Epic Hero

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Epic Heroes Journeys

Being a hero can be defined many different ways. This essay discusses the comparisons

between Beowulf and Alice in Wonderland. There are four traits that describes them in many

ways such as, travels over a vasting setting, deeds of great strength, and faces supernatural. A

hero is noted for his or her actions and acting with honor.

In the epic poem of Beowulf, Beowulf and the Geats sailed over the land of the Danes to

offer help to Hrothgar. According to the source, “and that having to come from over the open sea

you have come bravely and are welcome (lines 129-130). Alice has a strong mind that visualizes

the Wonderland, such as seeing a white rabbit that made her travel to a magical setting.

According to the source, “She looked up, but it was all dark overhead; before her was another

long passage.”

In comparison, both myths shows the deeds of great strength. Beowulf's courage is shown

by not hesitating to risk his own life to pursue the Dane’s enemies. According to the source,

“They have seen my strength for themselves, have watched me rise from the darkness of war,

and dripping from my enemies’ blood.” Alice goes through many different strengths that shows

the heroism in her. According to the film, “she battles the red queen and defeats her team”.

After all, Beowulf fought Grendel and Grendel’s mother. By being self-assured, he is

able to defeat the fiends, Grendel and his infamous mother. “Bleeding sine was deep in his

shoulder snapped, muscle and bone split and broke, yet caught his mother neck and cut it

through” (lines 338-339). In Alice in Wonderland, defeats a dragon who terrorized

the Underland. She chopped the jabberwocky head off with the vapor sword and drank the serum

from the mouth. Afterwards, she saves the underland and becomes a great warrior to

them. According to the text “the vaporal blade went through went snicker-snack! His head went

galumphing back.”

Most of us have heard of modern-day heroes such as Spiderman Superman, and the Halk.

Heroes are introduced to people early on in life usually as fictional characters, but as children

grow older their perceptions of heroes alter. The characteristics of a hero usually are based

around the ideas of society and culture. In the epic poem Beowulf, the main character is thought

of as a hero. Beowulf, a pagan warrior and the main character of the epic, shows certain

characteristics such as bravery, loyalty, and generosity, which portray him as a hero. In the book,

Alice and Wonderland she also shows characteristics of bravery, and loyalty. It is interesting how

modern-day heroes show the much of the same qualities as Beowulf and Alice.

In conclusion, Beowulf and Alice in Wonderland showed heroism. They both developed

great deeds of strength, fought supernatural foes, and traveled in vast setting. Both characters

support their kingdom and support the tribulations and trials.

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