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1. An elephant ______ (be) a mammal.
2. A moon ______ (be) not a planet.
3. _________ (put) your shoes on the shoe rack.
4. Irfan _________ (do) his homework every day.
5. Water _______ (flow) slowly down the river.
6. _______ (wash) your feet before you go to bed.
7. The boys often _______ (play) basketball together.
8. Wei Lee always _____ (have) cereal for breakfast.
9. My father ______ (leave) for his office at 8.00am from Monday to Friday.
10. Her brother ______ (wake) up at 6 o’clock every morning.
11. There _____ (be) an accident along the highway and we ______ (have) to take an alternative
12. The girls ______ (form) a study group each term to help each other.
13. The source of the river ____ (be) in the highlands.
14. My father _____ (go) to the park every morning and ______ ( do) tai chi exercises with his
15. The teacher ____ (make) sure the students ______ (keep) all the balls properly in the store
16. Snatch thefts _____ (be) on the increase and we ____ (have) to be alert.
17. The garbage under the tree ________(attract) lots of flies and this _______ (create) an
unhealthy environment for us.
18. Water ____ (be) a precious element and we should ____ (value) it.
19. She ____(enjoy) reading and ____(want) to become a journalist.
20. Everyone ____ (be) welcome to take part in the Fun Walk.
21. Mother ______ to market every morning. (walk)
22. The market _____ crowded and noisy. (be)
23. The pupils ______ their homework. (submit)
24. The tourists _____ for Perth tomorrow. (leave)
25. The dog _____ for the past hour. (bark)
26. The garbage truck ______ the garbage twice a week. (collect)
27. If you _____ early, you will get the best seat. (come)
28. Well, we ______ the island already. It ______ indeed a beautiful island. (visit, to be)
29. The TV _____ (turn) on for several hours, and no one ______ (watch) it.
30. The twins always _____ their homework together. (do)
31. Don’t you _____ (know) that a spider _____ (have) eight legs.
32. The earth _______ from west to east. (rotate)
33. She _____ (take) rice for lunch.
34. During the weekends mother (teach)_____ us how to cook.
35. Everybody______ ( apply) for the same job.
36. I (prefer) _____ to eat apples.
37. Many of pupils ( feel )_____ sick after the journey.
38. No one __________ (come) to me for help.
39. The naughty boy (deny) _______ that he has stolen my car.
40. The sugar ______ very sweet. (be)

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