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 Process of making a child, whether related or not to

the adopter, possesses in general, the rights Q: Who may adopt?
accorded to a legitimate child 1. Filipino;
 A juridical act 2. Alien;
3. Guardian with respect to his ward.
COUNTRY ADOPTION ACT OF 1995 Q: What are the qualifications of a Filipino who may adopt?
 Not expressly repealed Title VII of the Family Code A: LPG‐FEC‐16
unless there be irreconcilable inconsistency or 1. Must be of Legal age;
repugnancy between them and the provisions of the 2. In a Position to care for his children;
Code. 3. Good moral character;
Applicability of Domestic Adoption Act of 1998 (DAA) 4. Full civil capacity and legal rights;
 To govern the domestic adoption of Filipino children, 5. Not been Convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude;
whether the adopter is a citizen of the Philippines or 6. Emotionally and psychologically capable of caring for
an alien. children;
 Domestic if ENTIRE process (filing of petition to 7. GR: At least 16 years older than adoptee
issuance of the decree) takes place in the PH XPN: It is not necessary that adopter be at least 16
 Adopter is PH Citizen years older:
Applicability of Inter-Country Adoption Act of 1995 (ICAA) a. Adopter is the biological parent of the adoptee,
 Adoption of a Filipino child in a foreign country by a b. Adopter is the spouse of adoptee’s parent.
person who may not even be qualified to adopt under
the Family Code or DAA Q: What are the qualifications of an alien who may adopt
 Alien adopter not qualified of the residency under R.A. 8552?
requirement under DAA or requirement cannot not be A: SD‐3
waived under said act 1. Possesses Same qualifications as those enumerated for
 PH Citizen permanently residing abroad where the Filipino adopters;
petition for adoption is filed, the supervised child 2. His country has Diplomatic relations with the Philippines;
custody is undertaken and the decree of adoption is 3. GR: Has been living in the Philippines for at least 3
issued outside PH continuous years prior to the application for adoption and
maintains such residence until adoption decree has been
Republic v CA and Zenaida Bobiles a. He is a former Filipino who seeks to adopt a relative
Adoption statues, as well as matters of procedure leading within the 4th civil degree of consanguinity or affinity,
up to adoption can be liberally construed to carry out the b. He is married to a Filipino and seeks to adopt jointly
beneficent purposes of adoption and for as long as there is with his spouse a relative within the 4 th degree of consanguinity
substantial compliance with the mandatory requirements or affinity,
under the law. As a matter of policy of the state, all c. He is married to a Filipino and seeks to adopt the
measures to maintain the natural parent’s authority and legitimate or illegitimate child of his filipino spouse.
custody of their children must be encourage and
implemented. Only when such efforts prove to be insufficient Q: How may a guardian adopt his ward?
and no appropriate placement or adoption within the child’s A: A guardian may only adopt his ward after termination of
extended family is available shall adoption by an unrelated guardianship and clearance of his financial accountabilities.
person be considered Q: What is the rule when a person seeking to adopt has a
It shall also be a State policy to: A:
GR: Such person must adopt with his spouse jointly. The
(i) Safeguard the biological parent(s) from making general rule is that husband and wife shall jointly adopt.
hurried decisions to relinquish his/her parental authority over XPN:
his/her child; 1. One spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate child of the
(ii) Prevent the child from unnecessary separation 2. One spouse seeks to adopt his own illegitimate child;
from his/her biological parent(s); 3. Spouses are legally separated.

