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Insurance in NEPAL
• Cover used for protecting oneself from the risk of a financial
• Risk is covered in monetary value.
• Involves the Insurer and the Insured.
• Insurer is the insurance company who provides the cover.
• Insured is an individual who takes the insurance policy by
paying a certain premium.

Types of insurance
• Fire Insurance
• Marine Insurance
• Life Insurance
• Others
– Motor Insurance
– Household Insurance
– Engineering Insurance
– Aviation Insurance

Fire Insurance
This policy provides the coverage against loss or damage
caused by Accidental Fire and Lightning. On payment of
additional premium Property Insurance Policy can be extended
to cover the loss or damage caused by other allied perils of fire
e.g. Earthquake, Riot & Strike, Malicious Damage, Terrorism,
Explosion, Storm & Flood, Landslide & Subsidence, Aircraft
& Aerial Damage, Impact Damage by Vehicles & Animals etc.
The properties that can be insured under this insurance are
Office & Residential Building, Factory Building, Plant &
Machinery and contents, various equipment’s, stocks etc.

Marine Insurance

• Marine cargo insurance is governed by rates provided by

marine tariff and all companies operating in Nepal can do
business on these rates only.

Marine insurance covers transit by any modes of transit like,

sea transit, inland waterways, land transit by road/rail vehicle,
registered post transit.

The scope of cover depends upon type of clauses attached

with the policy. These clauses can broadly be grouped under
two categories:
1. Institute Cargo Clauses also known as I.C.C.
2. Inland Transit Clauses also known as I.T.C.
These clauses are further classified in three broad categories:
A,B and C.

C Clause provides for Basic cover, B provides for wider

cover and A provides for All Risk cover with certain
I.C.C. clauses are attached when the transportation involves
sea/ocean journey.
I.T.C. clauses are normally used for transit involving inland
transport only.
Strike and terrorist damages can be covered in inland transit
clauses by attaching S.R.C..C. Clauses.
War risk can be covered with I.C.C.clauses by attaching

Life insurance
Life insurance is a contract between an insurance policy
holder and an insurer or assurer, where the insurer promises to
pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money in exchange for
a premium, upon the death of an insured person.
Keta-keti jeevan beema. Bal shiksha beema yojna. Surakshit
jeevan beema yojana. Rural endowment plan. Jeevan laxmi -
triple benefit scheme with bonus. Jeevan jyoti. Jeevan unnati
plan. Naulo dhanbarsha plan. Naulo jeevan sambriddhi.
Jeevan sahara. Sadabahar jiwan bima. Smart life insurance.
These are some of the life insurance in NEPAL.

Insurance Companies
• LIC Nepal
• Prime Life Insurance
• Asian Life Insurance

Prime Life Insurance

• Leading insurance company of Nepal.
• Prime Life has been able to book a net profit of NPR 87
• Offers three important benefits to its valued customers:
Savings with good returns, Life security in case of unforeseen
events and Tax benefits as per Government’s Rule.
• Earned net profit of NPR 56.75 million in the first full year
• This is an unprecedented achievement in the Nepalese Life
Insurance Industry.
Problems faced by Prime Life Insurance
• Limited scope for business.
• Great competition among existed companies.
• Lack of awareness.
• Educational level.
• One sided economic condition.

Asian Life Insurance

• Asian life insurance company is the first life insurance
company to receive operating license from Beema Samiti.
• started functioning on third April, 2008 (Chaitra 21, 2064)
• Some Products:
– Asian Moneyback
– Asian Moneback-
– Asian Child Assurance
– Asian foreign employment (term)
Problems faced by Asian Life Insurance
• Lack of Consumer Awareness.
• Lack of unstable government and policies.
• Lack of loyalty and sincerity.
• Problem of capital/income generation.
• Lack of necessary documents.

LIC Nepal
• A joint venture between Life Insurance Corporation of India
(55%) and Vishal Group of Nepal (25%), the insurance
company has public participation to the extent of 20%.
• Life insurance Corporation (Nepal) Ltd. is instituted under the
Companies Act 2053, 27.12.2000 and has Registration
No: 765-057/58
• It has total authorized capital of Rs 25 crores and has 11,224
• The services provided by the LIC are:-
Problems faced by LIC Nepal
• Problems in the field of:
– Insurance Committee
– Customer
– Agents
• 1% of whatever collection of money or income they make
has to be submitted to insurance committee.
• Among the whole population of Nepal, only 5% to 6% are
covered by insurance.
• Very few people are aware of this field.

• Uncooperative environment.
• Lack of unstable government and policies.
• Lack of loyalty and sincerity.
• Less collaboration with bank and financial institutions for
the promotion
of insurance company
• Problem of capital/income generation.

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