Exercitii Present Perfect Simple

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Exercitii Present Perfect Simple/Present Perfect Continuous/Past Simple

1. “What he (do) since he (arrive)?”

2. “Well, he (write) emails on the computer.”
3. “How many emails do you think he (write) so far?”
4. “I don’t know, but I’m sure he (write) a lot. He (write) for over an hour.
5. I wonder if he has a problem or something because he (write) emails yesterday, too.”
6. “You (see) him writing them yesterday?”
7. “No, but he (tell) me about that.”
8. “He (ask) you any help?”
9. “No, he (tell) me not to disturb him.
10. “I just wonder why he (write) emails for two days…”
admin says:
August 5, 2011 at 8:00 am
Raspunsurile corecte:
1. What has he been doing since he arrived? (What he has been doing since he arrived?)
Atentie la schema de interogativ!
2. Well, he has been writing emails on the computer.
3. How many emails do you think he has written so far?
4. I don’t know, but I’m sure he has written a lot. He has been writing for over an hour.
5. I wonder if he has a problem or something because he wrote emails yesterday, too.
6. Did you see him writing them yesterday? (You saw him writing them yesterday?)
Atentie la schema de interogativ!
7. No, but he told me about that.
8. Did he ask you any help? (He asked you any help?)
Atentie! Suntem la interogativ! DID + S + V…
9. No, he told me not to disturb him.
10. I just wonder why he has been writing emails for two days…

Present Perfect Simple & Continuous/ Past Simple

1. It (rain) a lot this spring.
2. It (rain) yesterday and last week, too.

3. The weather (be) very bad so far.

4. In fact it’s raining this moment. It (rain) for half an hour.

5. It seems we (not see) a sunny day for ages.

6. I (be) happy when I (see) a few sunrays two days ago.

7. But my happiness (be) short lived because it immediately (start) raining.

8. I (be) very bored and tired lately because of the weather.

9. My friends (call) me for a few days in order to go to a club.

10. My mother also (tell) me for a while to go out.

5 Responses to “Present Perfect Simple & Continuous/ Past Simple”

 Nico says:
June 30, 2011 at 8:54 am
1. It has rained a lot this spring.
2. It rained yesterday and last week too.
3. The weather has hadvery bad so far.
4. In fact it’s raining this moment. It has been raninig for half an hour.
5. It seems we haven’t seen a sunny day for ages.
6. I was happy when I saw a few sunrays two days ago.
7. But my happiness have been short lived because it immediately has started raining.
8. I have been very bored and tired lately because of the weather.
9. My frind has been calling me for a few days in order to go to a club.
10. My mother also told me for a while to go out.
o admin says:
June 30, 2011 at 9:23 am
Bravo! Ai doar 3 propozitii gresite:
3. The weather has had BEEN very bad so far.
forma a treia pentru “be” este “been” si nu “had”
7. But my happiness have been WAS short lived because it immediately has started STARTED raining.
Propozitiile acestea toate fac parte dintr-un context, dintr-o situatie precisa de comunicare si fiecare fraza se leaga de contextul celei dinainte.
Astfel, propozitia aceasta “bucuria mea a fost de scurta durata petnru ca a inceput imediat sa ploua” se leaga de cea dinainte care spune “Am fost fericita
cand am vazut cateva raze de soare acum 2 zile.
Deci totul se intampla acum 2 zile! Astfel ca trebuie sa folosim Past Simple in intreaga fraza 7). datorita contextului si expresiei “two days ago”, care
este specifica pentru Past Simple.
10. My mother also told HAS ALSO BEEN TELLING me for a while to go out.
Si mama imi spune de ceva vreme sa ies.
“FOR A WHILE” = de ceva vreme => expresie specifica lui Present Perfect. In plus, pot sa judec si asa: o traduc cu prezent, actiunea a inceput acum
ceva vreme, deci a inceput undeva in trecut si continua in prezent => Present Perfect Continuous.
Present Perfect Simple&Continuous/ Past Simple
: admin

1. We (be) at the baker’s a few minutes ago.

2. “You (send) the mail?” “Yes, I just (send) it.”

3. I (lose) weight.

4. What he (do) when he (see) you?

5. They (have) dinner yet?

6. I (listen) to loud music for half an hour.

7. My father (have) this car for only one year.

8. What he (talk) about for so long?

9. Mary (be) in the kitchen since she (come). She (cook) for three hours.

10. How long Paul (wait) for the train?

11. It’s almost 3 p.m. I (call) you this morning, but I (can not) find you.

12. My cousin (work) very hard recently.

13. We (be) friends since we (be) little children.

14. When Paul and Sue (met)?

15. I (not receive) any e-mails so far.

16. Well, I (receive) about ten. Yesterday I (read) about ten, too.

17. He (ask) you to do that since you (show) up.

18. I (be) very busy today because I (study) for my Geography exam.

19. My God! The girls (talk) on the phone for an hour already.

20. She is very tired, she (work) all day long.

21. “When you (do) your homework, Dan?” “I (not finish) it yet, but I (write) it since I (arrive).”

