Pasch Web CV Dec 4 2010

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Timothy James Pasch, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Communication

University of North Dakota
Merrifield Hall Room 218
276 Centennial Drive Stop 7209
Grand Forks, ND  58202-8380


Ph.D. Communication, University of Washington

Degree Awarded December 2008

M.A. Comparative Literature, University of Hawaii at Mānoa

Degree Awarded May 2004

B.A. International and Area Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Degree Awarded August 1996


Critical and Cultural Theories of Communication as Conceptual Research Frameworks

Humanities Informatics, Cybercultural Studies, Digitextuality and Portal Creation
Software-Assisted Mixed Communication and Social Psychological Research Methods
Augmented Collaboration Environments for Enriched and Distance Learning
Web and Graphic Design, Video Editing, Audio Production, and New Media Content Creation
Online Preservation of Native and Endangered Languages/Net Neutrality and E-Governance
Inuit and Arctic Affairs, Circumpolar Northern Communication and Borderland Studies


Pasch. T (2011). Multitouching toward Cultural Empowerment: Alternate Interfaces; Disparate Paradigms. Work in
Progress for submission to New Media and Society (Sage). Anticipated submission Jan/Feb 2011.

Conway, K and Pasch, T. (Eds.) (2011). Borderlands and Breaking Points: Tension Across the 49th Parallel. McGill
University Press. Currently editing submissions.

Pasch, Timothy J. (2010) Starting Fire with Gunpowder Revisited: Inuktitut New Media Content Creation in the Canadian
Arctic. Inuit Studies/Études Inuit, vol. 34(2), Special Edition on Creative Inuit Technologies. Accepted for publication, 10/6/10.

Pasch, Timothy J and Roth, D. (2010) Language Loss Online in the Canadian Arctic: Bebo and the Challenges of Digital
Inuktitut. In collaboration for submission to Polar Record.

Pasch, Timothy J. (2009) Cloud Communication: A Daoist Perspective. In N. Van Leuven & A. B. Chan (Eds.), e Dao of
communication (pp. 221-244). Toronto: Ginger Post Imprints.

Pasch, Timothy James. (2008) Inuktitut Online in Nunavik: Mixed-Methods Web-Based Strategies
for Preserving Aboriginal and Minority Languages. University of Washington. Proquest UMI Dissertation Database.

Timothy James Pasch. 1450 Norland Circle, Grand Forks ND, 58201. 1-206-391-0890 cellular, 1-701-777-2128 office 1

Office of the Chief Information Officer, University of North Dakota. Creation of Whitepaper for portal
convergence recommendation. Pasch, Timothy James (2010). Digital Communication at the University of North Dakota:
Constructing Linkages Across Disparate Platforms. Submitted to CIO August, 2010.

University of North Dakota Institute for Borderland Studies Website. Co-chair for the UND Institute for
Borderland Studies conference, and creator of linked website for the event and future initiatives of the Institute. Site
includes abstract/paper upload center, registration, security features. (Spring 2010).

Psychology Department, University of North Dakota. Created the website for the peer-reviewed Psychological
Journal Analysis of Gambling Behavior, Spring, 2010.

Psychology Department, University of North Dakota. Implemented the SONA system for online
experiment management in the Psychology Department of the University of North Dakota. (Fall-Spring, 2009-

Experimental Education Unit, Department of Education- Web Designer for an NICHD Federal Grant for the
NW Center for Excellence in Media Literacy, University of Washington, Seattle. This project included an
interactive flash website, streaming video, pdf portfolio, textual layout with graphic design, and flashcards.
University of Washington Department of Education. 09/2008-05/2009

WSCA Audio Production Composed Audio Score for Visual Installation at the WSCA conference in Palm
Springs (Feb. 2006).

CARTAH- Center for Advanced Research Technology/DXArts in the Arts and Humanities. Production of original video
and electronic audio content related to dissertation research. University of Washington 09/05-12/08.


Office of Instructional Development, College of Arts and Sciences, Combined Digital Materials Grant.
University of North Dakota, May 2010. is grant offered jointly by the Communication Program and the Dean of
the College of Arts and Sciences funded advanced digital media devices for New Media content creation in the
COMM 204 Graphic Design and COMM 319 Digital Imaging Courses.

Office of Instructional Development, College of Arts and Sciences. Alice T. Clark Mentorship Program.
University of North Dakota, Fall 2009-Spring 2010. is mentorship program assisted with grant-writing, faculty
orientation, and NSF-related grant networking in my case. Mentor: Dr. Jeff Weatherly, Psychology.

Northwest Center for Excellence in Media Literacy, 2008

Worked as media developer for the Northwest Center for Excellence in Media Literacy under Federal Grant R21
HD052864-01 for the National Center for Public Health.

