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SYIFA NUR FITRIA (NIM : 5217220466)








(NIM 5217220466)


(NIM 5217220353)

Accepted and Approved

on August 6th, 2019

Advisor I Advisor II

Sidiq Ruswanto, S.T., M.T. Bayulianto

NIP : 195708101987031002 NIK : 62201069

Assessor I Assessor II

Fatahula, S.T., M.Kom. Agung Wijayanto

NIP : 196808231994031001


Thank you, we pray to the presence of God Almighty, God who bestowed His
mercy and blessings on us all. Thanks to his gift, this Case Study entitled
"Mistracking Belt Conveyor on X92-BC2 " can be completed as well as possible
in order to fulfill EVE student assignments in semester 4.

This report is based on observations and assistance from various parties.

Therefore, we express our gratitude for all the support given for completing this

This report contains information about the causes of hunting on the X92-BC2
Conveyor Belt at PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia.

Although it has been arranged to the fullest by us, we, as human beings, are
well aware that this report is very flawed and is far from perfect. Therefore we
really expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers.

It is our hope that this report can be an inspiration or a means of learning aids
for students or the general public in finding theories about Belt Conveyors.

That is what we can say, hopefully the readers can benefit from and learn from
this report.

Cilacap,18 Maret 2019



APPROVAL PAGE .......................................................................................................ii

PREFACE .................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF CONTENT .................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURE......................................................................................................... vi
LIST OF TABLE ....................................................................................................... viii
CHAPTER I ................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem ........................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Boundary Problem........................................................................................... 2
1.4 Purpose ............................................................................................................ 2
CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................. 3
2.1 Location X92-BC2 .......................................................................................... 3
2.2 Cement Process ............................................................................................... 4
2.3 Belt Conveyor ................................................................................................. 5
2.3.1 Working Principle of Belt Conveyor ....................................................... 6
2.3.2 Advantages of Belt Conveyor .................................................................. 7
2.3.3 Disadvantages of Belt Conveyor ............................................................. 7
2.3.4 Geometry Conveyor Belt ......................................................................... 8
2.3.5 Key Components on Conveyor Belt ........................................................ 9
2.3.6 Safety Device ......................................................................................... 14
2.4 Mistracking Belt Conveyor ........................................................................... 17
2.4.1 Reason for Belt Mistracking .................................................................. 17
2.4.2 Prevent Conveyor Belt Mistracking....................................................... 21
2.5 Theory of Worn Out ...................................................................................... 23
CHAPTER III .............................................................................................................. 28
3.1 Case Study Flow Diagram ............................................................................ 28
3.2 Explanation of Case Study Flow Chart ......................................................... 29
3.2.1 Start ........................................................................................................ 29
3.2.2 Data Collection ...................................................................................... 29
3.2.3 Data Analysis ......................................................................................... 30
3.2.4 Conclusion ............................................................................................. 30
3.2.5 Report ..................................................................................................... 30

3.2.6 Finish...................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER IV .............................................................................................................. 31
4.2 Spesification Data Sheet................................................................................ 32
4.3 Parameter Operation X92-BC2 ..................................................................... 33
4.4 Equipment Peforment X92-BC2 ................................................................... 33
4.5 Data Analysis ................................................................................................ 33
4.5.1 Finding Item ........................................................................................... 33
4.5.2 Root Cause Analysis .............................................................................. 34
CHAPTER V ............................................................................................................... 40
5.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 40
5.2 Recommendation:............................................................................................... 40
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................ 42


Figure 2. 1 Locatoion of X92-BC2 ................................................................................ 3

Figure 2. 2 Flow Diagram Cement Process ................................................................... 4
Figure 2. 3 Geometry Conveyor Belt ............................................................................. 8
Figure 2. 4 Component of belt conveyor ....................................................................... 9
Figure 2. 5 Fabric belt .................................................................................................. 10
Figure 2. 6 Steel cord belt ............................................................................................ 10
Figure 2. 7 Impact roller .............................................................................................. 10
Figure 2. 8 Return roller............................................................................................... 11
Figure 2. 9 Carrying roller ........................................................................................... 11
Figure 2. 10 Frame ....................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2. 11 Drive ........................................................................................................ 11
Figure 2. 12 Manual take up pulley (screw) ................................................................ 12
Figure 2. 13 Gravity take up pulley ............................................................................. 12
Figure 2. 14 Winch take up pulley ............................................................................... 12
Figure 2. 15 Pulley with rubber lagging (diamond grooved design) ........................... 13
Figure 2. 16 Standard steel pulley................................................................................ 13
Figure 2. 17 Belt Cleaner ............................................................................................. 14
Figure 2. 18 Motion detector ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 2. 19 Change over switch ................................................................................. 15
Figure 2. 20 Metal detector .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 2. 21 Emergency stop ....................................................................................... 16
Figure 2. 22 Belt drive ................................................................................................. 16
Figure 2. 23 Material level ........................................................................................... 17
Figure 2. 24 Translational misalignment ..................................................................... 18
Figure 2. 25 Rotational misalignment x-axis ............................................................... 18
Figure 2. 26 Rotational misalignment y-axis ............................................................... 19
Figure 2. 27 Rotational misalignment z-axis ............................................................... 19
Figure 2. 28 Eccentric Bulk Load ................................................................................ 20
Figure 2. 29 LOTOTO ................................................................................................. 21
Figure 2. 30 Pulley ....................................................................................................... 21
Figure 2. 31 Loading on belt ........................................................................................ 22

