooperation are arranging the
documentation, meetings, meeting reports, web site, coordination of the project and
working groups, brochures, presentation material, exhibitions and compliance test

The Cooperation represents the common interests of the members. It coordinates their
efforts, so that the MOST Technology becomes an approved standard for multimedia
networking in vehicles with organizations such as ISO, SAE, ITS, AMI-C etc.
Motivation for MOST
Automobiles have evolved from having a simple radio with perhaps a cassette or CD
player to having a variety of sophisticated entertainment and information systems that
need to communicate and interact with each other and with a human user. As a matter of
fact, automotive systems are more feature-rich than many other A/V applications such as
home A/V distribution, security A/V systems and industrial applications. MOST offers an
optimized architecture for the real-time transport of audio, video, data and control. It is
the backbone of modern infotainment systems.

Cars today include GPS navigation systems that can work in conjunction with the built-in
telephone to locate a stolen car. Car occupant safety requires the driver to concentrate on
controlling the car rather than on the intricacies of the individual components. Therefore
all features are presented to the driver through a single graphical user interface with a
distributed control philosophy with many automated functions. The car telephone needs
to interact with the stereo system to mute it when a call is requested or received - a
feature that also would provide value in the home. Voice control and hands-free
speakerphones require a microphone to digitize the voice. Display systems are needed for
navigation information and DVD playback.

Cars are an embodiment of a sophisticated A/V system where the audio, video and data
information needs to be connected from multiple sources to multiple sinks. These
functions are well suited for applications outside the vehicle as well, whether in home or
commercial applications. For example, the components of a stereo system could interact
so that if you turn on a DVD player it immediately signals the TV to turn on. It sets the
equalization curves of the amplifier to its home theater settings and starts the DVD
program without the need for user interaction. Similarly, if a CD is inserted, the user's
favorite music settings can be selected and the whole system can operate intelligently
without requiring much direct user input. MOST provides a switching fabric as the
foundation to create such efficient system architectures with well defined interfaces.
To be effective all of these subsystems must interface with the users, presenting audio and
visual information in a wide variety of formats to inform and entertain him or her. They
must be able to manage the information to easily present it to the user as it comes from
the various components.

The most efficient and cost effective way to continue the innovations in all these areas is
to allow the devices to be developed independently and then be connected together using
standard hardware and software interfaces. Digital interoperability is required to build
systems from modules of different vendors.

Options will be easy to add since the fabric provides the infrastructure to transfer
information from one device to another. Cars, for example, will be customized to each
buyer's preferences right at the dealership and will not depend on a pre-selected list.
Safety will be enhanced as components have well defined interfaces to interoperate and
are easily controlled from the user interfaces.

Media Oriented Systems Transport is a multimedia network optimized for multimedia

and infotainment applications. It is a network originally developed by the automotive
industry for the automotive industry but with wide-ranging applications in many other
industries. Its design allows it to provide a low-overhead and low-cost interface for the
simplest of devices, such as microphones and speakers. At the same time, more intelligent
devices can automatically determine the features and functions provided by all other
devices on the network and establish sophisticated control mechanisms to take away
distractions from the driver of the car as different subsystems try to communicate
information to him.

The features of MOST make it suitable for any application, inside or outside the car that
needs to network multimedia information along with data and control functions.
MOST not only defines the physical interconnection between devices but also specifies
and standardizes a lean embedded communication protocol and software framework that
simplifies the development of complete systems and applications to distribute and
manage multimedia content.

MOST Network
MOST is a synchronous network. A timing master supplies the clock with a synchronous
and continuous data signal and all other devices synchronize their operation to this base
signal. This technology eliminates the need for buffering and sample rate conversion so
that very simple and inexpensive devices can be connected and the hardware of the
network interface itself is lean and cost effective. The technology is similar to what the
public switched telephone network uses. Within the synchronous base data signal,
multiple streaming data channels and a control channel are transported. The control
channel is used to set up what streaming data channels the sender and receiver are to use.
Once the connection is established, data can flow continuously and no further addressing
or processing of packet label information is required. The bandwidth of the streaming
data channels is always available and reserved for the dedicated stream so there are no
interruptions, collisions, or slow-downs in the transport of the data stream. This is the
optimum mechanism for delivering streaming data (information that flows continuously)
like audio and video. MOST has been designed for high quality of service and cost
effective transport of audio and video.