(iii) Protect adoptive parent(s) from attempts to disturb Q: Spouses Primo and Monica Lim, childless, were
his/her parental authority and custody over his/her adopted entrusted with the custody of two minor children, the
child. parents of whom were unknown. Eager of having children
(iv) Conduct public information and educational of their own, the spouses made it appear that they were the
campaigns to promote a positive environment for adoption; children’s parents by naming them Michelle P. Lim and
(v) Ensure that sufficient capacity exists within Michael Jude Lim.
government and private sector agencies to handle adoption Subsequently, Monina married Angel Olario after Primo’s
inquiries, process domestic adoption applications, and offer death of her husband. She decided to adopt the children by
adoption-related services including, but not limited to, parent availing the amnesty given under R.A. 8552 to those
preparation and post-adoption education and counseling; and individuals who simulated the birth of a child. She filed
(vi) Encourage domestic adoption so as to preserve separate petitions for the adoption of Michelle, then 25
the child's identity and culture in his/her native land, and only years old and Michael, 18. Both Michelle and Michael gave
when this is not available shall intercountry adoption be consent to the adoption.
considered as a last resort.
The trial court dismissed the petition and ruled that Monina  Applies only to surrendered, abandoned, neglected,
should have filed the petition jointly with her new husband. dependent children
Monina, in a Motion for Reconsideration argues that mere  Abandoned child- no proper parental care or
consent of her husband would suffice and that joint guardianship, deserted by parent for at least 3 months
adoption is not needed, for the adoptees are already (includes foundling)
emancipated.  Neglected Child- needs have been unattended within a
Is the trial court correct in dismissing the petitions for period of time of three continuous months (physical
adoption? neglect, emotional neglect)
 Voluntarily Committed Child- one whose parent/s or
A: Yes. Section 7 Article 3 of R.A. 8552 reads: Sec. 7 – Husband legal guardian knowingly and willingly relinquished
and wife shall jointly adopt, xxx. The use of the word “shall” parental authority ot the DSWD or any duly accredited
in the above‐quoted provision means that joint adoption by child-placement or child-caring agency or institution
the husband and the wife is mandatory. This is in consonance WHOSE WRITTEN CONSENT IS NECESSARY FOR
with the concept of joint parental authority over the child which ADOPTION?
is the ideal situation. As the child to be adopted is elevated to
the level of a legitimate child, it but natural to require the spouses 1. Adoptee, if 10 years of age and over;
to adopt jointly. The rule also ensures harmony between the 2. Biological parents of the child, if known or the legal
spouses. guardian, or the proper government instrumentality which
The law is clear. There is no room for ambiguity. Monina, having has legal custody of the child;
remarried at the time the petitions for adoption were filed, must  Even if child is illegitimate
jointly adopt. Since the petitions for adoption were filed only by  Can be dispensed if parent abandoned child or if such
Monina herself, without joining her husband, Olario, the trial parent is insane or hopelessly intemperate
court was correct in denying the petitions for adoption on this  Can be withdrawn at anytime within 6 months from
ground. (In Re: Petition for Adoption of Michelle P. Lim, In Re: their decision
Petition for Adoption of Michael Jude P. Lim, Monina P. Lim, 3. Legitimate children of the adopter, if 10 years old or over;
G.R. Nos. 168992‐93, May 21, 2009) 4. Illegitimate children of the adopter, if 10 years old or over
and living with him;
Q: Is joint adoption still needed when the adoptees are 5. Spouse of the adopted, if married;
already emancipated? 6. Spouse of the adopter, if married.
A: Yes. Even if emancipation terminates parental authority, the
adoptee is still considered a legitimate child of the adopter with Q: Bernadette filed a petition for adoption of the three minor
all the rights of a legitimate child such as: (1) to bear the children of her late brother, Ian. She alleged that when her
surname of the father and the mother; (2) to receive support from brother died, the children were left to the care of their
their parents; and (3) to be entitled to the legitime and other paternal grandmother, Anna, who went to Italy. This
successional rights. Conversely, the adoptive parents shall, with grandmother died however, and so she filed the petition for
respect to the adopted child, enjoy all the benefits to which adoption. The minors gave their written consent to the
biological parents are entitled such as support and successional adoption and so did all of her own grown‐up children. The
rights. trial court granted the decree of adoption even though the
written consent of the biological mother of the children was
ADOPTEE not adduced by Bernadette. Was the trial court correct in
granting the decree of adoption?
