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Jalan TMP Kalibata No. 17 Jakarta Selatan Telp 021-7989924 Fax 021-7974488

Jakarta, May 2017

Number UND.738/SJ-KDPDTI/05/2017
Attachment 3 (three)
Ref Invitation Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

Since the apllication of Law Number 6 Year 2015 about Village, Indonesian Government
has set village and rural areas as the most focus and important role in national development.
Through this law, Indonesian Government has changed the centered development policy into
village and rural areas development. Due to the mission of village and rural areas development
knowledge sharing and idea compiling, Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged
Region and Transmigration (MVDDRT) in colaboration with the Australian government are going
to held Village Development Form (VDF). This forum invites various participants from countries
all over the world, international organizations, ministries/institutions, universities, both local
and foreign development partnerships. Herewith, we would like to invite Sir/Madam to join and
participate our forum; Village Development Form (VDF) which will be held on:

Day/Date Thursday - Friday, August 24-252017

Time 09.00 - finish
Venue Sari Pan Pacific Hotel
Jalan MH. Thamrin No.6 Central Jakarta
Agenda Attached

Consumption during the event is available. Your confirmation should be received by

June 30 2017 by sending the Confirmation Form through
Thank you for your attention and cooperation.

Contact Persons:
(1) Windhy (08111075 728);
(2) Angela (0852 8973 7839);
(3) Yudo (0812 8939 6820);

Number : UND.738/SJ-KDPDTT/05/2017

Date : 30 May 2017


1. Secretary General of Ministry of Home Affairs
2. Secretary General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
3. Secretary General of Ministry of Finance
4. Secretary General of Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources
5. Secretary General of Ministry of Industry
6. Secretary General of Ministry of Trade
7. Secretary General of Ministry of Agriculture
8. Secretary General of Ministry of Environment and Forestry
9. Secretary General of Ministry of Transportation
10. Secretary General of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
11. Secretary General of Ministry of Manpower
12. Secretary General of Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
13. Secretary General of Ministry of Health
14. Secretary General of Ministry of Education and Culture
15. Secretary General of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education
16. Secretary General of Ministry of Social Affairs
17. Secretary General of Ministry of Religious Affairs
18. Secretary General of Ministry of Communication and Informatics
19. Secretary General of Ministry of Land and Spatial Planning
20. Secretary General of Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises
21. Secretary General of Ministry of National Development Planning
22. Secretary General of Ministry of State Owned Enterprises
23. Secretary General of Ministry of Youth and Sports Affairs
24. Secretary General of Ministry of Tourism Affairs
25. Secretary General of Ministry of Coordinating for Human Development and Culture


26. Governor of Aceh
27. Governor of Sumatera Utara
28. Governor of Sumatera Barat
29. Governor of Riau
30. Governor of Kep. Riau
31. Governor of Bengkulu
32. Governor of Jambi
33. Governor of Sumatera Selatan
34. Governor of Kep. Bangka Belitung
35. Governor of Lampung
36. Governor of Banten
37. Governor of DKI Jakarta
38. Governor of Jawa Barat
39. Governor of Jawa Tengah
40. Governor of Yogyakarta
41. Governor of Jawa Timur
42. Governor of Bali
43. Governor of Nusa Tenggara Barat
44. Governor of Nusa Tenggara Timur
45. Governor of Kalimantan Timur
46. Governor of Kalimantan Tengah
47. Governor of Kalimantan Selatan
48. Governor of Kalimantan Barat
49. Governor of Kalimantan Utara
50. Governor of Sulawesi Barat
51. Governor of Sulawesi Selatan
52. Governor of Sulawesi Tenggara
53. Governor of Sulawesi Tengah
54. Governor of Gorontalo
55. Governor of Sulawesi Utara
56. Governor of Maluku Utara
57. Governor of Maluku
58. Governor of Papua Barat
59. Governor of Papua