Computer based data, such as Internet traffic or information from a navigation system, is
typically sent in short (asynchronous) bursts as packets and is often going to many
different places. To accommodate such signals, MOST has defined efficient mechanisms
for sending asynchronous, packet based data in addition to the control channel and the
streaming data channels. These mechanisms run on top of the permanent synchronous
data signal. However, they are completely separate from the control channel and the
streaming data channels so that none of them interfere with each other.

In summary, MOST is a multiplex network that has different channels with their own
mechanisms to transport all the various signals and data streams that occur in multimedia
and infotainment systems. They all run on top of a synchronous base data stream which
guarantees high quality of service for the audio and video signals where disturbances are
not acceptable.
The key features of the MOST Network are:
Ease of Use
 simple connectors
 no hum loops, no radiation
 Plug-n-Play; self identifying devices with auto initialization
 dynamically attachable and re-configurable devices
 virtual network management including channel allocation, system monitoring
addressing and power management

Wide Application Range

 applications with varied bandwidth requirements
 high degree of data integrity with low jitter
 support of asynchronous and synchronous data transfer
 support of multiple masters
 supports up to 64 devices
 simultaneous transmission of multiple data streams such as control, packet and
real-time information
 devices can be constructed out of multiple functions
 low overhead due to embedded network management

Synchronous Bandwidth
 synchronous channels provide guaranteed bandwidth with no buffering required.

Asynchronous Bandwidth
 variable asynchronous bandwidth with additional dedicated real-time control

 wide range of real-time channel sizes and packet sizes
 remote operation and flow control
 variable asynchronous bandwidth with additional dedicated real-time control
 protocol independent

Synergy with Consumer and PC Industries

 operates with or without PC
 consistent with PC streaming

Low Implementation Cost

 low cost channel to distribute control information without extra wiring
 zero data overhead to move synchronous data after a connection is established
 synchronous channels eliminate the need for buffering and sample rate conversion
 suitable for embedding in consumer devices and peripherals
 cost-effective electrical and optical solutions
 inexpensive silicon from many suppliers

Open Systems Interconnect Reference Model

MOST Applications
The applications below show simple MOST devices. They are the basic building blocks
that can be used by more complex devices such as audio and video sources, consumer
interfaces, video displays and amplifiers and other devices used to implement
sophisticated information and entertainment systems. Consumer devices always have
analog interfaces in addition to a changing variety of digital interfaces. These applications
also provide the most flexible way to connect external devices to an on-board network.

Analog Audio Gateways

The simplest MOST applications consist of analog audio gateways. A simple Digital-to-
Analog Converter (DAC) can be connected to a MOST transceiver to drive a speaker. A
Human Machine Interface (HMI) sets up the MOST transceiver to receive data from a
specific channel and the transceiver drives the DAC clock based on the timing provided
by the network timing master. Since both the receiver and the sender of the data are
running off the same clock, no special buffering or processing of packet information is
required. The MOST transceiver even provides industry-standard to connect to off-the-
shelf DAC's from many manufacturers.

A microphone can be connected to an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) that in turn

connects directly to a MOST transceiver. The HMI sets up the communication channel
and the ADC just streams its data to the MOST transceiver.
Analog Video Interface
Video sources can be easily connected to a MOST network by using a video ADC and
MPEG encoder that digitizes the video source and places it on the network.

Digital Video Display Interface

The video signals previously captured can be decoded by a video display interface. This
interface could even take care of any copy protection mechanisms that were used if the
data came from a DVD.

In addition, MOST provides for encapsulating the content stream using Digital Transport
Content Protection (DTCP). DTCP is a technology approved by many content owners for
protecting commercial audio and video material.