Q: Who may be adopted?
A: A: No. The rule is adoption statutes must be liberally construed
1. Any person below 18 of age who has been in order to give spirit to their humane and salutary purpose
administratively or judicially declared available for which is to uplift the lives of unfortunate, needy or orphaned
adoption; children. However, the discretion to approve adoption
2. Legitimate child of one spouse by the other spouse;
3. Illegitimate child by a qualified adopter to improve the proceedings on the part of the courts should not to be
status of said child to that of legitimacy; anchored solely on those principles, but with due regard
4. Person of legal age, if prior to the adoption, said person likewise to the natural rights of the parents over the child. The
has been consistently considered and treated by adopters written consent of the biological parents is indispensable for
as their child since minority; the validity of the decree of adoption. Indeed, the natural right
5. Child whose adoption has been previously rescinded; of a parent to his child requires that his consent must be
6. Child whose biological parents have died provided no
obtained before his parental rights and duties may be
proceedings have been initiated within 6 months from time
of death. terminated and vested in the adoptive parents. In this case,
7. Over 18yo but is unable to fully take care of him/herself or since the minors' paternal grandmother had taken custody of
protect themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, them, her consent should have been secured instead in view of
exploitation, discrimination bec. of physical or mental the absence of the biological mother. This is so under Sec. 9
disability or condition (b) of R.A. 8552, otherwise known as the Domestic Adoption
NOTE: Our laws do not prohibit relatives, either by blood or Act of 1998. Diwata failed in this respect, thus necessitating the
affinity, from adopting one another.
dismissal of her petition for adoption. (Landingin v.
Q: What is the definition of “child”?
A: A child is any person below 18 years old. Republic,G.R. No. 164948, June 27, 2006)

Q: What is the definition of “child legally free for adoption”?

A: A child voluntarily or involuntarily committed to the DSWD,
freed of his biological parents, guardians, adopters in case of
1. Voluntary Commitment of
biological parent(s) wanting to put INVOLUNTARY COMMITMENT
their child up for adoption a. Social Case Study Report by DSWD / LGU / institution
a) Counseling on their options other than adoption charged with child’s custody
b) Explaining to them the implications of losing their a. Proof of efforts to locate the child’s parents/known
parental authority over the child relatives
c) Continuing services shall be provided after i. Written certification that a local/national
relinquishment to cope with feelings of loss, etc. and radio/TV case was aired on 3 different
other services for the reintegration to the community occasions
of the biological parent(s) ii. Publication in 1 newspaper of general
d) Biological parent(s) who decide to keep the child shall circulation
be provided with adequate services and assistance to iii. Police report / barangay certification of due
fulfill their parental responsibilities diligence
e) Biological parent(s) who decide to put the child for iv. Returned registered mail to last known address
adoption shall sign the Deed of Voluntary of parents
Commitment (DVC), which shall be rescissible within b. Birth certificate, if available recent photo and photo upon
3 months from signing of the same abandonment of child or admission to the agency or
a) Head of a child caring agency or institution managed by
the National Government or LGU
a) Filing of a petition at Regional DSWD in the form of an
affidavit and with the required supporting documents b) Head or Executive Director of a licensed or accredited
b) Posting of the petition, then recommendation by the child-caring or child placing agency
Regional Director of the DSWD (5 days each) c) A provincial, City, or Municipal Social Welfare and
c) Issuance of certification by DSWD Secretary declaring Development Officer
the child legally available for adoption within 3 months
following involuntary commitment NOTE: In case of an individual who has actual custody of
the abandoned or neglected child they are willing to
adopt, the Regional Office or Provincial/City/Municipal
Social Welfare and Development Office, licensed child
caring agency or child placing agency can assist in filing
the petition. The head of a DSWD center or Institution,
Provincial/City/Municipal Social Welfare and
Development Officer or the Head of the Licensed child
caring/placing agency shall file the petition for and in
behalf of the individual.