22. Her little sister (collect) napkins for a long time. She already (have) one hundred last week.

23. How long they (be) here?

24. The mechanics (not fix) the car they (bring) two days ago.

25. “The little boy (trip) over a large stone and (break) his nose.” “When it (happen)?” “I think it (be) a couple of hours ago.

26. Since they last (visit) me, they (see) so many wonderful places.

27. Excuse me, where you (find) this very nice bag?

28. What time the children (go) out?

29. “What you (do) during all this time?” “Well, we (move) to a new house and this week we (carry) the furniture.”

30. I think he (get) his bike when he (pass) that difficult exam.

Posted in 2. EXERCITII, Present Perfect Simple&Continuous/ Past Simple | Tags: exercitii gramatica engleza, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple
13 Responses to “Present Perfect Simple&Continuous/ Past Simple”
 sanda says:
February 25, 2011 at 2:09 pm
Am incercat sa rezolv exercitiile si ti-as fi recunoscatoare daca ai verifica corectitudinea lor. Merci anticipat.
1.We were at the baker’s a few minutes ago.
2.Did you send the mail? -Yes,I’ve just sent it.
3.I losed weight.
4.What did he do when he has seen you?
5.Did they have dinner yet?
6.I have been listening to loud music for half an hour.
7.My father have had this car for only one year.
8.What he was talking about for so long.
9.Mary was in the kitchen since she has came.She cooked for three hours.
10.How long Paul has been waiting for the train?
11.It’s almost 3p.m. I called you this morning, but I couldn’t find you.
12.My cousin has worked very hard recently.
13.We’ve been friends since we were little children.
14.Ehen Paul and Sue met?
15.I didn’t recive any emails so far.
16.Well, I recived about ten. Yesterday I’ve been reading about ten,too.
17.He asked you to do that since you have shown up.
18.I was very bust todat, because I’ve been studying for my Geography exam.
19.My God! The girls have talked on the phone for an hour already.
20.She is very tired, she has been working all day long.
21.-When you’ve been doing your homework dan?. -I didn’t finish it yet, but I’ve been writing it since I arrived.
22.Her little sister has colected napkins for a long time. She already had one hundred last week.
23.How long they have been here?
24.The mechanics didn’t fix the car the have bringing two days ago.
25.-The little boy has tripping over a large stone and broke his nose. – When it happened? -I think it was a couple of hours ago.
26. Since they have last been visiting me they saw so many wonderful places.
27.Excuse me, where you found this very nice bag?
28.What time the children have been out?
29.What you did during all this time? -Well, we’ve moved to a new house and this week we’ve carried the furniture.
30.I think I think he got this bike when he has passed that difficult exam.
o admin says:
February 26, 2011 at 6:48 am
2.Did you send the mail?
2. Asta ar fi ok intr-o engleza americana – ei sunt mai permisivi cu timpurile si tind sa foloseasca Past Simple acolo unde un britanic ar folosi Present
Ideea e ca, daca inveti engleza pentru a merge la un test gen Cambridge sau la vreo olimpiada, va trebui sa respecti strict gramatica britanica.
Asadar, in aceasta propozitie, pentru ca nu mi se precizeaza timpul, folosesc Present Perfect Simple. => Have you sent the mail?
Daca propozitia ar fi avut de ex. “yesterday” (ai trimis mail-ul ieri?), atunci ar fi fost cu Past Simple.
3.I losed weight.
Lose- lost – lost (verb neregulat, deci nu are –“ed”)
Din nou, aceeasi teorie ca mai sus, nu avem timpul actiunii precizat. => I have lost weight.
4.What did he do when he has seen you?
Hai sa traducem propozitia. Avem 2 variante:
a). Ce-a facut el cand te-a vazut?
b). Ce facea el cand te-a vazut?
La fel poate fi judecata si in engleza.
“cand te-a vazut” este un timp exact => Past Simple => “when he saw you”
a) What did he do when he saw you?
b) What was he doing when he saw you?
Ambele propozitii sunt corecte gramatical, depinzand insa de ce vrea vorbitorul sa transmita.
5.Did they have dinner yet?
Cuvantul “yet” NU se foloseste cu Past Simple! Daca revezi prezentarea de la Present Perfect, o sa vezi ca exista acolo o utilizare cu “just”, “already” si
Have they had dinner yet?
7.My father have had this car for only one year.
 has had (father = he, iar la he/ she/ it se pune has)
8.What he was talking about for so long.
Despre ce vorbeste de atata timp? => actiune prezenta, ea a inceput in trecut si continua => Present Perfect Continuous.
 In al doilea rand, atentie la ordinea cuvintelor de la interogativ! Incepi cu auxiliarul, nu cu subiectul.
 What has he been talking for so long?
9.Mary was in the kitchen since she has came.She cooked for three hours.
Mary e in bucatarie de cand a venit. (actiune care a inceput in trecut, cand a venit ea, si continua in prezent. Normal ar trebui sa pun un Present Perfect
Continuous, insa “be” nu are voie la forma continua, asa ca pun Simple) =>Mary has been in the kitchen since she came.
Ea gateste de 3 ore. A inceput acum 3 ore, continua in prezent si poate sa mai continue => Present Perfect Continuous). She has been cooking for
three hours.
10.How long Paul has been waiting for the train?
Ordinea la interogativ: Have/ Has + S + been + V-ing.
How long has Paul been waiting for the train?
Si e aceeasi situatie cu gatitul de mai sus (a inceput sa astepte acum 3 ore si continua inca).
Iti voi raspunde fragmentat, cate 10 propozitii, pentru ca lungim commentul foarte mult. Pana vin si celelalte raspunsuri, verifica tu, te rog, si poate iti
mai dai seama de greseli.

