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Centro Escolar University

Senior High School


Verbal Bullying and Its Effects on the Academic Performance as Perceived by Selected

Grade 11 ABM Students in Centro Escolar University Makati Senior High School S.Y


Submitted by:

Camo, Kathleen Joyce

Fortuna, Alyson Marie

Lagon, Moncarla

Olaguer, Louis Martin

Velasco, Charles Daniel

ABM – 1C

Submitted to:

Ms. Abigail Aniban




This chapter contains the background of the study, statement of the problem, theoretical

and conceptual framework, significance of the study, scope and limitations, and definition of terms

regarding the given study the researchers have in hand.

I. Background of the Study

The researchers have known the unfavorable activities of young people, especially the

students who are saying profanity to offend people. Some harass and blackmail in words which

are called, “verbal bullying.” Those people who are involved in verbal bullying are called bullies

and it is their way of having self-confidence among others. When most people think of bullying,

they think of physical bullying. However, bullying goes beyond the physical and can include the

verbal. Verbal bullying can be just as harmful as physical bullying. With verbal bullying, its goal

is to degrade and demean the victim. All bullying focuses on creating a situation in which the

victim or the bullied is dominated by the aggressor or the bully. With this information in hand we

all know it can affect the behavior of a victim or the bullied, thus knowing this, the researchers

aim is to discover the effects of verbal bullying on a student’s academic performance.

According to the Michigan Association of School Administrators (2016), the effects of

bullying go far beyond the academic scope. Students who are repeatedly bullied may experience

physical symptoms like stomach pains, headaches, and trouble sleeping. The side effects of these

effects may give anxiety about going to school or participating in class which only leads student

to further loss of interest and results to low academic performance. Students who are bullied often

shows low self-confidence, frequently experiencing depression, suicidal thoughts and even violent

outbreaks. Given the study of the effects of bullying on the academic performance, the researchers

want to focus more on verbal bullying and its effects on academic performance and disregard the

physical entity of bullying effects, furthermore, the researchers want to know more about the given

research and deepen their minds about it.

The importance of the research study is to perceived the readers and to raise awareness

according to the given topic, verbal bullying and to prevent the effects of it to the academic

performance of the students and to be able for this study to be successful the researchers plan to

give survey questionnaires and able to analyze the result regarding the given topic to Grade 11

ABM students in Centro Escolar University Makati Senior High School S.Y 2017-2018 who are

the chosen respondents.

II. Statement of the Problem

This research aims to discover the effect of verbal bullying to the academic performance

as perceived by Grade 11 ABM students. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors of verbal bullying?

2. In what way do the students cope with verbal bullying situation?

3. How does verbal bullying affect the students’ academic performance?

III. Theoretical Framework

Social Cognitive Theory

Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory states that each people have intrinsic and extrinsic

factors that affect the way they behave towards other people. Everyone in this community has

unique form of behavior that was derived from the factors stated above; these factors have a very

important role in this world, because by that, people are now able to create their own bearing in

their surroundings (Bandura, 2000).

According to Bandura (2000), Intrinsic factors are the factors human beings have ever since

they were born, it comes naturally in them. Wherein, it is the way on how they internalize and

process the things they encounter in their environment. In short, it is the cycle of cognitive,

acquiring knowledge and understanding its content based on his/her experienced.

That experienced was made up of the people he/she interacts. Socialization happen in that

certain situations comes from the word “Social”, interconnection between two or more people

occur. Therefore, it is the extrinsic factor due to the involvement of the community wherein a

person belongs. Events happened in that community has vital implications in someone’s personal

mindset. It determines the things that a person would process in his/her cognitive skill.

This theory simply dictates that the combination of intrinsic (Cognitive) and extrinsic

(Social) factors influence one another bidirectional (Bandura, 2000). In a way which a person’s

behavior doesn’t only depends on his/her reaction but because of a person’s analysis towards

his/her environment that guides him/her to cope up and adapt.

IV. Conceptual Framework

Verbal bullying is really relevant nowadays, especially on students who suffer the most

due to the bullies that tend to abuse their weakness. It is a chain like reaction that goes on and on

as they continue to live and experience more things in life. That is why The Researchers choose to

base the study on the Social Cognitive Theory of Bandura, which points out the interconnection

between the intrinsic and extrinsic factors toward its contribution in human behavior and how it

will affect the academic performance of a student.

