ITM410 CaseProject

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Business Process Design Case Project

Objectives: provide students an opportunity to:
 examine a business process from the narrative
 prepare Data Flow Diagrams and flowchart
 recommend changes to the process, such as: changing the process flow, adding
automation, developing reports, changing resources or their roles, or adding
technology to improve effectiveness and efficiency.
 propose performance measures and assess cost effectiveness of a new design

Part 1:
Business Process Description: Describe the market segment for a company’s product and depict
the operations strategy used. Discuss the nature of output and the type of customer contact.
Describe competitive priorities and capabilities. Determine order winners and qualifiers.

Prepare Context Diagram, Physical Data Flow Diagram and Flowchart.

Part 2:
Assessment of the existing process:
Define organizational goals and discuss how well the system achieves those. Include assessment
of security of information, resources, and validity/completeness/accuracy of information.

Part 3:
Developing of a new process model:
Formulate recommendations to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business process
making sure that your recommendations are aligned with the company’s strategy.

If you recommend changes to the process flow prepare also a draft of any new procedure(s) that
must be followed. If you recommend a new report, prepare a draft of that report and recommend
how frequently it should be used.

Evaluate cost effectiveness of a new design. Discuss all relevant costs (adding new technology,
equipment, adding/ removing resources, marketing efforts, etc.) and project the benefits (increase
in revenues, reduction of processing costs, tighter control of the process, reduction of errors,
better control of receivables, payables, etc.).

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