 After but not less than 3 continuous months from the time
of abandonment, neglect or dependence of a child


 Regional office of the DSWD where the child was found

 Review by the DSWD Regional Director and decide within
3 days from receipt
 A petition not found to be sufficient shall be returned to the
petitioner w/out prejudice to its refiling
 If sufficient= immediate posting of a notice of a petition for
at least 5 consecutive days in conspicuous places
 Said director shall render their recommendation on the
petition not later than 5 working days after the completion
of posting
 Same director shall forward their recommendation to the
Office of the Secretary w/in 2 working days from when
they signed the petition
 If found sufficient by the Sec of the DSWD, it shall issue a
certification declaring the child legally available for
adoption w/in 7 working days from receipt of
 Said certification, by itself shall be the sole basis for The requirements of certification of the alien’s
the immediate issuance by the local civil registrar of a qualification to adopt in his country and of
foundling certificate residency may be waived if the alien:
 W/in 7 working days, the local civil registrar shall
transmit the founding to NSO i. Is a former Filipino citizen who seeks to
adopt a relative within the 4th degree of
 Issue a foundling certificate w/in 5 working days of receipt ii. Seeks to adopt the legitimate child of his
of request and shall transmit copy of said certificate to Filipino spouse
NSO w/in 7 days iii. Is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks
to adopt jointly with his spouse a relative
APPEAL within 4th degree of consanguinity or
 Decisions of the Secretary shall be appealable to the CA affinity of the Filipino spouse
w/in 5 days from receipt of the same by the petitioner, C. If the adopter is the legal guardian of the adoptee,
otherwise the same shall be final and executory i. That guardianship had been terminated and
the guardian had cleared his financial
A. Application for Certification Declaring a Child Legally
Available for Adoption
D. If adopter is married, the spouse shall be a co-
 Shall be filed w/in 3 months after signing of the Deed
petitioner for joint adoption except if:
of Voluntary Commitment, provided that no matching
i. 1 spouse seeks to adopt the legitimate
shall take place within the period
child of the other
 Basis of issuance: notarize Deed of Voluntary
ii. If 1 spouse seeks to adopt his own
Commitment with Social Case Study report, birth
illegitimate child and the other spouse
certificate, photograph upon admission to the agency
signified written consent thereto
and most recent photograph of the child
iii. If the spouses are legally separated
B. Restoration of Parental Authority
E. If adoptee is a foundling,
 May be filed w/in 3 months after signing the Deed by
i. Allege the entries which should appear in his
the parent/s or legal guardian
birth certificate
F. If the petitioner prays for a change of name, it
 Family Court has exclusive jurisdiction shall also state the cause or reason for change of
 Venue shall be the province or city where the prospective name. In all petitions, it shall be alleged:
parents reside i. first name, surname or names, age,
residence, of the adoptee as shown by his
NATURE OF ADOPTION PROCEEDINGS record or birth, baptismal or foundling
 Notice is made through publication to protect the interests certificate and school records
of all persons concerned ii. adoptee is not disqualified by law to be
 The registered name of the adoptee on the birth certificate adopted
and the names by which the adoptee has been known is iii. probable value and character of the estate of
required to be stated in the caption the adoptee
iv. first name, surname, names by which the
CONTENTS OF PETITION FOR ADOPTION adoptee is to be known and registered in the
A. If adopter is Filipino citizen, Civil Registry
i. Jurisdictional facts
ii. Qualifications NOTE: A certification of non-forum shopping shall
B. If adopter is alien, be included
i. Jurisdictional facts
iii. That his country has diplomatic relations with Stimulation of Birth- tampering of the civil registry making it
PH appear in the birth records that a certain child was born to a
iv. That his country has given him the legal person who is not their biological mother, causing such child to
capacity to do so, and that his government lose their true identity and status
allows the adoptee to enter his country as his
In case petition also seeks rectification of a simulated of birth, it
adopter child and reside there permanently
shall allege that:
as an adopter child
v. That he has been living in the PH for at least