 admin says:
February 26, 2011 at 9:44 am
10.How long Paul has been waiting for the train?
Ordinea la interogativ: Have/ Has + S + been + V-ing…?
How long has Paul been waiting for the train?
Si e aceeasi situatie cu gatitul de mai sus (a inceput sa astepte acum 3 ore si continua inca).
14.When Paul and Sue met?
Cand intrebi cu “when” de regula se pune Past Simple. Insa trebuie sa mai fii atent si la ordinea de interogativ: (when) Did + S + V(forma I)…?
When did Paul and Sue meet?
15.I didn’t recive any emails so far.
“so far” = pana acum, este expresie specifica lui Present Perfect => I haven’t received any mail so far.
Daca in loc de “so far” as fi avut un “yesterday” sau “last week” sau un alt moment trecut, atunci ar fi fost Past Simple.
Trebuie sa te gandesti ca Present Perfect are o legatura cu prezentul, pe cand Past Simple nici una.
I haven’t received any emails so far.
16.Well, I recived about ten. Yesterday I’ve been reading about ten,too.
Am primit vreo zece. Nu imi spune cand (ieri, acum o ora, de dimineata etc), deci din nou Present Perfect
=> I have received about ten.
Ieri am citit cam zece de asemenea. Este ieri! “yesterday” este marca a Past Simple. Tu ai folosit Present Pefect Continuous care este pentru actiuni care
au inceput in trecut, continua in prezent si poate in viitor. Ce treaba are “ieri” cu prezentul si cu viitorul?!?
 Yesterday I read about ten, too.
17.He asked you to do that since you have shown up.
Ti-a cerut sa faci asta de cand ai aparut.
In propozitia introdusa prin “since” avem Past Simple, in principala ei avem Present Perfect. Tu le-ai pus exact invers.
=> He has asked you to do that since you showed up.
18.I was very busy todat, because I’ve been studying for my Geography exam.
Din nou, Past Simple se foloseste pentru actiuni incheiate, care nu se mai pot repeta, nu mai au legatura cu prezentul. Ori noi avem “today” aici, care
este cat se poate de ancorat in preznet. Daca te uiti la expresiile specifice lui Present Perfect, o sa vezi ca “today” este printre ele. Despre “today” nu potit
vorbi niciodata la trecut
=> I have been very busy today because I’ve been studying for my Geography exam.
19.My God! The girls have talked on the phone for an hour already.
Daca punem Present Perfect Simple, inseamna ca atiunea s-a terminat, ori acel “my God!” te duce cu gandul ca actiunea se petrece acum. “Doamne!
Fetele vorbesc la telefon de o ora deja”
=> The girls have been talking on the phone for an hour already.
 admin says:
February 26, 2011 at 2:04 pm
21.-When you’ve been doing your homework dan?. -I didn’t finishit yet, but I’ve been writing it since I arrived.
Cand avem intrebare cu “when”, acesta presupune o data fixa, un moment trecut, deci se foloseste Past Simple.
 When did you do your homework, Dan?
“yet” este marca a lui Present Perfect (revezi utlizarile cu “just”, “already” si “yet”), deci …”nu am terminat-o inca…”
 I haven’t finished it yet, but…(restul e bine)
22.Her little sister has colected napkins for a long time. She already had one hundred last week.
“Surioara ei colectioneaza servetele demult. Ea deja avea 100 saptamana trecuta.”
Asta inseamna ca ea inca mai colectioneaza, actiunea nu s-a terminat. Atunci cand pui Present Perfect SIMPLE actiunea e considerata incheiata, cand pui
CONTINUOUS actiunea e considerata in desfasurare.
=> Her little sister has been colecting napkins for a long time.
23.How long they have been here?
Atentie la ordinea de interogativ: Have/Has + S + V(III)…?
How long have they been here?
24.[The mechanics didn’t fix the car] [they have bringing two days ago.]
[Mecanicii nu au reparat masina] [pe care ei au adus-o acum doua zile.]
Am impartit fraza in propozitii pentru a intelege mai bine cand se petrec cele 2 actiuni.
 Mecanicii nu au reparat masina….(inca), deci masina e nereparata (actiunea are legatura cu prezentul – daca pui aici Past Simple ar trebui sa ai “nu au
reparat-o ieri/ acum 2 zile”).
A doua verificare pe care pot sa o fac este ca pot pune “yet” (inca) in propozitie, lucru care imi intareste sensul (nu e inca reparata), iar “yet” este specific
lui Present Perfect.
 …au adus-o acum 2 zile – 2 days ago – care este specific lui Past Simple. Acum 2 zile reprezinta un timp incheiat, in care eu nu mai pot face vreo
actiune si nu mai exista legatura cu prezentul. Deci aici avem Past Simple.
“have bringing” al tau nici macar nu respecta vreo schema a vreunui timp, el nu inseamna nimic.
 The mechanics haven’t fixed the car they brought two days ago.
25.-The little boy has tripping over a large stone and broke his nose.