60. Head of Aceh Singkil Ditrict Planning Development Board (Bappeda Aceh Singkil);
61. Head of Kaur District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Kaur);
62. Head of Bengkulu Tengah District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Bengkulu
63. Head of Bogor District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Bogor);
64. Head of Bandung Barat District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Bandung
65. Head of Cianjur District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Cianjur);
66. Head of Subang District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Subang);
67. Head of Pangandaran District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Pangandaran);
68. Head of Garut District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Garut);
69. Head of Rote Ndao District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Rote Ndao);
70. Head of Sambas District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Sambas);
71. Head of Morowali Utara District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Morowali);
72. Head of Maluku Tenggara Barat District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Maluku
Tenggara Barat);
73. Head of Fak Fak District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Fak Fak);
74. Head of Kotawaringin Barat District Planning Development Board (Bappeda
Kotawaringin Barat)
75. Head of Tanggamus District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Tanggamus)
76. Head of Buleleng District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Buleleng)
77. Head of Klaten District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Klaten)
78. Head of Paser District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Paser)
79. Head of Lombok Timur District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Lombok Timur)
80. Head of Timor Tengah District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Timor Tengah)
81. Head of Cilacap District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Cilacap)
82. Head of Serdang Bedagai District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Serdang
83. Head of Aceh Besar District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Aceh Besar)
84. Head of Bantaeng District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Bantaeng)
85. Head of Bangka District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Bangka)
86. Head of Gunung Kidul District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Gunung Kidul)
87. Head of Bangli District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Bangli)
88. Head of Ponorogo District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Ponorogo)
89. Head of Ende District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Ende)
90. Head of Banyuwangi District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Banyuwangi)
91. Head of Polewali Mandar District Planning Development Board (Bappeda Polewali

92. Country Representatives of FAO
93. Country Representatives of ILO
94. Country Representatives of UNICEF
95. Country Representatives of WFP
96. Country Representatives of UNESCO
97. Country Representatives of UNDP
98. Country Representatives of WORLD BANK
99. Country Representatives of IDB
100. Country Representatives of ADB
101. Country Representatives of AUSAID
102. Country Representatives of KOICA
103. Country Representatives of JICA
104. Country Representatives of NZ AID
105. Country Representatives of GIZ Jerman
106. Country Representatives of USAID
107. Country Representatives of CARE
108. Country Representatives of PLAN INTERNASIONAL
109. Country Representatives of SWISS CONTACT
110. Country Representatives of WINROCK

111. Head of Mekong Institute, Thailand
112. Head of Bogor Agriculture Institute ( IPB )
113. Head of University of Indonesia
114. Head of State Islamic University ( UIN ) Jakarta
115. Head of Bina Nusantara University
116. Head of Bandung Technology Institute ( ITB )
117. Head of Padjajaran University
118. Head of Mataram University
119. Head of Halu Oleo University
120. Head of Trunojoyo Madura University
121. Head of Borneo Tarakan University
122. Head of Andalas University
123. Head of Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University
124. Head of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran University ( UPN ) Jawa Timur
125. Head of Brawijaya Malang University
126. Head of Politeknik Jambi
127. Head of Hasanuddin University Makassar
128. Head of Timor Belu University NTT
129. Head of Jember University


130. Representatives of Peduli Konservasi Alam (PEKA)
131. Representatives of Forum Indonesia to Transparansi Anggaran (FITRA)
132. Representatives of Indonesia for Research and Empowerment (IRE)
133. Representatives of Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan SDM (LAPESDA)

134. Head of Nahdlatul Utama Organization
135. Head of Muhammadiyah Organization
136. Head of Fathayat Organization
137. Head of Muslimat Organization
138. Head of Aisiyah Organization
Village Development Forum, 23-25 August 2017

Village Development Forum

Senior Official Meeting and International Symposium and Parallel Workshop

“Representing Village: Democracy, Autonomy and Prosperity”
Jakarta, 23-25 August 2017
Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, Jakarta

Poverty remains global phenomena among countries in the Asia Pacific regions
although the economic growth of these areas is considered high in the last decades.
More than 550 millions-people are under the line of poverty rate, individual income 1.25
$ US/day, and most of them, around 76 % are living in rural areas.
Agriculture sector in rural areas grows significantly in the last decades. The growth rate
of GDP increases from 3.4 in 1980 to 3.8 in 2000. However, the increasing growth of
agriculture products is not equivalent with the contribution of agriculture sector to the
increase of GDP of each country. Indonesia has similar experience with other countries
of the Asia-Pacific regions. 3 out 5 Indonesian people live in the rural areas. It indicates
that agriculture is the main sector of livelihood. However in 2014, 13,8 % of villagers are
categorized as poor. The government of Indonesia understands that poverty alleviation
in village and rural areas is not only through the development of agriculture sector, but it
has to empower village and rural areas themselves.
Since the enactment of State Law No. 6/2014 on Village, the state of Indonesia gives
more effort in placing village and rural areas as the foci of national development. This
law reflects the paradigmatic change of Indonesia’s national development that has long
neglected the role of village and rural areas as important players in the role of national
development. It is also concomitant to the vision of Jokowi’s nine priority programs
(nawa cita) stating about “developing country from periphery (Indonesian; membangun
dari pinggiran). It means that to foster nation is not necessarily starting from central
areas, but from peripheral ones for the sake of national integration. The formalization of
this vision into state law bears an impression that the state of Indonesia has changed its
centralistic development policy and this is an obvious sign that indicates the state
inclination to village and rural areas. In this regard, the Ministry of Village has a strategic
and undeniable role to play due to its main portfolio as the state agency in the whole
actions of village and rural area development. With this state law on village, the state of
Indonesia actually provides not only capital and fund, but also more space for village
and rural areas to exercise their power and authority in creating innovation