Consumer Device Gateway

Rapidly changing technologies can be decoupled from a stable backbone that transport
A/V information and control by building gateways to connect the two.
The MOST Cooperation
The MOST Cooperation is based on a partnership of carmakers, setmakers, system
architects and key component suppliers. Together they define and adopt a common
multimedia network protocol and application object model.

The MOST Cooperation was founded in 1998 to standardize MOST Technology as a

global standard for multimedia networking. Audi, BMW, Daimler, Harman/Becker and
SMSC as core partners form its Steering Committee.

The MOST Cooperation invites and welcomes other companies to become Associated
Partners and contribute to the refinement of the MOST Technology. This global effort
guarantees that the MOST Technology will continue to evolve to meet the future
demands of automotive multimedia connectivity.

Partners of the MOST Cooperation

The MOST Cooperation's philosophy is openness to any company and a fast progression
of definitions. In order for the Cooperation to meet the commitment of the definition
work and still retain the productive teamwork, the members are divided into two
categories. These categories are Partners and Associated Partners.

Implementers of the MOST Technology with a strong interest in standardization.
Members with a representative in the Steering Committee. (Other members that make a
major contribution to the implementation of the MOST Technology may also become

Associate Partners
 System integrators - e.g. carmakers - their interest is the integration of the
entire system into the vehicle.
 Suppliers - the set makers, system architects and key component suppliers -
their interest is mostly in the components of system.

All members of the Cooperation contribute with their work. They agree to provide
necessary patents and trademarks, and bear their share of the common administrative
costs. Joint results are made available.

The Partners together with the carmakers are responsible for initiating the Working
Groups (WG) to develop detailed specifications of the MOST Technology. Areas of
common interest will be identified in the Technical Coordination Meetings (TCM) and
defined as projects for the respective WGs.

The Technical Coordination Group (TCG) has the final say on the technical direction of
the MOST Specifications. This ensures that further definition work on MOST is as
efficient as possible.
The carmakers automatically have the right to join all TCMs and WGs. The suppliers
may, on invitation, participate in the TCMs and WGs.

However, all members of the MOST Cooperation have the same rights to use the MOST
Technology. All Partners and Associated Partners have access to the specifications,
information database, user forms and compliance tests.

MOST Organizational Procedures

The Organizational Procedures document is designed to describe the MOST
Cooperation's management and organizational procedures. These procedures need to be
followed in order to advance the objectives of the Cooperation in accordance with the
provisions of the Cooperation Agreement and the MOST License and Framework

Nothing in this document is intended to conflict with or supersede any of the stipulations
of the Cooperation Agreement or the MOST License and Framework Agreement.
MOST Cooperation Organizational Procedures Rev. 3.5-01 (03/2007) (259.4 kB)

Upcoming Events

Tokyo, Japan - November 17, 2011

12th MOST Interconnectivity Conference Asia
MOST Cooperation Presents Outstanding Technical Conference Program

On November 17, 2011, the MOST Cooperation will host the 12th MOST
Interconnectivity Conference Asia. In Tokyo, Japan, representatives of the MOST
Cooperation will present an update on technology highlights of the organization and the
MOST standardization roadmap to Asian carmakers and their suppliers. During the
morning session, members of the Steering Committee will give an overview which will
be expanded by various member presentations in the afternoon as well as by various
technical demonstrations.

Stuttgart/Esslingen, Germany - March 20, 2012

MOST® Forum 2012
Automotive Professionals Will Meet for Latest MOST Technology Highlights and
Future Outlook

The fourth MOST Forum will take place on March 20, 2012 in Stuttgart/Esslingen
(Germany). Concurrent with the MOST Cooperation’s All Members Meeting, this one-
day industry event on automotive infotainment technology will again present latest and
future technologies and application highlights based on MOST. The upcoming MOST
Forum will provide an ideal venue to share ideas and experiences, and to discuss the
latest news on this de-facto automotive networking standard. This international
conference and exhibition will bring together top professionals from the automotive
electronics industry and academia to exchange information and results of their recent
work on the leading infotainment networking technology. The broad international
audience will be composed of researchers, designers, engineers, system developers, as
well as purchasers and journalists, up to managers of the industries involved. The
conference program will be announced in November 2011.