To trip over = a se impiedica.
Baietelul s-a impiedicat de o piatra mare si si-a rupt nasul.
“has tripping” nu exista ca timp, nu inseamna nimic.
Aici avem o actiune trecuta, incheiata (s-a impiedicat) care se pune cu Past Simple si o actiune trecuta care are rezultate vizibile in prezent (are nasul
 The little boy tripped over a large stone and has broken his nose.
– When it happened?
Atentie la schema de interogativ: (when) Did + S + V (I)…?
 When did it happen?
26. Since they have last been visiting me they saw so many wonderful places.
E pe dos – adica in propozitia introdusa prin ”since” se pune Past Simple, iar in principaa se pune Present Perfect.
 Since they last visited me they have seen so many wonderful places.
Nici nu ai cum sa pui altceva dupa “since”, pentru acel “last” (ultima data) iti arata ca e vorba de o actiune trecuta, incheiata, care nu mai are legatura cu
27.Excuse me, where you found this very nice bag?
Atentie la schema de interogativ: (when) Did + S + V (I)…?
 Excuse me, where did you find this very nice bag?
28.What time the children have been out?
“what time” = “la ce ora”, care este acelasi lucru cu “cand” (when), deci referirea este tot la o data fixa, incheiata, care nu mai are legatura cu prezentul.
Asa ca tot Past Simple avem aici:
 What time were the children out? In plus, atentie la schema de interogativ!
29.What you did during all this time? -Well, we’ve moved to a new house and this week we’ve carried the furniture.
“Ce ati facut in tot acest timp?” Accentul cade pe durata de timp la care se face referire, deci ne-ar trebui un timp continuu. Pe de alta parte, perioada in
discutie este pana in prezent, pana acum cand vorbim noi si eu va intreb ce-ati facut inter timp, astfel ca va trebui sa avem un Present Perfect.
 What have you been doing all this time?
Restul e bine.
30.I think he got this bike when he has passed that difficult exam.
Timpul se stie exact si e trecut, nu mai are legatura cu prezentul. Cred ca a primit bicicleta cand a trecut examenul acela dificil. Cele 2 actiuni se petrec
simultan, deci ambele sunt cu Past Simple.
 I think he got this bike when he passed that difficult exam.
 Emilia says:
October 14, 2013 at 11:10 pm
Buna dragilor, imi sunt de mare folos exercitiile , avand in vedere ca au si rezolvare, am o mica nelamurire deocamdata in leg cu intrebarea nr 17 : since
se foloseste si cu Past Simple? Pt ca eu am gasit undeva ca ii este specific lui Present Perfect Continuous. Va multumesc si spor la invatat!!!!
 admin says:
October 15, 2013 at 9:28 pm
El este specific nu numai lui Present Perfect Continuous, ci si lui Present Perfect SImple. Insa in propozitia introdusa prin “since” se pune Past Simple.
 Nico says:
July 7, 2011 at 10:00 am
Nu am inteles de ce la propozitia nr. 28 s-a folosit “were” in loc de “did +S+V”, asa cum arata schema lui past simple?
Va multumesc!
 admin says:
July 7, 2011 at 10:17 am
La 28 nu s-a folosit schema generala de Past SImple pentru ca in propozitia noastra avem “to be”, care are conjugare separata pentru Past Simple.
Pentru conjugarea verbului “to be” la Past SImple vezi:
 dea says:
July 19, 2012 at 12:28 pm
Stiu ca m-am trezit cam tarziu, deoarece tu ai postat exercitiile prin 2011, dar ma consider norocoasa ca te-am gasit, chiar si acum(mai bine mai tarziu
decat niciodata). Pot spune ca tactica ta pedagogica este una deosebita, explicatiile sunt clare si cuprinzatoare, dar in acelasi timp, esentialul este punctat
cu inata precizie. Iti multumesc pentru timpul acordat, pentru rabdare, pentru grija si atentia cu care abordezi nelamuririle noastre si nu in ultimul rand
pentru munca pe care o depui pentru noi.
1.I (know) him for a long time.
2.In fact, I (know) him since we (come) to the same school.
3.I (meet) him in the first school day.
4.We (talk) to each other for many years.
5.I even (talk) to him an hour ago.
6.He (call) to invite me to tea.
7.We often (have) tea together.
8.He (invite) people to tea for a few months.
9.His parents (ask) him to do so when they (come back) from their holiday.
10.I always (appreciate) his parents.
1.I have known him for a long time.
2.In fact, I have known him since we came to the same school.
3.I met him in the first school day.
4.We have been talking to each other for many years.
5.I even talked to him an hour ago.
6.He has called to invite me to tea.
7.We have often had tea together.
8.He has been inviting people to tea for a few months.
9.His parents asked him to do so when they came back from their holiday.
10.I always have appreciated his parents.