Historically speaking, village and rural area has had special place in the history of
nation-state building of Indonesia. Village and rural areas have been considered as the
main factors of national development especially because of agricultural characteristics
of this country. With the enactment of the State Law No. 6/2014, village and rural areas
meet a momentum to develop, elevate and progress towards its ideals. Why village
should have be in well-developed situation because village is a mini-state. All we have
at the level of state are actually found in our village in the term of diversity and plurality.

Jakarta, 22-25 August 2017 1

Village Development Forum, 23-25 August 2017

When the level of prosperity and social justice is met in our village and areas, it will
automatically reflect to the level of national. Villages are the foundation of state. This is
meaning of Jokowi’s vision on “the national development from periphery.”

Most importantly, with the State Law No. 6/2014, villages have specific fund that can be
used for improvement and development of their village and rural areas to achieve
prosperity and social justice. The availability of village fund is seen by the state as a
way of elevating village and rural areas from poverty to welfare. This fund can be used
as the method of leveling development, strengthening capacity of village and its people.
However, on one hand, the availability of village fund can be seen as opportunity, but on
the other hand, it is also kind of threat. It becomes opportunity to boost the economy of
village, but it can also trap villagers into the misuse of fund that can bring them in
corruption. The high stimulus of state policy for the village and rural development will
not be effective and successful in boosting the reaching of social, welfare and justice in
the life of village people when its process and effort in developing village and rural areas
including the use of village fund is not transparent and accountable.

The more focus of village and rural areas development is actually not only Indonesia,
but also global phenomena among countries across the world. Therefore, the policy of
the Indonesia government that inclines to this trend can be said as the strong
commitment of Indonesia government in advancing global justice and prosperity. By
improving our villages and rural areas, we contribute significant part of realizing global
justice and welfare. Through this international symposium and parallel workshop, it is
highly expected that the initiative of government of Indonesia in the development of
village and rural areas can become part of international discourse and resonance.

Some questions that relate to the implementation of village and rural areas development
that become our inspiration for the international symposium and parallel workshop are
identified as follow: (1) How far village and rural development has been able to drive
village to become self-sufficient, prosperous and just village? (2) In what kind of
innovations, creativity and civility have the village people achieved as the impact of their
village and rural areas development project? (3) To what extent village and rural areas
development could alleviate poverty and create livelihood, job opportunity as well as
social justice? If not, why and what are their challenges? (4) How can the principles of
accountability and transparency be implemented in the village and rural development?
(5) In what ways lesson learnt from different experiences of different countries can be
used for boosting the development of village and rural areas in Indonesia?

2. Objectives
The Village Development Forum(VDF) is aimed at:
 To collect ideas, knowledge, best practices and experiences that relate to village
and rural area development and the use of village fund in more effective,
innovative, democratic and transparent way.
 To identify challenges, opportunities and as well potentials for the implementation
of village and rural area development.

Jakarta, 22-25 August 2017 2

Village Development Forum, 23-25 August 2017

 To learn from the best practices and experience of village and rural area
development from different regions and countries in the world for the sake of
social welfare and justice for villages.
 To establish the development of village and rural area in Indonesia to have more
resonance in regional and international discourse of village and rural
 To formulate recommendation useful for government in implementing rural and
village development program.

1. Series of activity

A. Senior executive meeting (SEM)

This meeting will be held in one day before the events of international symposium and
parallel workshop. This meeting will invite some senior executives from some countries
whose success in developing village and rural areas is visible such as India, South
Korea, Japan and others. The aim of organizing this specific meeting is (1) to share
experiences of village and rural development among invited countries, (2) to plan future
collaborative agenda on village and rural area development, and (3) to establish
networking among countries attending the SEM and others.
Participants of SEM are as follow
1. Minister of Rural and Regional Development of Malaysia
2. Minister of Interior of Republic of Korea
3. Union Minister of Rural Development, Panchayati Raj, Sanitation and
Drinking Water of India
4. Minister of Local Government, Rural Development and Co-operatives of
5. Minister of Agriculture Jihad of Iran
6. Minister for Local Government and Territories
7. National Institute of Rural Development, India
8. Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute
9. Institute for Rural Advancement, Malaysia
10. Korea Institute of Local Administration, Korea
11. Rural Development Academy, Bangladesh
12. National Institute for Agriculture Extension, Thailand
13. Agriculture Planning Economic Research and Rural Development, Iran
14. Rural Industries Research Development Corporation, Australia
15. Southeast Asian Centre for Agriculture Research and Post Graduate, Los
Banos, Philippines
16. European Network for Rural Development, Brussels, Belgium
17. Center of Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific, Dhaka,
18. Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo, Japan
19. African-Asian Rural Development Organization, New Delhi, India