Events Archive

Baden-Baden, Germany - October 12-13, 2011

MOST Cooperation Exhibited at 15th International VDI
Congress "Electronic Systems for Vehicles"
Audi and Daimler Presented "MOST150 – Technology Validation and Series-
Production Readiness"
The MOST Cooperation presented latest highlights at the 15th International VDI Congress
"Electronic Systems for Vehicles" on October 12-13, 2011, in Baden-Baden (Germany).
On October 12, 2011 at 17:45 Stephan Esch, AUDI AG, and Stefan Wachter, Daimler AG
presented "MOST150 – Technology Validation and Series-Production Readiness". After
reporting on evaluation and results of common activities by Audi and Daimler the
presenters spoke about know-how and lessons learned from running MOST150 serial
development. They concluded with the perspective on possible future MOST

Gaydon, United Kingdom - September 27, 2011

Advanced Automotive Electronics Conference: MOST
Presentation "Automotive Infotainment and
Advanced Driver Assist – MOST is well prepared"
At the Advanced Automotive Electronics (aae) Show, UK industry's premier conference
focused on vehicle electronics, Harald Kohler (SMSC) presented "Automotive
Infotainment and Advanced Driver Assist – MOST is well prepared". The conference
took place on September 27, 2011, at the Heritage Motor Centre motor museum in
Gaydon, Warwickshire (UK). The MOST presentation at 13:30 reviewed the automotive
infotainment system requirements as of today and highlight future system aspects of a
network technology going forward. Following this part, the presentation showed, how
new application specific requirements are addressed by the latest developments of MOST

Frankfurt, Germany - April 5, 2011

MOST Forum 2011: International Conference and
The MOST Forum 2011 welcomed to a very high quality conference program offering an
insight into the latest and future MOST Technology solutions and studies. This third
international MOST Conference and exhibition took place on 5 April 2011 in Frankfurt
(Germany). More than 180 top professionals from the automotive electronics industry
and academia exchanged information and results of their recent work on this widely used
infotainment technology.

Frankfurt, Germany - April 5, 2011

13th All Members Meeting
The members of the MOST Cooperation came together in Frankfurt (Germany) on April
5, 2011, from 8:30 to 9:30 to hold their 13th annual All Members Meeting. At the All
Members Meeting the MOST Cooperation’s Steering Committee reported on the current
status of the technology followed by an outlook and roadmap for 2011.


Events Archive

Seoul, South Korea - November 18, 2010

11th MOST Interconnectivity Conference Asia:
MOST150 Prepared for Next Generation
On November 18, 2010, the MOST Cooperation hosted the 11th MOST Interconnectivity
Conference Asia. In Seoul, South Korea, representatives of the MOST Cooperation
presented an update on latest technology achievements and the MOST standardization
roadmap to up to 100 attendees of Asian carmakers and their suppliers. The conference
presentations demonstrated that MOST Technology is ready for extended multimedia and
information applications in the vehicle. MOST150 now also meets the requirements not
only for the traditional areas of entertainment and information, but also for the new
domains of mobile connectivity, connected services, and driver assistance thus
completing the five major fields of in-car use cases. Besides the MOST Cooperation
update on its specification work, various members presented updates on their activities in
the area of MOST. In the accompanying exhibition a MOST demonstrator showed that
MOST supports star, daisy-chain, tree and other topologies as well as different physical
layers: plastic optical fibers (POF), COAX based electrical physical layer and unshielded
twisted pair (UTP) of copper wires. Besides MOST Cooperation, further demonstrations
were presented by Hamamatsu, K2L, SMSC, RUETZ SYSTEM SOLUTIONS, and
Detroit, United States - October 19-20, 2010
Exhibit of MOST Cooperation at SAE Convergence
2010 Was Very Well Received
At SAE Convergence on October 19 to 20, 2010, the MOST Cooperation demonstrated
that MOST Technology is ready for extended multimedia and information applications in
the vehicle. During this leading automotive exhibition in Detroit (Michigan, United
States) in the Cobo Center, various representatives of member companies hosted the
MOST Cooperation booth. A MOST demonstrator showed that MOST supports star,
daisy-chain, tree and other topologies as well as different physical layers.