Figure 2. 32 Belt with Roller set-up............................................................................. 22
Figure 2. 33 Adding washer ......................................................................................... 22
Figure 2. 34 Ogoshi method for wear testing .............................................................. 23
Figure 2. 35 Wear adhesive method ............................................................................ 24
Figure 2. 36 Wear abrasive method ............................................................................. 26
Figure 2. 37 Wear fatique mechanism ......................................................................... 27
Figure 3. 1 Flow diagram ............................................................................................. 28
Figure 4. 1 Belt Conveyor ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 4. 2 Material spills ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 4. 3 Fishbone diagram ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 4. 4 Blocking tail pulley ................................................................................... 35
Figure 4. 5 Worn out tail pulley ................................................................................... 35
Figure 4. 6 Before after cleaner design ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Figure 4. 7 Dimensioning of material load .................................................................. 40


Table 2. 1 Maximum tilt angle to the belt conveyor for some types of materials ......... 8
Table 4. 1 Equipment specification of X92-BC2......................................................... 32
Table 4. 2 Operation parameter of X92-BC2............................................................... 33
Table 4. 3 Equipment perform of X92-BC2 ................................................................ 33
Table 4. 4 St41 Characteristic ...................................................................................... 36
Table 4. 5 Silica content 2018 - 2019 .......................................................................... 39


X92-BC2 is one of the main equipment in the Raw mill Area which is tasked
with transporting Raw Materials in the form of Silica and Iron Sand from the
reclaimer to the bin. In operation X92-BC2 works to serve two bin, namely bin
silica and iron sand.

1.1 Background
In the process of making cement at PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk there are
main equipment ranging from crusher, stockpile, raw mill, preheater, silo blending,
kiln, cooler, finish mill, and packer. Whereas on the other hand there are auxiliary
equipment such as transporters, storage, GCT, and others.
Transporter is a tool used to move bait from one place to another.
One type of transporter used at PT. Solusi Bangun Indonesia, namely Belt
Conveyor. This tool is used to carry different materials in each area. The Raw Mill
area has several Conveyor Belts as transportation equipment, one of which is X92-
BC2. This equipment is one of the important equipment because it is a transport
tool whose duty is to bring raw material in the form of Silica and Iron Sand from
X92-BCl to bin. If X92-BC2 has a problem or often experiences unscheduled stops,
it will cause considerable losses for the sustainability of production.
The conditions of X92-BC2 within one year 2018 experience a stop of 2 times
for 1.30 hours and 3.70 hours. Which caused a Raw Meal loss of 3000 tons. This
calculation is calculated based on the loss of all hourly production.
The problem that occurs in this equipment is that the belt on the X92-BC2 has
a mistracking so that a lot of Silica material is spilled along the Belt side. This
incident raises some suspicions related to the cause of the shift of the belt on the
X92-BC2. One of them is due to material overload and worn out tail pulley.


1.2 Problem
Based on the background and objectives that have been described, then the
formulation of the problem to be solved is as follows :
1. The cause of Mistracking Belt Conveyor on X92-BC2.

1.3 Boundary Problem

We need to contextualize the problems into some points that can be used to
elaborate them with some limits, so that it is not out of the topic. These are the
points related to the problem of Belt Conveyor X92-BC2 on mechanical aspect on

1.4 Purpose
Can analyze cause of mistracking belt on Belt Conveyor X92-BC2.

2.1 Location X92-BC2

In figure 2.1 shows the location of X92-BC2 in PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia:

Figure 2. 1 Location of X92-BC2


2.2 Cement Process

The following is a picture of the cement making process in general :

Steinbruch (brüche) Brecherei Rohmateriallagerung und Vorhomogenisierung Korrekturmaterial (ien)

Homogenisiersilo Elektrofilter




Zyklon- Rohmühle
Drehofen Wärme- Kühlturm

Zumahl- Filter
Klinkerkühler Gips stoffe Loseverlad Packerei Palletisierer

Zement Zement
Klinker- Silo Silo


Figure 2. 2 Flow Diagram Cement Process

Raw materials for making cement at PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia are

Limestone, Clay, Silica Sand, and Iron Sand. Material is collected in Stockpile.
Transport material to the weight feeder by using a conveyor belt where the material
will be weighed in the appropriate proportion. With composition:
1. Limestone = ± 73%
2. Clay = ± 20%
3. Silica Sand = ± 5%
4. Iron Sand = ± 2%
The material contains several main compounds such as Calcium Oxide (CaO),
Aluminum Oxide (Al2O3), Silicon Dioxide (SiO2), and Ferric Oxide (Fe2O3). To
slow down the binding process with water, the material is mixed with gypsum
because it contains Sulfur Trioxide (SO3)

Grinding and separating drying material occurs in Raw Mill. PT Solusi Bangun
Indonesia uses Raw Mill with Vertical Roller Mill type with 4 rollers. The results
of Raw Mill are Raw Meal which is stored and homogenized in Blending Silo.

Raw Meal is heated with a temperature of ± 800C suspension in the suspension

preheater and dried to remove water content. Intended to heat the material before
entering the kiln. The Cilacap plant uses 2 strings of ILC and SLC. Raw meal after
going through the preheater into the kiln feed.

Next, the feed will enter the kiln for clinker combustion and processing.
Cilacap plant uses a dry process system. In the kiln the material is heated to reach
± 1450˚C. For lay-out heating the kiln uses IDO (Industrial Diesel Oil) after which
it uses coal. Products from kilns are clinkers containing C3S, C2S, C3A and C4AF.

