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1st Albay Barangay Summit

It is always a privilege to address the dynamic and active barangays of Albay. There
is in this basic political unit the true spirit of service resides. And our country has repeatedly
profited every time that spirit has been put into action through effective barangay govern-
ance. Our barangays have crucial role in nation-building.

My heartfelt congratulations to the organizers and the participants of the 1st Albay
Barangay Summit! You are making history in seeking to improve leadership and services
through this platform. When caring people are united, all rolling up their sleeves and taking
action to make their community a better place to live in, it’s a beautiful thing (tunay na
magayon arog ni Mayon) and an incredible feeling for everyone involved and committed.
That’s what I learned working closely with the barangays through the years. Not just involve-
ment, but commitment. As frontliners, barangay service means your entire life committed to
make the lives of others better. Being a barangay official is about leading by example, build-
ing relationships and improving the community through good governance and innovation. I
am hopeful that the rest of your term as barangay leaders will be years of spreading hope,
taking action and making lasting impact in the lives of Albayanos.

This event, the Barangay Summit will, of course, stimulate a variety of emotions
among the participants, organizers and guests. I hope that out of this assortment of feelings
we shall find at least one unanimous emotion—that of sense of courage and resiliency. And
it is an opportune time, amidst all the challenges in public health, climate change, security,
peace and order, and uncertainties — We Move Forward Together.

In our present term, we will certainly do many projects together, as we have done in
the past. With each leader serving in the area of health, environment, education and lead-
ership, we make history. It is being written by helping hands, by shovels hitting the dirt, and
by lives and communities being improved, especially in our province, in our region.
One thing is also certain—we will face more challenges. Even now, we are deeply
challenged as a Filipino people. So many issues at hand. Resources are limited. But Albay-
anos are not faint-hearted. Leadership and service are never for the faint-hearted. We rise
above the challenges like an eagle. An eagle has no fear of any challenge, so how do we
become fearless? My simple answer to overcoming fear is that burning desire to serve, to
make a difference. We can and we will. Hidden somewhere deep down within us, there is
that courage to dare ourselves. Let us continue to challenge ourselves, reinvent ourselves,
and we will learn what great lengths we are capable of going to. Barangay leaders are ca-
pable of changing the world!

As we continue to move further, our commitment in making a positive impact in Albay

is stronger than ever. You have a strong ally and friend in the Provincial Government of
Albay. I am committed in taking our province to the next level in terms of public policy. I
dream to be the Presiding Officer of the model Sanggunian in Bicolandia and in the Philip-
pines. My fellow public servants, we shall continue to work together to be one of the greatest
forces for good the world has ever known through SERVICE. Our people shall proceed to
march towards progress, happiness, and security.

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