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Republicorthe Philippines siuatcrtis diisren come BUREAU OF CUSTOMS rie 06 JAN 2000 CUSTOMS MEMORANDUM ORDER (CMO) no. ‘OL 2020 ‘SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MODIFIED GOODS DECLARATION ‘VERIFICATION SYSTEM (GDVS) Introduction. This Order i sued pursuant to Sections 109, 210 and other relevant Drowsions of Repub Act No, 10863 otherwise known asthe Customs Modernization ‘nd Tart Bet (CHT) ‘Section 1. Scope and Coverage. This Order shall apply to all assessment sections ‘revolt dvsions ina ports nations, Section 2. Objectives. 2A, To guide customs offices in the use of the mosified GDVS in ‘Conjunction with thir nferen functions and responses nthe ‘ssesement of goods, 2.2, To prevent corruption by nstittionaiing the Zero Contact Paley” {Section 7 f Poa, No, 11022) and suppres he suk system n the ‘argo. clearance process through the random asagnment of ‘Saminers and apprasers toa lven goods delaraton; and 2.3.To provide brokers and importers updates on the status of thelr respective goods declaration, Section 3, Definition of Terms, 3.1, Assessment — shall refer tothe process of determining the amount fof dutes and taxes and ober charges due on imported and exported ‘0005! 43.2, Goods Declaration — shall refer to 2 statement made in the ‘manner prescribed by the Bureau and eter appropiate agencies, by ‘which the persons concemed Inceate the procedure to be observed "OTA Te Chapt 2, Scion 12 (, Paget of $= CMO Wo, 64-2020 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY Sout dita be, arta 527-4507, QF BCORIGINAL TER COPY ln the application forthe entry or admission of imported goods and the particulars of which the customs administration shall requve.® 3.3. Goods Declaration Verification System — shall refer toa web: ‘based application that enables the random assignment of examiners ‘and eppaisers to a given goods declaration ana provides reine Updates onthe stats o such declarations, 3.4, Lodgement — shall eer to the registration ofa goods decaration vith the Bureau,” 3.5. Suld system — shall refer toa stuation wherein the importer or the broker I frequently cheesing a particular examiner or appraiser to oodiuct the clearance procedure for ts shipment. It alsa refers to 2 Situation where a customs examiner ‘or appraer i frequent choosing a spedic importer or broker inthe performance of thelt assessment function, Section 4, Administrative Provisions. 4.4, The modifi’ GOVS fcity ts avatable ia web servic. 2. Display monitors and Kosks are avasable at the port premises for [BOC slakehokers to check and monitor the stu ard dates of ther goods dedaration, 4.3, A Helpdesk shal be cette under the Femal Enity Divison (FED) or fn equivalent unit of each. port to racewe the hard copies of ‘additional documents required from an importer or dedarane Section 5. Operational Procedures. ‘5: Lodgement of Goods Declaration, fn inyrter oder shall Taage the goods dedartion trough a Value Aided Sonics Poet (VASP) wn shal sent goods dacaration entry to the EM. 5.2. Entry Processing Unit (EPU) or Equivalent Unit. 5.2.1, The importer o- declarant shal submit the hardcopy ofthe Single Adminisratve Document (SAD) and is supporting ‘documents tothe EPU or any equivalent unit assigned to receive the documents. MTA, Te, apr 3, aio 102). OMT, Tle Cpe 2 Seton 12 (9. Page 2 ofS ~ CMO No, t= 2920. CERTIFIED TRUI = =e ORG Cop’ “on renceremem JAN 10 2020 ECEUY TE 5.2.2. “The assigned EPU personnel shall agin tothe GOVS using the authorized username and password 5.2.3. “The EPU personel shall encode in the GOVS the customs feference number, assigned selectity color, section and duties and taxes. ‘The EPU personnel shall then click the “SAVE” button on the (GDVS screen. The system shall randomly choose. the avalable Customs Examiner who shal process the goods Seclaration, ‘5.244, The EPU shall rward the documents tothe Section Chet in the case of Pot of Mania (POM) and Hana International Container Port (MICP, orto the FED Chior its equivalent uni for other pots 5.3. Assignment of Goods Declaration Assignment of goods declarations for the POM and ICP Sha be on 3 per section basis, When tye goods detaation ‘overs