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The Honorable Edcel Greco A. B. Lagman
Vice Governor of Albay
On the Launching of the PGA Website

My warmest congratulations on the successful launching of the PGA Website! The

Office of the Vice Governor beams with pride on this newest venture as we uphold good
governance and transparency in our leadership and administration.
The launching of our website means going above and beyond in the name of excel-
lent public service. In this world of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, an official website
will make credible information accessible. Everyone is online. An official website will serve
as a bridge between the local government and the people to improve delivery of services
and goods. The people, especially the underprivileged, have the right to know and to take
part in governance. Through our website, the people will not only have the opportunity to
be informed, but also to be heard through effective feedback mechanism. They will also
have the chance to contribute in more ways than one.
Our official website builds awareness through bringing credible information, espe-
cially on the government services the people need and are available for them. In this era
of fake news, it is high time to change the conversation by serving the truth, inspiring faith,
hope and love in the entire Albay community. This launching is important in setting the
stage and spurring cooperation by presenting the key accomplishments of the administra-
tion. The feature sections are just incredible to spice up the Albayanos in enriching their
Our official website, as a accountability tool, will render every Albayano an insider
look on the vision of the provincial government. As a transparency platform, it promotes a
culture of trust and inclusion, bringing everyone together in a shared vision for Albay. Infor-
mation is key to growth and establishing opportunities to contribute certainly leads to posi-
tive development.
The Office of the Vice Governor is one with the Office of the Governor and the en-
tire PGA family in our good governance values and ideals. I am excited for our website to
also serve as a tool to raise awareness on the importance of public policy. I am thankful
that the legislative work of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Albay will be posted in our
website. It is my dream and my enduring commitment to make the Sangguniang Panlala-
wigan of Albay as the model sanggunian in the whole of Bicolandia. This is a tall order but
certainly one that we can accomplish. We are committed to our core values of honor, ex-
cellence and innovation in legislation to shape the future of our province.

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