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Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

In this section of the test, you will have the chance to show how well you understand
spoken English. There are four parts to this section with special directions for each

Part I. Pictures
Questions: 1 to 3

For each item, there is a picture in your text book and four short statements about it
on the tape. They are spoken TWICE, and are not written out in your text book, so
you must listen to them carefully. You must choose one statement, (A), (B), (C), or
(D) - that best describes the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, mark your choice

Look at the following picture

Now, listen to the following statements

A. The man is wearing a tie
B. The man is wearing a T-shirt
C. The woman is wearing glasses
D. The woman is wearing a jacket

Choice (D), the woman is wearing a jacket - best describes what is seen in the
picture. Therefore, you should mark (D) on your answer sheet.

Let's begin with the question number 1


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Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019



PART II, Question - Responses

In this part of the test, you will hear several questions spoken in English,
followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The questions and
responses will be spoken TWICE. They will not be printed in your text book, so
you must listen to them carefully to understand what the speakers say. You have
to choose the best response to each question.

Now listen to a sample question,

You will hear,
Woman: Could you tell me how to get the convention center?
You will also hear,
(A) No, The convention was already over
(B) Sure. Go two blocks and turn left
(C) Yes. I have to get it now

Choice (B) - "Sure. Go two blocks and turn left" - is the best response to
question. “Could you tell me how to get to the convention center?
Therefore, you should mark (B) on your answer sheet.

Now let's begin with question number 4.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III. Short Conversation

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Questions number 8 to 11

In this section of the test you will hear short conversations. You will hear the
conversations TWICE. The conversations will not be printed in your text book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.
In your text book, you will read a question about each conversation. The
question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose the best answer to
each question, and mark it on your answer sheet.

You will hear,
Woman: I ordered that last Tuesday. It should have arrived by now.
Man: Maybe there was a delay in sending it. Have you called them?
Woman: Not yet. I will call them now.

You will read: What will the woman probably do?

A. phone the company
B. order the software
C. cancel the order
D. arrive at the store

Choice (A) - "Phone the company" - is the best answer to the question, “What
will the woman probably do?" Therefore, you should mark (A) on your answer

8. Who is the secretary of the director?

A. Brian Adam
B. John
C. Diana
D. Roseanne
9. What will the man have the mechanic do?
A. Examine the brake
B. Take a break
C. Make noise
D. Slow down the car
10. What is the man doing?
A. Looking for his friend
B. Joining a tour
C. Building hotel
D. Searching for good hotel
11. When are the speakers going?
A. Seven o’ clock
B. Six o’ clock
C. Five o’ clock
D. Four o’ clock

Part IV. Short Monolog

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Questions number 12 to 15
In this part of the test, you will hear short monologue. Each will spoken TWICE.
They will not be printed in your text book, so you must listen to them carefully to
understand and remember what is said.
In your text book, you will read two or more questions about each short
monologue. Each question will be followed by four answers. You have to choose
the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.

12. What device is talked about?

A. A printer
B. A laptop
C. A router
D. A VCD player
13. What do we avoid when plugging the printer in?
A. turn on the computer
B. open the front door
C. unpack the cartridge
D. remove the protective cap
14. Where this announcement would be heard?
A. harbor
B. airport
C. bus stop
D. station
15. Who will get on first?
A. Passengers for Jakarta
B. Passengers for Denpasar
C. Passengers with children
D. Passengers with luggage

This is the end of the listening section

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Questions 16 to 18 refer to the following text.

Nusa Lembongan is one of three sets of islands located in the southeast of

Bali: Nusa Penida, Nusa Lembongan, and Nusa Ceningan. From those
three islands, Nusa Lembongan is the best one.

With Nusa Lembongan’s condition which is still beautiful and natural, this
island is ready to pamper you. If you like water sports, especially diving or
snorkelling, it is recommended for you to decide Nusa Lembongan as the
next destination. There are several locations with underwater natural
beauty which are not doubtful. Coral reefs and colourful fish around the
island of Nusa Lembongan are reveting. There are also some equipment
for snorkelling and diving to rent.

Most residents of Nusa Lembongan are seaweed farmers, so it not

surprising that if you get in Nusa Lembongan, you will see seaweed being
spread out in the sun, becuase there also some villages where seaweed
cultivation becomes the main commodity. Not infrequently travellers rent a
motorbike or bicycle to go around the island. Come and prove the
naturalness of this island.