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Village Development Forum, 23-25 August 2017

20. International Tropical Fruit Network, Selangor, Malaysia

B. Plenary session
This session invites resource persons who have expertise on village and its related
issues from national and international background. They can use sociological, political,
and also economical points of view. They are expected to talk mostly at the theoretical
and philosophical level without neglecting practical orientation. Each speaker will have
15-20 minutes and be led moderator. The plenary session will be broadcasted in

C. Parallel workshop
The parallel workshop is aimed at ensuring topics and target speakers focus on and
aligned with MOV priorities. It will be held into sessions and each session will present 1
facilitator and two speakers. The speakers will be from the outset and invest
resources/time in securing their involvement and working with them on their topics. This
approach gives us more control over the agenda and planned outputs to support the
Minister’s agenda and priorities.
The topics of parallel workshop:
 Watershed management, renewable energy, environmental protection,
 Governance, participation and inclusion, public service delivery, rural amenities,
working in specific areas
 Village Enterprise, one village one product, agro processing, macro finance and
women empowerment and enterprise, poverty alleviation

7. Participant
The International symposium and parallel workshop are open for those who register for
their participation. The expected number of participants including key speakers and
presenters are 250 persons. The elements of participant consist of staffs of MoV and
other state ministries, the heads of village, academicians, activists and those who have
concern with the development of village and rural areas.
8. Date and place
International seminar and parallel workshop are held on 23-25 August 2017 Sari Pan
Pacific Hotel.

9. Meals, accommodation and transportation

Meals and hotel accommodation are provided for the invited speakers will be provided
airfare cost.

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Village Development Forum, 23-25 August 2017

10. Publication
The completed and selected papers will be published in an edited volume.

11. Organizer
The Ministry of Village and KOMPAK.

12. Tentative Agenda

Day 1 – Senior Executive Meeting
August 23, 2017
09.00 – 09.30 Welcoming speech by Minister of Village, Development of
Disadvantaged Region, and Transmigration of Indonesia
09.30 – 11.00 Response by Minister from Partner Countries
11.00 – 12.00 Discussion
12.00 – 12.30 Conclusion
12.30 – 13.30 Luncheon
13.30 – 15.30 Bilateral Meeting Session
19.00 – 21.00 VIP Dinner with the Minister of Village, Development of
Disadvantaged Region, and Transmigration of Indonesia
Day 2 – International Symposium
August 24, 2017
07.00 – 07.30 Registration for Ministers, VIP Participants, and Resource
09.00 – 10.30 Opening and Welcoming remarks at Vice Presidential Palace, by:
1. Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Region,
and Transmigration
2. Report by Minister of Village
3. Speech by Australian Ambassador
4. Vice President of Republic of Indonesia

10.30 – 11.00 Photo session

11.30 – 12.00 Back to hotel
12.00 – 13.00 Luncheon
13.00 - 15.00 Plenary session

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Village Development Forum, 23-25 August 2017

“Imagining a self-sufficient and prosperous village”

1. Ahmad Erani Yustika, the Director General of PPMD,
Ministry of Village
2. Ikujiro Nonaka (Professor Emeritus at the Graduate
School of International Corporate Strategy of the
Hitotsubashi University
3. WR. Reddy, IAS (Director of NRD)
4. Datuk Sharif Harun (MARDI)

Day 3 – International Symposium

August 25, 2017
08.00 – 10.00 Plenary session
“Strengthening governance and inclusiveness in village
development as prerequisites for implementing prosperity
and social justice in village”
1. Kadarsah Suryadi, Rector of Institute Teknologi Bandung
[ITB] and Head of PERTIDES (Forum Perguruan Tinggi
untuk Desa: University Forum for Village)
2. Young Hoon Ahn (Deputy President Korea Institute of
Local Administration)
3. MA. Matin (Rural Development Academy of Bangladesh)
4. Tatsuo Oyama, member of the Board of Trustees, Director
of Public Policy
5. Dato’ Rubiyah binti Abdurrahman, Director of Institute of
Rural Advancement, Malaysia

