Riza Pacarat - Critical Analysis Finaaall

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DATE: February 3, 2020
SUBJECT AND SCHEDULE: Technology in Teaching and Learning (TFR 9:00-10:30

Title of the Issue: Internet Censorship and Freedom of Expression: A Critical Appraisal pf
the Regulation of Hate Speech on the Internet

Source: Bileta.org.uk

Author: Ronald Kakungulu-Mayambala

1. Summary Narrative:
In today's world where Internet is everywhere and foster an easy access to information and
faster communication around the globe. Also, where millions of people visits their social media
accounts everyday. Most of the social networks aims for borderless and open communication and
to make the world connected and creates greater understanding through open exchange of
information. Twitter and Facebook are the leading social platforms when it comes to transparency
and openness.
With these mindset engraved in our minds, cyberspace became a new environment of
democracy and freedom of expression where different opinions and constructive criticism can be
seen in every corners of the Internet world. According to CCPR, Article 19 clearly stated that
everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impact information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers. But nowadays, one wrong post, one wrong word against a
influential person and in a matter of seconds and few clicks, you can be newest sensation and
laughing stock in the social network world. You will receive mocking, judgements, and all the
hateful comments as if they know you personally which can, in serious cases, destroy your entire
life where it affects you emotionally and psychologically. That's how powerful Internet is.
As Prof. Geist observes, “Contrary to popular belief, however, it is not an absolute right,
as all countries establish some limitations to free speech. Certain limitations, such as criminal
speech consisting of death threats or defamatory speech, are relatively unconventional. Other
forms such as hate speech or obscenity, are subject to differing rules in different countries.
As what Jackson (2014) said there are external pressures and several limitations in freedom
of expression in some countries and one is China, where it blocked Facebook since 2009 also
Twitter. Even Vietnam is taking steps in blocking Facebook. Also in Africa, banned Radio Katwe
in Internet satellite tv because of allegedly spreading malicious propaganda against the
government. Other countries also have regulations regarding Hate Speech on Internet through
censorship content on the Internet and increased Internet Service Provider (ISP) liability and total
criminalization of all content that falls under the scope of hate speech. It also very important to
take note that every country have different approach and different measures in different
circumstances on hate speech just like the Criminal Code of Canada where a teacher is indicted
for spreading hateful comments on pupils was punished accordingly.

2. What lessons have you learned?

In this age where everyone is using technology, the responsible exercising of freedom of
expression must be keep in the minds of everyone. We may have the democracy of sharing our
ideas and thoughts about the issues that's circulating in the world but we must know to draw the
line between expressing and bullying. As I can observe, everyone talks. Yes, it is good to know
that every one cares and shares their thoughts about certain topics but others overlaps in such extent
where they talk too much for the sake of 'expression' --- “Mema sabi lng” and some didn't even
know the whole story and whether the news are reliable. They flood hate comments and even
wishing the death of someone else because of their 'judgments and criticism about that certain
person. Everyone should know about censorship since many stupid, gruesome and malicious
pictures are spreading in the Internet and today, kids are already engaging in social network sites
and this can leave a negative effect on children.
Now, being a mature individuals, it is very important to be a good role model to children
in cyberspace where you teach and displays responsible using of social network sites in exchanging
information and open communication.
3. What suggestions can you offer?
Today’s world is different. We are now giving more importance on human rights and
freedom of expression. We now have the voice – the power to express our thought and ideas about
certain issues regarding the oppressed and our well-being. Everything can be said and done in easy
way since the intervention of social media platforms where we change, open and raise awareness
about the issues that we are facing internationally through single click. That’s why I realized that
censorship can be everyone’s shield from malicious attacks that harms your safety and dignity ---
not only in social media formats but in any formats. So, the laws and acts about safety and
censorship are vital in today’s world where the implementation of the laws and acts are used in the
right way --- where everyone is responsible and accountable, where it doesn’t jeopardize the rights
of everyone to raise awareness and educate the people, where it can’t be used as a sword to evil
and a shield to deceiving people in this society full of games. This can be all done with our
knowledge about ICT policies and safety precautions where there can be forums, seminars and a
course subject that is available every time. Also, it is very important to teach this topic in early
years since teenagers are very expose now in technology and learn how to filter the words and be
sensitive in every words they’ll said in social media sites.

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