The clinker is cooled in the cooler by using air from outside. Rapid cooling
occurs to maintain decomposition between C3S and C2S. it affects the quality, heat
recovery and security to be transported and stored. Cooled to ± 120˚C and stored
in clinker silos

After that, the clinker is pureed in the ball mill. Before entering the ball mill,
the clinker is grinding first in the pre grinder to make it easier to blend in the ball
mill. The clinker from the pre-cylinder is sent to the Ball Mill to be processed in
combination with gypsum and other additives such as dolomite, pozzolan and fly
ash. The product of the finish mill is cement. Cement is transported to cement silo
with water slides and bucket elevators. From cement silos packed in pack houses
and cement ready to be distributed.

2.3 Belt Conveyor

Belt conveyor or conveyor belt is a transport plane that used to move cargo in
the form of units or spills, horizontal direction or an angle of slope / inclination of
a system operating one operating system to another in a line production process,
who use the belt as a conductor of cargo. Belt Conveyor on essentially a fairly
simple equipment. The tool consists of belts that are resistant to the transport of
solid objects. Belt use the conveyor belt can be made from various types of
materials eg : rubber, plastics, leather or metal depending on the type and nature of
the material to be transported.

Belt Conveyor has a main component in the form of belts which is above the
rollers fulcrum. Belt driven by the motor through a pulley, belt move in translation
with a flat pass or skewed depending on the needs and planning. Material placed
above belt and belts moving together towards unity. In operation conveyor belt use
in the form of an electric motor propulsion with intermediate wheel gear which is
coupled directly to the drive pulley. Which is above the belt rollers will move
across the rollers with the appropriate speed of rotation and pulley drive.
There are several considerations that underlie the best research transporter:
1) Usage characteristics, it involves the type and size of the material, material
properties, as well as the conditions of terrain or workspace tools.
2) The production process, transport hourly capacity of the unit, continuity
removal, material stacking method and duration of operational tools.
3) The economic principles, covering the cost of manufacture, maintenance,
installation, operating costs and depreciation costs of the initial price the
2.3.1 Working Principle of Belt Conveyor

Belt conveyor is a transport tool that uses belt as a carrier medium of

fractional material or bulk with horizontal or oblique direction.
The material is fed to the conveyor belt via a feed chute located on
the tail pulley. Below the belt feed chute there are impact idlers that serve
to hold and dampen the pounding caused by material that falls or collide
with the belt. The main drive is the electric motor used to drive the reducer
with the help of fluid coupling. Reducer duty as a subtraction reduces the
force to the head pulley which then also turns the belt because of the
friction between the drum lagging with the belt.
Along the belt path sustained by carrying idlers who spin for keep the
belt not slack due to material load or heavy belt itself. Material out through
discharge chute located in the head pulley. Shortly after the material is
out, the belt will return to the tail pulley supported by the idlers.

2.3.2 Advantages of Belt Conveyor

1) Being able to carry the burden of large capacity.

2) The belt speed can be set to specify the amount of material
transferred per unit time.
3) Can work in a slanting direction without jeopardizing the operator to
4) Requires less power, thereby reducing costs of operations.
5) Do not disturb the environment because of the level of noise and
pollution low.
6) Lighter than the chain conveyor or bucket conveyor.
7) The flow of the transport occurred continuously.

Belt conveyor is the most universal machine because switching

capacity quite large (500 up to 5000 m3 / h or more), be able to move
material at relatively large distances (500 s / d 1000 m or more), a very
sim material along the various units horizontal direction or at a certain
slope in a variety of industries.

2.3.3 Disadvantages of Belt Conveyor

1) Belt is very sensitive to external influences, such as incurring damage

on the edge and the surface of the belt, the belt can be torn because of
rocks hard and sharp belt connection or detachment.
2) The cost of treatment is very expensive.
3) Line displacement (transfer line). Due to a conveyor belt unit can
only be installed on a straight path.
4) The tilt / angle of inclination is limited.

2.3.4 Geometry Conveyor Belt

The geometry of the conveyor belt can be seen in Figure 3 shows the
trajectory of the conveyor belt.

Figure 2. 3 Geometry Conveyor Belt

The tilt angle of the horizontal line (β) depends on factors friction
between the material carried by the moving belt, tilt angle remains of pile
material and how material is charged above the belt. The slope should be
permitted on the conveyor belt can be seen in Table 2. 1
Table 2. 1 Maximum tilt angle to the belt conveyor for some types of materials

2.3.5 Key Components on Conveyor Belt

The main components of the conveyor belt can be seen in the picture


6 Head
2.1 pulley
4 Drive

2.3 Impact
idler 2.2 Return Bend
6 Tail idler pulley Snap Dischar
pulley - ge chute
1 Belt

5 Gravity

Figure 2. 4 Component of belt conveyor

1. Belt
Belt is one of the major components of the conveyor belt. Belt
usually consists of several layers (ply) for protective and
reinforcement of the belt itself. Upper and lower layer is a protective
layer of the collision and friction that will occur, and lining amid a
reinforcing layer of the belt. This layer is usually in the form of
special wire or fiber carcass. It’s not stand the collision and friction.
In general, two types of belt be distinguished items, namely:

1. Fabric belt, which consists of a layer carcass Fabric fiber

combined with rubber so plastic, flexible, and powerful.
2. Steel cord, where the layers consist of a steel cord and wire
arranged lengthwise combined with rubber so that the rubber
elasticity rate decreases, but its strength is much increased.