Aschaffenburg, Germany - May 20, 2010

Conference on Driver Assistance Systems: MOST
within and beyond infotainment
At the Bayern Innovativ Conference on driver assistance systems Harald Schoepp of
SMSC spoke about driver assistance networking solutions. On May 20, 2010 in
Aschaffenburg he presented the latest research results proving that MOST150 is ready to
support safety-critical applications and may be available as the future network for driver
assistance systems.

Ludwigsburg, Germany - May 11, 2010

MOST Presentations at Elektronik automotive congress
Various MOST Cooperation members spoke at the 2nd Elektronik automotive congress
on May 11, 2010, in Ludwigsburg, Germany. During the parallel sessions "Infotainment"
and "Bus systems" several presentations on MOST Technology were shown by Audi,
K2L and SMSC.

Frankfurt, Germany - March 23, 2010

MOST Forum 2010: International Conference and
The MOST Forum 2010 welcomed to a very high quality conference program offering an
insight into the latest and future MOST Technology solutions and studies. This second
international MOST Conference and exhibition took place on 23 March 2010 in Frankfurt
(Germany). As knowledge partner, the MOST Cooperation especially appreciated the
participation of academia in the conference presentations. 150 top professionals from the
automotive electronics industry and academia exchanged information and results of their
recent work on this widely used infotainment technology.

Shravan B. Salunkhe
Cell :- 8805116081.
Waluj. Aurangabad.

E-mail :-,

Professional Experience
Company Designation Duration Job Description


Shri Vishnupriya Plastic Pvt. Ltd. Erandol (Jalgaon)

Designation : Store Keepar.
Duration : 05/09/2002 To 15/08/2005.

Elixir Engineers Pvt. Ltd. Panipat (Haryana)

Designation : Sr.Store Officer.
Duration : 20/08/2005 to 25/07/2007.

Ajay Industris , Waluj (Aurangabad):-

Designation : Sr.Store Officer.
Duration : 12/08/2007 To 25/02/2010.

Job Profile

a) Store
1) Inward, Outward Register Minted as per ERP systems. ( GRN & Good Issue Note).
2) Follow-up with Transport & Couriers for Delivered.
3) Minted Warehouse/Store as per ABC/ Fifo & Lifo System.
4) Handling dispatches Dept.
5) Maintain Documentations related Store/Dispatches.
6) Ledger Reconciliation, Cycle Stock Checking.
7) Inventory Minted & Controlling as per ERP systems.
8) Store minted as per ERP Systems.
9) Minted Daily, Monthly, Half Year & Year Ending stock Report.
10) Physically checking Weekly/Monthly / Quarterly basis
11) Knowledge of ERP System.
B) Purchase :
• Scrutinizing the purchase requisition
• Securing quotation
• Preparing Comparative Statements & Analyzing quotation
• Choosing appropriate suppliers
• Make or Buy Decision
• Follow up for delivery
• Check receipt of materials
• Verifying invoice / bill passing

Trinity Mahalasa Durga Sales & Services Pvt. Ltd. :-

(Authorised Dealer for Cummins India Ltd).
Designation : Sr.Store Officer.
Duration : 02/03/2010 To Till Date.

Objective : To Serve as an efficient and successful Store or Purchase Officer

Industries : Manufacturing / Engineering

 Graduation in Arts. ( 1st Class) From ( North Maharashtra University , Jalgaon)
 SSC From Pune Board in March 1992 with Second Class


 Operating system Window’s 95,97,98,2000 & XP

 Commercial Packages Ms-Office (World, Excel 2003 & 2007,)
 ERP & Oasis Systems.
 Typing Speed (50 wpm)


Father Name :- Bhaskar D. Salunkhe.

Occupation :- Retired .

Date of Birth :- 23-01-1976.

