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Letter of Introduction

Dear School Administrator,

Hi! My name is Grace Bauer and I grew up in McCook Lake, South Dakota and

graduated from Dakota Valley High School in 2017. I currently live in Madison, South Dakota

where I attend university at Dakota State. I am majoring in elementary education. I will be

completing my four year program in May of 2021. Dakota State was my number one choice for

university because of their continued passion to teach students how to be great teachers!

I chose education because I want to see that “Aha!” moment in kids, just like my teachers

saw in me. I want each and every one of my students to know and be reminded every day how

unique and special they are and that they can reach any dream they have. My students will know

when they come in my classroom that they can be themselves and be able to achieve anything

they set their minds to. I want my classroom and the students in it to be open-minded to all

cultures, ideas, and beliefs, with safety as our number one priority. As an educator, I believe it is

my job to motivate, inspire, and encourage my students so they can reach their highest levels of

success. Getting to know your students on a personal level can help you make connections with

them that will reach far outside of the classroom. Education is essential to help prepare students

for the real world and become independent by giving them the knowledge they need to be

successful in future careers.

As my time at Dakota State is coming to an end, I am more than confident that my

education has helped prepare me to be an asset to any school district. Thank you for taking the

time to read this letter and considering me to be an educator in your school.

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