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Undergraduate thesis proposal submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree Bachelor of Science in Development Communication from the College of

Agriculture, Food, and Sustainable Development, Mariano Marcos State University, City

of Batac, Ilocos Norte. Prepared under the guidance of Dr. Patricia Reyes.



A. Background of the Study

Radio reaches a great number of people at a time, transcends illiteracy, and is

relatively cheaper than any other form of mass media (Libero, 1985).

In today’s modern world, there have been a lot of outlet when it comes to

information dissemination such as the social media or internet as a whole, television, and

radio. Social media have been prominent to all the individuals across the world since the

modernization of technologies and inventions were started to proliferate. On the other

hand, television has a widespread of location to inform, educate, and entertain people

through various programs which is relevant and timely for the viewers’ interests.

Meanwhile, radio is the technology of using radio waves to carry information, such

as sound, by systematically modulating properties of electromagnetic energy waves

transmitted through space, such as their amplitude, frequency, phase, or pulse width.


There are a lot of radio formats being presented by the radio stations across the

world such as radio magazine, talk show, internet radio, school on-the-air, etc. Radio

magazine features a variety of topics and formats, it is often designed with a specific

audience in mind and is usually aired as a regular series daily, weekly, or several times

a week. Its content are interviews, feature story, plugs, short tips and trivia, audience

participation (phone calls or guesting) and news. A talk show is also a radio format which

discusses several topics with several hosts and an interview with a special guest.

Relatively, internet radio is an online streaming audio services which provides simulated
broadcast of their over-the-air signals to web listeners. It also offers additional online

audio streams that are re-purposed, time-shifted, or completely different from their on-air

service (

formats/amp/). School on-the-air is a form of capacity building for listeners with common

learning is designed radio program where lessons are well-planned and

presented systematically in a progressive manner to achieve desired results under a

teaching-learning situation. Enrollees or students listen to educational broadcasts in their

own home or in groups. The SOA host or teacher is an expert or subject matter specialist.

The SOA makes use of non-formal education techniques and processes to achieve

behavioral objectives of learning. It is cheap, fast, easy and practical as a type of non-

formal learning (Librero, 1985).

Moreover, radio has four capabilities which empowers its effectiveness of

deliverance and acceptance to the listeners. First, the information being conveyed is

simultaneous without the intricacies of setting up the needed equipment. Second, it

reaches audiences with low literacy levels especially those who are in far-flung areas

where the quality and standards of education may be inadequate. Third, it caters diversity

to a large number of listeners because of its wide range of program content. And lastly,

the use of sound, it allows full utilization of the human voice for communicating with the

audience which helps in establishing rapport; in the process, credibility is enhanced and

the interest level is sustained.

Consequently, disadvantages in using of radio were also a big challenge even in

this modern world. Radio does not allow immediate feedback, radio is inexorable or

cannot be changed, listeners cannot ask the broadcaster to repeat the information or
messages they missed during the airing of programs. It is also difficult to make complex

discussion, actions, or processes clearly to an audience due to lack of personal contact.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study explores the evaluation of the school on-the-air in promoting crops and

livestock technologies in Ilocos Norte.

Specifically, this study seeks to:

 identify the listenership of the resident-enrollees to the school on-the-

air regarding the promotion of crops and livestock technologies.

 describe the school on-the-air based on:

a) acceptability and usability

b) relevance of the topics; and

c) attitude of the listeners

 determine the respondent’s level of exposure to the radio program

 assess the strengths and weaknesses of the school on-the-air in

integrating the topics to the resident-enrollees

C. Significance of the Study

Identifying the listenership of the resident-enrollees to regarding the promotion of

crops and livestock technologies will provide a basis to the school on-the-air. Identifying

the frequency of listenership by the listeners will the researchers to consider whether is
truthful and factual or not will also provide the following evaluations correct and


Meanwhile, describing school on-the-air based on the acceptability and usability,

relevance of the topics, and attitude of the listeners will recognize the organization,

relevance and content of the radio program. Determining also the resident’s level of

exposure to the radio program will provide a validation to their views and opinions. Then

assessing the strengths and limitations of the school on-the-air will provide the assurance

to evaluate the said program to maximize and also minimize.

Furthermore, the prospective users of this study will be the concerned specialists

and laymen users, the board of panel of this study, the researcher, the listeners of the

said school on-the-air and other similar groups who would like to use the same subject-

matter in the future.

Moreover, the manner of utilizing of the projected findings will serve as basis in

ensuring the effectiveness of the school on-the-air in promoting crops and livestock

technologies in Ilocos Norte.

Lastly, the researcher themselves will be benefited through undergoing the

process of evaluating such school on-the-air. The work and concepts will equip them to

be more competent in future endeavors in the field of communication.

D.Scope and Limitation of the Study

This descriptive survey deals with the evaluation of the school –on-the-air in

promoting the crops and livestock technologies.

Specifically, the respondents of this study will be the listeners of the said program.

The locale of the study will be at the Solsona, Vintar, Burgos, Pasuquin, Marcos, Batac,

Piddig, and Batac.

Relatively, the data gathering procedures will be conducted through an in-depth

interview guide. The researchers will implement these materials in every individuals of

the said selected municipalities.

E. Operational Description of Terms

The following terms used in this study are operationally defined as follows:

Evaluation. This refers to the overall assessment of the school on-the-air

through its value or condition to the listeners.

School on-the-Air. This pertains to an activity wherein certain groups of

people are enrolled to its more than 10 week-radio airing; the topics are usually based on

the interest of the listener-enrollees.

Acceleration. This refers to the extent of the promotion of the livestock and

crop technologies in Ilocos Norte.

Promotion. It is the manner of making the listener-enrollees become aware

and enable them to increase their knowledge about the crops and livestock technologies.

Crops and Livestock Technology. This refers to the interventions in

agriculture to improve the productivity and income among farmers.

Listenership. This refers to the frequency of the listener’s tuning in to the

radio program and will be identified through setting a standard --- low, average, high.
Attitudes. These refers to how the listeners think or feel about the crop and

livestock technologies; they may express their feeling through identifying it by its

favorability--- highly favorable, favorable or not favorable.

Relevance. This will refer to how the listeners perceive about the overall

content of the radio program based on their understanding and interest.

Level of Exposure. This refers to how the listeners identify the

effectiveness of the promotion of crops and livestock technologies to them through using

radio as their medium.

Strengths. These are the factors that help the researchers evaluate the

effectiveness of the school on-the-air in promoting the crops and livestock technologies.

Limitations. These are the factors that will be identified to minimize and fill

in its gap and improve the quality of the radio prigram.

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