Bullying happens due to the behavior of the people involved, in which the victims show

the weak and powerless side of them, making them incapable to stop the bullying, while on the

other hand, the bullies see themselves as superior against other people, that is why they took that

opportunity to hurt and discriminate others through harsh words or terms.

As what the researchers could notice, there is a pattern the researchers could see, if the

researchers connect the theory about Social Cognitive and bullying, the starting point of every

bullying derives from how people analyze and absorb the happenings in their surroundings (Social

Cognitive Theory), that affects the outcome of their behaviors on other people, it is just about the

way people think and adapt. In which, a person performs his/her response on how they interpret

and analyze one’s action on them, influencing his/her own system (Bandura, 2006).

Thus, with the theory the researchers have found, the researchers could now identify where

do bullying starts, that would be a great guide to have an idea/ information regarding the process

on how do sudden verbal bullying happens and on how do the respondents been affected by this

kind of factors around them.



The perception of ~Questionnaire Perceived effects

Grade 11 ABM gaining of verbal bullying
students of CEIS – information about on the academic
Makati regarding of verbal bullying performance of
verbal bullying and ~Analysis, the students
its effects on interpretation of
academic data and
performance of the conclusion

Figure 1.0 Research Paradigm: shows the process in which the researchers will try to identify and

answer the problem that exist regarding verbal bullying

V. Significance of the Study

The research study will be beneficial and will give out impact to the following people:

Teachers. As the teachers are the one to observe the behavior of the students in the school, they

play a significant role, this research will help them to be aware of verbal bullying and also, guide

the students whether they are being verbally bullied or not.

Students. This research will allow the students to have the knowledge on what effects verbal

bullying would bring and how it would affect the victim’s academic performance.
Parents. The parents will able to understand how their children are affected by verbal bullying

and as a parent they will know how to handle their children with care.

Researchers. The research conducted will make the researchers aware and gain knowledge on

what are the effects of verbal bullying so that they would have a background on how it feels being

verbally bullied and on how it will effect on the academic performance of a student.

VI. Scope and Limitation of the Study

The researchers would conduct surveys and use the library and the internet for their study.

Grade 11 ABM students of the academic year 2017-2018 would be answering the surveys because

of their experience on the topic. The survey would be conducted when the Grade 11 ABM students

have the free time to do so, so that it would not disturb any classes.

The student’s name, age, and other data that tackles their personal information whom we

asked for a survey would not be included in the data results. Only the data that tackles about the

effects of verbal bullying to the academic performance of students would be included in the data

results. With extent of this research, only in the events that the students do in school would not be

included. For example, when there would be an activity or any time regarded events in the school

that would affect in the results. This research started at December in the year of 2017 and would

end in March at the year 2018.

VII. Definition of Term

Academic performance an extent to which a student, teacher or

institution has achieved their short or long
term educational goals

Banter an argument that isn’t specified as bullying

and is more likely to be a joke for someone’s

Behavior the way in which one acts or conducts oneself,

especially toward others

Bully (n) a person who makes people uncomfortable

and makes a person’s life miserable by saying
harsh words and hurting them in different

Peer pressure (n) an influence that is done by making people

do things, good or bad

Profanities (n) words that are intended to hurt someone’s


Verbal bullying a type of bullying that is done through

throwing insults, mean words or profanities at


This chapter includes articles, cites, literatures and studies that can add up to the body of

knowledge on the study of the effects of verbal bullying to the academic performance of the

student, In addition the Review of Related Literature serves as a guide and reference of the

researcher to the given study that they are conducting with the use of previous studies and

literatures that are inter-related with the present research.

Bullying comes in different mediums representing its misuses. Many people sees it in

several perspective according on how they interpret things like in verbal factors. Based on Grose