Figure 2. 5 Fabric belt Figure 2. 6 Steel cord belt

(1) Synthetic fabric layers (6) Steel cables

(2) Shock absorbing rubber (7) Tensile steel wire
(8) Layer of high-grade rubber
(3) "top" and "bottom" abrasion
and cut resistant rubber covers (9) Abrasion and cut resistant
rubber cover

2. Idler

Idler (roller) is a major part of the conveyor belt that serves to

sustain belt when operating. There are 3 main types of idler:
1. Carrying idler, serves to sustain belt and the load during
2. Return idler, serves to sustain the back of the transport belt.
3. Impact idler, a modification of the carrying idler where the
surface shape of the idler is made such that it can deaden the
beat caused by the material poured out of the chute inlet.

Figure 2. 7 Impact roller


Figure 2. 9 Return roller

Figure 2. 8 Carrying roller

3. Frame

Frame is a conveyor belt structure that has the functionality to

support all components of the belt and also during transportation of
materials. The main frame must maintain dimensional stability at the
time of charging and changing temperature and is able to maintain the
total load of the conveyor belt.

Figure 2. 10 Frame

4. Drive

Are the main drivers, these drives typically use an electric

motor that is connected to the pulley with intermediaries reducer.

Figure 2. 11 Drive

5. Take Up
Take-up to make sure the voltage of the belt. Which serves to
maintain and adjust the belt to keep it tight so it does not slip on the
drive pulley and the offset when there is a change in belt length. Take-
up is usually applied in a long belt to make sure the voltage changes
due to load material. Several types of take-up often used in, among
others, screw conveyor belt take-up, take-up winch.

Figure 2. 12 Gravity take up pulley

Figure 2. 14 Winch take up pulley

Figure 2. 13 Manual take up pulley (screw)


6. Pulley

Pulley made of a cylindrical drum that Allows changes

Reviews directions belt. Pulley located at the beginning (tail pulley)
and the end (head pulley) conveyor belt. And there is also pulley
which serves to deflect the rate of belt bend pulley). Pulley surfaces
coated with certain materials, thus increasing the friction force
between the pulley and the belt. As a result, it is able to prevent belt
slippage during the operation.

Figure 2. 15 Standard steel pulley

Figure 2. 16 Pulley with rubber

lagging (diamond grooved design)

7. Cleaner

Cleaning equipment are used to reduce and clean the materials

brought back by the belt and prevent material spillage accumulated.
This cleaner is usually located on the discharge side of the conveyor
belt (head pulley). On generally cleaner consists of primary cleaner
and secondary cleaner.

Figure 2. 17 Belt Cleaner

2.3.6 Safety Device

1. Motion Detector
This tool is used to detect the movement of belt conveyor.
Motion detectors are usually installed in tail pulleys. If belt occurs or
even belt is disconnected, motion detector will get pulse signal per
minute less than setting. Because of that, eventually the motion will
turn off the conveyor belt due to an abnormal indication of conveyor
belt operation.

Figure 2. 18 Motion detector


2. COS ( Change Over Switch )

Used to turn off the conveyor belt in an emergency state by
pulling the wire.

Figure 2. 19 Change over switch

3. Metal Detector
This tool is used to detect the presence of metal materials that
come raw material.

Figure 2. 20 Metal detector

4. Emergency Stop
An emergency stop is a breaker switch which, when activated
(pressed) will stop the device. The use of emergency stop installation
is to stop the equipment from the field in case of an emergency.

Figure 2. 21 Emergency stop

5. Belt Drive
This tool is used to detect conveyor is tilted or off track. If the
belt comes into contact with this tool, then there will be an alarm
signal in the CCR. And if not immediately handled it will make the
conveyor belt stops.

Figure 2. 22 Belt drive


6. Material Level
Material level is used to indicate how much material there is in
the chute / bin area. The type of level material used is rotary. If the
material level is full (in bin) or blocking on the chute, the material
will touch the rotary blade causing the switch in the cut-level
material, and interlock with the conveyor belt system so that it will
turn off the belt conveyor.

Figure 2. 23 Material level

2.4 Mistracking Belt Conveyor

Belt mistracking is one of the essential problems in running a belt conveyor.
The problem of mistracking has been known since the industrial revolution, where
flat belts were first used on drive trains. Belt conveyors were developed from flat
belt drive trains. Their increased length increased the problem of tracking as well
because a higher number of disturbance values can influence the belt.

2.4.1 Reason for Belt Mistracking

1. Misalignment of Idlers

The alignment of idlers has a big influence on the belt tracking.

Small differences from the ideal aligned position can result in a
massive mistracking of the belt. These considerations are based on an
idler station with fixed idlers, which cannot move at an impact as
garlands. The misalignment of idler stations can be separated into
translational and rotational orientations.

2. Translational Misalignment
The three possible translational misalign idler orientations are
shown in Fig. 2. Obviously, the misalignment in x- and z-direction
can be neglected. A misalignment in y-direction will shift the idler
station relative to the belt center line. Mistracking will occur as an
effect of the self-alignment of the conveyor belt. The belt tries to
follow the lowest points of the idler stations due to its self-centering
behavior caused by belt and bulk material mass.

Figure 2. 24 Translational misalignment

3. Rotational Misaligned at x-Axis

A rotation around the x-axis will not result in direct belt
mistracking. As shown in Fig. 3, the belt will be twisted as well,
which will cause mistracking. Because the entire mass of the belt and
the bulk material tries to reach the lowest possible value of potential
energy, the belt will move sideways. The centering effect by mass
applies forces in the troughed belt, which deforms the belt between
its contact points sideways in y-direction.

