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Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

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Progress in thermal comfort studies in classrooms over last 50 years

and way forward
Manoj Kumar Singh a,b,c,∗, Ryozo Ooka c, Hom B Rijal d, Sanjay Kumar e, Anuj Kumar f,
Sadhan Mahapatra g
Joint International Research Laboratory of Green Buildings and Built Environments (Ministry of Education), Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
National Center for International Research of Low-carbon and Green Buildings, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400045, China
Department of Human and Social Systems, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 4-6-1, Komaba, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-8505, Japan
Faculty of Environmental Studies, Tokyo City University, 3-3-1 Ushikubo-nishi, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama 224-8551, Japan
Mechanical Engineering Department, Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab 144011, India
Efficiency of Building, CSIR-Central Building Research Institute Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, India
Department of Energy, Tezpur University, Tezpur 784028, Assam, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A classroom thermal environment quality has an important role in a student’s life as it influences stu-
Received 3 December 2018 dent’s performance and well-being. It is well known that at each educational stage, curricula demands
Revised 15 January 2019
different activities, different learning approaches and systematic thinking, requiring increasing levels of
Accepted 25 January 2019
concentration. With increasing awareness about energy efficiency in buildings and indoor environment
Available online 4 February 2019
quality, somehow more emphasis is being given to energy efficiency. The absence of any standard or ref-
Keywords: erence document relating to the design appropriate classrooms based on educational stages is worsening
Classrooms the situation. In this context, present study is done to find out the progress in classrooms based thermal
Adaptive thermal comfort comfort studies over last fifty years. Total 93 research articles selected from Scopus database were con-
Naturally ventilated sidered for this study. It was found that at each educational stage in the studied schools, students were
Primary school highly unsatisfied with the prevailing indoor thermal environment and preferred cooler temperature than
Secondary school
the existing indoor thermal environment. Primary school students were least sensitive to outdoor tem-
University classrooms
perature changes. There are relatively few published articles published on thermal comfort in classrooms.
Based on reported findings, no consistent temperature change was found necessary to record a shift of
one thermal sensation vote by students at different educational stages in classroom. Identical behaviour
was observed for classrooms operated under different operation modes. Moreover this study provides ro-
bust evidence that there is a need for separate set of different guidelines or standards for students of
different ages in different stages of their education. This study also proposed adaptive comfort equations
to estimate the indoor comfort temperature in classrooms at different educational stages.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction spend a considerable amount of their waking hours in a class-

room (approximate age from kindergarten to university) [2–7]. In
1.1. Overview the classroom a student also needs to concentrate to the high-
est levels as he/she is continuously learning new topics, improving
Educational buildings are the special types of buildings with the his/her skills and capacity of systematic thinking [6–8]. The better
prime objective to provide a conducive environment to promote he/she learns these traits the better understanding he/she devel-
teaching and learning [1–4]. It is widely recognised that educa- ops, which plays a crucial role in his/her life. Educational buildings
tional systems across the world involve different stages of learn- and especially the classrooms, should have the characteristics that
ing where student spend different amounts of time depending on provide a stimulating environment to enhance the learning pro-
his/her age [1–7]. Students between the age of 2–26 years old, cess [2,9–11]. Many studies published since 1960 s suggest a strong
correlation between classroom thermal environment and air qual-
ity within classrooms and student’s performance and well-being

Corresponding author. [3,12–14].
E-mail address: (M.K. Singh).
0378-7788/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
150 M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

More recently the teaching and learning approaches and (a) What is the status of thermal comfort and preferences of stu-
strategies applied in classrooms is evolving around the increasing dents in primary school, secondary school and university class-
role and use of ICT (Internet and communication technologies) rooms operated under NV/FR and air-conditioned mode?
systems at various stages in education system [3,15–20]. With (b) Depending upon climate, do students perform better in air-
so many changes at play, it is now important to categorize the conditioned or naturally ventilated or mixed mode operated
indoor environment conditions within classrooms at the different classrooms and if so which ones?
educational stages [3,17,18]. Higher up the education stages, the (c) How to test the performance of students (should the evaluation
increasing use of computers is resulting in a revolution in the be spread over months or weeks)?
conventional teaching spaces once dominated by teachers standing (d) How to normalize the test procedure to judge the performance
beside blackboards [3,16,17]. With the growing dependence of of students (because different students may perform better in
classroom on technology comes increasing energy consumption different tasks depending upon their interest and motivation)?
associated with both the operation and maintenance of buildings
Absence of standards that deal specifically with indoor ther- This paper is divided into different sections based on the differ-
mal environment of educational buildings and classrooms for stu- ent stages of student schooling (primary school, secondary school
dents of different ages in different stages of their education is com- and university students) and tries to explore the answers to the
pelling the designers and architects to use the existing standards gaps in the information mentioned above. Data relating to comfort
such as ISO-7730, EN15251 and ASHRAE 55 as reference documents parameters, schooling stage, classroom operation mode (NV/FR,
[21–30]. A review of the related literature indicates that architects mixed mode and air-conditioned) and sample sizes are extracted
and engineers are treating the design of educational buildings like from the articles and analyzed to draw conclusions on research
that of any other public buildings [3,15,30–33]. It is well known trends, thermal comfort and preferences in classrooms operated
to the thermal comfort research community that the database of under NV/FR and air-conditioned mode and regression equations
ASHRAE-55, ISO 7730 and CEN 15251 standard mainly contain data of published articles based on mode of operation of classrooms
collected during comfort studies done on healthy adults in pub- at each level. Finally, the authors proposed adaptive comfort equa-
lic buildings across the world [25–27,28]. Several studies done in tions, highlight the gaps in the classroom comfort studies and pro-
air-conditioned and free running classrooms concluded that there pose a way forward for the identification of improved and system-
are high levels of dissatisfaction reported by students towards the atic performance-based criteria that include also indicators for the
prevailing thermal environments of the classrooms [13,34–42]. It wellbeing of students.
is very interesting to note that this trend is prevalent not only
in the classrooms of developing countries but also in the devel- 2. Thermal comfort assessment approaches
oped countries [13,34–42]. The reason for this is that the reference
standards against which the comfort experienced by students are The definition of thermal comfort a condition of mind, which
typically gauged were historically formulated for steady state office expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment” indicates the
environment where clothing and activity levels were deemed to subjective nature of thermal comfort [26,27]. Most accepted way
be fixed as was the density of occupants in spaces (occupants/m2 ) to define the thermal comfort conditions for a group of sub-
[13,36–42]. Moreover, use of personal computers and laptops in- jects (sample size) in field or in laboratory is to carry out sub-
creasing the heat generation in the classroom. All this contribute jective evaluation by recording subject’s thermal feelings, pref-
to the mismatch between preferred and design thermal environ- erences, physical and personal comfort variables and statistically
ment and indoor air quality (IAQ) [33,43–45]. relate them to arrive at some quantity which will be acceptable
to 80% of the sample size [26,27]. Thermal comfort studies done
1.2. Objective of the study over the years suggest that the diversity in climate, geographical
location, built environments and subjects have a strong influence
At each stage of schooling (kindergarten, elementary school, on the acceptable thermal comfort conditions for that climate, ge-
primary school, secondary school, senior secondary school/high ographical location and built environment [53–60]. This has also
school and university) teaching and objectives are set to facilitate encouraged scientists and researchers to carry out thermal com-
the learning by students of certain skill sets [3,13,36–42]. Based fort research in different parts of the world, covering different cli-
on the skill set requirements at each stage of schooling, lessons mates and built environments applying heat balance approach and
to boost systematic thinking and the physical activity of students adaptive model [21,22,25,59–70]. Based on approach to evaluate
have been devised accordingly [13,36–42]. In many cases, stu- thermal comfort in a built environment, presently following two
dents are required to adopt uniforms are from the elementary to schools of thought exists.
high school stages. These uniforms are typically specified and de-
signed by adults who do not wear them and have a little working 2.1. Heat balance model
grasp of activity related metabolic rates and experiences [46–48].
There appears to be little or no scientific understanding applied to Comfort standards such as ASHRAE 55, ISO 7730 and CEN 15251
the selection of uniforms, which reflects the clear disconnect be- predominantly rely on heat balance approach [25–27]. The basis
tween the experiences, requirements and aspirations of students of heat balance approach was the extensive study done by Fanger
and those of the adults who dictate the dress codes and environ- in a controlled laboratory environment on healthy adult subjects
ments they occupy at school [5,49–52]. Despite a number of stud- [53,64]. He established PMV-PPD methodology based on heat bal-
ies carried out to establish a link between student’s performance ance model [53,64]. Later when this was applied to field studies
indoor environment quality (IEQ) and IAQ, there remains a con- where the environment was not controlled or semi-controlled, it
siderable gap in the basic information and understanding neces- was found that the results deviate widely [12,23,71–76]. The rea-
sary to draw correct conclusions on best ways forward in the chal- son for this deviation lies in the assumption that while deriving
lenge of designing ‘optimally Fit for Purpose’ teaching and learning PMV-PPD model it was assumed that thermal state of mind is a
spaces, behaviour and clothing and furnishing infra-structures in function of physics of body’s thermal balance with its immediate
the rapidly evolving landscapes of classroom practices [33,44,50]. environment with usual physiological response [23,53,64,75]. This
The more obvious gaps in the information available to good de- model further assumes that all the subjects across the world will
signers include: respond in an identical or similar way in all the buildings and in
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174 151