a. petitioner is applying for rectification of a simulated birth
3 continuous years prior to the filing of the
b. the simulation of birth was made prior to the date of
petition and he maintains such residence
effectivity of the Domestic Adoption Act and the
until adoption decree is entered
application for rectification of the birth registration and
the petition for adoption were filed within 5 years from f. A directive to the social worker of the court to conduct
said date counselling sessions with the biological parents on the
c. the petitioner made the simulation of birth for the best matter of adoption of the adoptee and submit her
interests of the adoptee report before the date of hearing
d. adoptee has been consistently considered and treated
by petitioner as his own child NOTE: At the discretion of the court, copies of the order of
hearing shall also be furnished the Office of the Solicitor
ADOPTION OF FOUNDLING, ABANDONED, General through the provincial or city prosecutor, the
DEPENDENT OR NEGLECTED CHILD Department and the biological parents of adoptee
Petition shall allege that:
NOTE: If a change in the name of the adoptee is
a. Facts showing that the child is a fondling, abandoned, prayed for in the petition, notice to the Solicitor
dependent or neglected General shall be mandatory
b. The named or the parents, it known, and their residence.
If the child has no known or living parents, then the CHILD AND HOME STUDY REPORTS
name and residence of the guardian, if any  Of the adoptee
c. The name of the duly licensed child-placement agency  His/her biological parents
or individual under whose care the child is in custody  Adopters
d. That the Department, child-placement or child-caring
agency is authorized to give its consent Duties of social worker:

CHANGE OF NAME  Verify w/ the Civil Registry the real identity and
In case the petition also prays for change of name, the title or registered name of the adoptee
caption must contain:  If not registered, social worker shall register the
adoptee and secure a certificate of foundling or late
a. The registered name of the child registration, as the case may be \
b. Aliases or other names by which the child has  Establish that the child is legally available for adoption
been known  Ensure that the documents in support thereof are
c. The full name by which the child is to be known valid and authentic
 Make sure that the adopter has sincere intentions and
ORDER OF HEARING that the adoption shall inure to the vest interests of the
If petition and attachments are sufficient in form and child
substance, the court shall issue an order which shall  If adopter is alien, social worker shall check if they
contain the following: have the qualifications to adopt
 Make the proper recommendation to the court,
a. Registered name of the adoptee in the birth certificate
furnishing a copy thereof to the petitioner
and the names by which the adoptee has been known
w/c shall be stated in the caption HEARING
b. Purpose of the petition  Petitioner and adoptee must personally appear
c. Complete name which the adoptee will use if the  The former must testify before the judge during
petition is granted hearing
d. Date and place of hearing which shall be set within 6
months from the date of the issuance of the order and SUPERVISED TRIAL CUSTODY
shall direct that a copy thereof be published before  6 months supervised trial custody is required before
the date of hearing at least once a week for 3 petition is granted
successive weeks in a newspaper of general  To be able to adjust psychologically and emotionally
circulation (to be selected by raffle under the  Establish a bonding relationship
supervision of the Executive Judge) in the  Shall be monitored by the ff. w/c submitted and
province/city where the court is situated PROVIDED prepared the case studies
that in case of application for change of name, the  Social worker of the court
date set for hearing shall not be within 4 months after  Department
the last publication if the notice nor within 30 days  Social service of the local government unit
prior to an election  Child-placement or child-caring agency
e. A directive to the social worker of the court, the social  Court may reduce trial period if it’s in the best interest
service office of the local government unit or any child of the adoptee, stating the reasons why
placing or child-caring agency, or the Department to  Alien adopter must complete the 6-month period
prepare and submit child and home study reports except:
before the hearing if such reports had not been  If alien is a former Filipino citizen who seeks