Figure 2. 25 Rotational misalignment x-axis


4. Rotational Misaligned at y-Axis

The rotation of an idler station around the y-axis is also known
as a tilted idler station. Depending on the conveying direction, the tilt
of the idler station can give a positive influence to the self-centering
of the belt. If idler stations are tilted forwards in conveying direction,
the belt is deformed which results in a self-alignment. This principle
cannot be used for reversing drives because the belt will get a
centering deformation in one conveying direction and an unstable
behavior in the other direction.

Figure 2. 26 Rotational misalignment y-axis

If all stations are tilted, the belt will run with much more
stability but with a highly increased energy consumption because of
frictional effects on the contact points of the outer idlers. Tilting of
idlers stations increases the motion resistance.
5. Rotational Misaligned at z-Axis
A rotational misalignment around the z-axis is known as a
skewed idler station. The skewed station in the figure below will steer
the belt in the normal direction of the idler. The sideways movement
is directly proportional to the angle of skew, as long as the force
acting on the belt is smaller than the maximum frictional force
between the belt and idler. Otherwise the belt will slip above the idler.
The occurring steering effect can be used as an output value in a
controlled training idler.

Figure 2. 27 Rotational misalignment z-axis


6. Eccentric Bulk Load

The off-centered load of bulk material to the belt can have two
reasons. In the first case the material is loaded eccentric on a centred
belt, due to wrong settings or a poor design of the transfer chute. The
weight force of the eccentric bulk material results in a belt deflection
which causes a sideways movement. A self-intensifying eccentric belt
movement is given, if the belt is not centred before the transfer chute.
The bulk material would be loaded eccentric on an already off-
centred running belt. The second case is the centered load on an
eccentric running belt. This will not result in belt mistracking because
the weight force keeps the belt stable in its off-centred position.

Figure 2. 28 Eccentric Bulk Load


2.4.2 Prevent Conveyor Belt Mistracking

1. Identify areas along the conveyor, which are suffering from


2. Before carrying out any work, be sure to properly tag and/ or lock
out the conveyor system. You may also need to adhere to specific
site safety requirements.

Figure 2. 29 LOTOTO

3. Be sure to check all pulleys, tracking idlers, carry rollers and return
rollers are free from buildup and are rotating freely. Any worn or
seized components will cause belt misalignment.

Figure 2. 30 Pulley

4. Check to make sure adequate tension has been applied on all drive
and gravity take up pulleys. If a belt is under or over tensioned this
may cause belt misalignment. If you are unsure as to whether the
tension of your conveyor is correct, please consult your original
conveyor specs or conveyor supplier for more detail on belt tension.
5. Asymmetric loading such as the one below in figure 2. 31, of the
transfer point is one of the most difficult causes of belt tracking
issues to address, and causes the most problems. Belt tracking
devices are a must in this case as dry and wet running will not be
cared for by manual idler adjustment.

Figure 2. 31 Loading on belt

6. Figure 2. 32 below shows which direction the conveyor belt will

track towards once rollers have been shifted from square to
stringers. The angle has been exaggerated for demonstration and
should not exceed 2 degrees in the field.
Note: This technique cannot be used on bidirectional conveyors.

Figure 2. 32 Belt with Roller set-up

7. In figure 2. 33 another technique is used to help aid belt tracking.

This is unbiased to a particular side.
Note : This technique cannot be used on bidirectional conveyor

Figure 2. 33 Adding washer to help aid belt tracking


2.5 Theory of Worn Out

A structural and machine component to function properly should depend on
the properties of the material. Materials available and can be used by very diverse
engineers, such as metals, polymers, ceramics, glass and composites. The
properties possessed by materials sometimes limit their performance. However, it
is rare for the performance of a material to be determined only by one trait, but
rather on a combination of several properties. One example is wear resistance (wear
resistance) is a function of several material properties (hardness, strength, etc.),
friction and lubrication. Therefore, the study of this subject is known as Tribology.
Wear can be defined as damage to the surface of the solid, generally involving loss
of progressive material due to friction between the solid surfaces. Wear is not a
material nature, but a material response to the outer system (surface contact). Wear
is something that usually happens to any material that experiences friction with
other materials. Any material can experience wear due to various mechanisms.
The study of systematic wear and tear is covered by two main factors, namely
Ø There are a number of mechanisms for wear processes that work separately.
Ø Difficulty measuring small amounts of material involved.
Wear testing can be done with a variety of methods and techniques, all of
which aim to simulate actual wear conditions. One of them is the Ogoshi method
where the specimen obtains a friction load from a revolving disc. This friction
loading will result in repeated contact between surfaces which will eventually take
part of the material on the surface of the test object. The size of the surface traces
of the scraped material is the basis for determining the level of wear on the material.
The larger and in the wear trace the higher the volume of material that is peeled off
of the test object. The schematic illustration of the surface contact between the
revolving disc and the test object is given by the following figure:

Figure 2. 34 Ogoshi method for wear testing


Any type of material will experience wear with a variety of mechanisms,

namely adhesive wear, abrasive wear, fatigue wear, and oxidation wear. Below is
a brief explanation of these mechanisms.