16. What is the social function of the text?

A. To entertain the reader
B. To describe about Nusa Lembongan
C. To guide the readers about the way to get Nusa Lembongan
D. To report about the facts in Nusa Lembongan

17. How is the condition of Nusa Lembongan described in the text?

A. It is still beautiful and natural
B. It is crowded
C. It is a busy island
D. It is very dry and hot every afternoon

18. ....., so it not surprising that if you get in Nusa Lembongan, you will see
seaweed being spread out in the sun, .. (Paragraph 3, line 2). The similar
meaning of the underlined word is...
A. disseminate
B. send to
C. put up
D. hand over

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Questions 19 to 20 refer to the following text.

David Suzuki is internationally known as an environmental activist and

scientist. Although he is known for his radio broadcasts in Canada, he
has become an international celebrity through the television show
“Nature of Things” Suzuki also co-founded the David Suzuki Foundation
for the promotion of living in balance with the natural world.

David Suzuki was born on March 24, 1936 in Vancouver, Canada from
the spouse Carr Kaoru Suzuki and Setsu Nakamura. Suzuki and his twin
sister Marcia was grandchildren of Javanese immigrants who came to
Canada in the early part of the 20th century. Because of ancestry,
Suzuki, along with his family, was sent to an intemment camp in British
Columbia during the Second World War.

When Suzuki and his family left the camps, they were forced by the
government to move east of the Rockiest. They Chose Islington,
Leamington, and London as their homes. It was during this time that
Suzuki first became aware of his interest in nature.
Once the family settled in Leamington, Suzuki attended Mill Street
Elementary School, followed by London Central Secondary School in
London with his family’s last move.

After finishing preliminary education. Suzuki left Canada to study at

Amherst College in Massachusetts where he earned his BA followed by
his Ph.D. in Zoology from University of Chicago. He graduated in 1961
and began his career by studying genetics. In 1963, He returned to
Canada to teach in Zoology Department at the University of British
Columbia. He worked as a professor for almost forty years.

19. Suzuki was interested in nature when .....

A. his family moved to the east of Rockiest
B. he left University of Chicago
C. he worked as a professor
D. he settled in Canada

20. When Suzuki and his family left the camps, they were forced by the
government ..... (Paragraph 3, line 1). The underlined word, refers to ....
A. Suzuki and partners
B. Suzuki’s family
C. David Suzuki Foundation
D. Suzuki and his family

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Questions 21 to 22 refer to the following text.

How to Run Microsoft Word Program

- Computer
- Microsoft Office Program


First, click icon ‘Start’ on the botton left corner of the computer window.
Second, when the menu appears, choose ‘Program’ and then click Microsoft
Third, select Microsoft Office Word.
Forth, you can directly operate the Microsoft Word Program, type or do
something you want with your document; If you have finished you work or
document, and then you want to save it, you can click save button on toolbar
(the icon that looks like a disk), or you can use the shortcut by pressing CTRL
button and letter ‘S’ at once on your keyboard. Choose the directory where you
want to save your data, name your document and click ‘Save’.
Then, if you want to close the document, you can click the ‘x’ icon on the top
right corner of the Microsoft Word display. But don’t forget to save the progress
of your work first. If you haven’t saved it, a dialogue box will appear and ask
whether you want to save the progress or not.
The last, if you want to open the document again, you can go to the directory of
folders where you save it or you can open the Microsoft Word Program, and then
click ‘open’ button on the toolbar

21. Which one is not true about the text?

A. If we want to open the document again, you can open the Microsoft Word
Program, and then click ‘open’ button on the toolbar
B. We should choose ‘Program’ and then click Microsoft Office after typing or
doing something we want with our document.
C. After selecting Microsoft Office Word, we can directly operate the Microsoft
Word Program, type or do something you want with your document
D. If we want to close the document, you can click the ‘x’ icon on the top
right corner of the Microsoft Word display

22. “...If you have finished you work or document, and then you want to save it,
you can click save button on toolbar ...” The synonim of the underlined word
A. done
B. tried
C. opened
D. operated

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Questions 23 to 25 refer to the following text.

Bee are useful insects. There are 20.000 kinds of bees, but only honeey bees
make honey. Honey bees live in group called colonies. Each colony has one
female queen bee, ten thousands of worker bees, and few hundred males, or
drones. Honey bees live in hives. Inside their hive, the bees make honey
comb of wax. The honey comb is a kind of bee apartment biilding, full of six-
sided rooms in which the bees raise young and store food. The queen bee
lays thousands of eggs then the larva will hatch from the eggs. Each larva
becomes a pupa, which looks partly like larvae and partly like an adult bee.
The pupa then becomes an adult bee. Worker bees feed the young, clean
and guard the hive, and fly to and from flowers. They collect tiny grins of
pollen and a sweet liquid called nectar for food. The pollen is food young
bees. Worker bees use the nectar to make honey. Without bees bringing
pollen from flower to flower, many plants could not make seed. Queen bees
and worker bees have stings. Workers use their stings to defend themselves
and their hive. A queen uses the sting to kill other queen. Most other kinds
of bees live alone instead of in colony. These bees make tunnels in wood or
in the ground. The queen makes her own nest. People admire bees for their
busy ways. People called beekeepers keep bees for honey and for the
beeswax the bees use to buid their honey combs.