Present Perfect Simple&Continuous/ Past Simple

December 25th, 2010 | Author: admin

1. We (be) at the baker’s a few minutes ago.

2. “You (send) the mail?” “Yes, I just (send) it.”

3. I (lose) weight.

4. What he (do) when he (see) you?

5. They (have) dinner yet?

6. I (listen) to loud music for half an hour.

7. My father (have) this car for only one year.

8. What he (talk) about for so long?

9. Mary (be) in the kitchen since she (come). She (cook) for three hours.

10. How long Paul (wait) for the train?

11. It’s almost 3 p.m. I (call) you this morning, but I (can not) find you.

12. My cousin (work) very hard recently.

13. We (be) friends since we (be) little children.

14. When Paul and Sue (met)?

15. I (not receive) any e-mails so far.

16. Well, I (receive) about ten. Yesterday I (read) about ten, too.

17. He (ask) you to do that since you (show) up.

18. I (be) very busy today because I (study) for my Geography exam.

19. My God! The girls (talk) on the phone for an hour already.
20. She is very tired, she (work) all day long.

21. “When you (do) your homework, Dan?” “I (not finish) it yet, but I (write) it since I (arrive).”

22. Her little sister (collect) napkins for a long time. She already (have) one hundred last week.

23. How long they (be) here?

24. The mechanics (not fix) the car they (bring) two days ago.

25. “The little boy (trip) over a large stone and (break) his nose.” “When it (happen)?” “I think it (be) a couple of hours ago.

26. Since they last (visit) me, they (see) so many wonderful places.

27. Excuse me, where you (find) this very nice bag?

28. What time the children (go) out?

29. “What you (do) during all this time?” “Well, we (move) to a new house and this week we (carry) the furniture.”

30. I think he (get) his bike when he (pass) that difficult exam.

Posted in 2. EXERCITII, Present Perfect Simple&Continuous/ Past Simple | Tags: exercitii gramatica engleza, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Present Simple

13 Responses to “Present Perfect Simple&Continuous/ Past Simple”

 sanda says:

February 25, 2011 at 2:09 pm

Am incercat sa rezolv exercitiile si ti-as fi recunoscatoare daca ai verifica corectitudinea lor. Merci anticipat.
1.We were at the baker’s a few minutes ago.
2.Did you send the mail? -Yes,I’ve just sent it.
3.I losed weight.
4.What did he do when he has seen you?
5.Did they have dinner yet?
6.I have been listening to loud music for half an hour.
7.My father have had this car for only one year.
8.What he was talking about for so long.
9.Mary was in the kitchen since she has came.She cooked for three hours.
10.How long Paul has been waiting for the train?
11.It’s almost 3p.m. I called you this morning, but I couldn’t find you.
12.My cousin has worked very hard recently.
13.We’ve been friends since we were little children.
14.Ehen Paul and Sue met?
15.I didn’t recive any emails so far.
16.Well, I recived about ten. Yesterday I’ve been reading about ten,too.
17.He asked you to do that since you have shown up.
18.I was very bust todat, because I’ve been studying for my Geography exam.
19.My God! The girls have talked on the phone for an hour already.
20.She is very tired, she has been working all day long.
21.-When you’ve been doing your homework dan?. -I didn’t finish it yet, but I’ve been writing it since I arrived.
22.Her little sister has colected napkins for a long time. She already had one hundred last week.
23.How long they have been here?
24.The mechanics didn’t fix the car the have bringing two days ago.
25.-The little boy has tripping over a large stone and broke his nose. – When it happened? -I think it was a couple of hours ago.
26. Since they have last been visiting me they saw so many wonderful places.
27.Excuse me, where you found this very nice bag?
28.What time the children have been out?
29.What you did during all this time? -Well, we’ve moved to a new house and this week we’ve carried the furniture.
30.I think I think he got this bike when he has passed that difficult exam.
o admin says:
February 26, 2011 at 6:48 am
2.Did you send the mail?
2. Asta ar fi ok intr-o engleza americana – ei sunt mai permisivi cu timpurile si tind sa foloseasca Past Simple acolo unde un britanic ar folosi Present
Ideea e ca, daca inveti engleza pentru a merge la un test gen Cambridge sau la vreo olimpiada, va trebui sa respecti strict gramatica britanica.
Asadar, in aceasta propozitie, pentru ca nu mi se precizeaza timpul, folosesc Present Perfect Simple. => Have you sent the mail?
Daca propozitia ar fi avut de ex. “yesterday” (ai trimis mail-ul ieri?), atunci ar fi fost cu Past Simple.
3.I losed weight.
Lose- lost – lost (verb neregulat, deci nu are –“ed”)
Din nou, aceeasi teorie ca mai sus, nu avem timpul actiunii precizat. => I have lost weight.
4.What did he do when he has seen you?
Hai sa traducem propozitia. Avem 2 variante:
a). Ce-a facut el cand te-a vazut?
b). Ce facea el cand te-a vazut?
La fel poate fi judecata si in engleza.
“cand te-a vazut” este un timp exact => Past Simple => “when he saw you”
a) What did he do when he saw you?
b) What was he doing when he saw you?
Ambele propozitii sunt corecte gramatical, depinzand insa de ce vrea vorbitorul sa transmita.
5.Did they have dinner yet?
Cuvantul “yet” NU se foloseste cu Past Simple! Daca revezi prezentarea de la Present Perfect, o sa vezi ca exista acolo o utilizare cu “just”, “already” si
Have they had dinner yet?
7.My father have had this car for only one year.
 has had (father = he, iar la he/ she/ it se pune has)
8.What he was talking about for so long.
Despre ce vorbeste de atata timp? => actiune prezenta, ea a inceput in trecut si continua => Present Perfect Continuous.
 In al doilea rand, atentie la ordinea cuvintelor de la interogativ! Incepi cu auxiliarul, nu cu subiectul.
 What has he been talking for so long?
9.Mary was in the kitchen since she has came.She cooked for three hours.
Mary e in bucatarie de cand a venit. (actiune care a inceput in trecut, cand a venit ea, si continua in prezent. Normal ar trebui sa pun un Present Perfect
Continuous, insa “be” nu are voie la forma continua, asa ca pun Simple) =>Mary has been in the kitchen since she came.
Ea gateste de 3 ore. A inceput acum 3 ore, continua in prezent si poate sa mai continue => Present Perfect Continuous). She has been cooking for
three hours.
10.How long Paul has been waiting for the train?
Ordinea la interogativ: Have/ Has + S + been + V-ing.
How long has Paul been waiting for the train?
Si e aceeasi situatie cu gatitul de mai sus (a inceput sa astepte acum 3 ore si continua inca).
Iti voi raspunde fragmentat, cate 10 propozitii, pentru ca lungim commentul foarte mult. Pana vin si celelalte raspunsuri, verifica tu, te rog, si poate iti
mai dai seama de greseli.
 admin says:
February 26, 2011 at 9:44 am
10.How long Paul has been waiting for the train?