Wear mechanism consists of:

1. Adhesive wear
Occurs when the surface contact of two or more materials results
in the attachment of one another (adhesive) and plastic deformation and
in the end, there is a release / tear of one of the materials as shown in
Figure 2.35 below

Figure 2. 35 Wear adhesive method

Factors that cause adhesive wear:

1. The tendency of different materials to form solid solutions or
intermetallic compounds.
2. Surface cleanliness.
The amount of wear debris due to wear through this adhesive
mechanism can be reduced by means of:
Ø Using hard material.
Ø Different types of materials, such as different crystal structures
Adhesion wear is not desirable for two reasons:

1. Material loss ultimately leads to a decrease in the performance of

a mechanism.
2. The formation of wear particles on very tight sliding surface
pairs can cause the mechanism to be blocked or even congested,
even though the life of the equipment is still new.
2. Abrasive wear
Occurs when a hard particle (asperity) of a certain material
glides on the surface of another material that is softer so that more soft
material is penetrated or cut, as shown in Figure 3 below. The level of
wear on this mechanism is determined by the degree of freedom of the
hard particles or the asperity. For example silica sand particles will
produce higher wear when tied to a surface such as on sandpaper,
compared to if the particle is in a slurry system. In the first case, the
particle will likely be attracted along the surface and eventually result
in tearing. While in the latter case, the particles may only rotate without
the abrasion effect.
Factors that play a role in relation to material resistance to
abrasive wear include:
1. Material hardness
2. Condition of microstructure
3. Abrasive size
4. Shape

Only one interaction, while fatigue wear requires multiple

interactions. This wear occurs due to the interaction of the surface
where the surface experiencing repeated loads will lead to the
formation of micro cracks. These micro cracks eventually coalesce and
produce peeling material.

Figure 2. 36 Wear abrasive method


The level of wear is very dependent on the level of loading.

Figure 2. 37 gives the fatigue wear mechanism schematism.

Figure 2. 37 Wear fatigue mechanism


3.1 Case Study Flow Diagram








Figure 3. 1 Flow diagram


3.2 Explanation of Case Study Flow Chart

3.2.1 Start

Case Study can be started if the title has been determined and the
proposal has been prepared.

3.2.2 Data Collection

In this method, observations were made in the area of Belt

Conveyor X92-BC2 to obtain information needed in order to achieve the
research objectives. The collection process can be seen in terms of
Mechanical, Production, and Electrical.

There are several methods of data collection that can be done in a

study. Some methods for collecting data include:

1. Observation
Discuss the problems with the authority such as the field
supervisor, the Patrol Raw Mill area, the Maintenance Raw Mill area,
the PM Raw Mill area and the Raw Mill Engineer area to get an
explanation, validation data, and advice on problems that occur in Belt
Conveyor X92-BC2.
2. Literary Study

At this stage it is used to find and collect information about the

X92-BC2 Conveyor Belt starting from the work system of tools,
processes and designs related to the location of the project both from
books, journals, data specifications, vendors, internet, and manuals.

3. Experience
At this phase is used to find and collect information about Belt
Conveyor X92-BC2 starting from the work system of tools, processes
and designs related to the location of the project both from books,
journals, specifications data, vendors, internet, and manual books.

3.2.3 Data Analysis

Method or effort to process the data that has been obtained so as to

obtain conclusions from a problem. So that it can provide solutions related
to these problems. After the experience is completed an analysis of
quantitative and qualitative analysis will be obtained after the results of
analysis is applied.
1. Quantitative
Quantitative analysis was obtained from data analysis of MTBF
(Mean Time Between Failure) data and breakdown data in the Raw Mill
2. Qualitative
Qualitative analysis was obtained from the results of interviews,
observations, and documentation written in the field notes that contained
what was seen, heard, witnessed, experienced, as well as findings about
what was found during the study and was the material for the data
collection plan. In this study, data collection also carried out by observing
directly the conditions and situations in the field.
In this study, we used the fishbone method to determine the root of
the problem.
3.2.4 Conclusion

The results of data analysis produce a pattern or tendency. This

pattern can be used as a basis for drawing a conclusion. Conclusion is a
statement that summarizes what has been done in the research activities.

3.2.5 Report

Written and published reports that describe the results of the

research or assessment that has been carried out.

3.2.6 Finish

Case studies can be said to be completed if the examiner and mentor

have submitted the final score and the value is stated to meet the
graduation requirements.

The following is a picture of the conveyor belt:

Figure 4. 1 Belt Conveyor

4.1 Operation Principle of X92-BC2

The conveyor belt X92-BC2 is driven by a 3 phase 380 VAC electric motor
with a power of 110 kW and 1,450 rpm. This motor rotates the clutch. Fast motor
rotation is reduced by a damper with a ratio of 1/40 to a slow speed of 37.5 rpm
then transmitted to the head pulley to the drive belt at a speed of 1.91 m / s.
A belt with a width of 600 mm which is then moved carries a predetermined
material by a heavy feeder and is fed to X92-BC2 from X92-BC1, the material is
transported and stored in a hopper.