all the climates [23,53,64,75]. PMV-PPD methodology was devel- (b) Physiological adaptation: It is responsible for the change in sub-
oped for a controlled environment but when applied to the dy- jects due to long-term exposure e.g. like prevailing climate has
namic environment in which occupants have long exposure the an impact on occupants itself. It is again of two types such as
results deviate widely [23,59,64,75]. This led thermal comfort re- general and acclimatization.
searchers to question the applicability of PMV-PPD model to the (c) Psychological adaptation: It is a result of subjects past expe-
dynamic or free running built environment [23,59,64,75]. The rea- rience and is impacted by ones socio-economic and socio-
son for deviation is attributed to the parameters such as socio- cultural setup. It is largely driven by expectation and percep-
cultural, climatic and contextual dimensions of comfort thus deny- tion.
ing thermal adaptation [54,56]. PMV-PPD model does take care of
adaptation through activity and clothing but its proportion is very A large number of studies put forth the evidence of adaptation
less in overall estimation [54,56]. To overcome this discrepancy dy- (combined effect of above three phenomena) taking place in the
namic model were also proposed to increase the accuracy of the built environment and significantly in naturally ventilated build-
PMV-PPD methodology by addition of a correction factor related ings [59,65,69,74,79]. It is important to note that all the above
to adaptation [64,71]. But this was criticized again because its ba- three types of adaptation taking place together and it is very dif-
sis was again thermal load [64–66,68]. Human thermal load model ficult to estimate the impact of the individual type of adaptation
fails to predict sensation expressed corresponding to high and low [71,73]. Now the latest versions of standards ASHRAE 55, and CEN
temperature i.e. away from neutrality. The proportion of error in- 15251 have incorporated the adaptive comfort models [25–27].
creases as the subjects votes away from neutrality [21,59,64–66].
Reason for this error is the parameters such as metabolic rate, 3. Methodology of the study
clothing pattern and prevailing climate which impact the adap-
tation thus making the above factors interdependent and region- To carry out this study Scopus database is searched with key-
specific [21,54,65,66]. word “thermal comfort study in classrooms”. Total 93 research ar-
Accuracy in the estimation of clo and metabolic plays a cru- ticles appeared, out of which there are four review articles on
cial role in the application of PMV-PPD model in school settings. “educational buildings” but specific to the classroom (Fig. 1). The
Havenith et al. [77] in their study concluded that clothing insula- present study gives detail insight of the thermal comfort studies
tion is a function of body motion and air movement around the done in classrooms across the world. To analyze the results in de-
body. Body motion and air movement impact the clothing insula- tail the research articles are broadly classified into three major cat-
tion hugely and it must be given due consideration while evaluat- egories.
ing thermal environment using PMV-PPD methodology. For light
work and airspeed up to 0.2 m/s, the error is negligible but at (a) Kindergarten, elementary and primary school classrooms: Stud-
higher metabolic rate and airspeed more than 0.5 m/s, the error ies done in these classrooms are clubbed together and in this
proportion increase to a large extent which cannot be ignored. study, it is referred as “primary school classroom” for analysis.
Havenith et al. [77] also concluded that precise metabolic rate esti- (b) Secondary, senior secondary and high school classrooms: Stud-
mation is very important for the accuracy of PMV-PPD model. Ac- ies done in these classrooms are merged together and referred
cording to ISO 7730, designing of high, medium and low-quality as “secondary school classroom” for analysis.
thermal environment requires the accuracy of PMV better than 0.3 (c) University classroom
of scale units. But a mere 15% error in the estimation of metabolic
rate (Which is quite possible, to be introduced in the case of The basis of this classification is presented in Table 1. Also if
school children because metabolic estimation assumes; for male a particular study considered primary and secondary schools as
body mass 70 kg, body surface area 1.8 m2 ; for female body mass their study area and in sample size than the particular research
60 kg, body surface area 1.6 m2 ) crosses the upper limit(0.3 scale article is counted under both primary and secondary school class-
units) of accuracy of PMV. room study. A similar approach is also adopted for the research
that considered secondary and university classroom as their study
2.2. Adaptive model area. Table 1 presents the characteristics of the classrooms ex-
tracted from 93 research articles, at different educational stages
In late 80’s when PMV and PPD methodology were applied to in different parts of the world. From the table, we can see that
the field where the indoor environment was dynamic or partially the functionality and density of the classrooms are quite differ-
controlled it came to light that the corresponding indices that as- ent at different stages of schooling starting kindergarten. To know
sess thermal comfort fail to explain the deviations observed dur- the share of classroom thermal comfort studies in overall thermal
ing field experiments involving transient conditions [54–56]. This comfort studies, Scopus database was searched again with a key-
lead to the development of a new school of thought where con- word “Thermal comfort”. It returned 18,888 articles (Fig. 2). De-
textual nature of environment and adaptation of subjects to the tailed analysis of this search and correspond numbers are done in
prevailing thermal environment (which is inherent in nature to later sections.
humans) given due consideration in evaluating a thermal environ- In the context of different educational stages, 93 research ar-
ment to define comfort [21,59,64–68,78]. The assumption behind ticles are again subcategorized based on the operation mode of
the adaptive approach is “if a change produces discomfort people re- classrooms in the respective studies. Different operation mode of
acts in a way which tends to restore their comfort” [21,59,64–68,79]. classrooms are considered with following definitions
This assumption makes the occupant active in a built environment
(i) Naturally Ventilated (NV): A Classroom is constructed to op-
as they take action that modifies the thermal environment or ad-
erate under free running (FR) condition 12 months a year
justs themselves to restore comfort [21,59,64–68]. The flexibility
and same is considered under the study period.
and extent of adaptation are governed by three types of adapta-
(ii) Free running (FR): A classroom is constructed primarily to
tion [59,71,73].
operate the heating system (HS) or cooling system (CS) but
(a) Behavioural adaptation: Action taken by subjects consciously during the study period either HS or CS was switched off.
and unconsciously which in turn change the heat and mass (iii) Heating system (HS): A classroom is constructed with the
fluxes of the body. It works on three levels such as personal, heating system and during the study period heating system
technological and cultural. was switched on.
152 M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

Fig. 1. Number of paper published over the years in classroom thermal comfort (accessed on 11th October 2018).

Table 1
Characteristics of classrooms at different levels of education.

Classrooms at different levels of education

Kindergarten Elementary/Primary Secondary/Sr. Secondary University

Occupants Children Children Children Adults

Age group 3-6 7-11 12-18 19-26
Density High Depending on class and Depending on class and Depending on class and
sometimes very high sometimes very high sometimes very high
Furniture Furniture not always Desk and benches. Each is Desk and benches. Each is Desk and benches. Each is
occupied by 1/2/3 students occupied by 1/2/3 students occupied by 1/2 students
Classroom types Learning + play Lecture Lecture + laboratory Lecture + laboratory
Duration of 3-8 4-6 6-7 Students visit rooms for lecture
Occupancy and occupy the room of 1 or 2
(hours) hours. per lecture continuously.
So students experience transient
thermal environment almost all
the time
Layout of class No specific layout Lecture rooms/Lecture theaters. Lecture rooms/Lecture theaters. Lecture rooms/Lecture theaters.
Students sit in rows Students sit in rows Students sit in rows
Indoor No Control. As judged by adults No Control. As judged by adults Partial control. Some controls in Some control in NV and in (CS+
environmental for both NV and (CS+ HS) for both NV and (CS+ HS) NV but no control in (CS+ HS) HS)
Lighting Day lighting + artificial lighting Day lighting + artificial lighting Day lighting + artificial lighting Day lighting + artificial lighting
Activities Very active as teaching involves Attending lectures with light Sitting and attend Sitting and attend
physical activity activities lectures + Laboratory needs light lectures + Laboratory needs light
to medium activity to medium activity
Clothing Clothing as judged by parents or Restricted clothing and had to Restricted clothing and had to No specific dress code, Free to
elders follow dress code follow dress code adjust
Use of ICT Almost no use Less ( demonstration purpose) High (Lectures) Very high (lectures, Laboratory)

AC: Air conditioned (HS + CS); NV: Naturally ventilated, ICT: Internet and communication technology.

(iv) Cooling system (CS): A classroom is constructed with the mode of classrooms, comfort temperature, average clothing level,
cooling system and during the study period cooling system indoor air velocity and average outdoor temperature etc. were ex-
was switched on. tracted from the research articles and listed in the form of tables.
(v) Air-condition (AC): A classroom is constructed with heating Presentation of data in the tabular form is necessary to carry out
and cooling system and during the study period either of the the analysis. To analyse the data, it was decided to consider NV/FR
systems was switched on. classrooms and air-conditioned classrooms and club the studies
accordingly for primary school, secondary school and university
For the above-mentioned classifications, data such as sample classrooms. It was found that in some of the research papers out-
size, time of the survey, geographic location, climate, operation door temperature data were not mentioned so online weather data
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174 153

Fig. 2. Number of documents on Scopus scientific database when search with keywords “Thermal comfort, Adaptive thermal comfort and thermal comfort in Classroom”
(accessed on 11th October 2018).

source (mentioned in the reference list) was used to extract the dren. Similar to PMV, adaptive limits underestimate the thermal
data for the period in which the study was done [80]. In this study, sensation and predict higher comfort temperature. Results of this
the proposed regression equations and adaptive thermal comfort study suggest that children prefer much lower temperature than
models were analyzed in categories based on operation modes an adult. They also concluded that adjustment in PMV and adap-
of classrooms. It was found that very few studies have proposed tive model is required to be applied to school children else chances
adaptive thermal comfort equations. Finally, a comparative analy- of reporting discrepancy will be higher [19,51,81].
sis was carried out by plotting the comfort temperatures proposed A study carried out by Mors et al. [83] states that reason for
in the studies on ASHRAE −55 2015 and CEN −15251 standards PMV and adaptive methodology underestimating the actual ther-
[25–27]. mal environment is related to the higher activity level of young
children, external environmental parameters influence, minimal
4. Thermal comfort in primary school classrooms clothing adaptation and also number of different activity embed-
ded in their curricula. Mean clothing insulation of students in
4.1. NV/FR classrooms primary school’s changes most during mid-season with no sig-
nificant difference between male and female students. Linking
Free running classrooms are present in almost all the coun- indoor temperature to learning performance of children’s Liu et al.
tries. Classrooms of the countries located in cold climates operate [84] in their study found that overall learning performance is high-
under free running mode in spring and autumn season. In trop- est when indoor temperature is 1 °C lower than comfort temper-
ical countries (South Asian countries) classrooms are constructed ature. They found that primary school’s classrooms air tempera-
to operate in free running mode throughout the year. This section ture should be kept a few degrees lower than office buildings to
discusses the findings of the studies done in classrooms that are improve thermal comfort [85–87]. Finally, Yun et al. [34] in their
operating in free-running mode. Tables 2 and 3 present the ex- study found no difference in thermal sensation between girls and
cerpts from the articles that considered primary school classroom boys were found but girls were more sensitive to higher tempera-
as their study area. In United Kingdom study in a free running ture than boys.
primary school classroom was started by Humphreys [39,40]. This Studies were also carried out to link the building envelope, IAQ,
study found that children were little less sensitive to temperature visual comfort to thermal comfort. Lee et al. [7], Teli et al. [19] and
change as the mean width of central three sensations is 4.7 °C Hwang et al. [88] found that lightweight junior school building
whereas for adults it is about 4 °C. Also, the standard deviation is showed that children were more sensitive to higher temperature
double the value for adults for the change of one thermal sensation and prefer cooler thermal sensation. Also in summer months’ stu-
to other. Almost two and a half decade later when adaptive ther- dents are twice more sensitive to change in temperature than
mal comfort principal got well established in assessing the thermal winter [9,19,88]. IEQ complaints have an adverse effect on learn-
comfort in built environment several studies were carried out to ing performance. In medium-weight schools with the cooler over-
test its applicability along with PMV methodology simultaneously. all thermal environment has little impact on overall thermal sen-
Teli et al. [19,51,81,82] in their Hampshire and Southampton study sitivity [9,19,88]. Comparison of lightweight and medium weight
found that PMV method underestimates thermal sensation for chil- school showed general agreement on student’s warm thermal
Table 2
Excerpts from previous thermal comfort studies done in primary school classrooms in different parts of world.

Operation type at Age

S. No. Reference Country/Location Climate Time of survey time of study (Years) Sample Size description

No of S/C M F

1 Auliciems A., 1975 [39] Queensland, Australia Sub-tropical May to Aug 1973 HS 8 -11 4P, 3S NA NA

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
2 Humphreys, 1977 [40] London, UK Temperate Sum 1971, 1972 FR 7–9 5S, 17C 149 113
3 Conceição and Lúcio, 2008 [95] Algarve region, South of Portugal Mediterranean Jan 2004 HS + CS NA 1S, 21C NA NA
4 Theodosiou and Ordoumpozanis, 2008 [93] Kozani, Greece Mediterranean Sept 2006 to May 2007 HS + FR NA 21S, 152C NA NA
5 Hwang et al., 2009 [88] Central, Taiwan Sub-tropical Sept 2005 to Jan 2006 NV 10 – 11 14S, 48C 791 823
6 Zeiler and Boxem, 2009 [94] 14 cities, Netherlands Temperate Jan to Mar 2004 HS 9-10 14S, 14C NA NA
7 Mors et al., 2011 [83] Eindhoven, Netherlands Temperate Win, Spr, Sum 2010 NV 9 – 11 3S, 3C NA NA
8 Giuli et al., 2012 [9] Venice, Italy Mediterranean Apr to May 2009, May 2010 NV 9-11 7S, 28C NA NA
9 Liang et al., 2012 [35] Taichung, Taiwan Sub-tropical Sept 2005 to Feb 2006 NV 10 – 11 14S, 48C 791 823
10 Teli D et al., 2012 [51] Hampshire, England, UK Temperate Mar to Aug 2011 NV 7-11 1S, 8C 624 676
11 Al-Rashidi et al., 2012 [43] Kuwait Desert Mar, May 2010 FR + CS 6-10 3S, 10C NA NA
12 Teli D et al., 2013 [81] Southampton, UK Temperate Apr to July 2011 FR 7-11 1S, 8C 631 683
13 Barrett et al., 2013 [46] Salford, Manchester, UK Temperate Academic Year 2010-2011 FR + HS + CS 7-11 7S, 34C NA NA
14 Teli et al., 2014 [19] Southampton, UK Temperate Jun to Jul 2012 FR 7-11 2S, 11C NA NA
15 Yun et al., 2014 [34] Seoul, Korea Temperate Apr to Jun 2013 FR 4-6 10K 59 60
16 Gao et al., 2014 [17] Copenhagen, Denmark Temperate May to Jun 2012; Nov to Dec 2012 HS + CS 10-11 3S, 4C 77 86
17 Turunena et al., 2014 [11] Finland cold temperate May to Aug 2007 HS + CS 12 353S NA NA
18 Huang et al., 2015 [24] Central Taiwan Sub-tropical May, June, Sept and Oct 2013 NV NA 1S, 3C NA NA
19 Barrett et al., 2015 [96] Salford, Manchester, UK Temperate Academic Year 2011-2012, 2012 - 2013 FR + HS + CS 3-11 27S, 53C NA NA
20 de Dear et al., 2015 [5] Sydney, Australia Sub-tropical Sum 2013 NV + HS + CS + EC 10 - 11 9S NA NA
21 Guili et al., 2015 [49] Padua, Italy Mediterranean Feb to June 2011 FR + HS 9-11 3 S, 8C NA NA
22 Nam et al., 2015 [50] Seoul, Korea Temperate Jun 2013-May 2014 HS + CS 4-6 85K 493 501
23 Huang and Hwang 2016 [32] Central Taiwan Sub-tropical Apr to Jun and Sept to Nov FR + CS 9-11 NA NA NA
24 Hadad et al., 2016 [90] Shiraz, Iran Hot and Dry Aut, Win and Warm 2012 - 2013 HS + EC + FR 10 - 11 4S, 58C 788 817
25 Liu et al., 2016 [84] Weinan and Wuwei, China Sub-tropical Nov and Dec 2014. FR 10-11 9S, 22C 366 397
26 Martinez-Molina et al., 2017 [31] Villar del Arzobispo, Valencia, Spain Mediterranean Oct to Dec 2015 FR + HS 6-7 1S NA NA
27 Trebilcock et al., 2017 [89] Santiago, Chile Mediterranean Jul-Aug 2013 and Nov -Dec 2014 FR 9-10 12S NA NA
28 Stazia et al., 2017 [15] Ancona, Italy Mediterranean Jan 2013, Mar to Apr 2015 HS 10-11 20S NA NA
29 Haddad et al., 2019 [85] Iran Hot and Dry Aut, Win and Spr 2012 - 2013 NV 10 - 12 4S, 58C 788 817
30 Montazami et al., 2017a [86] West Midlands, UK Temperate June and July of 2014 and 2015 NV 8-11 8S, 27C NA NA
31 Teli et al., 2017 [82] Southampton, UK Temperate 2011 to 2015 NV NA 2S, 43C NA NA
32 Montazami et al., 2017b [87] West Midlands, UK Temperate June and July of 2014 and 2015 NV 8-11 8S, 27C NA NA
33 Kim and de Dear, 2018 [92] Sydney, Australia Sub-tropical March 2012 and March 2013 NV + CS 10-15 12S NA NA
34 Bluyssen et al., 2018 [97] Netherlands Temperate Apr to May 2017 FR + HS + CS 8-12 21S, 54C 577 568