Ordinea la interogativ: Have/ Has + S + been + V-ing…?
How long has Paul been waiting for the train?
Si e aceeasi situatie cu gatitul de mai sus (a inceput sa astepte acum 3 ore si continua inca).
14.When Paul and Sue met?
Cand intrebi cu “when” de regula se pune Past Simple. Insa trebuie sa mai fii atent si la ordinea de interogativ: (when) Did + S + V(forma I)…?
When did Paul and Sue meet?
15.I didn’t recive any emails so far.
“so far” = pana acum, este expresie specifica lui Present Perfect => I haven’t received any mail so far.
Daca in loc de “so far” as fi avut un “yesterday” sau “last week” sau un alt moment trecut, atunci ar fi fost Past Simple.
Trebuie sa te gandesti ca Present Perfect are o legatura cu prezentul, pe cand Past Simple nici una.
I haven’t received any emails so far.
16.Well, I recived about ten. Yesterday I’ve been reading about ten,too.
Am primit vreo zece. Nu imi spune cand (ieri, acum o ora, de dimineata etc), deci din nou Present Perfect
=> I have received about ten.
Ieri am citit cam zece de asemenea. Este ieri! “yesterday” este marca a Past Simple. Tu ai folosit Present Pefect Continuous care este pentru actiuni care
au inceput in trecut, continua in prezent si poate in viitor. Ce treaba are “ieri” cu prezentul si cu viitorul?!?
 Yesterday I read about ten, too.
17.He asked you to do that since you have shown up.
Ti-a cerut sa faci asta de cand ai aparut.
In propozitia introdusa prin “since” avem Past Simple, in principala ei avem Present Perfect. Tu le-ai pus exact invers.
=> He has asked you to do that since you showed up.
18.I was very busy todat, because I’ve been studying for my Geography exam.
Din nou, Past Simple se foloseste pentru actiuni incheiate, care nu se mai pot repeta, nu mai au legatura cu prezentul. Ori noi avem “today” aici, care
este cat se poate de ancorat in preznet. Daca te uiti la expresiile specifice lui Present Perfect, o sa vezi ca “today” este printre ele. Despre “today” nu potit
vorbi niciodata la trecut
=> I have been very busy today because I’ve been studying for my Geography exam.
19.My God! The girls have talked on the phone for an hour already.
Daca punem Present Perfect Simple, inseamna ca atiunea s-a terminat, ori acel “my God!” te duce cu gandul ca actiunea se petrece acum. “Doamne!
Fetele vorbesc la telefon de o ora deja”
=> The girls have been talking on the phone for an hour already.
 admin says:
February 26, 2011 at 2:04 pm
21.-When you’ve been doing your homework dan?. -I didn’t finishit yet, but I’ve been writing it since I arrived.
Cand avem intrebare cu “when”, acesta presupune o data fixa, un moment trecut, deci se foloseste Past Simple.
 When did you do your homework, Dan?
“yet” este marca a lui Present Perfect (revezi utlizarile cu “just”, “already” si “yet”), deci …”nu am terminat-o inca…”
 I haven’t finished it yet, but…(restul e bine)
22.Her little sister has colected napkins for a long time. She already had one hundred last week.
“Surioara ei colectioneaza servetele demult. Ea deja avea 100 saptamana trecuta.”
Asta inseamna ca ea inca mai colectioneaza, actiunea nu s-a terminat. Atunci cand pui Present Perfect SIMPLE actiunea e considerata incheiata, cand pui
CONTINUOUS actiunea e considerata in desfasurare.
=> Her little sister has been colecting napkins for a long time.
23.How long they have been here?
Atentie la ordinea de interogativ: Have/Has + S + V(III)…?
How long have they been here?
24.[The mechanics didn’t fix the car] [they have bringing two days ago.]
[Mecanicii nu au reparat masina] [pe care ei au adus-o acum doua zile.]
Am impartit fraza in propozitii pentru a intelege mai bine cand se petrec cele 2 actiuni.
 Mecanicii nu au reparat masina….(inca), deci masina e nereparata (actiunea are legatura cu prezentul – daca pui aici Past Simple ar trebui sa ai “nu au
reparat-o ieri/ acum 2 zile”).
A doua verificare pe care pot sa o fac este ca pot pune “yet” (inca) in propozitie, lucru care imi intareste sensul (nu e inca reparata), iar “yet” este specific
lui Present Perfect.
 …au adus-o acum 2 zile – 2 days ago – care este specific lui Past Simple. Acum 2 zile reprezinta un timp incheiat, in care eu nu mai pot face vreo
actiune si nu mai exista legatura cu prezentul. Deci aici avem Past Simple.
“have bringing” al tau nici macar nu respecta vreo schema a vreunui timp, el nu inseamna nimic.
 The mechanics haven’t fixed the car they brought two days ago.
25.-The little boy has tripping over a large stone and broke his nose.
To trip over = a se impiedica.
Baietelul s-a impiedicat de o piatra mare si si-a rupt nasul.
“has tripping” nu exista ca timp, nu inseamna nimic.
Aici avem o actiune trecuta, incheiata (s-a impiedicat) care se pune cu Past Simple si o actiune trecuta care are rezultate vizibile in prezent (are nasul
 The little boy tripped over a large stone and has broken his nose.