4.2 Specifications Data Sheet

Table 4. 1 Equipment specification of X92-BC2



Date : 15 November 1995
Equipment.No.(S) : 325.BCF
Item Details Unit Data
General Type - Trough Belt type
Trough Angle ° 30
Capacity Nor. t/h 120 (silica sand)
Max. t/h 130 (iron sand)
Center Distance Hor. mm 22550
Ver. mm 0
Inclination ° 0
Construction Material -
Material Conveyed Description - Iron ore/Silica sand
Moisture Content % 8.2
Bulk Density t/m3 1.6 ~ 2.8
Temperature ℃ Ambient
Belt Width mm 600
Type of Carcass - Nylon
Number of Plies - 100x4P
Thickness of top mm 4.8
Thickness of bottom mm 2.4
Belt Speed m/min 54.4
Drive Shaft horsepower kW 3.2
Motor Output kW 5.5
Motor speed rpm 1500
Type of gear - Geared Motor
Type of coupling - None
Accessories Belt cleaner - Head & Tail (reversible)
Type of pullcord switch - Wire type
Motion detection switch Y/N Yes
Guards - Rotation parts
Type of take-up - Screw take-up

4.3 Parameter Operation X92-BC2

Table 4. 2 Operation parameter of X92-BC2

Load of belt conveyor motor Max 100 % Ampere

Alarm of Belt Conveyor motor 68 % Ampere

Low level of belt conveyor motor 10 % Ampere

4.4 Equipment Performant X92-BC2

Table 4. 3 Equipment perform of X92-BC2

Date Aspect Stop Time (hours) Trouble

Production and X92-BC2 Overload

22-10-2018 1.08
process material overflow

X92-BC2 Coupling
05-03-2018 Mechanical 3.83

4.5 Data Analysis

4.5.1 Finding Item

When the X92-BC2 Belt Conveyor transports silica material from

X92-BC1 to the Hopper, the belt experiences mistracking so that a lot of
material spills off the track.

Figure 4. 2 Material spills

Root Cause Analysis

Machine Material Method

between Increased Silica
tailpulley for Rawmill
and cleaner feed

Worn out Overload

tailpulley Mistracking Belt
Conveyor on

Man Environment Measurement

Figure 4. 3 Fishbone diagram


1. Worn Out Tail Pulley

Pulley is a part of a conveyor belt that rotates to move the belt.
The belt will move because of the rotation of the pulley. Therefore,
pulley greatly affects the tracking that will be experienced by the belt.
To get a good tracking belt, the tail pulley and head pulley must
be aligned. Besides that, we also have to ascertain the condition of the
One condition that can cause belt mistracking is when the pulley
undergoes a coating or blocking on its sides. This causes the surface of
the pulley to be uneven and cause the belt to get out of line or

Figure 4. 4 Blocking tail pulley

This condition can cause mistracking, so it is prevented by

installing a cleaner that aims to avoid the material from sticking to the
surface of the pulley.

out of

Figure 4. 5 Worn out tail pulley


However, improper installation of a cleaner can create new

problems. When the pulley rubs against the cleaner plate continuously,
the pulley can wear. In the picture, it can be seen that the pulley has
uneven wear, and this is the cause of the conveyor belt experiencing

Tail pulley Material structure:

Material construction is very important to determine the
specifications of the material used. First, we must look for material
construction, so that we can identify the characteristics of the material.
The material construction of the tail pulley is St41 with a
diameter of 40cm. the table below is a specification of the material:

Table 4. 4 St41 Characteristic

Besi (Fe) 98,985%

Mangan (Mn) 0,6%

Karbon (C) 0,10%

Silikon (Si) 0,25%

Fosfor (P) 0,03%

Belerang (S) 0,035%

Material hardness is a factor that influences the wear rate of tail

pulley crowning bucket elevators. If the level of hardness of the
material gets smaller, the wear rate will be very fast, thus reducing the
lifetime of the equipment.
The wear rate on the tail pulley must occur due to friction in the
material cleaner. This is indicated by the thinning of the tail pulley by
5 mm. If the tail pulley wears out, it needs to be replaced to do the tail
pulley repair process, need pulley removal and fabrication that takes a
long time.

For this reason, design changes are needed and change the
cleaner material with ductile material.

Before After

Calculation Before Modification


310 RA cos α

F 260

W cos α W

𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑟 = 𝑉 × 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑙

= 72𝑐𝑚 × 25𝑐𝑚 × 0,6𝑐𝑚 × 7,85 ൗ𝑐𝑚3
= 9184,5 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚 = 9,1845 𝑘𝑔

𝑊 = 𝑚×𝑔

𝑊 = 9,1845 × 9,81
𝑊 = 90,099945 𝑁

𝐹 = 𝑅𝐴 cos ∝ × 𝜇𝑘
𝐹 = × W × cos ∝ × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ∝ × 𝜇𝑘
= × 90,099945 × cos 26 × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 31 × 0,57
2 𝐹 = 19,7831374 𝑁

Calculation After Modification


180 RA cos α


W cos α W

𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑐𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑟

= 𝑉 × 𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑑𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑔𝑟
= 72𝑐𝑚 × 17,286𝑐𝑚 × 0,6𝑐𝑚 × 7,85 ൗ 3
= 5862,02 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑚 = 5,86202 𝑘𝑔

𝑊 =𝑚×𝑔

𝑊 = 5,86202 × 9,81
= 57,5064162 N

𝐹 = 𝑅𝐴 cos ∝ × 𝜇𝑘
𝐹 = × W × cos ∝ × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 ∝ × 𝜇𝑘
𝐹 = × 57,5064162 × cos 39 × 𝑐𝑜𝑠 18
× 0,57
𝐹 = 12,10112284804671 𝑁

The results of these calculations prove that the new design has
fewer styles compared to the previous design. Basically, wear cannot
be removed, but can still be reduced.