10.00 – 12.00 Questions and Answer

12.00 – 13.00 Luncheon
13.00 – 16.00 Parallel workshop 1,2,3
Topic 1:
Watershed management, renewable energy, environmental
protection, eco-tourism
Facilitator: Cecep Effendi
Resource persons:
1. Mohammad Azheem Khan, NARC Pakistan
2. Ewa Wojkowska, co-founder and CEO KOPERNIK
3. Dato’ Rubiyah bin Abdurrahman, INFRA Malaysia

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Village Development Forum, 23-25 August 2017

4. Peter Holmgren (Center for International Forestry, CIFOR)

Topic 2:
Governance, participation and inclusion, public service delivery,
rural amenities, working in specific areas
Faciltator: Sutoro Eko
Resource persons:
1. Joy Elamon, Kerala Institute of Local Administration
2. Young Hoon Ahn (Deputy President Korea Institute of
Local Administration)
3. Semeru
4. Sonti Pangaribuan (DKI Jakarta)

Topic 3:
Village Enterprise: one village one product, agro processing,
macro finance and women empowerment and enterprise, poverty
Facilitator: Padang Wicaksono
Resource persons:
1. Somporn Han Soponpanh (Consultant of FAO, Thailand)
2. Nani Dzulminarmi (PEKKA)
3. Masakazu Ichimura (CAPSA-ESCAP)
16.00 – 16.30 Future Agenda of Village Development Forum
16.30 – 17.00 Concluding remark

Jakarta, 22-25 August 2017 7

Village Development Forum 2017
International Symposium
1. Overview
 Date: August 24-25, 2017
 Venue: Sari Pan Pacific Hotel, MH. Thamrin No.6, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10340, DKI
Jakarta, Indonesia
 Invited Countries: Indonesia, Australia, Malaysia, India, South Korea, Philippine,
Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, and Iran.
 Hosted by: Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Region, and
 Organized by: Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Region, and
Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia and KOMPAK, Australian Embassy

2. Participants
 250 participants, including key speakers and presenters
 International participants, including Government Officials (Ministers/Vice Ministers),
Representatives of International Organizations and Institutions, Ambassadors, and
other development partners
 Local participants, including the High Level Government Officials, the Head of
Universities, the Head of Regional Government, the Head of Villages, academicians,
activists and those who have concern with the development of village and rural areas

3. Programs
 Opening remarks by the Vice President of Indonesia
 Speech by Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture
 Welcoming Speech by Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Region,
and Transmigration, Development of Disadvantaged
 Plenary Session
 Parallel Session on some topics of interest:
1) State policy and village
2) Democracy and village governance
3) Self-reliance, village autonomy, social life, social capital and village community
4) Land, livelihood and economic prosperity
5) Improvement of village economic productivity
 Concluding Remarks

4. Expenses
1. The organizer provides snacks and lunch during the event period (August 24 – 25,
2. The travel expenses including round-trip flight ticket fare need to be borne by the
participants themselves. The participants shall also provide some daily necessities such
as for international call, medical insurance, local transportation, etc.

5. Timetable (tentative)
Day 1 – International Symposium
August 24, 2017
07.30 – 08.00 Registration
08.00 – 10.00 Opening and welcoming remarks by:
1. Vice President of Republic of Indonesia
2. Coordinating Minister of Human Development and Culture
3. Minister of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Region, and
Photo Session
10.00 – 11.30 Plenary session: Imagining a self-sufficient and prosperous village
11.30 – 12.00 Questions and answers
12.00 – 13.00 Luncheon
13.00 - 14.30 Plenary session: Strengthening governance and inclusiveness in village
development as prerequisites for implementing prosperity and social
justice in village
14.30 – 15.00 Question and Answer
15.00 – 15.30 Conclusion
Day 2 – International Symposium
August 25, 2017
08.00 – 10.00 Parallel session I
10.00 – 10.30 Coffee Break
10.30 – 12.00 Parallel Session II
12.00 – 13.00 Luncheon
13.00 – 15.00 Parallel Session III
15.00 – 15.30 Future Agenda of Village Development by Cecep Efendi
15.30 – 16.00 Concluding remarks
No : UND.738/SJ-KDPDTT/05/2017
Date : 30 May 2017


AUGUST 24-25, 2017

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The International Symposium of Village Development Forum “Representing Village:

Democracy, Autonomy and Prosperity” on 24-25 August 2017 at Sari Pan Pacific Hotel,

………….........., 2017

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