Martial Status :- Married

Language Know:- English, Marathi, Hindi

Other Qualities :- Goal Oriented, Communication Skills,

Willing to work in team.

Hobbies :- Reading, Playing .

(Shravan B. Salunkhe)

Posted by shravan salunkhe | October 13, 2010, 1:29 pm

 Dear,Sir/ Madam
currently working in Krishidhan Seeds ltd Jalna As Hr Executive Since 2 month i would
like to work such good company like skoda..Plz let me Know if their is any position in
HR dept….

Posted by Farah Shaikh | October 15, 2010, 1:58 pm

 Dear Sir,
I am Bsc Graduate 4.5 year exp.
present-varroc Engg Pvt Ltd Pune as ppc officer( Production Planning Control) work
with Sap to enhance my carrier & improve my skill working with an big orgnization.
Dhanaji Adsul.

Posted by Dhanaji Adsul | October 18, 2010, 6:42 pm

 Dear sir/madam
i am currently working in nasik as a quality engg. iam completed diploma engg. i have
experince 2 year quality & producton.
sir if any kind of opportunity for me so plz inform me.
contact no-9890311435

Posted by AMOL CHANDGUDE | October 25, 2010, 4:51 am

 Pangarkar Govind Dattatrya

Contact No:
Personal Information
Father’s name : DATTATRYA
mother’s name :VANMALA
D.O.B. :07/01/1988
Sex :Male.
Nationality :Indian.
Marital Status :Unmarried.

Languages Known
Career Objectives
To realize my full potential with courage and commitment, sincerity and success in an
organization that acts as a chisel in shaping up my career that gives me an opportunity in
improving myself & working towards the growth of the organization and I want to do
something in life so as to be remembered by the world after my life.
Educational Qualifications
• D.M.E.(Mech) :

Result : 63.49 % passed in JULY-2010
Currently working in COSMO FILM Ltd. As a TRINEE ENN.

for Aurangabad, From19 July 2010. to till.




Posted by Govind Dattatrya Pangarkar | November 9, 2010, 4:31 pm




E-mail ID :-
Mob. No. :- 9028611749
Office :- 07104-237261-2122

Looking forward to pursuing a challenging career in an organization. “To secure a
responsible and challenging position with an Organization that offers excellent
opportunities for professional advancement.”

1) SSC with 61.33%in 2001
2) HSC with 58.33% in 2003.
3) MSBTE in Automobile Engineering with 60.64 % from Government polytechanic
Company :- Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. (Tractor plant)
Designation :- working supervisor
Department :- Engine Assembly
Duration :- Aug.2008 to till date.
CTC :- 132000/-
Expected Salary :- Negotiable

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. One of the progressive & dynamic division. It is the farm
equipment sector which was started in 1963 & recently certified with DEMING awards
& TS-16949 also awarded with ISO-14001 & QS-9000.

• Knowledge about all mahindra tractor model.
• Involvements in activities like 5-S, KAIZEN, POKAYOKE.
• Knowledge & working on TPM.
• Knowledge about “trouble shooting” on engine assembly line as well as in engine
• Execute corrective actions for improving 5-S scores.
• Member of continuous improvement teams (CIT) & improvement projects.
• To co-ordinate with PPC for development of production plans as per the decided
schedule & giving to PPC for release.

• Monitoring shifts Output target as per quality standard
• Shift handling, manning & loading.
• To attain the daily ORC meeting & facing the internal customer complaints.
• Involvement in safety, housekeeping & ergonomic improvement.
• Ensure adherence to SOP
• Ensure availability of material for processing.
• Improve straight go by monitoring rejection, network & planning preventive



Present Address : AT:KhokrlaPost:Mohadura District:-Bhandra-441906.
Date of Birth : 12June 1985
Sex : Male
Nationality : Indian
Marital Status : Single
Languages Known : English, Hindi & Marathi.


