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English Test

I.- Read the text and answer the questions.

Transportation of the Future
People think that in the future the transportation will be completely different
that it is today. For example, cars will fly and just will be for one person. They
will not have wheels and just will travel over 200km per hour. In the case of
airplanes, they will transform themselves into robots to fly and walk if it is
necessary. Also, in the future it will be hover boards in which children will travel
and play. Other people think that in 100 years it will be flying bags only to
move you to school or work with their destiny programmed. Finally, it is
thought that It will be teleported watches to go anywhere that you want. As
you can notice, the future will be awesome.

II.- According to the text, answer true (T) or false (F) . (1 point each)
1. ___ In the future cars will be for one person.
2. ___ Cars will have wheels.
3. ___ Airplanes will transform themselves into cars.
4. ___ Hover boards will be for adults to travel and play.
5. ___ It will be teleported vehicles to go anywhere that you want.

III.- Answer the following question. (3 points)

What other think do you think it is going to be different in the future?
Give one example.

IV.- Read the second text and answer the questions.

Planning a Trip Around the World
My family and I are planning a trip around the world. First, we are going to
travel to Egypt. We are going to go there on December. When we get there we
are going to visit the Sphinx. We also are going to ride camels to go to the
pyramids. Finally, my mom is going to sail through the Nile River. Next we are
going to fly to Italy. We are going to get there on January 2011. My brother and
I are going to fight in the Roman Coliseum. We are going to visit the Vatican
City and I’m going to eat the best pizza of the country. Finally we are going to
go to Australia. We are going to get there on February. We are going to see a
Play in the Sydney Opera House. Then we are going to visit the Australian Zoo
and I’m going to take a picture of me with a Koala and a Kangaroo.

V.- According to the second text, choose the right answer. (1 point each)
1. Where are my family and I going to ride camels?
a. Egypt b. Italy c.
2. When are we going to get to Egypt?
a. On January 2011 b. On December c. On February
3. Where am I going to eat pizza?
a. Australia b. Egypt c. Italy
4. Where are we going to travel in February?
a. Italy b. Australia c. Egypt
5. Where am I going to take a picture of me with a koala and a kangaroo?
a. In the Coliseum b. In the pyramids c. in the
Australian Zoo

VI.- Answer the following question. (3 points)

According with your report, where are you going to go? Name one thing
you are going to do.

VI.- Translate the words to Spanish. (1 point each)

1. Snowflakes : _______________
2. Shrink : _______________
3. Zillions : _______________
4. Lightning : _______________
5. Penny : _______________
6. Untrue : _______________
7. Eyesight : _______________

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