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Works Cited

Anderson, Ashlee. "Sally Ride." ​National Women's History Museum​, 2018, Accessed 24 Sept.

2019. This article goes through Sally Ride's life. It explains that she had a happy

childhood and went to collage. Ride had a very successful career in the space program.

The article explains all of Ride's success and how she sadly died in 2012 after a long

battle of cancer. This source will help with the topic because it goes through the many

missions ride went on and the challenges she faced during the time. It helped us

understand the basic idea of our topic.

"Big Bird Nearly Rode on the Disastrous Challenger Mission." ​History​, 12 Dec. 2019, Accessed 11

Feb. 2020.

Blakemore, Erin. "When Sally Ride Took Her First Space Flight, Sexism Was the Norm."

History​, 18 June 2019,

Accessed 19 Nov. 2019. This source, while maybe a but bland, goes more in-depth about

the kind of sexism Sally faced during her time in Nasa. At the time, women were not seen

as equals and it clearly shows through the way the media and NASA treated Sally. NASA

was completely unprepared to send a women to space, and the article talks about the kind

of ridiculous things they did. While all this occured, Sally held her head high and

changed the dynamic of women in NASA forever.

Boyle, Loise. "Sally Ride, America's first woman in space, dies at 61 after battling cancer and

comes out as a lesbian in her obituary." ​Daily Mail​, 23 July 2012,


. Accessed 11 Feb. 2020.

Brooks, Roger. "Pioneering Spirit: Astronaut Sally Ride Was the Youngest Person in Space, but

Her Second Career Is Turning Inspiration into Education." ​Success​, Dec. 2010, p. 72+.

Gale In Context: High School​,

Accessed 4 Nov. 2019. This was an interview that Sally Ride had wit SUCCESS in

which she talks about her aspirations to be an astronaut, but also about how it affected her

next job. She wanted to inspire others to pursue careers in science fields. She created

Sally Ride Science to help mentor other people, especially girls. She traveled around the

world, making appearances to talk about her passion and jobs. This interviews helps find

out more about the kind of individual Sally was, and the lasting impact she had on her

generations and those to come.

The Challenger Ship Explodes. ​History​, Accessed 10

Feb. 2020. This is a pciture used on the website. It is a picture of the Challenger


Challenger STS-7 – Sally's Ride​. ​Tes,​

Accessed 20 Nov. 2019. This is a picture of Sally Ride during her time with NASA and

will be very helpful when we are creating our final NHD project. The photo gives people

a look at what Sally was like (visually).


Curtis, Colleen. "Remembering Sally Ride: President Obama Salutes an American Hero." ​The

White House​, 23 July 2012,

a-salutes-american-hero. Accessed 4 Nov. 2019. This source is about President Obama

respecting Sally Ride after she passed. He said that Ride inspired him and proved that

anything could be done if you only believed. This source includes a quote from President

Obama and a video of his response to Ride's death. There is also several videos of Sally

Ride's interview. This source will help us in our project because it shows how big of an

impact Ride had on the community even after she passed.

"Dr. Sally Ride." ​Sally Ride Science,​ edited by UC San Diego, 2018, Accessed 11 Feb. 2020.

Garcia, Mark, editor. "Sally Ride- First American Woman in Space." ​NASA,​ edited by Sarah

Loff, Brian Dunbar, 18 June 2018, Accessed 25 Sept.

2019. The site gives very general information on who Sally was and what she did. The

site also explains what she did as an astronaut that was so impactful and gives some

insight on her first space mission.

---, editor. "Sally Ride- First American Woman in Space." ​NASA,​ 11 July 2018, Accessed 25 Sept.

2019. This article talks about how Sally Ride was in the first class that included women.

We could use this to prove that before Ride's time, women were not usually allowed into

the space program. It also discusses Ride's very successful career. This could be used in

explaining that even through the discrimination, Ride still made history.

Gorman, Morgan. "How Sally Ride Became A Successful STEM Entrepreneur." ​Forbes​, 17 June


neur/. Accessed 19 Nov. 2019. Though the author of this article did not personally know

Sally, she goes into much detail about the kind of work Sally and her partner Tam did in

the STEM field. Many of the things they did targeted girls and were meant to motivate

them to follow male dominated careers. Sally created her Sally Ride Science to help girls

learn more about STEM careers and what they can do to pursue their dreams.