attached to the petition due to unavailability at the to adopt a relative within the 4th degree of
time of the filing of the latter consanguinity or affinity
 If alien seeks to adopt the legitimate child of ii. To issue a certificate of birth which shall not bear
his Filipino spouse any notation that it is a new or amended
 If alien is married to a Filipino citizen and certificate and which shall show:
seeks to adopt jointly with his spouse a  Registry number
relative within 4th degree of consanguinity or  Date of registration
affinity of the Filipino spouse  Name of child
 Sex
UNDER FOSTER CARE ACT OF 2012:  Date of birth
 Place of birth
 In case of adoption of the foster child by the designated  Name and citizenship of adoptive
foster parents, the trial custody period may be partially mother and father
waived to the extent pf the period equivalent to the period  Date and place of their marriage when
in which the foster child has been under the foster care of applicable
the foster parents PROVIDED that a harmonious iii. To seal the original certificate of birth in the civil
relationship exists between the foster child, the foster registry records which can be open only upon
parents, and where applicable, the foster family order of the court which issued the decree of
IF THE CHILD IS BELOW 7 Y/O and is placed w/ the
iv. To submit to the court issuing the decree of
prospective adopter/s through a pre-adoption placement
adoption proof of compliance with all the
authority issued by the Department:
foregoing within 30 days from receipt of the
 Prospective adopters shall enjoy all the benefits to w/c decree
biological parent/s is entitled from the date the
IF ADOPTEE IS FOUNDLING: Court shall order the Civil
adoptee is placed with the prospective adopter/s
Registrar where the foundling was registered to annotate
NOTE: Social worker shall submit to the court a report on the decree of adoption on the foundling certificate and a
the result of the trial custody within 2 weeks after its new birth certificate shall be ordered prepared by the Civil
termination Registrar in accordance with the decree

 Shall be effective as of the date the original petition was
1. GR: Severance of all legal ties between the biological
filed parents and the adoptee and the same shall then be
 Shall also apply in case the petitioner/s dies before the vested on the adopters
issuance of the decree of adoption to protect the interest XPN: In cases where the biological parent is the
of the adoptee spouse of the adopter;
 Shall not apply for the purpose of imposing a liability upon  When the adopter dies during the time that the
the adopting parents adopted is still a minor or incapacitated, the parental
authority of the biological parent is deemed to have
THE DECREE SHALL: been restored
2. Deemed a legitimate child of the adopter;
 Limited to the adopting parents and does not extend
A. State the name by which the child is to be known and
to their other relatives unless adopter adopted their
registered illegitimate child.
B. Order: 3. Acquires reciprocal rights and obligations arising from
i. The Clerk of Court to issue to the adopter a parent‐child relationship;
certificate of finality upon expiration of the 15-day i. Right to use surname of adopter
reglementary period within which to appeal  Adoptee can only use the adopter’s own surname and
ii. The adopter to submit a certified true copy of the not the adopter’s surname acquired after marriage if:
 If wife adopts her illegitimate child w/ the consent of the
decree of adoption and the certificate of finality to husband
the Civil Regisgtrar where the child was originally  If spouses are legally separated and only wife files adoption
registered within 30 days from receipt of the  If adoption was made by the woman prior to her marriage
certificate of finality. and thereafter she contracted marriage
iii. In case of change of name, the decree shall be NOTE: An illegitimate child, upon adoption by her
submitted to the Civil Registrar where the court natural father, may use the surname of her natural
mother as her middle name.
issuing the same is situated.
ii. Right to support
C. Civil Registrar of the place where the adoptee was iii. Succession- adopted is a compulsory heir of the
registered: adopter
i. To annotate on the adoptee’s original certificate iv. In legal and intestate succession, the adopters and
of birth the decree of adoption within the 30 days the adoptee shall have reciprocal rights of
from receipt of the certificate of finality succession without distinction from legitimate
filiation. However, if the adoptee and his/her
biological parents had left a will, the law on
testamentary succession shall govern.
