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EE 121 Postlab 1:

Series and Parallel Semiconductor Devices

Luis Carlo A. Cacnio
IEEE dept
College of Engineering, University of the Philippines Diliman
Quezon City, Philippines

Abstract— This paper presents the results and analysis on

EE 121 Lab 1: Series and Parallel Semiconductor Devices. The
objectives of the experiments being to observe semiconductor
devices in series and parallel connections as well as To
determine temperature effects on the current sharing
characteristics of semiconductor devices. The experiment
consisting of circuit configurations using diodes in series and
parallel as well as BJTs and MOSFETs in parallel. The effect of
the temperature and how this effect varies with resistance is
further discussed.

Semiconductors are one of the most common electronic Fig. 1
devices that can be found in almost all modern devices
The diodes used in Fig. 1 are n4001 diodes. This
prominently, computers, cellphones all the way to power
electronics. Its function is mostly used to replicate switches. configuration will have a voltage source of was 20V.
This can be done because of the very material it is made with. For this part the resistors will first be measure to their
Depending on the voltage applied and how It is used it has actual value. After voltages will be read at R1 and R2. This
been a very useful tool and can conduct or block current as will be done for two resistance values, where R1=R2=1.5Ω
seen fit from the user. and R1=R2=1000Ω. After the voltages are measured, diode 1
was be heated with an iron solder and both R1 and R2 are
There are various forms of semiconductors. The diode again measured. This is done for both resistance values.
being the simplest one, requires a certain voltage level to allow
conduction. The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), consists of B. Series Diode
three nodes the base, the emitter, and the collector. Most The circuit consists of two diodes and resistors in series
diodes are used by applying a certain voltage to the base and as shown in Fig. 2
emitter and this allows conduction through the collector and
the emitter. The most common semiconductor is the metal–
oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET).
Which is also used the same way as a BJT albeit the gate,
source, and drain are its junctions.
Semiconductor material while is the very reason for the
functionality of semiconductors, one noticeable factor that
could affect its output is temperature. Increasing its
temperature can cause an increase in the current it allows to
pass through that might cause undesirable results.
Semiconductors and the foundation of the modern electronics
and the understanding of how this is used, their behaviors, and
how temperature is affects their functionality is an important
for learning about power electronics. Fig. 2
II. METHODOLOGY The diodes used in Fig. 1 are n4001 diodes. This
The experiment focuses on series and parallel connections configuration will have a voltage source of was 10V.
of semiconductor devices. There are four circuits used and The voltages in R4 and R5 are then measured at two
experimented in various methods. resistance levels where R4=R5=1MegΩ and R4=R5=10kΩ.
These resistances are also measure for their actual value.
A. Parallel Diodes
The circuit consists of two diodes and resistors in parallel
as shown in Fig. 1 C. Parallel BJT and Mosfet
The circuit consists of two transistors and resistors in
parallel as shown in Fig. 3. This set up will be used twice once
with parallel BJTs and the next with parallel MOSFETs.


B. What are the percentages of the currents drawn by the
diodes before heating up? (R1=R2=1.5Ω)
When R1=1.1Ω with a voltage of 1.4 mV its current is
1.2727mA. With R2=1.7 Ω with a voltage of 1.3mV it has a
current of 0.7647mA. The total current would equal to
1K 1K
V3 Q1 Q2 2.0374mA. The current percentages are:
R9 TIP31C R10 TIP31C
%𝐼𝐷1 = 62.47%
R7 R8 %𝐼𝐷2 = 37.53%

C. What is the effect on the current distribution after

heating the diodes? (R1=R2=1.5Ω)
When diode 1 is heated, R1=1.1Ω with a voltage of
Fig. 3 1.7mV its current is 1.5454mA. With R2=1.7 Ω with a
voltage of 1.2mV it has a current of 0.7059mA. The total
The BJTs used in this part of the experiment is TIP31C. current would equal to 2.2513mA. The current percentages
The resistors will again have the values of R7=R8=1.5Ω and are:
R7=R8=1000Ω. The voltages for these resistors are
%𝐼𝐷1 = 68.64%
measured, and again after heating the collector at Q1. This
%𝐼𝐷2 = 31.37%
will be done at both levels of resistance.
The when heating diode 1 the current distribution rises in
The same exact procedure will be repeated but replacing
favor of diode 1.
the BJTs with N-MOSFETS.

