Cyberpunk Red Timeline

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• World Stock Market Crash of ‘94. The US is caught manipulating European and American stock markets, a worldwide
financial meltdown results from the news being made public.
• US, European Community, and the Neo–Soviets start a new space race, seeking economic and military advantages
over each other.
• Kilimanjaro mass driver begins construction, under joint agreement between ESA and Pan–African Alliance.

• The Collapse of the United States. Weakened by losses in the World Stock Crash, overwhelmed by unemployment,
homelessness and corruption, many city governments collapse or go bankrupt. The US Government, snarled in a
staggering deficit and the machinations of the Gang of Four, is totally ineffective.
• Nomad Riots. By now, 1 in 4 Americans are homeless. Hundreds of thousands riot for living space throughout the US,
Nomad packs spring up on the west coast and spread rapidly through the nation.
• First appearance of boostergangs.
• US Constitution suspended. Martial law established in US.

• Mideast Meltdown. A very limited thermonuclear war destroys much of the Middle East. Radioactive fallout spreads
around the world. World oil supply drops by half.
• ‘Rockerboy’ Manson killed in England.
• The Drought of ‘98 reduces most of the Midwest to parched grasslands. Between agribusiness Corps and drought, the
family farm all but disappears.
• 10.5 quake shatters Los Angeles; Pacific Ocean inundates 35% of the city. An estimated 65,000 are killed.

• Millennium cults begin to appear, predicting an apocalypse on 1/1/2000. Thousands migrate to isolated communes and
temples to “await the end”.
• Tycho Colony established. A mass driver is constructed to provide raw materials for orbital platforms.

• Millennium cults run amok on 1/1/2000 in orgy of suicide and violence; most destroy themselves.
• First “extended family” poser gangs established.
• Crystal Palace space station begun at l–5 Lagrange point.
• Wasting Plague hits US and Europe, killing hundreds of thousands.

• The framework of the NET firmly in place with construction of the Worldsat network.

• Food Crash. Mutated plant virus wipes out Canadian and Neo–Soviet crops. US agribusiness crops survive due to new
biological counter agent. Neo–Soviets accuse US of biological warfare.

• Second Central American War. US invades Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela. The War is a disaster that costs
thousands of American lives and leaves thousands of troops to struggle home on their own.
• WNS media star Tesla Johanneson exposes secret NSA transcripts of the First Central American conflict.
• The remainder of the Gang of Four is swept away on a wave of reform. Elections resume, although heavily influenced by
the Megacorporations.

• First cloned tissue growth in vitro. Micro–sutures, sterilizer fields developed.
• Tesla Johanneson assassinated in Cairo.
• 1st Corporate War (2004–2005). Commando raids and cyberspace attacks between EBM and Orbital Air introduce the
world to the age of direct Corporate warfare.

• Cybermodem invented.

• First human clone grown in vitro. Mindless, it only lives for 6 hours.
• 2nd Corporate War (2007–2010). SovOil and Petrochem fail to negotiate with each other over newly discovered oil fields
in the South China Sea, and begin blowing each other up instead. Even cynical observers are shocked at the level of
• Braindance developed at UC Santa Cruz, California.

• US assault on Russian weapons platform MIR XIII. Eurospace agency intervenes and the Orbital War breaks out
between the “Euros” and the “Yanks”, until Tycho colony mass driver drops a two–ton rock on Colorado Springs. An
uneasy peace is reached.

• Corporations eradicate mob rule in Night City.
• Abortive takeover attempt by US “terrorist group” of Crystal Palace construction. ESA discovers Defense Intelligence
Agency plot and drops five–ton rock off the coast of Washington D.C. as a warning.

• Network 54 now controls 62% of all media broadcasting in US.
• Human clones are now viable, but no technology exists to implant personalities or intellect into them. They are primarily
used to provide body parts for the super–rich.

• Crystal Palace is completed. ESA now has a permanent hold in the High Orbit zone.
• ESA/Soviet mission reaches Mars. After a landing, the mission returns and Mars is abandoned for a decade.

• April 13, 2013. Johnny Silverhand concert spirals into a riot in Night City. The rioters kill 18, wound 51. Old Arasaka
complex gutted.
• Soulkiller virus developed.
• Netwatch, previously a private organization, is established worldwide by joint US/ Eurotheatre treaty.
• First true Artificial Intelligence developed at Microtech’s Sunnyvale, CA facility.

• I–G transformations redesign the NET. During this time, renegade Netrunner Rache Bartmoss plants the DataKrash
virus into the architecture of the NET.

• 3rd Corporate War (2016). Unknown cyberterrorists attack the networks of Corporations world–wide, causing billions of
eb worth of losses.

• Carbon Plague incident. A Corporate AV crash releases a nanotech plague on the outskirts of Night City. The plague
ravages the city for two weeks, then mysteriously stops.
• Chicago Rebuilding Project begins. Financed by visionary Dr. Richard Storm of Storm Technologies, project joins
Nomad groups under the unifying banners of the Aldecaldo and Jode Families.

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