WHO MAY RESCIND? 2. Reciprocal rights and obligations of the adopters and
ONLY the adopted child has the right to severe the legal ties adoptee to each other shall be extinguished;
created by the adoption 3. Court shall order the civil registrar to cancel the amended
 If under 18, adopted must be assisted by DSWS as certificate of birth of the adoptee and restore his/her original
guardian/counsel birth certificate;
4. Succession rights shall revert to its status prior to adoption,
ON WHAT GROUNDS MAY AN ADOPTEE SEEK THE but only as of the date of judgment of judicial rescission;
RESCISSION OF THE ADOPTION? 5. Vested rights acquired prior to judicial rescission shall be
ASAR respected.
1. Attempt on the life of the adoptee;
3. Abandonment and failure to comply with parental ADOPTEE
4. Repeated physical or verbal maltreatment by the adopter.
1. Groundless accusation against the testator of a crime
Note: Adopter cannot rescind but may disinherit the adoptee. punishable by 6 years or more imprisonment;
2. Found guilty of attempt against the life of the testator,
PRESCRIPTIVE PERIOD his/her spouse, descendant or ascendant;
 Adoptee, if incapacitated, must file the petition w/in 5 years 3. Causes the testator to make changes or changes a
after he reaches the age of majority testator’s will through violence, intimidation, fraud or undue
 If he was incompetent at the time of the adoption, w/in 5 influence;
years after recovery from such incompetency 4. Maltreatment of the testator by word or deed;
5. Conviction of a crime which carries a penalty of civil
DOMESTIC ADOPTION ACT OF 1998 (RA 8552) 6. Adultery or concubinage with the testator’s wife;
7. Refusal without justifiable cause to support the parent or
1. If adoptee is still a minor or is incapacitated – Restoration of: 8. Leads a dishonorable or disgraceful life.
a. Parental authority of the adoptee’s biological parents, if
known’ or
b. Legal custody of the DSWD;
INTERCOUNTRY ADOPTION ACT OF 1995 (RA 8043) Makati, for the adoption of the minor child of her sister, a
Filipina, can the petition be granted?
Who may adopt? A: It depends. If Sonny and Sarah have been residing in the
1. Any alien; Philippines for at least 3 years prior to the effectivity of R.A.
2. Filipino citizen, both permanently residing abroad. 8552, the petition may be granted. Otherwise, the petition
cannot be granted because the American husband is not
Q: What is the function of Inter‐Country Adoption Board? While the petition for adoption was filed in 1990, it was
A: The Inter Country Adoption Board acts as the central considered refiled upon the effectivity of R.A. 8552. This is the
authority in matters relating to inter‐country adoption. The Board law applicable, the petition being still pending with the lower
shall ensure that all the possibilities for adoption of the child court. Under the Act, Sarah and Sonny must adopt jointly
under the Family Code have been exhausted and that the inter‐ because they do not fall in any of the exceptions where one of
country adoption is in the best interest of the child. Also, it shall: them may adopt alone. When husband and wife must adopt
i. Protect the Filipino child from abuse, exploitation, jointly, the Supreme Court has held in a line of cases that both
trafficking and/or sake or any other practice in of them must be qualified to adopt. While Sarah, an alien, is
connection with adoption whish is harmful, qualified to adopt, for being a former Filipino citizen who seeks
detrimental, or prejudicial to the child to adopt a relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity or
ii. Collect, maintain, and preserve confidential affinity, Sonny, an alien, is not qualified to adopt because he is
information about the child and the adoptive neither a former Filipino citizen nor married to a Filipino. One of
parents them not being qualified to adopt, their petition has to be denied.
iii. Monitor, follow up, and facilitate completion of However, if they have been residents of the Philippines 3 years
adoption of the child though authorized and prior to the effectivity of the Act and continues to reside here until
accredited agency the decree of adoption is entered, they are qualified to adopt the
iv. Prevent improper financial or other gain in nephew of Sarah under Sec 7(b) thereof, and the petition may
connection with an adoption and deter improper be granted. (2000 Bar Question)
practices contrary to the Inter-Country Adoption
v. Promote the development of adoption services WHO MAY BE ADOPTED?