"An Interview with Sally Ride." ​NOVA,​ PBS online, 7 July 2012, Accessed 24 Sept. 2019. In

the video, the interviewer speaks with Sally Ride and discusses Sally's inclusion in

NASA, what being in space was like, and how it felt to be the first women in Space. Sally

touches a lot on the subject of how being an important female figure in history felt like a

big challenge, but still one that would empower others. She also refers back to her

training days at the academy, often mentioning that her male classmates did not treat her

as an inferior, but as an equal.

Kratz, Jessie. "American Pride for Astronauts Sally Ride." ​National Archives​, 18 June 2018,

Accessed 1 Oct. 2019. This is taking about Sally Ride's education and career as a whole.

It will become useful when it comes to the final project and the presentation of our

knowledge. This source will also help us in the mastery of our topic. The article also

discusses Ride 's private life and her spouses. This will also help us with connecting with

our topic and will also help us see a little bit of Ride 's side of the story.

Krieger, Lisa M. "Sally Ride, First American Woman in Space, Dies at 61 After Bout." ​SIRS

Discoverer,​ edited by San Jose Mercury News, 23 July 2012, Accessed 4

Nov. 2019. This source is a newspaper reacting to the death of Sally Ride. It talks about

how she died and what she accomplished in her lifetime. This will help us with our

project because it shows that women at the time had to push through a lot of barriers in

order to get where they ended up.

NASA Astronaut Sally Ride in the Interior of the Challenger Space Shuttle during the STS-41-G

Mission.​ 1 Oct. 1984. ​NBC News​, Accessed

10 Feb. 2020. This is a picture from the weebsite that was created. It contains an imagine

of Sally in space.

Obejas, Achy. "Sally Ride comes out, posthumously." ​WBEZ Blogs,​ 24 July 2012,

39-a6c7-57f42c14cc6e. Accessed 11 Feb. 2020.

O'Hara, Mary Emily. "Lego Making 'Women of NASA' Figures." ​News,​ 1 Mar. 2017, Accessed

11 Feb. 2020.

A Photo of Sally Ride in NASA Uniform. ​Newsweek,​

Accessed 19 Nov. 2019. This picture is an accurate representation of what Sally looked

like in the uniform. This will give us some pictures to use during the final NHD project

Ride, Sally. "Sally Ride." Interview by Alison Beard. ​Harvard Business Review,​ Sept. 2012, Accessed 1 Oct. 2019. This interview is similar to others, but

in this interview Sally get more in detail about how NASA was flawed during the

Challenger and Columbia incidents. She goes into detail about her own non profit

organizations and what their goals are. Sally also goes more into depth about what it was

like being one of the few women in her classes at NASA. She also discusses how she felt

being a role model for other girls. This kind of information can benefit when talking

about the success that came with being the first female astronaut.

---. "Sally Ride Papers." ​Smithsonian Institusion​, 2019,

Accessed 23 Oct. 2019. This website lists most of Sally Ride's papers and gives access to

them. This will help us with our final project because it gives us a full look at what she

did at NASA. It shows us to what extent she pushed herself and how much commitment

she gave toward what she was passionate about.

Ride, Sally K. "Sally Ride 2006." ​Academy of Achievement,​ Accessed 24 Sept. 2019. Interview. This

is an interview in which Sally Ride talks about her life, experiences and achievements

throughout her career. She talks about what being the first American female women in

Space was like or how being successful in male dominated fields felt like.

"Ride in 2006: Have to 'smash Stereotypes." ​YouTube​, 23 July 2012, Accessed 11 Feb. 2020.

Riese. "Sally Ride Is Dead." ​AutoStaraddle,​ 23 July 2012,

Accessed 11 Feb. 2020.

Rylee. "Sally Ride." ​Weebly​, Accessed 20 Nov. 2019.

This website is not being used for information, only the political cartoons it has. They are

absolutely amazing, but can not be found anywhere. The perfectly capture the sexism at

the time.

Sally Is Walking in Her Uniform. ​Autostraddle​, Accessed

10 Feb. 2020. This picture was used as the background for one of the tabs of the website.

She is walking on a runway in her uniform.