– When it happened?
Atentie la schema de interogativ: (when) Did + S + V (I)…?
 When did it happen?
26. Since they have last been visiting me they saw so many wonderful places.
E pe dos – adica in propozitia introdusa prin ”since” se pune Past Simple, iar in principaa se pune Present Perfect.
 Since they last visited me they have seen so many wonderful places.
Nici nu ai cum sa pui altceva dupa “since”, pentru acel “last” (ultima data) iti arata ca e vorba de o actiune trecuta, incheiata, care nu mai are legatura cu
27.Excuse me, where you found this very nice bag?
Atentie la schema de interogativ: (when) Did + S + V (I)…?
 Excuse me, where did you find this very nice bag?
28.What time the children have been out?
“what time” = “la ce ora”, care este acelasi lucru cu “cand” (when), deci referirea este tot la o data fixa, incheiata, care nu mai are legatura cu prezentul.
Asa ca tot Past Simple avem aici:
 What time were the children out? In plus, atentie la schema de interogativ!
29.What you did during all this time? -Well, we’ve moved to a new house and this week we’ve carried the furniture.
“Ce ati facut in tot acest timp?” Accentul cade pe durata de timp la care se face referire, deci ne-ar trebui un timp continuu. Pe de alta parte, perioada in
discutie este pana in prezent, pana acum cand vorbim noi si eu va intreb ce-ati facut inter timp, astfel ca va trebui sa avem un Present Perfect.
 What have you been doing all this time?
Restul e bine.
30.I think he got this bike when he has passed that difficult exam.
Timpul se stie exact si e trecut, nu mai are legatura cu prezentul. Cred ca a primit bicicleta cand a trecut examenul acela dificil. Cele 2 actiuni se petrec
simultan, deci ambele sunt cu Past Simple.
 I think he got this bike when he passed that difficult exam.
 Emilia says:
October 14, 2013 at 11:10 pm
Buna dragilor, imi sunt de mare folos exercitiile , avand in vedere ca au si rezolvare, am o mica nelamurire deocamdata in leg cu intrebarea nr 17 : since
se foloseste si cu Past Simple? Pt ca eu am gasit undeva ca ii este specific lui Present Perfect Continuous. Va multumesc si spor la invatat!!!!
 admin says:
October 15, 2013 at 9:28 pm
El este specific nu numai lui Present Perfect Continuous, ci si lui Present Perfect SImple. Insa in propozitia introdusa prin “since” se pune Past Simple.
 Nico says:
July 7, 2011 at 10:00 am
Nu am inteles de ce la propozitia nr. 28 s-a folosit “were” in loc de “did +S+V”, asa cum arata schema lui past simple?
Va multumesc!
 admin says:
July 7, 2011 at 10:17 am
La 28 nu s-a folosit schema generala de Past SImple pentru ca in propozitia noastra avem “to be”, care are conjugare separata pentru Past Simple.
Pentru conjugarea verbului “to be” la Past SImple vezi:
 dea says:
July 19, 2012 at 12:28 pm
Stiu ca m-am trezit cam tarziu, deoarece tu ai postat exercitiile prin 2011, dar ma consider norocoasa ca te-am gasit, chiar si acum(mai bine mai tarziu
decat niciodata). Pot spune ca tactica ta pedagogica este una deosebita, explicatiile sunt clare si cuprinzatoare, dar in acelasi timp, esentialul este punctat
cu inata precizie. Iti multumesc pentru timpul acordat, pentru rabdare, pentru grija si atentia cu care abordezi nelamuririle noastre si nu in ultimul rand
pentru munca pe care o depui pentru noi.
1.I (know) him for a long time.
2.In fact, I (know) him since we (come) to the same school.
3.I (meet) him in the first school day.
4.We (talk) to each other for many years.
5.I even (talk) to him an hour ago.
6.He (call) to invite me to tea.
7.We often (have) tea together.
8.He (invite) people to tea for a few months.
9.His parents (ask) him to do so when they (come back) from their holiday.
10.I always (appreciate) his parents.
1.I have known him for a long time.
2.In fact, I have known him since we came to the same school.
3.I met him in the first school day.
4.We have been talking to each other for many years.
5.I even talked to him an hour ago.
6.He has called to invite me to tea.
7.We have often had tea together.
8.He has been inviting people to tea for a few months.
9.His parents asked him to do so when they came back from their holiday.
10.I always have appreciated his parents.
o admin says:
July 22, 2012 at 3:19 pm
Buna Dea,
Multumesc pentru aprecieri. Propozitiile rezolvate de tine sunt corecte toate. O singura precizare doar: la nr. 10 “always” se pune inainte de
“appreciated”, pentru ca adverbele de frecventa (always, never, ever, often…) se pun inaintea verbului de baza, adica V(forma III).
 dea says:
July 25, 2012 at 2:53 pm
 nasty says:
June 9, 2013 at 11:49 am
la propozitia 28 in exercitiu este dat verbul to go nu to be si deci raspunsul corect cred eu ca este: what time did the children go out?
o admin says:

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