Date: -
Place:-Bhandara Regards,

(Vikrant L.Gharde)


Mr. M.D. Damle Mr. Shivkumar Himandi

Manager (Engine Assly. Dept.) Dpt.Manager (Engine Assly. Dept.)
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd. Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd.
Nagpur Nagpur
Ph. Office – 07104-237261 – 2122 Ph. Office – 07104-237261 – 2122
Mob.:- 9823115005

Posted by Vikrant L.Gharde | November 12, 2010, 8:22 pm

 sir,
i have the diploma in mech engg.and also one year experiance in trans-auto international
pune . i am working in that company as a trainee operating engg (vmc).this is the
automotive company producing verious type of gear
& shaft

Posted by Amol P Rakhunde | November 23, 2010, 7:24 pm

 I,m a B.E Mech from North Maharashtra University. (Govt. College of Engg, Jalgaon
j. from year july 2009 Exp. of 6 month , Working in Harita Seating System Ltd
Rajangaon as GAT, Purchase Department From 26 may 2010 to till date. pl give me a
chance in , Skoda Auto India Pvt Ltd., Aurangabad

Posted by kailas bari | November 24, 2010, 10:39 pm


Permanent Address
S/O Mr. Jay Prakash Prasad sah
Ranchi, Jharkhand , 834004
Mailing Address
S/O Mr. Jay Prakash Prasad sah

Contact No: – 09835193061
Email Id:

 Ability to manage people and complete responsibilities on time.

 Ability to take decisions after due deliberation without being impulsive.
 Good interpersonal communication and team worker.
 Highly motivated, confident, strong work ethics and ready for relocation.


To achieve a position in the professional field that will enable me to prove my technical,
managerial and inter-personal skills together with my ability to quickly acquire and hone
new skills so as to provide opportunity for further growth and advancement to the
organization and self. Seek to work in a professionally stimulating atmosphere that
enables me to get in tune with the emerging technologies and provides scope for steady
growth in the corporate environment.

Personal Details ::

Nationality : Indian
Date of Birth : 10-07-1988
Sex : Male
Father’s Name : Mr. Jay Prakash Prasad sah
Mother’s Name : Mrs.Rambha Devi
Language known: English,Hindi


 B.Tech(Mechanical Engineering in 2010 with 66.9%,CGPA-7.59)

– Cambridge Institute of Technology/Ranchi University ,Ranchi

 H.S.S.C (2006)
-sarswati shishu vidya mandir,Ranchi

 S.S.C (2004)

-sarswati shishu vidya mandir,Ranchi

Technical Skills

 Languages : MS-Office ,C,C++(Basic)

 Operating Systems : Windows XP,98,Vista,Window7
 Concept : AUTO CAD 2007, 2009

 Gardening
 Net surfing

Vocational Training

 Company Name : Usha Martin LTD.

 Place : Tatisilwai,Ranchi

 Duration : 3 weeks

 Project Name : Pickling Patenting and Galvanizing Process of Wire and Rod .


 Awarded for the first position in inter school 200m racing competition.
 Awarded for the “Akhil bartiya sanskriti gyan examination”.

Project Done

 Mini Project on Working of Thermal Power Plant from patratu thermal power

 Final Semester Project as part of the B.TECH Curriculam

 Project Name :Linear Indexing jig for electric distribution bar

 Description: It is used to hold,locate,guide the electric distribution bar for the purpose
of Drilling as a part of mass production.

I hereby affirm that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge.

Place: Ranchi

Dated: 15-12-2010 (Deepak kumar)

Posted by DEEPAK KUMAR | December 14, 2010, 7:22 pm

 Dear Sir,
I am presently working as Quality Engineer at M/S. Jayaswals Neco Industries ltd.,
Nagpur.I have completed my DME in 2001.I will be honoured if i get a chance to work
with your reputed company. Thanking you.
Mobile- 9766170913

Posted by Ravindra Potdar | January 1, 2011, 8:46 pm

 Respected Sir,
This is ABHIJIT AMBRE, Studying in MMS- 2nd semester from Dr. V N Bedekar
institute of management studies, thane
( MUMBAI UNIVERSITY ).Our college is one of the well known education institution
in Thane district.
While undertaking the MMS program, we need to take on Summer internship,
which will be in the months of May 2011 and June 2011.I am keenly looking forward to
work in
a reputed organization like yours. My main interest is in luxury cars. I am crazy about
My field of interest would be marketing.
So to gain a valuable experience in the
industry I wish to join this company for summer internship program.
If you can suggest me any suitable openings with the company for this purpose,
it will be a great opportunity for me looking forward for your response.

