Backup Slang

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According to Kamus Dewan 4th edition, Slang words mean, words (expressions etc.) that do
not belong to the standard language and commonly used in informal conversation (Nathesan,
2012) In this modernisation era, words in daily communication are used by Gen Z has
becoming less of a language standard where the use of modern words that contain rooted
meaning, word of mouth and word confusion is widely used. The concept of slang can also be
explained by the definition of Alimi and Arua (2008) who regard slang as, `the informal and
highly expressive products of youth’screativity which are used to describe their cultural,
academic or social lives’.Alimi and Arua conclusion conclude that although the slang used by
these teenagers exists in a larger domain, the meaning to be conveyed is not always achieved
by the larger community. This is an issue that needs to be addressed as it is very worrying
because the beautiful native language is being forgotten and its use less in everyday speech.
Furthermore, slang words is not a new thing. however, there is no denying that each cycle has
its own slang language used by that generation. however, as the age of modernity has increased
with the widespread use of social media and the sophistication of this unlimited technology, it
has become increasingly commonplace in everyday communication no matter where and in all
situations whether on television or radio. As we know, in these modern times, television ratings
are an important factor for any television company. therefore, there are many programs that are
broadcast for public viewing using slang in their presentation without filtering. If we look at
the radio of the era, most of them are comedians who are radio DJs who use unlimited slang in
their communications during live broadcasts. this is indirectly a "no matter" in society because
the target audience is the younger generation. If this continues to be taken lightly by today's
society, it will have a detrimental effect on future generations as well as affect the relationships
between the older and the younger and affect the mother tongue of Malaysia. Saville-Troike
(2003), among others, proposes a communal ethnographic approach in an effort to explore the
cultural aspects of the spoken language community. This method looks at several aspects of
human interaction such as genres, genres, topics, backgrounds, participants, action sequences,
forms of delivered messages, message content, interaction rules, and communication norms.
In this modern era, words in daily communication are used by Generation Z has become less
of a language standard where the use of modern words that contain rooted meaning, word of
mouth and word confusion is widely used. This is an issue that needs to be addressed as it is
very worrying because the beautiful native language is being forgotten and its use less in
everyday speech. Furthermore, slang words are not a new thing. However, there is no denying
that each cycle has its own slang language used by that generation. As the age of modernity
has increased with the widespread use of social media and the sophistication of this unlimited
technology, it has become increasingly common in everyday communication no matter where
and in all situations whether on television or radio. As we know, in these modern times,
television ratings are an important factor for any television company. Therefore, there are many
programs that are broadcast for public viewing using slang in their presentation without
filtering. If we look at the radio of the era, most of them are comedians who are radio DJs who
use unlimited slang in their communications during live broadcasts. Sadly, his is acceptable in
society because the target audience is the younger generation. If this continues to be taken
lightly by today's society, it will have a detrimental effect on future generations as well as affect
the relationships between the older and the younger and affect the mother tongue of Malaysia.

The use of slang is increasingly prevalent among the younger generation. Adolescents who
popularize slang words often manipulate expressions or words by giving new meanings to such
words, for example, threatening, cun, love, log, peanut, verse, shrub, pakwe, skema, jambu,
scorpion, member sound and so on. Besides,

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In general, every community group or community group is everywhere having secret words or
terms that are meant to be understood and understood only by their own group or group.
According to Indirawati Zahid (2006) the term or word. This secret is logically called slang.
The existence of this slang language is also frequent is associated with the passage of time.
Therefore, slang itself is constantly changing and known by only certain groups of people who
use it can understand its meaning. Their tendency to create new terms with their own meanings
created a figurative language that provided the freedom for this group to manipulate language,
highlight identity and express messages in their own context.

The study of conceptual and conceptual meaning is more relevant for analysis. All of this points
to the fact that adolescent behaviour is not only heavily influenced by the objective aspects of
the socialist institution, but also by the subjective aspect, that is, how they interpret the
environment around it to be translated through the language elements underlying their lives.
Explicit meaning (conceptual) is the meaning that is received in the mind of a speaker or
listener. The conceptual meaning that is born may differ from one person to another. Not
necessarily two individuals have the same conceptual meaning. Applying these definitions, the
conceptual classifications in this study focus on sub-cultures or other groups of people who do
not understand the language used by the sub-cultures or groups of youth. and understand only
the sub-culture of adolescent’s research as shown in table 1 below

Slanga Word Meaning

Pishang Bosan
terciduk tersentap
kerek Sombong/ belagak
poyo belagak
mantul mantap betul
palau diabaikan
koya Cakap besar
koyak Sedih/stress
balak Teman lelaki
Awal la cepat
barai penat
bajet Rasa diri bagus
jam Tak boleh berfikir
Pe cer Apa cerita
kencing tipu
Table 4.1

The results of this study can be summarized that the use of slang by students of the University
Utara Malaysia is intended to promote the identity of this group or group of students to
indirectly alleviate the tension of the mind is constantly burdened by tasks that need to be
resolved. Many of the slang languages created by the students of the Universiti Utara Malaysia
are also related to the world lessons and life in the UUM campus.

In addition, there are also adolescent slang languages that are not only explicitly conceptual
(explicit) and connotative (implicit), but the creation of terms is arbitrary, abbreviated and also
influenced by the foreign language structure. The examples are given in table 2 as follows

Slang word meaning

Tak boleh brain Tak boleh faham
Chill la Bertenang
Tak rare lah Tidak luar biasa
Test power Cuba kekuatan
Noob ah Tidak bagus
Lame ah Tidak maju
Cuba-try-test cuba

Language pollution has led to the emergence of language confusion in society today, especially
the generation Z. According to Rozali Rajab (2012), Language gives the same meaning. From
the above point of view, it can be concluded that the definition of language confusion is
language confusion caused by the confusion of language users. Words that are synonymous
with confusion, errors and mistakes in the use of language in communicating and writing
Malay. Frequent confusion includes confusion in terms of pronunciation, spelling, terms,
vocabulary, grammar and language adjustments (Khaidir, 2013). The modernization of the
language among the generation Z has also occurred due to the use of slang, dialect and
abbreviations. The use of improper language and the nature of this simple language are feared
to violate the purity and authenticity of the Language. The results of Sumitra and Saibal's
(2009) study found that the form of abbreviations used in Social media such as Whatsapp is
said to save a lot of space and time. Respondents dropped certain vowels or letters, using single
digits or letters to replace the whole word or sound. For example “b4” for “before”, “8” for
“at” and “gr8” for “great.” Messages via SMS were found to be informal and associated with
poor language structure. Other than that, respondents also mentioned that, the usage of slangs
were derived from the movies and also other social media such as Twitter and Instagram.
According to Muhammad David (2014) article, slang is the language used by certain group and
only that group understands that is considered an unofficial language. In creating a slang
language, maybe the creator unaware of the connection between slang languages created with
real meaning because the creation may be done spontaneously. However, as time goes by, the
slang language continues to grow and is used by other teenagers. Usage slang language is said
to simplify the affairs of their lives including about saying something.

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