D. What is the effect on the current distribution after

III. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS heating the diodes? (R1=R2=1k)
A. Put all data on a table showing different devices, When R1=1002Ω with a voltage of 6.48V its current is
resistances, etc… 6.4671mA. With R2=1013Ω with a voltage of 6.48V it has a
Table 1. current of 6.3968mA. The total current would equal to
Measured data 12.8639mA. The current percentages are:
Circuit Desired Actual Voltage when %𝐼𝐷1 = 50.30%
Resistance Resistance Heated %𝐼𝐷2 = 49.7%
R1=1.5Ω R1=1.1 Ω 1.4mV 1.7mV When diode 1 is heated, R1=1002Ω with a voltage of
R2=1.5Ω R2=1.7Ω 1.3mV 1.2mV
6.5V its current is 6.4870mA. With R2=1013Ω with a voltage
of 6.473mV it has a current of 6.3899mA. The total current
R1=1000Ω R1=1002Ω 6.48V 6.5V would equal to 12.8770mA. The current percentages are:
R2=1000Ω R1=1013Ω 6.48V 6.473V %𝐼𝐷1 = 50.38%
%𝐼𝐷2 = 49.62%
R3=1000Ω R1=994Ω - - The bias once again rises in favor of the current in diode
R4=1MegΩ R4=1.304MegΩ 4.7V - 1.
R5=1MegΩ R5=1.243MegΩ 4.66V -
Diodes 1.4 E. Does the increase in the series resistances affect the
R4=10kΩ R4=9.91kΩ -
mV current distribution when the diodes heat up? Why or
2.1 why not?
R5=10kΩ R5=9.92kΩ -
Yes. although there is still an increase in current
R7=1.5Ω R7=0.3Ω 2.2mV 2.2mV
percentage in favor or diode 1, the increase is considerably
Parallel R8=1.5Ω R8=0.4Ω 1.9mV 2.2mV lower when the resistances are higher. Heat affects the diode
(TIP31) R7=1000Ω R7=1002Ω 5.74V 5.75V by increasing the carrier concentration, increasing the
current. Yet this only has a minimal effect on the diffusion
R8=1000Ω R8=1013Ω 5.74V 5.75V current. At higher resistances with higher currents, the change
R7=1.5Ω R7=1.1Ω 0.8mV 0.6mV is less noticeable compared to the same increase on a smaller
current found in smaller resistances
Parallel R8=1.5Ω R8=1.7Ω 0.8mV 0.9mV
Mosfet R7=1000Ω R7=1002Ω 3.34V 3.3V
F. In the series diode configuration, what is the initial
R8=1000Ω R8=1013Ω 3.34V 3.1V voltage distribution based on the readings? What
R6=1000Ω R6=1030Ω - -
accounts for the voltage discrepancy when summing the
Parallel voltages with R4 and R5 equal to 1meg?
BJT/ R9=1000Ω R1=1027Ω - -
The voltage distribution is Vd1=4.77V, while Vd2=4.6V.
R10=1000Ω R1=997Ω - - While the total voltage should equal to 10V, this did not
happen as even before the breakdown voltage of a diode,
there is a small amount of reverse current that still makes it
through the diode. This current comes from the source current K. Does the increase in the series resistances affect the
decreasing the current that should pass through the resistors, current distribution when the BJTs heat up? Why or why
lowering the voltages of the resistors from its ideal 5V each. not?
The difference from the two voltages come from the The increase in series resistances again affect the current
difference in their resistances. distribution. Although smaller effect compared to the diodes,
heating the transistor lowers the built-in voltage allowing
G. What is the voltage distribution after replacing the more current to pass through. Yet with the same base
parallel resistances with smaller values? resistances and voltage source, the amount of current that is
allowed to pass through and same heat source, how the
The voltage distribution is Vd1=1.4mV, while
current is affected is the same. An increase in current is less
noticeable with the higher resistance.
L. What is the effect on the current distribution in the
H. Which value of the parallel resistors is better for the
MOSFET setup when the temperature of one transistor
series diodes? Explain.
is increased with R7 and R8 equal to 1.5 ohm?
It can be seen the values with the lower resistances
When R7=1.1Ω with a voltage of 0.8V its current is
namely the 10kΩ is shown to be safer. This is because it has
0.7273A. With R2=1.7Ω with a voltage of 0.8V it has a
smaller voltage. This is further from the breakdown voltage.
current of 0.4706A. The total current would equal to
Yet for the circuit itself the 1Meg is better as it gives a more
1.1979A. The current percentages are:
ideal output nearer to 5V each replicating closer to if the
%𝐼𝐷1 = 60.72%
diode is an open circuit when reverse biased.