What is the purpose of the text?
A. To report about the bees
B. To describe about the bee’s shape
C. To guide the readers how to catch honey
D. To entertain the readers about giving information of the bees
Which one is not true about the text?
A. Honey bees live in hives
B. Worker bees use the nectar to make honey
C. Queen bees and worker bees have stings
D. The bees make honey of wax directly
“.....They collect tiny grins of pollen and a sweet liquid called nectar for
food.......” the closest meaning of the underlined is ...
A. honey
B. wax
C. pupa
D. larva

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Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

Questions 26 to 28 refer to the following text.

Final examination soon will be held

Final examination test has been counted down in two month, this test will
determine all of Indonesian student are worthy or not to pass the school.
Based from experience of the last year ago, there are so many student
worried about difficulty of the test. They crying over time before and after
the test held.
In the elementary school, number of students that failed reaches hundreds
in all of the school around Indonesia, at least about 698 children do not
pass this test, this figure dropped dramatically from the previous year
which reached 874 children. Meanwhile, the number of students who did
not pass even worse that touched the figure of 749 years ago, this is due
to a mismatch to shine exam with questions tested.
Generally the problem is due to the fear of students in that will be tested
on the exam. But this can be overcome if the student is able to prepare
itself in terms of both learning materials and mentally.

What is the background events of the text?
A. The background events is this test will determine all of Indonesian student
are worthy or not to pass the school
B. The background events is educational background in Indonesia past two
C. The background events is number of students that failed reaches hundreds
in all of the school around Indonesia
D. The background events is the problem is due to the fear of students in
that will be tested on the exam
What is the newsworthy events of the text?
A. The cause of failed in final examination
B. The cause of increasing fund of final examination
C. The cause of succesful in final examination
D. The cause of regulation in final examination
“........ But this can be overcome if the student is able to prepare itself.......”
The closest meaning of the underlined word is ....
A. get more
B. take care
C. get better
D. cut off

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Kania : What do you think about the newest cosmetic store on the corner of
this street?
Asyila : _________ it has some friendly shoopkeepers and the products’
prices are acceptable
A. I think that’s a good way to go there
B. I suggest you to use some new products from our store
C. I think it is a very great store
D. I don’t think you will like my products

Mr. Rudi : You have got to learn to relax.
Shanti : I'd like to take your advice, but I have to work. I have a lot of
Mr. Rudi : I'm sure you do. We all do, but if you keep up with this crazy
pace, you may never work again. You're running your health. You
need to find a way to ease up a little.
Shanti : Well, maybe I could take on an assistant to help me out some with

Who is possibly giving advice?

A. A teacher
B. A physician
C. A manager
D. A lecturer
Alan : Can you come to the seminar tommorow morning?
Neta : Yes, of course. But, _____ I have an appointment with my doctor at
7 a.m.
A. I probably come late
B. I must arrive on time
C. I can’t be there
D. I may not go
Freddy : How about trying a new French cuisine for lunch?
Diana : ____________ In addition, there is a traditional music
performer today.
A. You may be right.
B. It can be right.
C. He won’t like it
D. That’s a good idea.
Ditto : Cita, congratulations for being the first winner of the school story
telling competition! _____________
Cita : Thanks, Ditto.
Ditto : I heard that you will be the representative of our school in the story
telling competition of our regency. Is it true?
Cita : Yes, you’re right.
Ditto : I hope you will win as well in the next competition.
Cita : I hope so. But I’m nervous.

