Long Quiz With Answer

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Name: Patricia Q.

Section/Year: 2- BSA1

Long Quiz

Fill in the blanks.

1. One of the functions of art is to create places for human purpose.

2. Subject of an art refers to any person, object, scene, or event represented or described in
an art work
3. Non-representational art does not have a subject .
4. Realism is a representation when things are depicted in the way they normally appear in
5. Abstract is a representation of a subject which is hard to identify.
6. Distortion is when the figures have been arranged that proportions differ noticeably from
natural measurements.
7. Fernando Amorsolo romanticized Philippine landscapes, turning the rural areas into idyllic
places where agrarian problems are virtually unknown.
8. Cubism is a style of the 20th century created principally by Picasso and Braque.
9. Cubism is also called fragmanted objects.
10. The carabao has been a favorite subject of Filipino artists.
11. Fish and the Lamb are symbols of Christ.
12. Portraits do not have to be beautiful, but it must be truthful .
13. According to Ancient Greek , physical beauty was the symbol of moral and spiritual
14. Color is what we see because of reflected light.
15. Warm colors are those of fire and the sun. These colors appear to project.
16. Palette is the selection of colors found in a work of art.
17. Geometric Shapes are precise and regular, like squares, circles, rectangles, and triangles.
18. The term biomorphic means life-form.
19. Henri Matisse was an artist that loved to explore the possibilities of mixing geometric and
biomorphic shapes.
20. Forms are shapes in three dimensions.

Answer these questions briefly. (5pts each)

1. Can you give one function of arts? Please explain briefly.

One function of arts is that it gives and forms feelings or ideas. Since arts is based on
person’s experiences, values, sentiments, ideals and goal this rounded the fact that arts like
any other thing stirs up emotion , we as an audience feel. It forms different views in life that a
person may perceive. Also one person may see that specific art as a mere rainbow but
anoother person may see it as journey in life. Thus, this conclude that art arouses our inner
being and emotions.
2. Is light important in creating a visual art? Why?

Yes it is important because it is what we use to see colors behind the art. Imagine
having no light while making a portrait this would lead to dark shaded pieces and only neutral
colors can be seen. Like for example portraits during 1800-1900 they barely use light because
they don’t have this, so they end up having a dark pice with minimal emphasis on the color.

3. How did learning about the elements of art help you appreciate arts as a whole?

It gives me the opportunity to see art in a different perspoective since honestly

speaking I am not a fan of works of arts I find it boring to just stare at it. But after learning
about its element, I realized that art is more than just drawings and show off but there is
always a meaning behind those pieces. Also, I learned to criticize different types of art based
on its elemenent like color, line , shape, form, and texture.

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