various commodities faling Under multiple tari headings, the section assignment may be amended to comply with the exlsing rules ‘on saction assignment, Provided that the modieation. shall be abject to the pproval ofthe FED Chie Assignment of gods declaration entries for Ninoy Aquino Interational port Customouse shall be on 3 per warehouses bass, For all other ports, aesgnmient of goods dediaration shat be within the port '52.2. Assignment of goods delaration entries shall be one at a ‘5.3.3. In the event that goods declaration have remained pending ‘due to inaction of ifthe assigned Customs Examiner oF Customs Appraser wil be orleave the feloving day, the FED Chi shall randomly reassign through the ystem the ‘goods decaration to ether avilable Customs Examiner oF {sts Appraser to prevent delay in the processing ofthe Aeclaration, fee 305- 010. an. CERTIFIED TRUE copy ee en pene PR GRONAL R JAN 10 2020 TE STER COPY ‘5.4. Customs Examiner (COO II}. 54. A customs Bxzminer sal ag-n ndvidully to the GDVS aly to receivethe declaration assignment forthe day. The {stems Examiner wil automaticaly receive the actioned ‘goods declaratan to sher dashboard by simply eetung the "REFRESH" button onthe GDVS seen, ‘54.2, The Customs Examiner shal receive the documents frm the FED Chief or Secon Chie to review the completeness and fauthenticty a submitted documents of the goeds ‘declaration and star the asesement process, 5.4.3, In cose addtional documents are requled ofan issue may arise, the Customs Esaminer shal eect the "COO II Ie PROCESS" status and input the relevant remarks on the entry decaration in the GDVS to inform the importer or declarant. The hard copies of adatonal documents hall be submited tothe Helpdesk established for that purpoce, 5.4.6, Ifthe CustomsExaminer fds the fled goeds declaration to be In ordes, the Customs Examiner shall select the REGISTERED” status in the GDVS. and the system vil Fandomly assign the dadaration to an avaiable Customs opaiser. ‘SAS, The hardcopies of the goods declaration shall then be {forwarded 1 te Sction Chet or equivalent unto be given {to the assigned Customs Aporaer, 5.5. Customs Appraiser (COO V), [5.5.1 A Customs Appraiser shall og-n individually to the GDVS daly to recaive the ceclaratonassigment forthe day. 5.5.2, The Customs Aopralsr shall ne to supply his dally target before proceeding and have an asslgned declaration. 55.3. The Customs Appraiser shall revieve the assigned documents fom the Section Chet or equivalent unt. ‘5.5.4, In case atonal documents are required of an issue may ase, the Cusioms Appratser wil selec the "COO V IN PROCESS" staus and input the relevant remarks on the entry decoration in the GDVS to inform the importer oF South Haber, te FiEERUE COPY Lene ne ORIGINAL JAN 10 2020 a (CIEL IE, gists Ua Bere coPY detarant. The hard copies of addtional documents shall be submited to Helpdesk assigned fr that purpose. 5.5.5, The Customs Appraiser shal assess the payable duties and taxes of the goods declaration and thereafter update the satus by selecting "ASSESSED" status te GOVE, ‘Section 6. Reports. Reports may be generated using the GOVS, wth the format and etl of reports tobe determined as required under te relevant crcumstandss Section 7. Liability of BOC Personnel. Those found to be In violation of the provisions indicated inthis Order shall be subject to administrative sancon pursuah te Gul Service lw, rules and regulations, without prejudes to hil ane criminal [abity, 150 warranted under the creustances, ‘Section 8. Repealing Clause, This Order supersedes and madfies CHO No. 47- 2018, CAO No, 10-2018, CMO No. 31-2017. Other CMOs, Tues and reguations inconsistent with this Order are hereby deemed repasled, superseded or mosiied accordingly. Section 9. Separability Clause. Ian tof this Orders dectared unconstution ‘oF contrary to enstng laws, the cther parts nat so declared shall eran In ful force ‘nd effect ‘Section 10. effectivity Cause. This Cer shall take effect on 714M _ 2000 REY LEONARDS B. GUERRERO {Commission JAIL 06 200: BE eon Page 5 of 5~ CMO No, = 202 CERTIFIED TRUE COPY = JHEORIGINAL vi lca E79) R JAN 10 2020 ESM Cae JECIEIY IE. x al

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