NV: Naturally ventilated; CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; EC: Evaporative cooling; FR: Free running; Tc : Comfort temperature; Tn : Neutral temperature; FR: Free running; Top : Operative temperature; NA: Not available;
Win: Winter; Spr: Spring; Sum: Summer; Aut: Autumn; S: School; C: Classroom; K: Kindergarten; M: Male; F: Female.
Table 3
Thermal comfort parameters proposed in studies on primary school classrooms.

Average clothing Air velocity Average outdoor temp

S. No. Reference Operation type Subjects type (clo) (m/s) Activity(met) (°C) Tc range (°C) Tn (°C)

1 Auliciems A., 1975 [39] HS P+S NA NA NA 19.8 20.5 – 26 24.2

2 Humphreys, 1977 [40] FR P 0.9 0.2 NA NA 17 – 23 19 – 21
3 Conceição and Lúcio, 2008 [95] HS + CS S NA NA NA NA NA NA
4 Theodosiou and Ordoumpozanis, HS + FR N+E NA NA NA NA NA NA
2008 [93]
5 Hwang et al., 2009 [88] NV P+S Sum = 0.3; NA NA 15 – 34 17.6 – 30 22.7 – 29.1
Win = 0.6

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
6 Zeiler and Boxem, 2009 [94] HS P 0.97 0.05 1.2 5 °C 24 24
7 Mors et al., 2011 [83] NV P Sum = 0.3; 1-5 1.2 24 15 – 25 NA
Win = 0.9
8 Giuli et al., 2012 [9] NV P NA NA NA 15.3 20.5 – 25.9 NA
9 Liang et al., 2012 [35] NV P+S NA 0.6 – 0.9 1-1.3 25 22.4 – 29.2 22.7 – 29.1
10 Teli D et al., 2012 [51] NV P 1 0.1 1.2 10.6 – 16.7 20 – 24 20.8
11 Al-Rashidi et al., 2012 [43] FR + CS E NA NA NA NA NA NA
12 Teli D et al., 2013 [81] FR P 0.5 0.9 1 10.6 – 16.7 20 – 24 20.8
13 Barrett et al., 2013 [46] FR + HS + CS P NA NA NA NA NA NA
14 Teli et al., 2014 [19] FR P 0.5 – 0.7 0.1 1 10.6 – 16.7 20.6 – 22.8 NA
15 Yun et al., 2014 [34] FR K F = 0.28 – 0.48; 0.085 1 Apr = 23.1; Jun = 25.9 23 – 26 NA
M = 0.28 – 0.49
16 Gao et al., 2014 [17] MM E NA NA NA Sum = 2.5 – 30.5; NA NA
Win = – 7.3 – 10.9
17 Turunena et al., 2014 [11] HS + CS E NA NA NA NA NA NA
18 Huang et al., 2015 [24] NV E NA 0.8 NA 24 26 – 28 26
19 Barrett et al., 2015 [96] FR + HS + CS P+M+H NA NA NA NA NA NA
20 de Dear et al., 2015 [5] NV + HS + CS + EC P+S 0.45 0.07 2.1 22.2 19.5 – 26.6 22.5 (Top )
21 Guili et al., 2015 [49] FR + HS P 0.75 0.1 1.2 15.3 20.5 – 25.9 NA
22 Nam et al., 2015 [50] MM K Sum = 0.29; 0.07 1 Spr = 15.9; 20.7 – 25.5 Spr = 21.34;
Win = 0.81 Sum = 27.4; Sum = 25.5;
Aut = 12.3; Win = 1.2 Aut = 22.5;
Win = 20.7
23 Huang and Hwang 2016 [32] FR + CS E+J NA NA NA 15 – 30 NA 28
24 Hadad et al., 2016 [90] HS + EC + FR P 0.7 0.2 1.2 27.3 22 – 25 22.3
25 Liu et al., 2016 [84] FR P+S 1.6 0.49 1 Nov = 8.1; Dec = – 2.2 15 – 20 15
26 Martinez-Molina et al., 2017 [31] FR + HS P M = 0.34; F = 0.32 0.1 2 16 NA NA
27 Trebilcock et al., 2017 [89] FR P 1 NA 1 Spr = 13 – 29.5; Win = 14.7 – 15.6; NA
Win = 3.9 – 14.9 Spr 22.5 – 23.1
28 Stazia et al., 2017 [15] HS P NA NA NA NA NA NA
29 Haddad et al., 2019 [85] NV P 0.7 0.2 1.3 26.8 22 °C - 25 °C 23.2
30 Montazami et al., 2017a [86] NV P NA NA 1.2 27 20-24 22
31 Teli et al., 2017 [82] NV P NA NA NA 15.4 22.6 22.6
32 Montazami et al., 2017b [87] NV P NA NA 1.2 27 20-24 22
33 Kim and de Dear, 2018 [92] NV + CS P+S 0.48 NA NA 21.3 NA 24.4
34 Bluyssen et al., 2018 [97] FR + HS + CS NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

NV: Naturally ventilated; CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; EC: Evaporative cooling; FR: Free running; Tc : Comfort temperature; ET: Effective temperature; Top : Operative temperature; NA: Not available; Ta : Air tempera-
ture; TSV: Thermal sensation vote; Tom : Mean monthly outdoor temperature; MSV: Mean sensation vote; Tin : Indoor air temperature; Trm : Running mean temperature over two days; TSVm : Mean thermal sensation vote; PMV:
Predicted mean vote; Y: Probit of the percentage, Tin : Indoor air temperature; P: Primary school; E: Elementary school; K: Kindergarten; MM: Mixed mode; S: Secondary school; H: High school: J: Junior school; M: Male; F:
Female; Win: Winter; Spr: Spring; Sum: Summer; Aut: Autumn.

156 M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

sensation, interpersonal variation and adaptive behaviour [9,19,88]. thermal sensation of adults as kindergarten children are not in-
Present thermal comfort criteria underestimate the pupil’s thermal dependent for clothing. In the case of children, the changes
sensation during summer. in metabolic rates were larger than those of adults and their
As the awareness about the energy consumption and energy ef- metabolic rates ranged from 0.84 to 4.08 met because some classes
ficiency is rising, some countries have extended the building certi- were implemented in sitting positions in indoor environments and
fication program to educational buildings. To see the effect of this other classes with large amounts of activities, such as gymnastics,
extension in Taiwan, Huang et al. [24] study found that the class- sports activities, and recreation (seated, heavy limb movement,
rooms thermal comfort and academic performance have improved and walking) were also implemented [50]. Season difference in
with no overheating. They also concluded that increase of indoor children’s comfortable temperatures was identified as being lower
air velocity with the installation of ceiling fans has large potential than those of adults by approximately 0.5 °C in the summer and
in the reduction of heating perception [24]. In case of NV build- by approximately 3.3 °C in the winter, indicating that children have
ings, its design aspects such as local environment, orientation, lay- different thermal awareness from adults [50].
out, vegetation, using rooftop insulation, and shading play a criti- Linking indoor air quality and thermal comfort is also an im-
cal role in the regulation of indoor thermal environment [35]. This portant aspect in primary education level classrooms. Often it was
study also finds that students were more sensitive to solar heat found that the density of students (students per square meter) is
gain through a window in summer compared to that of winter 3–4 times higher compared to an office environment [43,93,94].
[35]. The high density of students and poor ventilation leads to high
An interesting finding was reported by Trebilcock et al. concentration of CO2 (above 40 0 0 ppm) in classrooms. The study
[89] where they found that students from highly vulnerable also finds that classrooms with split AC units have no option to
schools voted for a lower comfort temperature in winter than take fresh air at regular interval [43]. For such kind of classrooms
those from less vulnerable realities, thereby implying that there installation of air handling unit (AHU) is necessary or must have
is a strong relation between comfort temperature and the socio- breaks between two lectures to ventilate the classrooms with fresh
economic background of school children in this context. The study air [43]. From the literature survey, it is evident that IAQ and IEQ
observed high correlation between winter season comfort temper- affect the performance of children in schools and IAQ and IEQ are
ature and vulnerability index developed for each school conclud- directly related to ventilation type and rate. Stazia et al. [15], Gao
ing that students from deprived environments show adaptation to et al. [17], and Huang et al. [32] in their study concluded that
lower temperature. Pupils overall thermal comfort not always re- in air-conditioned classroom with automatically operable windows
lated to their thermal state [89]. Additionally, these results lead to with an exhaust fan was perceived to be significantly better than
a reflection on students being denied the right to comfort in their in the mechanically and manually ventilated classroom in both the
schools [89]. FR and heating season. Turunena et al. [11] study was carried out
to find the relation between IAQ, academic performance and well-
4.2. AC classrooms being of students. Most common problem reported by students in
spring semester were fatigue, stuffy nose, headache [11]. Most fre-
The basis of this section is also Tables 2 and 3. This section quent symptoms reported were wheezing, cough with wheezing
summarizes the conclusions of the studies done in primary class- and fever over 37 °C. The most daily inconvenience in classrooms
rooms listed in Tables 2 and 3 which are operated under cooling was noise, poor air quality, high indoor air temperature and dust
and heating mode during the study period. Like Section 4.1 class- [11]. So it can be concluded that air-conditioning management is
rooms even under heating mode resulted in quite low neutral the most effective mechanism to enhance thermal comfort in the
temperatures compared to adults [39,90]. Auliciems [39] study on air-conditioned classrooms [11].
primary and secondary school children in the winter season of With rising awareness on the nexus between thermal com-
Brisbane, Australia concluded that neutral temperature for both fort, energy consumption, and health, proper design of class-
primary and secondary school stands at 19.8 °C which is low com- rooms is the only solution to be looked at. Guili et al. [49] and
pared to UK schools. But the range of comfort temperature is quite Conceição and Lúcio [95] concluded that classrooms orientation
similar for both Australian and UK schools considered under this and position of windows on walls plays important role in IEQ.
study [39]. Reason for this is attributed to the difference of cloth- Incoming solar radiation from a south-facing window in win-
ing and degree of thermal acclimatization. Hadad et al. [85,90] in ter may improve the indoor thermal environment but in sum-
his study also seconded conclusion drawn by Auliciems and found mer it may deteriorate. Barrett et al. [46,96] used three design
that students have warmer sensation than expected [39,90]. Com- principals of naturalness, individualization and three design ele-
fort temperature during survey period derived from regression ments “Environment-Human-Performance” and carried out stim-
analysis is lower than predicted by PMV model [39,90]. It was ulation developed ten design parameters. Multi-level regression
found that in summertime the clothing level of children is high analysis resulted in seven 7 key design features (light, temper-
and needs to be relooked to provide better comfort in classrooms ature, air quality, ownership, flexibility, complexity, and colour)
[91]. de Dear et al. [5] and Kim and de Dear [92] study on Aus- that predict pupils progress. Out of three factors “naturalness”
tralian school classrooms concluded that neutral operative temper- weights about 50% impact on the learning process. The study also
ature is same as preferred temperature and an average change of concludes that combined effect of all three factors can improve
4.1 °C in operative temperature will lead to shifting in one thermal learning by 16% among students and lay emphasis to shift fo-
sensation on ASHRAE 7-point sensation scale [5]. This study indi- cus in designing classrooms from individualization to functional
cated that a span of 7 °C is observed for primary school in a range requirement [97]. In Europe age of buildings is a major concern
of comfort temperature and both upper and lower limit is 1.5 °C as they were constructed when no heating and cooling regula-
lower than that of adult [5]. This study also linked the adaptability tions were in place. So to make these building meet the today’s
of schools to outdoor climate variability. The more the variability energy requirement they need major renovations. Same is true
the more is adaptation and vice versa [5]. for educational buildings and classrooms. Martinez-Molina et al.
The relationship between of clothing level, the metabolic ac- [31] found a difference between pupils’ and teachers’ subjective
tivity of kindergarten and primary school children are shown by opinions, with the children displaying a higher and more-difficult-
Nam et al. [50] in their study. The study pointed out that cloth- to-reach threshold for indoor thermal comfort. They also con-
ing change of kindergarten children is also dependent on the cluded that correct assessment of indoor environment is the key to
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174 157