FLAS (Foreign Language Area Studies) Recipient, 2005-2008

Recipient of the first ever FLAS grant awarded for a First Nations language (Inuktitut).
ree-Year Title VI education and travel grant awarded by the US Department of Education and the Jackson School
for Advanced International Studies/Canadian Studies Center. Focus on the Canadian Arctic/Inuktitut
Language Preservation through Technology/Critical Internet and New Media Studies ($15,000/annum.)

Timothy James Pasch. 1450 Norland Circle, Grand Forks ND, 58201. 1-206-391-0890 cellular, 1-701-777-2128 office 2
Travel Grants, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington
Recipient of four travel grants for conference paper presentations between 2006-2008.

Canadian Embassy, Washington D.C: Graduate Student Grant recipient, 02/07

Recipient of Graduate Student Research Grant for fieldwork in the Canadian Arctic from the Canadian Embassy

Department of Communication, University of Washington, 2004-2008

Recipient of full scholarship tuition waiver for Doctoral Graduate Studies.

Project CONNECT Invited Scholar. Conference in Ottawa. Sponsored by the Government of Canada, SUNY
Plattsburg/University of Vermont. July 2005.


Collaborative Workstations in the Graduate Classroom and Beyond. Online Teaching Showcase, Senate Continuing
Education Committee, University of North Dakota. October 5 2010.

The Great Plains, the Prairies, and the US/Canadian Border. Alerus Center, Grand Forks, ND. (June 2010). Served as
co-chair for this international, interdisciplinary conference focused on the role played by the US- Canadian border
in the American Great Plains and the Canadian Prairies.

Inuktitut Online in Nunavik: Communication Technologies for Cultural Preservation. Wacipi Time-Out Week.
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. April 14, 2010

Research Presentation and Methodology Discussion with Native Researchers. Cankdeska Cikana Community College, Fort
Totten, ND. March 2 2010.

Teaching Canada in the Classroom- Concepts and Resources. Washington State Council for the Social Studies, Lake
Chelan, WA. Saturday March 14 2009.

Roundtable on Inuit Governance and Culture. Burke Museum, University of Washington, Seattle,
May 2008. http://northernresearchnetwork.electri

Climate Change Impacts on Indigenous Populations: Global warming in Nunavik. Focus the Nation 2008 National Conference
Panelist, Burke Museum, University of Washington, January 31 2008.

Crossing Arctic Borders: A computer-based analysis of disparities between American, Canadian and Inuit conceptualizations
of the Northwest Passage . Western Social Sciences Association, 49th Annual Conference, Calgary Alberta, April 11-16

Atlas.ti in International Communication Research. Invited Lecture, Graduate Seminar, COM597 Digital Media and
Globalization. University of Washington, Fall 2006

Google, Power, and the Fallacy of Search Engine Innocence

Invited Talk, University of Washington Graduate Conference for Interdisciplinary Studies Faith, Knowledge and the
Interface of Epistemologies. May 4-5, 2006.

Québec in Question: Multidisciplinary Explorations of Contemporary Québec Society

Timothy James Pasch. 1450 Norland Circle, Grand Forks ND, 58201. 1-206-391-0890 cellular, 1-701-777-2128 office 3
Co-Chair of Conference, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington, Seattle. March 4 2005.

Inuktitut-the Language of the Inuit. Presented at the Washington State High Schools Student Language Training Seminar,
University of Washington, Seattle. Friday, March 3 2006.

Satellite Broadband In Nunavik as Catalyst for Inuit Web-Commerce

Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, St. Louis, Missouri. November16-20 2005.
Arctic Cyberspace: Empowering Nunavik Inuit. International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society.
University of California at Berkeley, Friday February 19th, 2005.

Toward Inuit financial autonomy in Québec/Nunavik- Internet as Freedom?

University of California at Berkeley, Boalt Hall, School of Law, Thursday February 17, 2005.



COMM 507 Media Technology and Society, University of North Dakota, Fall 2010.
COMM 204 Graphic Design, University of North Dakota, Fall 2009, Fall 2010
COMM 310 Media and Diversity, University of North Dakota, Spring 2010
COMM 319 Digital Imaging, University of North Dakota, Spring 2010.
COMM 501 eories of Communication, University of North Dakota, Fall 2009.


•Distance Learning with Acrobat Presenter and Articulate Friday December 12 2008
•VMware Fusion and Virtualization Technology for Researchers Thursday November 6 2008
•Mac OSX Academic Research Software Seminar Friday September 19, 2008
•SPSS 16 Quantitative Data Analysis Wednesday May 14, 2008
•Advanced Keynote and PowerPoint for Conference Presentations Wednesday Feb. 6 2008
•Final Cut Pro for Non-Destructive Video Editing ursday November 8, 2007
•Nvivo for Qualitative Data Analysis Friday January 26, 2007
COM 300 Concepts in New Media, University of Washington, Summer 2006.
COM 201 Introduction to Media, University of Washington, Spring 2006
COM 425 European Media Systems University of Washington, Fall 2005


FREN 101, 102, 114, 201, 202. University of Washington Fall, Winter, Spring 2004-2005. Courses taught in French.


