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CCA Script

1. Establish the Context and Purpose of Assessment

1.1 The assessor must familiarize himself/herself with the qualification units
of competencies to be assessed.
1.2 Ensure that the assessment site complies with the relevant OHS
1.3 Ensure that the assessment resources are available.
1.4 Must ensure that the tools, equipment, and facilities are ready and
available in the assessment site before the assessment start.
1.5 A checklist of tools, equipment and facilities must be on hand to help the
assessor monitor the availability the completeness of tools, equipment and
facilities. (It is included in the assessor’s guide.
1.6 Plan and prepare the evidence gathering process. The assessor shall
receive assessment package composed of the following: One copy of assessor’s
guide, Specific instruction to the candidate, Competency results summary,
Written report, Written Test, Answer sheets, and Rating Sheets.

2. Prepare the Candidate

Good Morning Everyone!

My name is JOHUANNA ROSE I. NEJAR, your Competency Assessor for Computer

Hardware Servicing NC II.

Before we start may I acknowledge the presence of MRS. JOCELYN N. NILLASCA,

our AC Manager and Mr. GABRIEL OJERIO our Provincial TESDA Representative.
Good morning Maam and Sir.

You don’t need to worry of their presence because they are here to oversee the
conduct of the assessment and to see if it is in accordance with the required
competency assessment, methodology and procedure.

Attendance Sheet

Before we start, please submit your admission slip.

As I call your name please acknowledge by raising your hand and sign in the
attendance sheet.

Alexander Jones D. Irao

Please sign.

John Felix Escalona

Please sign.

I have here with me your accomplished application form and Self-Assessment

Guide. This is an indication that you know and can perform all the unit of
competency enumerated for Computer Hardware Servicing NC II.

3. Orientation

Once again, I would like to welcome each of you in our assessment center for
Computer Hardware Servicing NC II.

The purpose of our assessment for Computer Hardware Servicing NC II is to

determine the level of your competency.

Today I am going to administer competency assessment for CHS NCII. The

qualification for CHS NCII is composed of Basic, Common and Core Competencies.

For our Core Competencies, we do have:

 Install Computer System and Networks

 Diagnose and Troubleshoot Computer Systems
 Configure Computer Systems and Networks
 Maintain Computer System and Networks

The different tasks to be performed for our CHS NC II are the following:

 Disassembly and Reassembly of Computer Systems

 Installation of Operating System and Drivers
 Configuration of Computer Networks
 Sharing and Printing Over the Configured Network

You will be given 4 hours to perform your task.

I will collect evidences through demonstration with oral questioning, written test
and interview.
To determine your knowledge and skills in CHS NC II, the assessment method we
will use will be written test, demonstration and oral questioning. These
assessment methods can help to measure your underpinning skills and

For your personal needs, the lavatory and comfort rooms are located at the end of
the hallway. And you can also take your meal at our canteen which is located at
the lobby. However during the assessment, you are not allowed to leave the
premises of the assessment center.

If you have difficulty in understanding the given instructions, please do not

hesitate to inform me because I am willing to translate it for you, also, during the
written examination, if you have dilemma writing down your answers, don’t be shy,
because we can accept your answers verbally.

If you have concerns, questions or there is a need for you to clarify matter
concerning the assessment, you may raise your hand, because I am more than
willing to assist you. But when the assessment has already started please refrain
from asking questions because it is no longer allowed.

In the same token during the assessment, if you have physical or any form of
difficulties, do not hesitate to call my attention so we can addressed it

In case you have any question about the assessment result, you have the right to

You can send your right to appeal to the TESDA Provincial Office where the
assessment center and assessor are accredited.

Issuance of National Certificate

For the issuance of National Certificate, the AC manager shall inform you where
you can claim your National Certificate within Five working days after the

After the assessment and you’re found that you are not yet competent don’t worry
about it because you can be reassessed anytime at your own convenience.
In case the reassessment is full qualification, you have to undergo the whole
assessment process. If you are found to be competent in some unit of
competencies, the reassessment will focus on the unit of competencies where you
are found to be not yet competent.

Also if you did not pass two consecutive assessment you will be advised to undergo
a refresher course before applying for reassessment.

Occupational Safety and Health Requirements

During the actual assessment, please observe safety as you perform the different
tasks. Make sure to check on your electrical equipment before plugging it. Avoid
pulling the chord as you unplug the equipment.

Observed body mechanics when lifting heavy equipment to avoid back injuries. In
case of accident, please call my attention immediately, so we can provide you with
first aid and should the need arise our medicine cabinets are located on the right
side of the computer laboratory.

Confidentiality of Assessment Outcomes

With regards to the result of your assessment, we observe strict confidentiality.

This is to ensure your integrity. The result will only be available for authorized
personnel and to the institution where you had your actual training.

In relation to this, the assessment package is kept in a secured place, to guarantee

the integrity of the package.

In lieu of this, every candidate is requested to refrain from giving away any form of
information that took place during the assessment process.

Copy of Specific Instructions to the Candidates

If you don’t have any question or clarification, I will now give you the copy of
specific instructions. Please read them carefully and do not hesitate to ask
questions. I may be able to translate it from English to your local dialect. If you
need assistance, then I will be more than willing to assist you.

(Assessor guides Candidates in reading specific instruction to make sure that the
candidates understand the instructions.)
Assign numbers to the candidates

I will now give you your assigned numbers.

Here is for you sir.

(so on and so forth…)

Instructing candidates to the assessment Area.

Everybody must be very ready now. Candidate number 1 you may now proceed to
the assessment area and for the rest of the candidates, please remain. I will call
just call your number. Thank you and please wait.

Collect the evidence and make the Assessment Decision

Candidate number 1 this is our Assessment area where you are going to perform
Disassembly and Reassembly of Computer Systems.

If you have any question, you may ask now because as soon as the assessment
begins, you can no longer ask me any question.

(If the student has no questions, proceed to assessment)

In that regard, you may begin. Please be informed that there would be oral
questioning after the demonstration.

Provide Feedback on the Assessment

Sit down candidate number 1.

How do you feel about the assessment?

(Possible answers will be… I am confident and I was able to perform or I am not
confident and I was not able to perform some of the required competencies)

Summarize the Performance of the Candidate

My observation coincide with your opinion. You are already competent in

performing the different skills in performing for Computer Hardware Servicing NC
II. You were able also to answer all questions correctly and the result of the written
test, showed that you are knowledgeable about CHS NC II. In this manner I would
like to congratulate you for a job well done. I have found out that you are already
competent. Please sign the competency result summary.
Provide Information on National Certificate of Competency

For the issuance of National Certificate, the AC Manager shall inform you were to
claim it after five working days. In this regard I would like to say congratulations.

For those who are not yet competent:

Good morning candidate number 2. Please be seated. How do you feel about the

Mr. Escalona, after the assessment, I am so sorry but you are not able to perform
within the standard requirements of the Qualification. You have to review and
practice the activities related to the competency requirements of the Qualification

But don’t worry you can comeback after a month for reassessment or when you
feel confident enough to be reassessed.

If you have doubts of the result of your assessment you may write a Right to
Appeal to the TESDA Provincial Office.

Could you please sign the Competency Assessment Results Summary?

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