renovation these buildings and protecting the existing building’s vironment lead to the improvement of IEQ and IAQ. But from the
heritage values. literature, it has come forth that it is not always true [7,20,33].
Proper monitoring and assessment are needed to achieve the de-
5. Thermal comfort in secondary school classrooms sired objective. Same holds true for air-conditioned classrooms. In
this context, Auliciems [13] in 1969 carried out the study to eval-
5.1. NV/FR classrooms uate the optimum conditions and limits of thermal comfort in
secondary school’s classrooms and used Bedford scale for voting
Secondary school’s classrooms are occupied by students of age and equivalent ASHRAE 7-point scale covering 23 classrooms of
group 12–18 years (approximately). At this age, students are in 19 schools in the winter season. This study concludes that com-
a position to express their thermal sensation feeling and unlike fort zone with 60% of children felt comfortable can only be es-
primary school students they can do the adjustment like open- tablished and found satisfactory. This study also found that range
ing/closing of windows and switch on/off ceiling fans (Table 1). of comfortable temperature lies between 15−21 °C (60% of stu-
Tables 4 and 5 list the studies that addressed thermal comfort dents voted comfortable) with the neutral temperature at 17.1 °C
in secondary school classrooms, operating under NV/FR and air- at still air. Auliciems [36] extended the study to analyze the ef-
conditioned mode. Like primary schools here also students feel fect of comfortable temperature ranges on the performance of stu-
comfortable at low temperatures compared to adults and mostly dents and the relation among them. This study found that when
preferred cool thermal sensation [37,38,42,92,98,99]. Study done in comfort requirement of a group of people doing a particular task
UK school classrooms by Auliciems [37] and Humphreys [38] found is known then optimum performance temperature for that group
that summer season neutral temperature was 3.5 °C higher than could be established. Also if a group is doing continuous and repet-
winter season. Also, the students who are wearing light clothing itive work then the optimum temperature is located in “Comfort-
are comfortable at a higher temperature (24.5 °C) compared to ably cool” conditions. A study in warm and humid concluded that
those at higher clothing level (21.5 °C) [37,38]. Adaptation is a nat- more than 75% of classrooms did not meet the comfort require-
ural phenomenon in humans. Over a day almost negligible adap- ments according to ASHRAE 55 standard but a significant num-
tation takes place and adaptation process completes over a weeks’ ber of subjects find the conditions acceptable [41]. Air-conditioned
time and the ceiling of temperature change over a week should classrooms were cooling too much and students preferred 0.6 °C
not be more than 4 °C [37,38]. Thermal comfort studies carried warmer. Clothing adjustment was the prominent adaptive mech-
out in the summer season in warm and humid climate of Japan anism and more visible during the day [41]. A study conducted
found that students in classrooms found themselves comfortable by Pereira et al. [105] in classrooms related to air temperature in
even outside the summer comfort boundaries but preferred cooler the poorly insulated building envelope and found that classroom
sensation [100]. Linking of seasonal effect on thermal sensitive- air temperature was always out of comfort zone defined for Portu-
ness of students was brought forth by Hwang et al. [88]. They gal. Mumovic et al. [106] study concluded that hybrid ventilation
found that in summer months’ students are twice more sensitive system is much more effective compared to mechanical ventilation
to change in temperature than winter and their thermal percep- because it has good acoustics and reduces cold draught feeling sig-
tion was strongly affected by acclimatization. In case of naturally nificantly. Wargoci and Wayon [6] and Almeida et al. [107] bring
ventilated classrooms, their design impacts IEQ [100]. Classrooms in the issue of sustainability and energy efficiency of refurbished
orientation and position of windows on walls play a major role classrooms through strategic investment. They also concluded that
in maintaining indoor environmental conditions. Liang et al. [35], present design considerations for both new classroom construction
Puteha et al. [52], Pereira et al. [101], and Wargoci and Wayon and refurbishing, more emphasis is being given to energy saving
[102] reported that students were more sensitive to solar heat gain than adequate learning conditions [33,107]. They reported that ad-
through a window in summer compared to that of winter. They equate learning condition can improve student’s performance by
found that IAQ regulations were not followed as they recorded 30% so for new construction of school classrooms and to refurbish
very high concentration of CO2 in the classrooms (usually above it is required that we must set priority for providing an adequate
1300 ppm). Katafygiotou and Serghides [48,103] studied thermal learning environment within a broad context of energy efficiency.
comfort in the classrooms in three climatic zones of Cyprus. They
found that thermal comfort conditions are outside the acceptable 6. Thermal comfort in university classrooms
limits. They also related their findings with energy efficiency reg-
ulations and concluded that energy efficiency of schools in Cyprus 6.1. NV/FR classrooms
is poor and therefore the indoor quality conditions are also poor
and especially the thermal comfort. Students in naturally ventilated university classrooms are adults
Contribution to the learning process is an important role a in the age group of 19–26 years (Table 1). At this age student can
classroom should play. Classrooms thermal environment and its exercise greater degree of freedom in adaptive actions to control or
link to learning performance are studied by Liu et al. [84] and modify indoor thermal environments (Table 1). There are about 33
Wargoci and Wayon [104]. This study found that overall learning studies done so far on university classrooms operated under NV/FR
performance is highest when the temperature in the classroom is and air-conditioned mode to find thermal comfort status. Tables 6
1 °C lower than comfort temperature. A similar finding was also and 7 list all those studies. A study carried out by Zhang et al.
reported by Wargoci and Wayon [104] where they concluded that [108] concluded that PMV/PPD model overestimates the thermal
lowering the temperature from 25 to 20 °C with outside increased sensation of students and the effect of humidity on thermal com-
outside air supply improves both concentrations, logical thinking, fort is only visible at higher temperatures. In case of University
and speed of performing task in children. NV classrooms also, outdoor environmental conditions influences
the preferred thermal environment in classrooms. Corgnati et al.
5.2. AC classrooms [109,110] found that in winter warm environment was acceptable
to students. Baruah et al. [111] carried out questionnaire based
Thermal comfort studies in Reading, United Kingdom class- thermal comfort study during the spring season in warm and hu-
rooms are started in 1969 by Auliciems [13]. Since then a lot of mid climate concluded that subjects did not feel extreme levels
studies are being done in different parts of the world (Tables 4 of thermal discomfort. This study also brings forth the “adapta-
and 5). It is a general perception that air conditioning of built en- tion” into the picture and concludes that the comfort temperature
Table 4
Excerpts from previous thermal comfort studies done in secondary school classrooms in different parts of world.

S. No. Reference Country/Location Climate Time of survey Operation type Age (Years) Sample Size description

No of S/C M F

1 Auliciems A., 1969 [13] Reading, UK Temperate Jan to Apr 1967; HS 12-16 19S, 23C 1297 1327
Oct 1967; Mar 1968
2 Auliciems A., 1972 [36] Reading, UK Temperate Jan to April 1967; HS 12-16 19S, 23C 1297 1327
Oct 1967; Mar 1968
3 Auliciems A., 1973 [37] Reading, UK Temperate May to Jun 1967 FR 12-16 14S 464 201

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
4 Humphreys M., 1973 [38] London, UK Temperate May-Jul 1970; Jun FR 12-13 3S, 758C NA NA
5 Auliciems A., 1975 [39] Queensland, Australia Sub-tropical May to Aug 1973 HS 12 -17 4P, 3S NA NA
6 Kwok AG., 1997 [41] Hawaii, USA Tropical Sept-Oct 1995; NV + HS + CS 13-19 6 S, 29C 1735 1809
Jan-Feb 1996
7 Wong and Khoo, 2003 [42] Singapore Tropical August 2001 FR 13 – 18 1S; 15C 240 266
8 Kwok and Chun, 2003 [100] Tokyo and Yokohama, Japan Sub-tropical Jun to Sept 20 0 0 NV + HS + CS 13 – 51 2S, 3C 33 41
9 Wargoci and Wayon, 2007 [104] Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Cool-Temperate Summer 2004, FR 12 1S, 2C NA NA
10 Wargoci and Wayon, 2007 [102] Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Cool-Temperate Summer 2004, FR 12 1S, 2C NA NA
11 Corgnati et al., 2007 [109] Torino, Italy Mediterranean Jan to Apr 2002 HS 12 – 17 4S, 13C; 1U, 4C NA NA
12 Conceição and Lúcio, 2008 [95] Algarve region, South of Portugal Mediterranean Jan 2004 HS + CS NA 21C NA NA
13 Hwang et al., 2009 [88] Central, Taiwan Sub-tropical Sept 2005 to Jan NV 12 – 17 14S, 48C 791 823
14 Al-Rashidi et al., 2009 [98] Kuwait Desert Nov 2005 CS 12 – 17 1S, 14C 167 169
15 Mumovic et al., 2009 [106] England and Wales, UK Temperate Heating season of NV+ MM + HS 12-16 9S, 18C NA NA
20 06-20 07
16 Liang et al., 2012 [35] Taichung, Taiwan Sub-tropical Sept 2005 to Feb NV 12 – 17 14S, 48C 791 823
17 Puteha et al., 2012 [52] Malacca, Malaysia Tropical NA NV NA 3S NA NA
18 Wargoci and Wayon, 2013 [6] Kongens Lyngby, Denmark Temperate Summer 2004, CS 12 1S, 2C NA NA
19 Katafygiotou & Serghides, 2014 [103] Neapolis Gymnasium, Limassol, Cyprus Mediterranean 2013 HS + CS NA 1S NA NA
20 Pereira et al., 2014 [101] Beja, Portugal Mediterranean April-May 2013 NV + FR 15.6 – 16.7 1S, 2C 20 25
21 Katafygiotou and Serghides, 2014 [48] Cyprus Mediterranean NA NA 12 – 17 9S NA NA
22 Almeida et al., 2015a [107] Northern Portugal Mediterranean Win, Spr, Sum FR + HS + CS NA 9S, 24C NA NA
23 Almeida et al., 2015b [33] Northern Portugal Mediterranean Mar to May 2015 FR + HS + CS NA 4C NA NA
24 Barrett et al., 2015 [96] Salford, Manchester, UK Temperate Academic Year FR + HS + CS 12 – 19 27S, 53C, NA NA
25 de Dear et al., 2015 [5] Sydney, Australia Sub-tropical Sum 2013 NV + HS + CS + EC 12 – 18 9S NA NA
26 Pereira et al., 2015 [105] Coimbra, Central Portugal Mediterranean Feb to May 2010 HS + FR 20 1S, 1C NA NA
27 Liu et al., 2016 [84] Northwestern China Sub-tropical Nov and Dec 2014. FR 13 – 15 9S, 22C 366 397
28 Hamzah et al., 2018 [99] Indonesia Tropical Aug 2017 NV 11-18 8S, 48C 599 995
29 Kim and de Dear, 2018 [92] Sydney, Australia Sub-tropical March 2012 and NV + CS 16-18 8S NA NA
March 2013
NV: Naturally ventilated; CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; EC: Evaporative cooling; FR: Free running; Tc: Comfort temperature; Tn: Neutral temperature; FR: Free running; Top: Operative temperature; NA: Not available;
Win: Winter; Spr: Spring; Sum: Summer; Aut: Autumn; S: School; C: Classroom; K: Kindergarten; M: Male; F: Female.
Table 5
Thermal comfort parameters proposed in studies on secondary school classrooms.

