Battle of Tabouk

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The campaign began in Rajab 630 AD and lasted 50 days, Nabi Muhammad (SAW) stayed 20 days in
Tabook. During the campaign about 1400 km journey was covered.

Background of the Battle

The battle of Mutah was fought in 629 AD between the Byzantine and its Arab allies the Ghassanids
against the Muslims. In this many close companions of the prophet like Zaid bin Haris, Zafar bin Abu
Talib and Abdullah bin Rawaha were killed one after the other while raising the Islamic Banner. This was
the first military friction between the mighty Byzantine empire and the nascent Islamic state, which
caused heavy casualties on both sides and led to retreat of muslims from Mutah. The muslims came to
learn from Nabatean who were inhabitant of Jordan that the Byzantines were preparing a huge attack
against the muslims with a frontline troop of 40 000 in Balka , Jordan with the emperor Heraclius himself
camping in Homs , Syria, overseeing war preparations. The Romans were helped by pagan Arab tribes
like Lukham, Judham, Ghassan and Amila.

Preparation of Battle
In backdrop of the aforementioned developments, Nabi Muhammad (SAW) decided to neutralize the
threat emanating from the North of Arabia by himself raising a huge army and countering them on the
outskirts of Arabia before they attack Madinah. In order to do it He (SAW) needed huge manpower and
resources. This required months of preparation , so breaking the usual protocol of keeping the campaign
a secret Nabi Muhammad (SAW) divulged the plan in order to buy enough time ,to raise a huge army of
10 000 soldiers on horses and 20 000 soldiers on foot and camel . It was a tough task as the Muslims in
those days were very poor and also the Munafiqeen wanted to excuse themselves, as they felt it was
futile to take on the Romans considering the bitter experience of Battle of Mutah a year back. However
some rich muslims like Usman bin Affan went above means to equip 10 000 horses, Abdur Rahman bin
Awf gave 200 silver ounces, Abu Bakr gave up everything he owned , when asked why he gave all his
assets , Abu Bakr said “ I left for my family Allah and his prophet”, Asim bin Adi donated 90 camels.

The Muslim army disembarked in Rajab, 9th Hijri (630 AD). Muhammad bin Maslamah was appointed
Amir of Madinah while Ali (RA) was appointed head of his household in the absence of Nabi Muhammad

JAISH AL USRAH-Army of Hardship

The army assembled was the biggest muslim army at that time and monumental task was employed in
bringing muslim allied tribes from different parts of Arabia as the there was intense heat in that season
of the year, the distance was also much (700Km) and muslims were dissuaded by the Munafiqeen in
joining the army considering the intense heat of Rajab in the desert.

Considering the heat, Allah made the following revelation in Quran 9:81

“The fire of hell is stronger than the Heat”

Role of Abdullah bin Ubay

He camped on the outskirt of Madinah in a different tent with his followers while Nabi Muhammad
(SAW) set up the tent at Thaniyat el Wadaa. When the time to depart approached, he excused himself
saying he has fallen ill and returned to Madinah with his followers.

Two months after the return of Muslim army from Tabouk, he would die.

Prior to setting for Tabouk Prophet appointed Muhammad bin Maslamah Al Ansari (RA) as Amir of
Madinah in his absence and Ali as protector of his family.

Madain Saleh
In north Arabia the Muslim army passed by the ruins of Samud in a village called Al Hijr, which has been
renamed as Madain Saleh. Here Nabi Muhammad ordered his people to march faster and not to eat,
drink or make ablution from the well while he himself covered his head and strode his camel faster.

On Reaching Tabouk
The muslims stayed here for 20 days and established alliances with friendly tribes in the area.

Some of the munafiqeen tried to kill the prophet by wearing mask and letting loose their camels on him
however he was forewarned by Allah . When the camels came galloping their head was struck by
Ammar bin Yasir and Huzaifah ibnul Yaman

Abu Zar Al Ghifari lags Behind

Abu Zar Al Ghifari lagged behind with his camel because his camel could not support him and his load
together, hence he decided to walk on foot along with his camel. Before reaching Tabouk Nabi
Muhammad (SAW) saw him from a distance and said
"I hope he is Abu Dhar al-Ghifari." As he(SAW) was told by God he is Abu Dhar. Then Prophet (s) said: "May God
bless Abu Dhar; he walks alone, he dies alone and he will be resurrected alone." And it happened, as he was exiled
to Rabadha he died there in loneliness.

On The Return Journey

Qaswa gets lost and is relocated

Zaid bin Al Luseet a munafiq passed sarcastic comment on Nabi Muhammad (SAW) saying that
Muhammad (SAW) has knowledge of the unseen but doesn`t know the where about of his own camel.
On hearing this Nabi Muhammad (SAW) said that he only knows what Allah has taught him and Allah
has informed that she is entrapped in the valley by her tether with a tree trunk. The people went and
found her exactly at that place.

Cloud of Rain Burst Above the Muslims

In the morning people were complaining for scarcity of water Nabi Muhammad (SAW) made Dua to
Allah. Allah responded by sending cloud that burst with showers of water until everyone had sufficient
of it.

Formation of Spring of Tabouk

Once the Muslim party was passing through an arid land, Nabi Muhammad (SAW) told the Muslims that
next day they will cross through Tabouk spring but warned them not to touch it. But two men who
arrived earlier touched it as a result water flow waned. Nabi Muhammad (SAW) washed his hands and
face and poured the water back into it making Dua. The spring gushed heavily with more water.

CHAPTER OBJECTIVE-We have learnt in details the background of the conflict between Muslims and
Romans. We also learnt the preparation of Tabouk expedition and the challenges faced by the Muslims.


Ghazwa-Expedition personally undertaken by Nabi Muhammad (SAW)

Sariya-Expedition ordered by Nabi Muhammad (SAW) without being personally involved in it.

First Sariya Ubaidah bin Haris was fought at Rabakh in 1 A.H.

Tabouk was the last Ghazwa of commanded by Nabi Muhammad while last Sariya ordered by him was of
Usama bin Zayd to Palestine in 11H .The expedition left on same day Nabi Muhammad died and was
destined to attack Balqa and Darum.
The Prophet appointed Usama as the commander of the troops (to be sent to Syria). The Muslims spoke about
Usama (unfavorably). The Prophet said, "I have been informed that you spoke about Usama. (Let it be known that)
he is the most beloved of all people to me. "Sahih al-Bukhari, 5:59:744


A. Fill in the blanks

1.Martyrs in Battle of Mutah were-
2. First Sarriya was—
3. Last Sarriya was-
4. First Ghazwa was-
5. Last Ghazwa

B. Answer using correct options

1. Duration of Tabouk campaign was—days

a.50 b.20 c.30 d.60

2.—was made in charge of Madinah in absence of Nabi Muhammad (SAW)

3. Total distance covered was-km

a.1000 b.1400 c.1200 d.700

4.—gave up all his belongings for this campaign

a. Ali b. Abu Bakr c. Umar d. Usman

5. Movement of Roman troops was informed by –

a. Judham b. Lakham c. Nabatean d. Amila

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