2. Raw Mill Composition

The following is a table of quantity silica sand on the rawmill feed in
PT Solusi Bangun Indonesia:

Table 4. 5 Silica content 2018 – 2019

Limestone Clay Silica Iron Sand

76.68% 8.78% 13.85% 0.69% 08.08.2018
73% 20% 5% 2% Normal

In these data, the quantity of silica is increase about 13,83% from 5%.
This data is the bigger quantity of silica sand in 2018.

Date feed Silika% Silika

12.1.18 669.9583 7.029583 47.0952793
13.1.18 617.4583 6.34875 39.2008859
14.1.18 630.5833 6.274583 39.5664767
15.1.18 635.125 4.434583 28.1651474
16.1.18 632.4583 4.46 28.2076417
Avg 637.1167 5.7095 36.4470862

Date feed Silika% Silika

10.1.19 569.0833 9.415833 53.5839382
11.1.19 568.9583 8.771667 49.9071285
12.1.19 526.0417 8.4875 44.6477865
13.1.19 543.3333 8.893333 48.3204444
14.1.19 581 9.275833 53.8925917
Avg 557.6833 8.968833 50.0703778

The following is the comparison of the use of Silica Sand as feed

raw mill data in the early 2018 and 2019. Its use has increased from 36
t / h to 50 t/h.

3. Overload Material
We calculate the belt conveyor capacity with measurements
carried out directly in the field. So that data is obtained:

Figure 4. 6 Dimensioning of material load


Actual in Field

Known :
• Belt length loaded (S) : 20000 meter
• The time needed to pour material (t) = 18 s
• Mound material height = 140 mm
• Material mound width = 480 mm
𝜌𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑐𝑎 = 2,56 ൗ𝑐𝑚3 = 2,56 𝑡𝑜𝑛ൗ𝑚3
Calculation of cross-sectional area
𝐴= 𝑥 𝑎 𝑥 𝑡
𝐴= 𝑥 480 𝑥 140
𝐴 = 33600 𝑚𝑚2

Calculation of velocity

𝑆 =𝑣×𝑡
𝑣 = 1,154 𝑚Τ𝑠 = 4155,19 𝑚ൗℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠

Calculation of quantity

𝑄 =𝐴×𝑣 ×𝜌

𝑄 = 336000 × 10−6 × 4155,19 𝑚ൗ𝑗𝑎𝑚 × 2,56 𝑡𝑜𝑛ൗ

𝑄 = 357,412 𝑡𝑜𝑛ൗ

Based on these calculations, the quantity of the conveyor belt

reaches 357 ton/hour. thus the conveyor belt is overloaded because
the quantity specification is 130 ton/hour.

5.1 Conclusion
Based on data and the results of our analysis, the causes of X92-BC2
conveyor belts experiencing mistracking are influenced by several factors, namely:

1. Worn Out Tail Pulley

Wear on the tail pulley occurs faster because the pulley experiences
constant friction by the cleaner. Wear on the tail pulley causes the belt to
experience mistracking. This can be overcome by replacing the new tail pulley.
Angle changes on the cleaner are also needed to reduce wear rates on tail
2. Overload
Based on calculations, the conveyor belt X92-BC2 has an over capacity.
Required replacement of conveyor belts with greater capacity.

5.2 Recommendation:
1. Widening of conveyor belt, to overcome overload on conveyor belt X92-
2. Replacement of cleaner material using a ductile cleaner material and
reposition of cleaner with new design.


[1] System Informed Teknis http://hc-cc-tis-srv/km , Cilacap : TIS PT.

Solusi Bangun Indonesia Pabrik Cilacap Tbk
[2] PT. Holcim Indonesia Tbk. Specification Data Sheet. 1995
[3] H.Otto, A.Katterfeld Chair of Material HandlingSystems,Otto-von-
Guericke University of Madeburg,Universitätsplatz 2, 39104
Belts.pdf?origin=publication_detail [available at March10th 2019, 8 pm]


The value of the coefficient of friction between the two materials:

Friction Couple Conditions Static Coefficient Kinetic Coefficient
aluminum / aluminum oxidizing environment 1,9
aluminum / steel 0,61 0,47
automotive brake pad / cast iron humid environment 0.2 - 0.5
brick / brick 0,65
carbon composite / carbon composite inert environment 0.5 - 1.2
carbon composite / carbon composite humid environment 0.1 - 0.5
copper / copper inert environment 4
copper / copper oxidizing environment 1,6
copper / steel 0,53 0,36
cortical bone / cencellous bone saline lubrication 0,61
diamond / diamond clean 0,1
diamond / diamond lubricated 0.05 - 0.1
glass / glass clean 0,94 0,4
glass / glass lubricated 0.2 - 0.3
glass / metal clean 0.5 - 0.7
gold / gold inert environment 4
gold / gold humid environment 2,5
ice / ice 0.1 0 0,03
iron / iron oxidizing or humid environ 1,2
leather / metal 0,55
metal / metal lubricated 0,15 0,05
mica / mica clean, fresh cleave 1
mica / mica 0.2 - 0.4
nickel / nickel inert environment 5
nickel / nickel oxidizing environment 3
nickel / nickel humid environment 1,6
nylon / nylon clean 0,2
rubber / concrete varying 1.00 - 4.00 0,8
sapphire / saphire non-lubricated 0,2
sapphire / steel non-lubricated 0,15
Silver / Silver oxidizing or humid environ 1,5
steel / steel 0,74 0,57
synovial joints (humans) 0,01 0,003
teflon / teflon 0,04 0,04
tungsten carbide / graphite 0,62
wood / stone 0,4
wood / wood 0.25 - 0.5 0,2

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