Average clothing Average outdoor

S. No. Reference Operation type Subjects type (clo) Air velocity (m/s) Activity (met) temp (°C) Tc range (°C) Tn (°C)

1 Auliciems A., 1969 [13] HS S NA 0.05 – 0.1 NA 9.8 14.7 – 21.3 17.1
2 Auliciems A., 1972 [36] HS S NA 0.05 – 0.1 NA 9.8 14.7 – 21.3 17.1
3 Auliciems A., 1973 [37] FR S NA 0.07 NA 18 18.6 – 25.2 20.6
4 Humphreys M., 1973 [38] FR S 0.5 – 0.9 0.2 1.2 19.3 21.5 – 26 23
5 Auliciems A., 1975 [39] HS P+S NA NA NA 19.8 20.5 – 26 24.5
6 Kwok AG., 1997 [41] NV + HS + CS H NV = 0.38; NV = 0.36, AC = 0.15 1.2 AC = 27.3; 22 – 29.5 AC = 23.1; NV = 27.5
AC = 0.46 NV = 28.6

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
7 Wong and Khoo, 2003 [42] FR M+H 0.45 NA 1.2 28.8 27.1 – 29.3 28.2
8 Kwok and Chun, 2003 [100] NV + HS + CS M+H NV = 0.41; NV = 0.27, AC = 0.08 1.2 Sum = 27; Win = 4 23.6 – 26.9 NV = 26.9; AC = 24.2
AC = 0.33
9 Wargoci and Wayon, 2007 [104] FR S 0.6 0.13 1.7 16.6 21.6 – 24.9 20
10 Wargoci and Wayon, 2007 [102] FR S 0.6 0.15 1.7 16.6 21.6 – 24.6 20
11 Corgnati et al., 2007 [109] HS H+U 0.92 NA 1.2 5 20 – 26.9 24.6
12 Conceição and Lúcio, 2008 [95] HS + CS S NA NA NA NA NA NA
13 Hwang et al., 2009 [88] NV P+S Sum = 0.3; NA NA 15 – 34 17.6 – 30 22.7 – 29.1
Win = 0.6
14 Al-Rashidi et al., 2009 [98] CS M+H Boys = 1.17; 0.15 1.2 Max = 48 21.5 – 22.7 M = 21; F = 22
Girls = 0.95
15 Mumovic et al., 2009 [106] NV + MM + HS S 0.7 NA 1.2 NA Win = 19 – 21; NA
Sum = 21 – 25
16 Liang et al., 2012 [35] NV P+S NA 0.6-0.9 1-1.3 25 22.4 – 29.2 22.7 – 29.1
17 Puteha et al., 2012 [52] NV S NA NA NA NA NA NA
18 Wargoci and Wayon, 2013 [6] CS S 0.6 0.15 1.7 16.6 21.6 – 24.6 20
19 Katafygiotou & Serghides, 2014 [103] HS + CS S Sum = 0.61; NA 1.5 NA Win: 19 – 26; Spr: Win = AC = 20
Aut = 0.48; 21 – 27; Sum: 27 –
Win = 1.09; 35; Aut: 23 – 28
Spr = 0.4
20 Pereira et al., 2014 [101] NV + FR S 0.46 0.1 1.2 28.1 22.1 – 25.2 25.2
21 Katafygiotou and Serghides, 2014 [48] NA S 1 NA NA NA 21.5 – 25 NA
22 Almeida et al., 2015a [107] FR + HS + CS NA 0.8 1 1.15 Win = 9.5; 20 – 25 Win = 20; Sum = 25
Spr = 17.1;
Sum = 19.1
23 Almeida et al., 2015b [33] FR + HS + CS NA NA NA NA Win = 9.5; NA Win = 20; Sum = 25
Spr = 17.1;
Sum = 19.1
24 Barrett et al., 2015 [96] FR + HS + CS P+M+H NA NA NA NA NA NA
25 de Dear et al., 2015 [5] NV + HS + CS + EC P+S 0.45 0.07 2.1 22.2 19.5 – 26.6 22.5 Top
26 Pereira et al., 2015 [105] HS + FR S 0.9 0.1 1.2 – 1.5 9.5 – 15 20 – 24 20
27 Liu et al., 2016 [84] FR P+S 1.6 0.49 1 Nov = 8.1; 15 – 20 15
Dec = – 2.2
28 Hamzah et al., 2018 [99] NV S 0.69 0.15 1 27.5 28.5 28.5
29 Kim and de Dear, 2018 [92] NV + CS P+S 0.48 NA NA 21.3 NA 24.4

NV: Naturally ventilated; CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; EC: Evaporative cooling; FR: Free running; Tc : Comfort temperature; ET: Effective temperature; Top : Operative temperature; NA: Not available; Ta : Air tempera-
ture; TSV: Thermal sensation vote; Tom : Mean monthly outdoor temperature; MSV: Mean sensation vote; Tin : Indoor air temperature; Trm : Running mean temperature over two days; TSVm : Mean thermal sensation vote; PMV:
Predicted mean vote; Y: Probit of the percentage, Tin : Indoor air temperature; P: Primary school; MM: Mixed mode; S: Secondary school; H: High school: J: Junior school; M: Male; F: Female; Win: Winter; Spr: Spring; Sum:
Summer; Aut: Autumn.

Table 6
Excerpts from previous thermal comfort studies done in university classrooms in different parts of world.

S. No. Reference Country/Location Climate Time of survey Operation type Age (Years) Sample Size description

No of S/C Male Female

1 Krüger and Zanninb, 2004 [18] Parana, Brazil Sub-tropical Aug 20 0 0, Jan 20 01 NV NA 1U, 5C NA NA
2 Hwang R-L et al., 2006 [118] Centre and South, Taiwan Sub-tropical Sum 2003, Sum 2004 NV + CS NA 7U; 36C 531 763
3 Hu et al., 2006 [119] Wuhan, China Sub-tropical Jun to Sept and Dec to Feb NV + CS + HS 18-22 1U, 1L, 1C 141 45
4 Zhang et al., 2007 [108] Hunan University, China Sub-tropical Mar to Apr 2005 NV 20 2B, 25C NA NA

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
5 Corgnati et al., 2007 [109] Torino, Italy Mediterranean Jan to Oct 2002 HS 18 – 23 4S, 13C; 1U, NA NA
6 Cheng et al., 2008 [121] Central Taiwan Sub-tropical Apr to Nov 2006 NV + CS 18-28 2SD, 152R 659 560
7 Corgnati et al., 2009 [110] Turin, Italy Mediterranean Sept & Oct 2006, May 2007 FR 17-23 1U, 2C NA NA
8 Buratti & Ricciardi 2009 [127] Perugia, Terni, Pavia and Italy Mediterranean Nov to Dec 2004, Feb, Mar & May 2005 HS + CS 21-23 3U, 3C NA NA
9 Yao et al., 2010 [112] Chongqing, China Sub-tropical Mar 2005 to May 2006 FR 18-40 1U, 5C 2302 1319
10 Liu et al., 2011 [128] Tohoku, Japan Sub-tropical Jan 2010 and Aug 2010 HS + FR NA 1U, 1C NA NA
11 Jung et al., 2011 [126] Busan, South Korea Temperate Mar to Jun 2009, Sept to Dec 2009 HS + CS + FR 24.3 1U, 1C 670 292
12 Cao et al., 2011 [122] Beijing, China Sub-tropical Jun-Aug 2009; Nov-Dec 2007; Dec 2008 HS + CS 18 – 25 NA 138 68
13 Maki and Shukuya, 2008 [131] Yokohama, Japan Sub-tropical May-Jun 2008 HS + CS NA 2 NA NA
14 Lee et al., 2012 [7] Hong-Kong Sub-tropical NA HS + CS 18 – 55 1U, 4C 231 81
15 Yang et al., 2013 [8] California, USA Sub-tropical Jan-Feb 2010, Nov-Dec 2010. HS + CS NA 1U, 6C 270 357
16 Choi et al., 2013 [47] Midwestern university, USA Sub-tropical 2008 HS + CS 18-54 OS 288 340
17 Barbhuiya and Barbhuiya, 2013 [132] Loughborough University, UK Temperate Dec 2011 to Mar 2012 HS NA 1U NA NA
18 Wang et al., 2014 [123] Harbin, China Sub-tropical Dec 2015-Jan 2015, Apr 2011 HS 19.7 – 35.5 1U, 39C, 345 143
19 Mishra and Ramgopal 2014a [115] Kharagpur, India Tropical Jan to Apr 2013 NV 19 – 21 1U, 1L 116 5
20 Mishra and Ramgopal 2014b [10] Kharagpur, India Tropical Jan to Apr 2013 NV 19 – 21 1U, 1L 116 5
21 Baruah et al., 2014 [111] Tezpur, India Warm and humid Feb and May 2013 NV 20 – 26 1U, 6C 92 136
22 Mishra and Ramgopal 2015 [129] Kharagpur, India Tropical Aug to Oct 2013 NV + CS 19 – 21 3B, 8C NA NA
23 Serghides et al., 2015 [44] Limassol, Cyprus Mediterranean Win and Sum 2012, 2013 HS + CS NA NA 32 38
24 Fong et al., 2015 [45] Hong Kong Sub-tropical Climate chamber HS + CS 20 – 23 TC 24 24
25 Nico et al., 2015 [16] Bari, Italy Mediterranean NA FR NA 2C, 1U 56 70
26 Wang et al., 2016 [124] Harbin, China Sub-tropical Oct 2013 to Apr 2014 HS 20.2 1U, 5C, 11D 15 15
27 Vittal and Gnanasambandam., 2016 Tamilnadu, India W&H Dec 2014 and Jan 2015 NV 18 – 23 1U, 2C 102 74
28 Zaki et al., 2017 [120] Mara, My; Kyushu, Jp Jp = Sub-tropical; Jp = Feb to Mar 2013; My = Mar to May 2013 FR + CS 20 – 23 2 MU, 15C; Jp = 29;
My = Tropical 1 JU, 7C Jp = 420; My = 489
My = 490
29 Mishra et al., 2017 [130] Eindhoven, Netherlands Temperate March 2016 CS 18-20 1U, 2C 215 169
30 Castilla et al., 2017 [117] Spain Mediterranean NA NA 19-24 1U, 30C 490 428
31 Singh et al., 2018 [113] Rajasthan, India Tropical April, May, June 2015 NV 20.9 3U, 30C 729 171
32 Fanga et al., 2018 [125] Hong Kong Sub-tropical Aug to Oct 2015 AC 21.3 NA NA NA
33 Kumar et al., 2018 [114] Rajasthan, India Tropical April, May, June 2015 NV 20.9 3U, 30C 729 171

NV: Naturally ventilated; CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; EC: Evaporative cooling; FR: Free running; Tc: Comfort temperature; Tn: Neutral temperature; FR: Free running; Top: Operative temperature; NA: Not available;
Win: Winter; Spr: Spring; Sum: Summer; Aut: Autumn; S: School; C: Classroom; K: Kindergarten; M: Male; F: Female; My: Malaysia; Jp: Japan; CM: Cooling mode; MU: Malaysian University; JU: Japanese University; ASHRAE:
American society of heating, refrigeration and air conditioning engineers; CEN: Comité Europeo de Normalization.
Table 7
Thermal comfort parameters proposed in studies on university classroom.