including post-legal adoption Only a legally free child may be adopted provided the following
vi. License and accredit child-caring/placement are submitted:
agencies and collaborate with them in the 1. Child study;
placement of Fiipino children 2. Birth certificate/ foundling certificate;
vii. Accredit and authorize foreign adoption agency in 3. Deed of Voluntary Commitment/Decree of
the placement of Filipino children in their own Abandonment/Death Certificate of parents;
country 4. Medical evaluation or history;
viii. Cancel the license to operate and blacklist the 5. Psychological evaluation;
child-caring and placement agency or adoptive 6. Recent photo;
agency involved from the accreditation list of the
Board upon a finding of violation of any provision Q: What is the definition of “child”?
under the Inter-Country Adoption Act A: A child is any person below 15 years old.
WHO MAY ADOPT? Q: What is a “legally‐free child”?
A: A child who has been voluntarily or involuntarily committed to
1. At least 27 years old and 16 years older than the child the DSWD of the Philippines, in accordance with the Child Youth
to be adopted at the time of the application unless adopter is and Welfare Code
the parent by nature of the child; Note: No child shall be matched to a foreign adoptive family unless
2. If married, his spouse must jointly file for adoption; it is satisfactorily shown that the child cannot be adopted in the
3. Has the capacity to act or assume all rights and
GR: There shall be no physical transfer of a voluntarily
responsibilities of parental authority;
4. Not been convicted of a crime involving moral committed child earlier than 6 months from the date of
turpitude; execution of Deed of Voluntary Commitment.
5. Eligible to adopt under his national law;
6. In a position to provide for proper care and support 1. Adoption by relative;
and give necessary moral values; 2. Child with special medical condition.
7. Agrees to uphold the basic rights of the child
mandated by the UN convention of rights of Child and the WHERE TO FILE APPLICATION
Philippine Laws;  Shall be filed either with the Family Court having
8. Comes from a country with which the Philippines has jurisdiction over the place where the child resides or
diplomatic relations and adoption is allowed under his national may be found
law;  Inter-Country Adoption Board, through an intermediate
9. Possesses all the qualifications and none of the agency, whether governmental or an authorized and
disqualifications under the law or other applicable Philippine accredited agency, in the country of the prospective
laws. adoptive parents

Q: Sometime in 1990, Sarah, born a Filipino but by then a PROCEDIRE IN INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION
naturalized American citizen, and her American husband If filed in Family Court:
Sonny Cruz, filed a petition in the Regional Trial Court of  Governed by the Rule on Adoption (A.M. NO. 02-2-02-SC)
 Must allege that he has the qualifications
Written and translated in English:
a. Birth certificate of petitioner
b. Marriage contract, if married, and if applicable, the
divorce decree or judgement dissolving the marriage
c. Sworn statement of consent of petitioner’s biological or
adopted children above 10 years of age
d. Physical, medical, and psychological evaluation of the
petitioner certified by a duly licensed physician and
e. Income tax returns or any authentic document showing
the current financial capability of the petitioner
f. Police clearance of petitioner issues within 6 months
before filing of the petitioner
g. Character reference from the local church/minister the
petitioner’s employer

Q: What is trial custody?

A: It is the pre‐adoptive relationship which ranges 6 months from
the time of the placement. It starts from the actual transfer of the
child to the applicant who, as actual custodian, shall exercise
substitute parental authority over the person of the child
1. If unsatisfactory – the relationship shall be suspended by
the board and the foreign adoption agency shall arrange for the
child’s voluntary care.
2. If satisfactory – the Board shall submit the written
consent of the adoption to the foreign adoption agency within 30
days after the request of the latter’s request.

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