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Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

Ditto : Don’t worry, you’re a very good story teller. Good luck.
Cita : Thanks. I’ll do my best. Wish me luck.
A. Excellent. You really did it well.
B. It really do your best.
C. It is the best for you
D. That’s a good idea.
Receptionist : Good afternoon, Nirwana Cafe and Resto. Can I help you?
Liez : ______ by the pool. Is it available?
Receptionist : Very good, sir. When will it be?
A. I’d like to reserve a table
B. I need to book a room
C. I’d like to order fresh fish
D. I’d like to reserve the room.
Dara : What are we going to do in this hot weather?
Dera : ________, I will go swimming
A. If it were hot
B. If it was hot
C. If it is hot
D. If it are hot
Lumongga : I’m thinking about quitting my studies?
Flora : Are you serious? What’s going on?
Lmongga : I need to help my family’s financial problem ________.
A. I don’t want to work for a bigger company.
B. I’m thinking about getting myself a job.
C. I’m thinking about becoming a good student
D. I’m bored with my bad scores.
Febby : I’ve got a problem, Ryan. I borrowed John’s MP3 player and I lost it.
Ryan : Well, _______. I would buy him a new one. We have to responsible.
A. If you had lost it
B. If I were you
C. If I find it
D. If I have enough money
Mr. Black : Why are you getting rush to leave, Bill?
Billy : Oh, if I miss the 8 o’clock train, ________
Mr. Black : Oh, I see
A. I wouldn’t get the ticket
B. I will be late for work
C. I am going to take the bus
D. I wouldn’t get there on time
Riza : The items for the fair are piled up in the corner of the room. They
must be ready tomorrow.
Ryan : Do you know which paintings will be exhibited?
Riza : We don’t know yet, ___________
A. They are still being selected

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Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

B. We were selected
C. The exhibition will star tomorrow
D. The painting was piled up yesterday
Bowo : How does the government solve the problem of the city traffic?
Joko : The new city highway wil be _____. And it will take two years to
complete the construction
A. being built
B. bulding
C. built
D. build
Kania : What did you use to do when you were in your previous house?
Mora : _________________.
A. I use to go to a river with my father.
B. I used to play in the backyard with friends.
C. I get used to looking for something to eat
D. I’m used to going somewhere.

In questions 36 - 40, are close test. Read the text and choose the word that best
completes each sentence.

Questions 42 to 44, complete the following text with the words provided

22 H Venture St.,
Diliman, Quezon City

April 17, 2015

Mr. Vincent Chua
Hiring Manager
Bank of the Philippines Islands (BPI)
12/F Ayala Life-FGU Center, Ayala Ave.
Makati City 1226

Dear Mr. Chua,

I am writing to express my interest for the position of Recruitment
Assistant in your esteemed company.
Having recently obtained my Bachelor’s Degree in Business
Administration major in Human Resource Development Management
(BSBA-HRDM) in the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP), I
wish to bring my knowledge, skills and commitment to excellence to
your company’s (42) ___________ environment.
As a Business Administration student, majoring in HR management,
I’ve become equipped with the necessary knowledge that come with
the position including manpower recruitment, workforce organization,
personnel training and compensation as well as legal provisions and
other labor concerns.
My internship at San Miguel Corporation also afforded me with the

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Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

crucial skills to work with some of the best professionals in the

recruitment and human resources industry. Being a trainee has
developed in me enthusiasm and a true passion for human resources
and has subsequently convinced me that human resource
management is (43) _________ true calling.
For additional details regarding my qualification and expertise, please
review my attached resume.
Thank you for taking the time (44) ___________ consider this
application and I look forward to hearing from you.



Jessica Cenadoza

A. good
B. excellent
C. innovative
D. interested
A. her
B. their
C. your
D. my
A. to
B. in
C. on
D. at

Questions 45 to 47, complete the following text with the words provided

In-Trip Announcement
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on Argo Muria train that will take us to
Semarang Tawang for the last destination station. This train will (45)
________ for 6 hours. For any service or information you can contact
our crew in our trip today. For your safety we remind you to keep all
your belongings and please do not smoke (46) ______ the train, in the
toilet or in the borders. Within few minutes our crew will check your
ticket, please remain seated until the ticket checking is finished. Have
(47) _______ nice trip, thank you.


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Ujian Sekolah Berstandar Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2018/2019

A. come
B. travel
C. take
D. load
A. on
B. in
C. at
D. to
A. the
B. of
C. an
D. a

Questions 48 to 50, complete the following text with the words provided.

Cold war between Russia and America

Russia and America are two countries called superpower since World War II
before they managed to defeat the enemy forces. (48) ____________
having the same status, but the two countries can never coexist well. This
is due to the Cold War between the two sides.

The cold war is going (49) ___________ for a century has affected several
sectors of the economy of both nations and their military sectors. Basically,
if the second superpower is able to work together, they will be able to
create new and better world. But this seems to be very difficult to do
because the two sides are (50) _____________to one another.

A. Nevertheles
B. Despite
C. However
D. But
A. in
B. on
C. to
D. at
A. be sealed
B. seal
C. being sealed
D. sealed

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