Average Air velocity Activity

S. No. Reference Operation type Subjects type clothing (clo) (m/s) (met) Average outdoor temp (°C) Tc range (°C) Tn (°C)

1 Krüger and Zanninb, 2004 [18] NV U NA NA NA Sum = 21.3; Win = 15 15.5 – 31.5 NA
2 Hwang R-L et al., 2006 [118] NV + CS U 0.6 NA 1 NA NV = 21.1 – 29.8 (ET); NV = 26.3 (ET);
AC = 24.2 – 29.3 (ET) AC = 24.7 (ET)
3 Hu et al., 2006 [119] NV + CS + HS U Win = 1.8; Sum = 0.12; 1.1 Sum 32-33; Win 8-10 Lab (Sum = 26.6 – 28.6; Lab (Sum = 27.1,
Sum = 0.3 Dec = 0.13 Win = 15.7 – 18.3); Win = 17.2); C = 22
C = 18.4 – 26.1
4 Zhang et al., 2007 [108] NV U Sum = 0.65; 0.11 1.2 17.7 21.5 – 24.8 21.5
Win = 1.93
5 Corgnati et al., 2007 [109] HS HS + U 0.92 NA 1.2 5 20 – 26.9 24.6
6 Cheng et al., 2008 [121] NV + CS U 0.5 NA NA 25.8 NV = 25 – 28.2; AC = 26.1 25.4 Top
– 28.2

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
7 Corgnati et al., 2009 [110] FR U 0.55 NA 1.2 20.1 23.3 – 27.4 15 ET
8 Buratti & Ricciardi 2009 [127] HS + CS U Win = 1.3; 1.1 1.2 Win = 11.5; Sum = 21 21.6 – 25.6 23
Sum = 0.5
9 Yao et al., 2010 [112] FR U Win = 0.9; 0.5 1.1 Win = 0 – 10; Sum = 25 – 16 – 30 22.8
Sum = 0.5 30
10 Liu et al., 2011 [128] HS + FR U NA NA NA 0 NA NA
11 Jung et al., 2011 [126] HS + CS + FR U 0.72 0.04 1.2 7.3 – 23.3 17 – 25 22
12 Cao et al., 2011 [122] HS + CS U Sum = 0.56; Sum = 0.17; 1.1 Sum = 24.5 – 30; Win 2.5 23 – 26 Sum = 26.8;
Win = 1.3 Dec = 0.17 – 12.5 Win = 20.7
13 Maki and Shukuya, 2008 [131] HS + CS U NA NA NA NA 26 NA
14 Lee et al., 2012 [7] HS + CS U 1.3 0.52 1 NA 19.6 – 25.1 23.6 (TOP )
15 Yang et al., 2013 [8] HS + CS U NA NA NA NA NA NA
16 Choi et al., 2013 [47] HS + CS U NA NA NA NA NA NA
17 Barbhuiya and Barbhuiya, 2013 [132] HS U NA 0.1 NA Win = 7; Sum = 22 NA NA
18 Wang et al., 2014 [123] FR + HS U+O Win = 1.04; Win = 0.12; 1.2 Dec – Jan = – 19.7; 22 – 25 Win = 22.6;
Spr = 0.77 Spr = 0.16 Apr = 12.2 Spr = 21.7
19 Mishra and Ramgopal 2014a [115] NV U Win = 0.76; 0.6 1.6 14.5 20 – 31 26.5
Sum = 0.39
20 Mishra and Ramgopal 2014b [10] NV U Win = 0.76; 0.6 1.6 14.5 20 – 31 26.5
Sum = 0.39
21 Baruah et al., 2014 [111] NV U Win = 1.18; 0.1 1.1 Win = 21.9 to 24; Win = 22 – 23.5; 24.4
Sum = 0.56 Sum = 28.5 to 32 Sum = 27.3 – 30.7
22 Mishra and Ramgopal 2015 [129] NV + CS U NA 0.6 1.6 NA AC = 24 – 24.5; NV = 28 – NA
23 Serghides et al., 2015 [44] HS + CS U sum = 0.49; NA 1.3 Sum = 29.1; Win = 15.2 NA Sum = 31 – 33;
Win = 1.15 Win = 21 – 22
24 Fong et al., 2015 [45] HS + CS U NA NA NA NA NA NA
25 Nico et al., 2015 [16] FR U NA 0.1 M = 1; 14.05 C NA ASHRAE = 21;
F = 1.13 CEN = 22.6
26 Wang et al., 2016 [124] HS U 1.01 0.04 1.1 – 18 16 – 22.4 18
27 Vittal and Gnanasambandam, 2016 NV U 0.53 1.4 1.2 NA 26.9 – 30.8 29
28 Zaki et al., 2017 [120] FR + CS U 0.55 0.1 1.2 NA FR (Jp = 25.1; My = 25.6); My = 26.5; Jp = 26.3
CS(Jp = 26.2; My = 25.6)
29 Mishra et al., 2017 [130] CS U 0.77 0.2 1.2 5.9 NA NA
30 Castilla et al., 2017 [117] NA U NA NA NA NA NA NA
31 Singh et al., 2018 [113] NV U 0.4 0.6 1.2 34.9 29.8 26.5
32 Fanga et al., 2018 [125] AC U 0.42 NA NA 28 21.6-26.8 24.1
33 Kumar et al., 2018 [114] NV U 0.4 0.6 1.2 34.9 29.8 26.5

NV: Naturally ventilated; CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; EC: Evaporative cooling; FR: Free running; Tc : Comfort temperature; ET: Effective temperature; Top : Operative temperature; NA: Not available; Ta : Air tempera-
ture; TSV: Thermal sensation vote; Tom : Mean monthly outdoor temperature; MSV: Mean sensation vote; Tin : Indoor air temperature; Trm : Running mean temperature over two days; TSVm : Mean thermal sensation vote; PMV:
Predicted mean vote; Y: Probit of the percentage, P: Primary school; MM: Mixed mode; S: Secondary school; H: High school: J: Junior school; M: Male; F: Female; Win: Winter; Spr: Spring; Sum: Summer; Aut: Autumn; My:
Malaysia; Jp: Japan; CM: Cooling mode; MU: Malaysian University; JU: Japanese University; O: Office.

162 M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

range varies from 22 to 23.5 °C in winter months and 27.3–30.7 °C uniform temperature (Teu) and comfort uniform temperature (Tu)
in the summer month. It has been observed that there is a large and PPD versus absolute of (Teu -Tu). This study found a linear
variation in the clothing pattern in both the seasons which jus- relationship for PMV versus Teu-Tu thus verifying Fanger theory
tify the behavioural, physiological and psychological adaptation of which forecasts null value of PMV in neutral comfort conditions.
the respondent [112–114]. It was also found that the other adaptive Demand for energy efficiency in air-conditioned buildings is
means like the use of fans, closing or openings of windows etc. are making the buildings more and more airtight and buildings are de-
used quite often [10,112–115]. signed with low Air Change per Hour (ACH) rates [7,45,47,128,129].
Adaptive thermal comfort principal mentions about the linkage But for classrooms were generally occupancy is relatively higher,
between controls, adaptive actions, and thermal comfort. To study this strategy fails. Research shows that IEQ and IAQ must be given
this linkage Nico et al. [16] carried out a study and found that adequate priority while designing air-conditioned classrooms as
increasing the microclimate control and flexibility of adaptive ac- they impact students learning ability [7,45,47,128,129]. The thermal
tions like changing clothing level and the opening of windows im- satisfaction acceptance percentage in stratum ventilation strategies
prove the feeling of satisfaction about indoor environmental con- can be improved by increasing the air flow supply from 10 to
ditions. The study also concludes that most of the objects recorded 15 ACH at the elevated indoor condition of 26.8 °C, 27.3 °C and
cool thermal sensation and preferred a warmer climate in winter 26.4 °C [7,45,47,128–130]. While designing ventilation strategy for
and warm thermal sensation and preferred a cooler environment air-conditioned classrooms high vertical temperature difference
in summer. Students in naturally conditioned classrooms are ther- must be avoided [128]. Classroom comfort also gets affected by
mally less sensitive compared air-conditioned buildings [116]. Also, non-classroom factors such as such as visibility, acoustics and
subjects in NV classrooms have a high tolerance of warmer tem- furniture play important role in building student perception about
perature conditions [112,116]. Studies done by Krüger and Zanninb learning [7,45,128]. It was also found that students have low
[18] and Castilla et al. [117] stated that there is a strong relation- satisfaction for artificial lighting and acoustics. Improving artificial
ship between factors such as acoustics, lighting level, and thermal lighting has almost no impact on their learning but improving
comfort. acoustics has improved the learning [8,131]. Designing classrooms
in cold climate, buildings codes make it mandatory to use insu-
6.2. AC classrooms lation materials but increased use of ICT in university education
system demands pre-design assessment of heat generated by these
Research on thermal comfort assessment in university class- equipment’s [8,131]. A study in university classrooms of Cyprus in
rooms started a decade back (Tables 6 and 7). Hwang et al. winter and summer season found that heat generated by equip-
[118] study shows that air temperature, air movement and mean ment in classrooms improves comfort in winter but deteriorates in
radiant temperature have a significant influence on student’s ther- summer [44,132].
mal sensation but the humidity has no statistically significant ef-
fect on thermal sensation. This study also brings forth interest- 7. Discussion
ing fact that female students have narrower neutral temperature
range and female students adjust their clothing level swiftly with 7.1. Article types and publication trend
variation in indoor temperature. Hu et al. [119] and Zaki et al.
[120] study brought the functionality into the picture by conclud- At all educational stages, functional requirement of the class-
ing that the neutral temperature in the classroom is different from room is very distinct and so the student density in the class-
that in the laboratory. The respondents were more sensitive to room, indoor environment control, clothing choices, activity and
temperature variation in the laboratory than that in the classroom use of internet and communication technology. Figs. 3 and 4 show
[118–120]. A gradient of about one sensation unit per 3–4 °C was the Koppen–Geiger world climatic classification and the number of
found in the laboratory (3 °C in summer and 4 °C in winter) while studies done in the classrooms of each climatic zone. It can be seen
the figure was nearly 6 °C in the classroom [118–120]. Zaki et al. in Fig. 4 that the distribution of studies is quite skewed. The high-
[120] study on Malaysian student’s states that classroom-based ac- est number of studies is done in sub-tropical countries followed by
tivities are generally restricted; therefore, individuals have limited countries in a temperate climate. Mediterranean and hot and dry
options for adjusting themselves to the indoor thermal environ- climate countries have quite a few studies. Continent-wise, Asia
ment. Additionally, the current guideline for HVAC buildings might and Europe lead the count. In Asia, maximum number of stud-
also underestimate occupants’ thermal preference in hot-humid ies is being reported from Taiwan, China, and Malaysia. In Europe,
climates, where a greater degree of heat tolerance could be found maximum number of studies is being reported from UK, Italy, and
in the general population [120]. Portugal. The approach followed by the researchers to carry out
Long time exposure to similar climate has an impact on human thermal comfort studies is also analyzed. Fig. 5 represents the ap-
adaptability. In case of university student’s, it was found that ther- proach (PMV-PPD or adaptive thermal comfort methodology) fol-
mal neutrality does not same as an optimal thermal condition for lowed in the studies carried out in different continents. It is clear
students [121–124,125]. Even for air-conditioned classrooms, the that a maximum number of studies followed PMV-PPD method-
outdoor climatic condition does affect the human adaptation so ology to evaluate the classroom thermal environment. To know
the neutral temperature in spring was higher than winter [121– about number of studies done for each educational stages class-
124]. Student’s thermal adaptability to coldness should be well room e.g. primary, secondary and university, Fig. 6 is plotted. It
considered in winter and a high thermal comfort zone should be can be seen that highest number studies are done in primary and
avoided to save energy and improve the energy efficiency [121– University classrooms in Europe and Asia respectively.
124]. If the neutral temperature is used instead of current indoor Publication trend of 89 articles is shown in Fig. 1. It can be seen
air temperature for space heating, then 12% of heating energy can that highest number of articles are published in the year 2014 and
be saved in the classroom. Also, an interesting conclusion related 2015. The share of classroom thermal comfort studies in overall
to adaptation was put forth by Jung et al. [126] that students thermal comfort studies is only 2.1% (approximately). Fig. 2 shows
readily accept slightly cool environment but do not easily accept the increasing trend of publication with very high growth in last
slightly warm environment. 10 years. To know the composition of the type of articles Fig. 7
Buratti and Ricciardi [127] carried out a study to find the rela- is plotted. It shows that in both the thermal comfort and thermal
tions ship between PMV versus the difference between equivalent comfort in classrooms themes, original research papers dominate
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174 163

Fig. 3. World map of Koppen–Geiger climate classification.