(2017), bullying is about lack of power as one person is powerless to stop the teasing or physical

abuse. He also claimed that when this situation occur, the elders should listen to the victims’ of

bullying story, get the facts, give them coping skills, get the school involved, help builds the

victim’s support networks, and build their self-confidence. (Grose, 2017) He strengthened his

statement by building a connection between the past (Parents) and present (Children) situations

regarding bullying. That this action is an insidious behavior that transgresses children’s natural

right to feel safe and secure. As a result, it can adversely affect their learning, emotional well-

being, further peer relations and their sense of self. Also, it involves physical and emotional abuse,

intimidation, harassment and exclusion (Grose, 2017). In addition, bullying should not be confused

with teasing, rejection, etc. because it is all about the incapability of a person to fight for themselves

against the bullies (Grose, 2017). According to Glew et al. (2005) that reported that bullying

prevents concentration and following academic performance since bullying victims lose interest

in learning and experience a drop in academic grades because their attention is distracted from
learning. According to NoBullying, (2016) some victims of verbal bullying might shows

symptoms such as the feeling of being anxious, angry, fearful and physical illness. They added

that the bullied tends to isolate him/her to avoid getting hurt and avoid further pain. However, this

can be counteracted if the people surrounding the victim show support and affection. The victim

can feel motivated and feel inspired that would boost his/her confidence in doing things that he/she

have interest in (No Bullying, 2016). In 2009, Chaux et al. argued that ten to fifteen percent of

adolescents worldwide are bullied two or more times a month. And that Teicher et al. (2010) states

that adults who has no history of physical abuses or violence when they were children but has

experienced verbal abuse, are prone to drug and substance abuse, mental diseases, have more

feelings of anger and depression, and had underdeveloped brains than other groups of people in

the study. Those who were verbally abused during middle school had the most damage because

this is a sensitive time where brain connections are developing. Based on The South African

Medical Research Council et al. (2016), bullying needs to be resolved for school intervention for

them to look after teenagers who experienced verbal bullying. And also to raise student’s

awareness, developing their skills, and in planning on reducing bullying behavior. As per the South

African Medical Research Council states this topic to give some importance about verbal bullying.

They include the gathered information of a 10th Grade student. It was a study findings indicated

that a school based intervention can positively impact on verbal bullying experiences and behavior

(The South African Medical Research Council et al., 2016).

In conclusion, all of the studies and literatures stated above have oneness of idea which is

that verbal bullying effects the behavior of a student that can also affect his/her academic

performance, aided by peer pressure or surrounding people in a school environment or setting.

With all of this information in hand it can be used as a reference for the present research.



This chapter contains the research design, data and data collection, instrumentation,

population and sampling method or technique, and procedure that the researchers are to follow.

I. Research Design

This research is a qualitative research which aim is to know the beliefs, opinions and

perceived effects of verbal bullying to the academic performance of a student.

The research strategy that will be use is Phenomenology because the research is based on

experiences of the research respondents that will help the researchers know the perceived effects

of verbal bullying to the academic performance of a student.

II. Data and Data Collection

This study falls within qualitative method of generating data as the researchers are aiming

to know the characteristics and qualities of the concern of the study, wherein the researchers will

use two data collection methods. Books, periodicals, journals and the internet will be used to

collect secondary data while the survey forms that will be used and distributed will serve as the

research instrument in collecting the primary data.

One of the research instruments the will be used is survey forms containing set of questions Commented [1]: future

related to the theme of the study. This will provide the researchers necessary information about

verbal bullying. The questions included in the survey form can answer what are the possible
reasons why the respondent is being bullied in his/her perspective, how do they react towards the

act of bullying, and how it affects the respondents’ academic performance. While the other

research instruments that includes the use of books, periodicals, journals, and the internet will

provide the researchers the background regarding to the subject matter of the study.

III. Instrumentation

The researchers will be using questionnaire as their instrumentation tool, under

questionnaire is combination by yes or no for the simple question and be subjected to subjective

for the respondents will be given the opportunity to give explanation and opinion, moreover, the

researchers will give recognition and coding questions regarding multiple choices that will help

the researchers gain knowledge about the given study in hand.

IV. Population and Sampling Method Commented [2]: sample

how many
who are your respondents
This research will be conducted in Centro Escolar University Makati Senior High School.

The study will focused on 10% of the population Grade 11 ABM students for their sampling,

the researchers will convenience sampling for the reason it will be less time consuming and

easier to do in hand, convenience sampling technique is wherein respondents accessible.

V. Procedure

The researchers will be preparing out questionnaires that will answer the researchers given

topic. The researchers will be handing out questionnaires to their respondents for it will be their

basis for the data and information they will be collecting. The questionnaires will be handed out
during the respondents’ vacant time to cause no distractions during any class. After collecting and

organizing of data, the researcher will analyze and interpret the data gathered.

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