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National Institute of Technology Rourkela

End-Semester Examination, 2018–19

Course - Fluid Dynamics (MA 532)

Total Marks: 50 Time Allowed: 3 Hrs.

Answer all the questions. Figures on the right indicate the marks.

(1) State and prove Stokes’s theorem for surface integral. Verify the theorem for F = [z 2 , 5x, 0]
and the surface S : 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 0 ≤ y ≤ 1, z = 1. [6]

(2) For a two-dimensional flow, define the stream function Ψ. Show that Ψ =constant along a
streamline. [6]

(3) Derive Bernoulli’s equation for a steady, incompressible motion. A long pipe is of length l
and has slowly tapering cross-section. It is inclined at an angle α to the horizontal and water
flows steadily through it from the upper to the lower end. The section at the upper end has
twice the radius of the lower end. At the lower end, the water is delivered at atmospheric
pressure. If the pressure at the upper end is twice atmospheric, find the velocity of delivery.

(4) Consider steady, incompressible and irrotational flow with velocity potential ϕ. Let Σ is the
solid boundary of a large spherical surface of radius R, containing fluid in motion and also
enclosing one or more closed surfaces. If ϕP denotes the potential at any point P of the fluid,
then show that ϕP → C, (a constant quantity) as P → ∞. [6]

(5) State and prove Kelvin’s theorem for inviscid flow. Show that under suitable conditions if any
portion of the moving fluid once become irrotational, then it remains so for all subsequent
time. [6]
(6) Discuss the fluid flow with complex potential w = f (z) = V0 (z + az ), where V0 and a are
positive constants. (i) Obtain equations for streamlines and equipotentials, represent them
graphically and interpret physically. (ii) Show that the flow can be interpreted as that around
a circular obstacle of radius a. (iii) Find the velocity at any point and determine its value
far from the obstacle. (iv) Find the stagnation points. [6]

(7) State and prove Milne-Thomson circle theorem. Find the complex velocity potential w =
f (z) = ϕ + iψ for uniform stream, −U î past a fixed infinite circular cylinder of cross section
|z| = a with and without applying the circle theorem. Also show that streamlines cut the
equipotentials orthogonally. [7]

(8) Write the Navier-Stokes equations of motion. Discuss the steady, incompressible flow between
two parallel planes at z = 0 and z = h, where the plane at z = 0 is held at rest and the plane
at z = h moves with constant velocity V ĵ. [7]

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