Fig. 4. Summary of thermal comfort studies conducted in different climates at various education level (total 89 articles).

the publication followed by conference papers. It is a healthy sign 7.2. Thermal comfort and preferences in primary school classrooms
because it is enriching the database which is required to develop
a robust thermal comfort model for classroom. It is also showing All 93 research articles are classified into primary, secondary
the increasing awareness and concern among the researchers and and university classrooms based studies. 34 out of 93 studies are
scientists about the IEQ and its role in the human well-being in on primary school’s classrooms. Tables 2 and 3 present the im-
different kind of built environments including classrooms. A small portant set of data related to location, time of the survey, the op-
number of classroom centric studies are a matter of concern de- eration of classrooms, sample size, comfortable temperature, neu-
spite knowing the impact of inadeadequate IEQ on the learning tral temperature and air velocity etc. Some rows in Tables 2 and
ability and well-being of students. It demands more studies to be 3 are highlighted showing significant information is missing in
done across the globe so that a grand database can be built and it the published article. It may be possible that for particular study
can be taken forward to the formulation of a new set of IEQ stan- those data were not necessary but for this study comfort survey
dards/guidelines for designing future classrooms. indicators and statistics are important to the data with a specific
164 M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

Fig. 5. Distribution of papers considered for this review article following two schools of thoughts ( PMV-PPD and adaptive approach: total 89 articles).

Fig. 6. Classification of field studies conducted in classrooms based on education stages in different continents (total 89 articles).

objective of thermal comfort in classroom. Missing data in the pub- this grade student has to follow the choices of the adults for ther-
lished studies also reflecting to inconsistency in reporting thermal mal environments. PMV and PPD methodology underestimate the
comfort studies [19,20,32,44,48,60,62,63,67,90]. Studies done on el- actual thermal environments in both NV/FR and air-conditioned
ementary and primary schools classrooms show a strong relation- classrooms [39,90]. Studies also suggested that students at this
ship between indoor thermal environment, student performance stage are very active and have high metabolic rates compared to
and well-being but lacks to put forth any direct evidence. It was adults. Also, these students are always in the same uniform and
also found that at this stage student do not take adaptive actions seldom allowed to adjust despite the level of activity required in
like changing clothing level, changing set point temperatures and the classroom [39,40,83,84]. Above all at this stage of education
opening and closing of windows on their own [39,40,83,84]. At student’s educational curricula demands many physical activities
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174 165

Fig. 7. Type of documents on Scopus scientific database when search with keywords “thermal comfort, adaptive thermal comfort and thermal comfort in classroom” (ac-
cessed on 11th October 2018).

which aggravate the unacceptability of existing thermal environ- class. So they are in transient condition for about 20–30% of the
ment [39,40,83,84]. time (if a class is of 1-hour duration). So the memory of the pre-
vious environment greatly affects the thermal comfort and pref-
7.3. Thermal comfort and preferences in secondary school classrooms erence of a student in university classrooms. This happens several
times in a day, during their stay in the university. In classroom stu-
Tables 4 and 5 present the list of studies that carried out dents experience a transient thermal condition for first 15–20 min
thermal comfort assessment in secondary classrooms. Total 29 re- in a class and when ignoring this fact ISO 7730, ASHRAE 55 and
search articles address the thermal comfort status and preferences CEN 15251 standard which generally deals with steady-state condi-
in secondary school classrooms operated under NV/FR and air- tions, applied to evaluate classrooms thermal environment, the de-
conditioned modes (Tables 4 and 5). Like primary school class- viation reported by many studies seems obvious [25–27,121–124].
rooms, students at this stage are not satisfied with the existing Here also it is the case where standards are applied to design an
thermal environment. Studies relating sustainability and energy ef- environment whose functionality and the requirement is quite dif-
ficiency concluded that in designing new classrooms or refurbish- ferent to the mandate of the standard.
ing old ones, more emphasis should be given adequate learning
conditions which include non-thermal parameters too. It has been 7.5. Regression equations and operation modes of classrooms
found that adequate learning conditions improve student’s perfor-
mance as much as 30% [33,107]. At this stage also students in Based on above classification the studies which have proposed
the classrooms prefer optimum temperature towards cooler side regression equations were segregated. Table 8 presents the list of
of the thermal sensation scale. Studies done in NV/FR classrooms regression equations for primary, secondary and university class-
concluded that students in summer months are more sensitive to rooms. These equations are establishing the relationship between
change in temperature compared to winter months and neutral mean thermal sensation and indoor temperature (operative tem-
temperature in summer is considerably higher compared to win- perature, air temperature or globe temperature). To find the change
ter months [35,52,101,102]. in temperature required to shift in one thermal sensation vote, the
inverse of the coefficient attached to mean thermal sensation is
7.4. Thermal comfort and preferences in university classrooms calculated. On analysing these values, it is found that very few
studies are able to give reliable value. A temperature change of up
University classrooms students have a greater degree of to 5 °C to shift one sensation vote seems in good agreement with
freedom to take adaptive actions to restore their comfort. other thermal comfort studies. It is strange that values in the range
Tables 6 and 7 list 33 studies that are being carried out in univer- of 7 °C–22.2 °C are being found.
sity classrooms and are operated under NV/FR or air-conditioned Regression equations proposed by studies in classrooms are an-
mode. Study linking controls, adaptive actions and thermal com- alyzed where the heating and cooling system is operational dur-
fort states that increasing level of control over microclimate and ing the study period. Studies that proposed the regression equa-
adaptive actions is directly related to enhanced satisfaction of the tion are listed in Table 9. Again analysing the temperature change
students towards the indoor thermal environment. Here also stu- required to shift one thermal sensation vote, we find that in this
dents preferred cool sensation in both NV and air-conditioned case, the values are more reliable compared to NV and FR class-
classrooms. So in winter months, when the heating system is re- rooms except for 4 studies. On analysing mixed mode operated
quired to run then set temperature can be kept low and this will classrooms we find that a maximum number of studies in all
save heating energy consumption by 12% [126]. In case of univer- the categories show high-temperature change to shift one thermal
sity student’s, they move in and out of the classroom after every sensation vote. Table 10 presents the details of the studies and
Table 8
Proposed regression equations in the comfort studies done in naturally ventilated and free running primary, secondary and university classrooms.

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
Temperature change
Building Operation required to shift one
Classroom Reference Country Type type Survey Period Regression equation thermal sensation (°C)

Hwang et al., 2009 [88] Central, Taiwan NV FR Sept 2005 to Jan 2006 MSV = 0.01Top – 0.30 10
Teli D et al., 2012 [51] Hampshire, England, UK NV FR Mar to Aug 2011 TSV = 0.26Top – 5.68 3.85
M: TSV = 0.27Top – 5.56; M = 3.7;
Teli et al., 2013 [81] Southampton, UK HS + CS FR Apr to Jul 2011
Primary F: TSV = 0.25Top – 5.48 F=4
Yun et al., 2014 [34] Seoul, Korea HS + CS FR Apr to Jun 2013 TSV = 0.29Top – 6.47 3.45
Liu et al., 2016 [84] Weinan and Wuwei, China HS + CS FR Nov and Dec 2014 TSVm = 0.18 Top – 2.72 5.56
Haddad et al., 2019 [85] Iran NV FR Aut, Win and Spr 2012 - 2013 TSVm = 0.27 Top – 6.25 3.7

Hwang et al., 2009 [88] Central, Taiwan NV FR Sept 2005 to Jan 2006 MSV = 0.01Top – 0.30 10
Liu et al., 2016 [84] Northwestern China HS + CS FR Nov and Dec 2014 TSVm = 0.18 Top – 2.72 5.56
TSV = 0.175 To – 5.07 5.71
Hamzah et al., 2018 [99] Indonesia NV FR Aug 2017
PMV = 0.259To – 5.95 3.86

TSV = 0.045Top – 0.96; TSV = 22.2;

Zhang et al., 2007 [108] Hunan University, China NV FR Mar to Apr 2005
PMV = 0.116Top – 2.88 PMV = 9.1
Cheng et al., 2008 [121] Central Taiwan NV FR Apr to Nov 2006 TSV = 0.34Top – 8.4 2.94
Wang et al., 2014 [123] Harbin, China HS + CS FR Dec 2010-Jan 2011, Apr 2011 TSVspr = 0.15Ta – 3.32 6.67
Mishra & Ramgopal, 2014a [115] Kharagpur, India NV FR Jan to Apr 2013 TSV = 0.14Top – 3.72 7.14
Mishra & Ramgopal, 2014b [10] Kharagpur, India NV FR Jan to Apr 2013 TSV = 0.14Top – 3.72 7.14
Baruah et al., 2014 [111] Tezpur, India NV FR Feb and May 2013 TSV = 0.24Tin – 5.73 4.16
Vittal and Gnanasambandam., 2016 [116] Tamil Nadu, India NV FR Dec 2014 and Jan 2015 TSV = 0.54Tg – 15.59 1.85
Singh et al., 2018 [113] Rajasthan, India NV FR April, May, June 2015 TSV = 0.19Ta – 5.04 5.26
Kumar et al., 2018 [114] Rajasthan, India NV FR April, May, June 2015 TSV = 0.19Ta – 5.04 5.26

NV: Naturally ventilated; FR: Free running; Tc : Comfort temperature; Top : Operative temperature; Ta : Air temperature; TSV: Thermal sensation vote; MSV: Mean sensation vote; Tin : Indoor air temperature; TSV: Thermal
sensation vote; TSVm : Mean thermal sensation vote; PMV: Predicted mean vote; M: Male; F: Female; TSVspr : Spring season thermal sensation vote; AC: Air conditioned (HS + CS).
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
Table 9
Proposed regression equations in the comfort studies done in heating and cooling system operated primary, secondary and university classrooms.

Temperature change
Building Operation required to shift one
Classrooms Reference Country Type type Survey Period Regression equation thermal sensation (°C)

Primary Auliciems, 1975 [39] Queensland, Australia HS + CS HS May to Aug 1973 TSV = 0.147Tin – 3.6 6.8

Auliciems, 1969 [13] Reading, UK HS + CS HS Jan to Apr 1967; Oct 1967; Mar 1968 TSV = 0.12Tin – 7.72 8.33
Auliciems, 1975 [39] Queensland, Australia HS + CS HS May to Aug 1973 TSV = 0.15Tin – 3.6 6.67

Cheng et al., 2008 [121] Central Taiwan HS + CS CS Apr to Nov 2006 TSVAC = 0.35Top – 8.8 2.86
Wang et al., 2014 [123] Harbin, China HS + CS HS Dec 2010-Jan 2011, Apr 2011 TSVwin = 0.24Ta – 5.43 4.17
Wang et al., 2016 [124] Harbin, China HS + CS HS Oct 2013 to Apr 2014 TSVm = 0.16Tin – 2.97 6.25
University Jp: Feb to Mar 2013; My: TSVcl = 0.33Top – 8.8; My: 3.03;
Zaki et al., 2017 [120] Mara, My; Kyushu, Jp HS + CS CS
My: Mar to May 2013 Jp: TSVcl = 0.43Top – 11.2 Jp: 2.33
TSVm = 0.198 Top – 4.784 5.05
Fanga et al., 2018 [125] Hong Kong HS + CS CS Aug to Oct 2015
PMV = 0.371Top – 9.765 2.7

CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; Top : Operative temperature; Ta : Air temperature; Tin : Indoor air temperature; Tm : Monthly mean temperature; Tc : Comfort temperature; TSV: Thermal sensation vote; TSVm : Mean
thermal sensation vote; TSVwin : Winter thermal sensation vote; TSVAC : Thermal sensation vote in air-conditioned classroom; My: Malaysia; Jp: Japan; AC: Air conditioned (HS + CS).