Member, Doctoral Committee. Michael Eshkibok. University of North Dakota, Spring 2010.
Chair, M.A. Committee. Erik Netterlund. University of North Dakota, Spring 2010
General Faculty Advisor for Undergraduate Majors in the Communication Program,


University of North Dakota, Office of the CIO/Dean of Outreach Programs. 05/2010-Present.

Timothy James Pasch. 1450 Norland Circle, Grand Forks ND, 58201. 1-206-391-0890 cellular, 1-701-777-2128 office 4
Faculty Consultant for Campus Information Technology Development.

University of North Dakota, Center for Instructional and Learning Technologies (CILT)
Nominated as Chair of the CILT Advisory Committee/Academic Council by the Director.

University of North Dakota, Graduate Faculty Member. 01/2010-Present.

University of North Dakota, Communication Program, 08/09-Present.

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Communication. Responsibilities include instruction in Communication
coursework with research and service requirements designated by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

University of Washington Medical Center, Postdoctoral Study, Experimental Education Unit, 05/08-07/09.
Project Manager, Digital Content Creation Division. Responsible for the online component of an NICHD
federal grant. Website design, streaming Acrobat course curriculum development, online data acquisition and
analytical component. Managed a team consisting of graphic designers, technical writers and coders. Grant
deliverable online project

Center for Social Scientific Computation and Research, University of Washington, 08/05-12/08
Software consultant. Consulted for SPSS/Amos, atlas.ti, Adobe CS4, R, Nvivo. Responsible for the software
component of peer-reviewed journal data, numerous NSF grants, dissertations and student portfolios for the
Business School, School of Public Affairs and College of Arts and Sciences.

University of Washington Department of Communication, Seattle WA 08/02-12/08

Teaching Assistant and Instructor. Additionally taught French in the Department of Romance Linguistics.

Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, Washington 08/04-present

Beta-tester for unreleased software programs. Provided detailed feedback to coders related to user interface design,
usability and core functionality.

Seiki Gakkuin, Kyoto Japan. 08/99-05/01

Manager of the non-Japanese staff of an International language school based in Kyoto. Learned Toyota LEAN
management techniques in Tokyo and Nagoya. Attended management meetings (in Japanese). Designed and
implemented international seminar in Guam.

York University, Toronto, Canada 09/96-09/98

Recording Studio engineer, Electroacoustic Recording Suite, McLaughlin College. Taught courses in analog
synthesis fundamentals, MIDI fundamentals and the science of sound. Taught practicum in audio recording for radio
and documentary production.

Auday Musiques, Montpellier, France 08/94-08/95

Recording engineer for audio professionals in Radio and Professional broadcast. Designed and ran live PA sound
installations for Operatic (CORUM) and urban sound requirements. Created purchase orders, built
and ran in-house production studio, and trained clients. is position was managed entirely in French.


SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) and AMOS (Structural Equation Modeling)
Atlas.ti/Nvivo for qualitative and datamining research and analysis.
Adobe CS5 (Acrobat/Flash/Fireworks/Dreamweaver/Photoshop/Illustrator)

Timothy James Pasch. 1450 Norland Circle, Grand Forks ND, 58201. 1-206-391-0890 cellular, 1-701-777-2128 office 5
Acrobat Presenter and Adobe Connect for Distance Learning
Blackboard/Moodle/Wimba Pronto and Classroom/Angel/WebCT
Audio Production- Ableton Live, Logic, Podcasting, Internet radio broadcasting
Video Production- Final Cut Pro, Screenflow, Motion, DVD Studio Pro
Web Design- CSS/SQL/PHP/Java/Flash/AJAX. Dreamweaver, Rapidweaver, Coda, Transmit

Association of Polar Early Career Scientists (APECS)
Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (ACSUS)
National Communication Association (NCA)
International Communication Association (ICA)
ArcticNet Research Community (Université Laval)
Western Social Science Association
Peer-reviewer for the Journal of Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking
Center for Information Assurance and Cybersecurity (CIAC)
PRSA- Public Relations Society of America
Alumni Association of UNC-Chapel Hill, Universities of Hawaii and Washington
Japanese Association of Canadian Studies (JACS)
Merlot- Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
EDUCAUSE (Information Technology in Higher Education)

Fluent in English
Fluent in French
Fluent in Japanese
Intermediate Inuktitut

Low-light Photography and Video Production
Japanese Martial Arts (Shodan, Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu)
Scuba Diving Instructor PADI #469292
Piano Performance. Royal Conservatory of Music Grade 8, University of Toronto
Audio recording and post-production


Timothy James Pasch. 1450 Norland Circle, Grand Forks ND, 58201. 1-206-391-0890 cellular, 1-701-777-2128 office 6

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