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Classical Mechanics – 8 (27%) 4 Questions (In this Test 7 Questions)

 Vectors
 Linear motion (Q8)
 Two-Dimensional motion (Q13)
 Newton’s laws (Q1)
 Momentum (Q5)
 Energy and work (Q10)
 Collisions (Q9)
 *Torque (Q12)
Electromagnetism – 6 (24%) 3 Questions※

 Electric fields (Q2)

 Capacitors (Q15)
 Current and resistance (Q14)
 Circuits
 The magnetic field
 Magnetic fields and currents
Thermodynamics – 7 (27%) 4 Questions (In this Test only 1 Question)

 Temperature
 Coefficient of thermal expansion
 Heat capacity, specific heat and Cp
 Heat of vaporization and heat of fusion
 Conduction, convection and radiation
 Heat, work and the laws of thermodynamics (Q7)
 Entropy
Special Relativity – 1 (4%) 1 Question※

 Time dilation and length contraction (Q11)

Optics – 5 (19%) 3 Questions※

 Mechanical waves
 Ray optics (Q4, Q6)
 Thin lenses
 Interference (Q3)
 Diffraction

Total – 27 Topics

Reference: The Best Test Preparation for the Graduate Record Examination in Physics by
Joseph J. Molitoris, Ph.D. Research and Education Association, 61 Ethel Road West,
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854

Collected by: Alviu Rey Nasir Date: September

29, 2019

1. In an Atwood’s machine where the one hanging mass is four times the other, find the
(A) g/2
(B) 2g/3
(C) 3g/5
(D) 3g/4
(E) 4g/5

2. Figure out the total electric potential energy of a single spherical object of uniform change
density ρ, total change Q, and radius R. Let k = ¼ πε0 as usual.
(A) 0
(B) kQ2/R
(C) ½ kQ2/R
(D) 3/5 kQ2/R
(E) 2/3 kQ2/R

3. Monochromatic light wave of wavelength λ are incident on a single slit of width d and
observed on a screen a distance l away and a height y above the slit optical axis. If the
distance y is half way to the first minimum, then what is the intensity I(y) / I0?
(A) 1/2
(B) 1/e
(C) 2/π
(D) 4 / π2
(E) 1 / e2

4. Light is incident on a prism of apex angle α=60̊ at angle of incidence θi1=30̊ . The prism is
made of a substance of refractive index nr=1.5 and is surrounded by a near vacuum.
Determine the net angle of deviation of the light due to passage through the prism.
(A) 30̊
(B) 60̊
(C) 23̊
(D) 47̊
(E) 70̊
5. Consider the motion of a rocket in free space. If the rocket starts with initial velocity 0.5 km/s
and its mass decreases by a factor of two due to exhaust emitted with speed 1.0 km/s, then find
the final velocity of the rocket.
(A) 1.5 km/s
(B) 0.5 km/s
(C) 0.6 km/s
(D) 1.7 km/s
(E) 1.2 km/s
6. What is the fundamental physics basis of Snell’s law?
(A) the first postulate of special relativity
(B) the Pauli principle
(C) the uncertainty principle
(D) Newton’s first law
(E) Fermat’s principle of least time

7. The second law of thermodynamics is intimately connected with the transfer of heat and the
operation of machines. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement in light of this law?
(A) It is not possible to only transform heat into work extracted from a uniform
temperature source.
(B) It is impossible to construct a perpetuum mobile of the second kind.
(C) It is impossible to only transfer heat from a body at high temperature to one at lower
(D) If heat flows by conduction from body A to body B, then it is impossible to only transfer
heat from body B to body A.
(E) It is not possible to only transform work into heat where the body is at a uniform

8. A metal ball is dropped into a deep well with water on the very bottom. The time taken
between dropping the ball from rest to hearing it splash the water is 6.83 s. Calculate the depth
of the well assuming the speed of sound c = 330 m/s.
(A) 229 m
(B) 219 m
(C) 201 m
(D) 191 m
(E) 181 m

9. Study the ballistic pendulum problem where a bullet of mass m=5 g hits and becomes
embedded in a block of mass 1000 g. Given that the initial velocity of the bullet is 20,000 cm/s,
determine the height the ballistic pendulum rises.
(A) 5.05 cm
(B) 10.1 cm
(C) 15.15 cm
(D) 20.2 cm
(E) 25.25 cm

10. Imagine that an object of mass m (m=2kg) has position vector 𝒓 = (3𝑡 + 5𝑡 3 )𝒙
̂. Calculate
the work done on the particle over the time interval from 0 to 1s.
(A) 78 J
(B) 157 J
(C) 235 J
(D) 315 J
(E) 393 J

11. According to special relativity, a clock at the North pole must measure a longer time interval
than a clock at the equator of the Earth. Suppose that the polar clock reads T = 100 years. By
how many seconds does the clock at the equator differ? (rE = 6.4 × 106 m)

(A) 1.90 × 10−3s

(B) 3.79 × 10−3s

(C) 5.70 × 10−3s

(D) 7.58 × 10−3s

(E) 9.48 × 10−3s

12. Let the point of application of a force F = (5, 3, -2) N be at position r = (-2, 1, -3) m.
Calculate the torque τ due to this force.
(A) (7𝑥̂ – 19𝑦̂ – 11𝑧̂ ) N m
(B) (11𝑥̂ + 11𝑦̂ + 1𝑧̂ ) N m
(C) (– 10𝑥̂ + 3𝑦̂ + 6𝑧̂ ) N m
(D) (– 11𝑥̂ – 11𝑦̂ – 1𝑧̂ ) N m
(E) (– 7𝑥̂ + 19𝑦̂ + 11𝑧̂ ) N m
13. A skier leaves a ski jump ramp at an angle of 14° with an initial speed of 11 m/s. Later he
lands down the slope a distance 𝑙 from where he started the jump. If the slope is inclined at 45°,
then find 𝑙.
(A) 20.5 m
(B) 41.1 m
(C) 82.0 m
(D) 61.5 m
(E) 10.2 m

14. For the circuit shown, find the amount of current that passes through the 5 Ω resistor.
(A) 0.873 A
(B) 0.127 A
(C) 0.346 A
(D) 0.254 A
(E) 0.654 A
15. A capacitor is constructed from two rectangular metal plates of area A separated by a
distance d. Suppose that one half of the space between the plates is filled by a dielectric κ1 and
the other half by a dielectric κ2. Find the capacitance in terms of the free space capacitance C0.
(A) 2κ1 κ2 𝐶0 / (κ1 + κ2 )
(B) (κ1 + κ2 )/ 𝐶0

(C) 𝐶0
(D) (κ1 + κ2 ) 𝐶0 / 2
(E) κ1 κ2 𝐶0 / (κ1 + κ2 )

*End of Physics Questions*

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