M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174
Table 10
Proposed regression equations in the comfort studies done in mixed mode operated primary, secondary and university classrooms.

Temperature change
required to shift one
Classroom Reference Country Building Type Operation type Survey Period Regression equation thermal sensation (°C)

de Dear et al., 2015 [5] Sydney, Australia HS + CS FR + HS + CS + EC Sum 2013 TSVm = 0.12 Top – 2.78 8.33
Primary Trebilcock et al., 2017 [90] Shiraz, Iran HS + CS HS + EC + FR Aut, Win and Warm 2012 - 2013 TSVm = 0.27 Top – 6.25 3.7
Kim and de Dear, 2018 [92] Sydney, Australia HS + CS FR + CS March 2012 and March 2013 TSV = 0.16Tdiff – 0.24 6.25

Kwok, 1997 [41] Hawaii, USA HS + CS FR + HS + CS Sept-Oct 1995; Jan - Feb 1996 TSV = 0.29Top – 7.40 3.45
Secondary de Dear et al., 2015 [5] Sydney, Australia HS + CS FR + HS + CS + EC Sum 2013 TSVm = 0.12 Top – 2.78 8.33
Kim and de Dear, 2018 [92] Sydney, Australia HS + CS FR + CS March 2012 and March 2013 TSV = 0.15Tdiff – 0.12 6.67

TSV = 0.14ET – 3.76; TSV = 7.14;

Hwang R-L et al., 2006 [118] Centre and South, Taiwan HS + CS FR + CS Sum 2003, Sum 2004
PMV = 0.28ET – 7.72 PMV = 3.57
Hu et al., 2006 [119] Wuhan, China HS + CS FR + CS + HS Jun to Sept and Dec to Feb TSV = 0.13ET – 2.93 7.7 ET
University Buratti & Ricciardi, 2009 [127] Perugia, Terni, Pavia and Italy HS + CS HS + CS Nov to Dec 2004, Feb, Mar & May 2005 PMV = 0.16Top – 3.31 7.69
Mishra & Ramgopal, 2015 [129] Kharagpur, India HS + CS FR + CS Aug to Oct 2013 TSV = 0.14Top – 3.72 7.14
Jp: Feb to Mar 2013; My: TSVcl = 0.33Top – 8.8; My: 3.03;
Zaki et al., 2017 [120] Mara, My; Kyushu, Jp HS + CS FR + CS
My: Mar to May 2013 Jp: TSVcl = 0.43Top – 11.2 Jp: 2.33

NV: Naturally ventilated; CS: Cooling system; HS: Heating system; EC: Evaporative cooling; ET: Effective temperature; Top : Operative temperature; TSV: Thermal sensation vote; TSVm : Mean thermal sensation vote; PMV:
Predicted mean vote; My: Malaysia; Jp: Japan; AC: Air conditioned (HS + CS); Sum: Summer.
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174 169

Table 11
Proposed adaptive comfort equations in the comfort studies done in primary, secondary and university classrooms.

Building Adaptive comfort

Classroom Reference Country Type Operation type Survey Period equation

Liang et al., 2012 [35] Taichung, Taiwan NV FR Sept 2005 to Feb 2006 Tc = 0.62Tom + 12.1
Huang et al., 2015 [24] Central Taiwan NV FR May, Jun, Sept and Oct 2013 Tc = 0.33Trm + 18.8
Trebilcock et al., 2017 [89] Santiago, Chile NV FR Jul-Aug 2013 and Nov -Dec 2014 Tc = 0.834Trm + 7.11
Primary Haddad et al., 2019 [85] Iran NV FR Aut, Win and Spr 2012 - 2013 Tc = 0.33Trm + 17.9
Montazami et al., 2017a [86] West Midlands, UK NV FR June and July of 2014 and 2015 Tc = 0.33Trm + 18.8-3
Teli et al., 2017 [82] Southampton, UK NV FR 2011 to 2015 Tc = 0.26Trm + 18.2
Montazami et al., 2017b [87] West Midlands, UK NV FR June and July of 2014 and 2015 Tc = 0.33Trm + 18.8

Secondary Liang et al., 2012 [35] Taichung, Taiwan NV FR Sept 2005 to Feb 2006 Tc = 0.62Tom + 12.1

Yao et al., 2010 [112] Chongqing, China NV FR Mar 2005 to May 2006 Tc = 0.6Tout + 9.85
Jung et al., 2011 [126] Busan, South Korea HS + CS HS + CS + FR Mar to Jun 2009, Sept to Dec 2009 Tc = 0.42Tom + 16.90
Singh et al., 2018 [113] Rajasthan, India NV FR April, May, June 2015 Tc = 0.49Trm + 13.8
Kumar et al., 2018 [114] Rajasthan, India NV FR April, May, June 2015 Tc = 0.49Trm + 13.8

NV: Natural Ventilation; FR: Free running; HS: Heating system; CS: Cooling system; AC: Air conditioned (HS + CS); Tom : Outdoor monthly mean temperature; Tc : Comfort
temperature; Trm : Running mean comfort temperature over two days; Tout : Outdoor temperature; PMV: Predicted Mean Vote.

Fig. 8. Plot of Neutral temperature proposed by studies carried out in primary school, secondary school and university classrooms separately on ASHRAE comfort bands.

calculated values. From Tables 8–10 it is evident that in most of 7.6. Adaptive comfort equations
the classrooms studies the results obtained are quite different from
what thermal comfort study reveals when done in a built environ- In this study, comfort temperatures proposed by different stud-
ment other than classrooms. This also concludes that the students ies are plotted on ASHRAE 55-2013 and CEN 15251-2007 comfort
in the classrooms were highly unsatisfied with the existing indoor band. To draw this plot, proposed comfort temperature and daily
environmental conditions. mean outdoor temperature data are extracted from the selected
Very interestingly it can be said that this study did not succeed research articles (Tables 2–7). In some research articles where the
to find the consistency between the temperature change required daily outdoor mean temperature was not provided, a web source
to shift one thermal sensation vote in classrooms at different edu- was used to get the data of that location for the study period
cation stages and under different operation modes. (Metoffice, 2017) [80]. Figs. 8 and 9 present the plots of comfort
Table 11 presents the adaptive comfort equations proposed temperature on ASHRAE −55 and CEN 15251 comfort band [25,27].
by 12 studies done in primary, secondary and university class- On carrying out regression analysis we get four adaptive comfort
rooms altogether. Most of the studies have comparable slope ex- equations, one each for primary, secondary, university classrooms
cept the study done in Santiago, Chile. This study proposes very and all classrooms (considering primary, secondary and university
steep slope stating that subjects were very sensitive to temperature together).
Tcop_ pri = 0.22Tout + 18.01 N = 21; R2 = 0.17 (1)
170 M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

Fig. 9. Plot of neutral temperature proposed by studies carried out in primary school, secondary school and university classrooms separately on CEN comfort bands.

Fig. 10. Plot of neutral temperature proposed by studies carried out in primary school, secondary school and university classrooms together on ASHRAE comfort bands.

where Tcop_pri is comfort temperature (operative temperature)

Tcop_sec = 0.47Tout + 14.11 N = 18; R2 = 0.77 (2) in primary school classroom
Tcop_sec is comfort temperature (operative temperature) in sec-
Tcop_uni = 0.30Tout + 16.91 N = 16; R2 = 0.45 (3) ondary school classroom
Tcop_uni is comfort temperature (operative temperature) in uni-
Tcop_all = 0.33Tout + 16.37 N = 55; R2 = 0.49 (4) versity classroom
M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174 171

Fig. 11. Comfort temperature bandwidth in different continents proposed by research articles considered in this study (total 89 articles).

Tcop_all is comfort temperature (operative temperature) in all operation mode of classrooms are not considered. Fig. 11 is show-
classrooms ing the range of comfort temperature for primary, secondary and
and Tout is daily mean outdoor temperature university classrooms. It shows that among all the continents, uni-
versity classrooms in Asia are showing a highest band of comfort
It is interesting to note that student at all the educational stages
has a different level of sensitivity towards outdoor temperature
Indoor air quality consideration is not the prime objective of
change. Out of all the stages, primary school students are least
this study but it was found that most of the studies reported quite
sensitive to temperature change. This conclusion is supported by
a high level of CO2 concentration (up to 30 0 0 ppm) in the class-
several studies and primarily Humphreys [38,40] and Auliciems
rooms [15,107]. Most of the studies also pointed out high den-
[13,36,37,39]. This happens because the clothing level selection for
sity and lack of adequate ventilation as the probable reasons for
this section of students is primarily adult dependent. Out of three
the high level of CO2 concentration in classrooms (poor indoor air
levels, the most sensitive to the outdoor change of temperature
quality) [15,108].
are secondary school students. Because they have limited scope
of clothing variation because they have to wear school uniform
8. Conclusions and way forward
throughout the year irrespective of the type of activity they have
to perform based on school curricula (limited scope of clothing re-
This study on thermal comfort in the classroom has led to the
lated adaptation). University students show the slope which is very
following conclusions:
close to ASHRAE standard and CEN standard because the database
used to propose these comfort bands consists of adult’s subjects • Students in all classrooms at all stages of their education, i.e.
and the university students are in the age bracket of adults. More- primary, secondary and at university, report feeling comfort-
over, college students have maximum liberty and flexibility out of able on the cooler side of the thermal sensation scale. Pri-
three educational stages for adaptation as listed in Table 1. When mary school students are least sensitive to outdoor temperature
all comfort temperature of all stage classrooms is plotted together changes.
on ASHRAE comfort band it resulted in Eq. (4). Fig. 10 shows the • In case of naturally ventilated classrooms, outdoor climatic con-
plot all neutral temperature on ASHRAE comfort band. Regression ditions have a stronger influence on indoor thermal conditions.
line shows that the slope is similar to that of ASHRAE standard. But Neutral temperatures in NV classrooms are higher in summer
this picture is quite different to what was found, when each pri- than in winter.
mary, secondary and university classroom plotted individually. The • Studies done in NV/FR classrooms concluded that students in
range of comfort temperatures is estimated by finding out low- summer months are more sensitive to change in temperature
est and highest reported neutral temperatures in the primary, sec- compared to winter months and their thermal perception was
ondary and university classrooms in each continent. For this plot strongly affected by acclimatization.
172 M.K. Singh, R. Ooka and H.B. Rijal et al. / Energy & Buildings 188–189 (2019) 149–174

• In designing new classrooms and retrofitting old classrooms it lines or standards because existing comfort standards and design
is now required to change the priority of providing an adequate guidelines are inadequate. Also, it is required to establish a stan-
learning environment. dard methodology and protocol regarding data collection and in-
• Secondary school and university students are in a position to strumentation for studies being conducted in classrooms. Different
express their thermal sensation experiences and are in a better methodology and instrumentation make it difficult to combine the
position to make day to day adjustments like changing cloth- data collected in different studies and analyze them quantitatively
ing level, opening/closing of windows and switch on/off ceiling linking performance, wellbeing, thermal comfort.
fans. These adjustments play a significant role in defining the
thermal acceptability in the NV classrooms. Acknowledgements
• In recent publications over last 10–15 years, it can be seen
that both PMV-PPD and adaptive methodology are simultane- This paper is based on a literature review and we would like to
ously used by researchers with more emphasis on the adaptive thank all the researches whose work we have used. This research is
methodology to assess the classrooms thermal environment. funded by the Japan Society for Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) post-
• Some studies able to show the qualitative relationship between doctoral research grant P15371. Short version of this manuscript
IEQ and IAQ on student academic performance and well-being. is also presented in 10th Windsor Conference 2018. Organisers of
Still, this needs more research where the performance and 10th Windsor Conference have given due permission to authors to
wellbeing can be quantified. Different authors follow different publish the full version of the manuscript with updated data in
methodology leading to difficulty in drawing conclusions. If the suitable international journal.
methodology is standardized then it will help in quantifying
performance and wellbeing of students in classrooms.
Supplementary material
• In air-conditioned classrooms in the winter season, it was found
that students feel comfortable a lower temperature so heating
Supplementary material associated with this article can be
system temperature can be set low temperature as it leads to
found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2019.01.051.
saving of about 10% heating energy consumption without com-
promising on thermal comfort.
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