Thanking You Sir.

with regards
Abhijit Ambre.

Contact no.:- 9773069523

Email id :-

Posted by abhijit ambre | January 30, 2011, 11:40 pm

 I am presently working as a GET (Quality Engineer) at M/S. Nirmal industrial

controls pvt. ltd. thane., I have completed my BE(MECH.) in MAY 2009.I will be
honoured if i get a chance to work with your reputed company. Thanking you.
Mobile- 9967836309

Posted by shashikant kale | January 31, 2011, 7:37 pm

 Mohammad Avais Shaikh

1/5,Indraparasthya appt,


To prove my crux of abilities and to enhance my skills. To grow with growing


Date of Birth / Age 2nd July 1989

Marital Status Single


Diploma in Electronics & Telecommunication.

• Under Graduate BE in 2nd year


Work Expierence in Telecomm Sector & Medical Electronics Instrument upto 5 month in
private & In Telecomm Sector m have worked expierence 4month in Bhartimaxtel
Pvt.Ltd Mumbai.
Worked Exp:- 4month in BHARTI MAXTEL PVT.LTD, RF-SURVEY.

Designation:-RF Trainee Engineer.

Computer Proficiency:

• Windows, MS Excel.
• Operating System.


English, Hindi, Marathi & Urdu (Read, Write and Speak)

Hobbies ;

Playing,Football, Volley Ball.

Date: – 31/01/2011
Sign AvaisShaikh
Place: – Amravati, Mohammad Avais Shaikh

Posted by mohammad avais shaikh | February 12, 2011, 3:43 pm

 i am amar patil completed diploma in mechanical engg.looking for job in skoda

auto .please send me vacancy details about vacancy.
amar patil(8149278816)

Posted by AMAR PATIL | March 19, 2011, 10:12 am

 i am shashibhushan kumar. presently address is patna in Bihar.

my qualification is computer sceince kuvempu university Banglore and IT NIIT
plz job requirement hai to give jobs details send e-mail

Posted by SHASHIBHUSHAN KUMAR | July 20, 2011, 2:57 pm

Read more:



Job Code: Vehicle Testing - 06

Experience on Vehicle level physical testing related to NVH, Crash/Safety,

Exposure of setup, handling of test equipments and facili

Job Code: Body Control - 10

Product development of Body control ECU¿s(BCM,Imobiliser,Airbag

controller,Securitycontroller,Door Lock controllers,HVAC,TPMS etc Hands on
experience in hardware design/ development controllers.
Executed at least one project of Body controller including
sourcing/selection/verification of microcontrolers,design of PCB & interface circuits

Job Code: EMI/EMC - 11

Installation & Commissioning of test facilities for EMI/EMC Carry out EMC/EMI
testing on vehicle/ESA level according to relevant test standards (ISO/EC/AIS)

Job Code: HVAC - 12

Layouting, Packaging, Design & Development of automotive HVAC systems

Job Code: CAE - 05

Experience in finite element analysis in the automotive domain using

of Linear/Non-Linear structural analysis, Fatigue/Durability analysis,NVH analysis,
Crash analysis, CFD Analysis

Job Code: Chassis/ Suspension/ Steering/ Brakes - 03

Experience in Design, development & testing of

Chassis/Suspension/Steering/Brakes system related parts.
Hands on experience in RHB,durablity,performance testing, Vehicle dynamics and
parts evaluation.

Job Code: Engine Testing - 01

Experience in Emission, Performance, Durability, NVH testing related to Gasoline,

Diesel and alternate fuels
Working Knowledge of Emission testing for both engine and emission test beds
Evaluation of vehicle performance, Running Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer
Calibration of CRDi system, basic understanding of emission regulations

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