"Sally K. Ride Ph.D." ​Academy of Achievement​, 29 Oct. 2018, Accessed 1 Oct. 2019. This article is a

very detailed story of Sally Ride's life and all of her achievements. This information will

help us with our project because we can explain to what extent she really went with all of

her life. She achieved many things in her lifetime and she did it all while she was fighting


Sally Poses for a Picture.​ ​Collect Space​, Accessed 10 Feb. 2020. This

is one of many pictures that will be on the website. Sally poses for a profesional picture.

Sally Ride​. ​Sally Ride Science,​

Accessed 10 Feb. 2020. This picutre was used on the website tab that describe the

influence that Sally had on an entire generation of young girls. She poses in this picture

in her office.

"Sally Ride became the first American woman in space 36 years ago Citation metadata." ​Gale

Power Search,​ Pyramid Media Group,Inc, 20 June 2019,




889&inPS=true. Accessed 4 Nov. 2019. This source is about the high points in Sally Rids

career. It doesn't explain much about the details of her career because it is very brief. This

will help us with our project because it shows how young Ride really was when she

became the first American women to go to space. It also reveals how much

discrimination Ride must have had to go through because she was a smart, young,

American women at the time, pursuing her dreams, that most people saw to be


Sally Ride: Breaking the Highest Glass Ceiling.​ 2017. ​YouTube​, Accessed 11 Feb. 2020.

Sally Ride Communicates with Ground Controllers from the Flight Deck during the Six-day

Mission in Challenger, 1983.​ 1983. ​Buisness Insider​,

Accessed 10 Feb. 2020. This photo was added as a visual for the website. It has Sally

aborad a space shuttle communicating with Earth to report and findings.


Sally Ride in Space in 1984.​ 1984. ​Vox,​ Accessed

10 Feb. 2020. This photo was used during the creation of the website. It has sally Ride

aboard a space shuttle, going over some notes she has taken.

Sally Ride Is aboard a Space Shuttle, Floating. 1983. ​NASA,​

t-american-woman-in-space-june-18.html. Accessed 10 Feb. 2020. This picture was used

as the background for the website. Sally free floats in space while aboard a space shuttle.

"Sally Ride (1951-2012)." ​NASA Science Solar System Exploration,​ Accessed 25 Sept. 2019. In this

article, there is a brief section that talks about the life of Sally Ride. This helps us

understand the basic knowledge about Ride that we need to know for our final project.

Sally Ride on Space Shuttle Challenger​. ​If Only I Had a Time Machine​,

/. Accessed 10 Feb. 2020. This picture is the main picture of the website. It shows Sally

In Space aboard the spaceship

Sally Ride Poses with Fellow NASA Astronauts Robert Crippen (C, First Row), Frederick Hauck

(R), John Fabian and Norman Thagard.​ ​KPCC​,

/. Accessed 10 Feb. 2020. This picture will be featured on the website. It shows Sally

Ride posing with the other crew members that would be on her mission.

Sally Ride Was a Role Model for Women, and She Handled the Responsibility with Grace,

Friends and Colleagues.​ ​Los Angeles Times,​


3-story.html. Accessed 10 Feb. 2020. Sally poses for a picture has she walk on a runway.

The picture will be used on the website that has been created.

A Telescope Caputres a Picture of a Neon Nebula. ​Wired,​ Accessed 10 Feb.

2020. This picture of a Nebula was used to represent the kind of space phenomenons that

could be encountered in space. It was used on the website.

Toce, Sarah. "For the Love of Sally: Interview with Tam O'Shaughnessy, Partner of Astronaut

Sally Ride." ​Windy City Times,​ vol. 29, no. 12, 18 Dec. 2013, p. 1+. ​Gale OneFile: News,​

Accessed 4 Nov. 2019. This source comes directly from Sally's partner Tam

O'Shaughnessy. During the interview, Tam discusses her history with Sally and what she

was like. She touches on he subject of being gay and explains how her and Sally created

Sally Ride science. Throughout the interview, it is clear what kind of person Sally was

and the impact she had on others. Tam also talks about the ups and downs of her and

Sally's life. In the end, Tam gives us a better perspective on what motivated Sally. Such a

source is crucial when identifying key points in an individuals life. Key points make or

break a person.

Weir, Darren. "First American Woman in Space Dies of Pancreatic Cancer." ​Digital Journal​, 24

July 2012, Accessed 11 Feb. 2020.

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