%𝐼𝐷2 = 39.28%
When the MOSFET Q1 is heated, R7=1.1Ω with a voltage
I. What is the effect on the current distribution in the BJT of 0.6V its current is 0.5455A. With R2=1.7Ω with a voltage
setup when the temperature of one transistor is of 0.9V it has a current of 0.5294A. The total current would
increased with R7 and R8 equal to 1.5 ohm? equal to 1.0749A. The current percentages are:
When R7=0.3Ω with a voltage of 2.2mV its current is %𝐼𝐷1 = 50.74%
7.3333mA. With R2=0.4Ω with a voltage of 1.9mV it has a %𝐼𝐷2 = 49.26%
current of 4.75A. The total current would equal to The current distribution became more even after heating.
12.0833mA. The current percentages are:
%𝐼𝐷1 = 60.69% M. What is the effect on the current distribution in the
%𝐼𝐷2 = 39.31% MOSFET setup when the temperature of one transistor
When the BJT Q1 is heated, R7=0.3Ω with a voltage of is increased with R7 and R8 equal to 1k?
2.2mV its current is 7.3333A. With R2=0.4Ω with a voltage
When R7=1002Ω with a voltage of 3.34V its current is
of 2.2mV it has a current of 5.5mA. The total current would
3.3333mA. With R2=1013Ω with a voltage of 3.34V it has a
equal to 12.8333A. The current percentages are:
current of 3.2971mA. The total current would equal to
%𝐼𝐷1 = 57.14%
6.6305mA. The current percentages are:
%𝐼𝐷2 = 42.86%
%𝐼𝐷1 = 50.27%
The current distribution became more even after heating.
%𝐼𝐷2 = 49.73%
When the MOSFET Q1 is heated, R7=1002Ω with a
J. What is the effect on the current distribution in the BJT voltage of 3.3V its current is 3.2934mA. With R2=1.7Ω with
setup when the temperature of one transistor is a voltage of 3.1V it has a current of 3.0602mA. The total
increased with R7 and R8 equal to 1k? current would equal to 6.3536A. The current percentages are:
When R7=1002Ω with a voltage of 5.74V its current is %𝐼𝐷1 = 51.83%
5.7385mA. With R2=1013Ω with a voltage of 5.74V it has a %𝐼𝐷2 = 48.17%
current of 5.6663mA. The total current would equal to The current distribution became more in favor of the first
11.4015mA. The current percentages are: current yet the difference is near small.
%𝐼𝐷1 = 50.33%
%𝐼𝐷2 = 49.67% N. Does the increase in the series resistances affect the
When the BJT Q1 is heated, R7=1002Ω with a voltage of current distribution when the MOSFETs heat up? Why
5.75V its current is 5.7385mA. With R2=1013Ω with a or why not?
voltage of 5.74V it has a current of 5.6762mA. The total
Yes, like all previous circuits, a change is only noticeable
current would equal to 11.4147mA. The current percentages
when the resistance is smaller due to the size of the currents
and the voltages. Higher temperatures can cause small bursts
%𝐼𝐷1 = 50.27%
of increases in current yet these are noticeable or affect
%𝐼𝐷2 = 49.73%
smaller resistances more. The reasons are close to the same
The current distribution again became more closer to
as the previous circuits.
equal when heated although at a less significant rate.
IV. CONCLUSIONS For the parallel BJT and MOSFET, they were less straight
Semiconductors, how they can be used, and the effect forward then the diodes. BJTs at lower resistances while were
temperature can have to them can be taken from the results of affected by temperature not as prevalent as compared to the
the data. In the first set-up of parallel diodes, it can be shown MOSFET at lower temperature. It can be seen when at higher
that when the diode is heated more current passes through. resistances they both show very small variation to current
Higher resistances are less likely to be affected temperature. percentage changes due to temperature.
When connected in series, although the diodes were reverse All semiconductors have to be shown to be affected by the
biased there was a voltage discrepancy from the ideal. This is temperature and that at higher resistances the effect of
due to non-idealities allowing a reverse current although small temperature is less prevalent, and that there will always be
to pass through showing that real life diodes aren’t necessarily non-idealities in semiconductor devices.
open circuits when reverse biased. The higher resistance also
showed and output closer to the ideal. REFERENCES

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